Imágenes de páginas

PART XIII-Page 31-Alex. H. Stephens' Sec-
ond Letter to Potter-Successfully Defends
the Hale Amendment, and Shows up the
Potter Movement in its True Colors-"Most
Unwise, Most Unfortunate, and Most Mis-
chievous"-"A Contemptible Farce or a
Horrible Tragedy "-Potter's Jesuitical Whis-
perings as "Delusive and Guileful" as those
of "The Great Arch-fiend."

PART XIV-Page 31-The Burchard Resolu-
tion-The Democrats "Forced against their
Will" to declare an Opinion on Hayes'
Title They are taken by Surprise, are
Panic-Stricken and Routed-A Graphic De-
scription of the Scene-The Vote by which
a Revolutionary House, Driven by Sudden
Fear, Condemns its Own Treasonable Pur-

PART XV-Page 33-The next Democratic
Move-Throwing Sawdust in People's Eyes
-Vote on House Judiciary Committee Re-
port and Resolution a mere piece of Clap-

PART XVI-Page 33-The work of the Potter
Committee-Impeachment of Hayes and
Wheeler Talked of-How it was to be Done
-Hayes Out and Tilden in, or Hayes Out
and Thurman in-Democratic Authorities
for it.




A History of Democratic Election Frauds

from 1844 to 1880.

PART I-Page 56-"Counting in" Peculiarly
a Democratic Invention and Peculiarly a
Democratic Practice-Counting in of Polk
in 1844-Of Buchanan in 1857-The Attempt
to Count Tilden in in 1876-The Earlier
Frauds compared with the Later.

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Democratic Administrative "Looting."

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posure of Democratic Corruptions and
Crimes-Forsyth's "Nankeen"-Amos Ken-
dall's Fee-The Harlan Investigating Com-


PART VIII-Page 93-The Plundering Ad-

ministration of the N. Y. Custom House.

under Swartwout and Hoyt - Swartwout

without a Bond to secure the Millions in

his hands-Maladministration, Corruption,

and Fraud reduced to a system-Swartwout

clears out with $1,225,705-Hoyt steals

$500,000--Loss to the Nation of $7,651, 765.53.

PART IX-Page 96-Public Land Sales of
Sixty odd Receivers-Fifty default in an
aggregate of $825,678.25-Receiver's offices,
Broker's Dens-Defaulters should be Re-
tained because New Appointees would be
no better!.

PART X-Page 96-Long array of Defaulters

in all Departments-The Indians, Special

objects of Democratic Rapacity-Indian

Wars in 40 years cost $500,000,000 !-Indian

Claims-Vice President R. M. Johnson

assesses $18,000 as Fees for Fraudulent


PART XI-Page 97-More Maladministration

and Corruption under Polk-Wholesale

Robbery of Government and Indians-The

Nation Despoiled of Millions.

PART XII--Page 97---Feculent, Reeking

Corruption-Long array of Defaulters, dur-

ing the Mexican War-Its Prodigious Ex-

penditures and Plunder.

PART XIII-Page 98-Mammoth Frauds of
Washington Rings under President Pierce
-Pierce's "Outlaws of the Treasury"-Ac-

tual and proposed plunder under Pierce
estimated at $300,000,000!

PART XIV-Page 98-Fearful Corruptions

under Buchanan-Plunder, Pillage, Sack!

-The immense Public Printing "Loot'

All the Departments Degraded into Corrupt

Party Machines-Swindling Live Oak Con.

tracts-Political Assessments Three times

a year!-Mercenary Corps for Fraudulent

Control of Elections-Stupendous Robber-

ies under Secretaries Floyd, Thompson, et al.

PART XV--Page 99--Immensely increased Dem-

ocratic Expenditures-Increased Taxation of

the People to Support this System of Whole-

sale Corruption, Plunder, and Fraud-

Aggregates and Ratios of losses under

Democratic, Compared with Republican


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"The Solid South and Internal Revenue."

PART I-Page 111-"Solid Southern" Whis-

key Steal of 1880-Democratic "Reform'

Legislation-The Carlisle Bill-Withdrawal

of Whiskey from Stores and Bonded Ware-

houses-Tax Collectable on Quantity With-

drawn!-The Government Defrauded of
Millions of Dollars Annually!-How the
Thing was Done The "Stamp "Steal of
$350,000 a Year-The "Back-Interest" Steal
of $150,000 a Year-Garfield in Vain shows
Up its Iniquity-The "Leakage" Steal of

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$1,750,000 a Year-Passed in the Face of
Official Statements-The Democrats Vote
Solidly for the Steal, Republicans against
it-Northern Distillers Opposed it, Southern
Distillers Wanted it- -Class as Well as
Sectional Legislation-Garfield Again-Un-
fair Operation of the Law as Between North
and South - How it Facilitates Frauds-The
Law Thus Amended by a Democratic Con-
gress was Passed by a Republican Congress
to Stop Frauds of a Democratic Administra-
tion With Hancock to Administer it as
Amended, Fraud by Official Collusion
Would Run Riot.

PART II-Page 113-Moonshiners in the

"Solid South"-Open Defiance of Federal

Law-Guerilla Warfare-3,874 Moonshine

Stills Destroyed by Government Officials in

the Last Four Years-7,078, Moonshiners

Arrested-The Money Cost of Suppressing

Southern_Moonshining-Innumerable Out-

rages Every Form of Outrage" Resorted

to - Official List of Bloody Murders of U. S.
Officers by the Outlaws--Only One Murder-
ous Moonshiner has been Convicted!-
Moonshining Almost Stopped, when Han-
cock's Nomination and Democratic Encour-
agement Starts it again!"Solid Southern❞
Sympathy with the Moonshiners.

PART III-Page 118-The Washington Me-

tropolitan Police — Heretofore none but

Union Soldiers and Sailors in it- Now it

can be filled with Confederates-Solid Dem-

ocratic against the Union Soldier.

PART IV-Page 118-List of 76 Union Sol-
diers removed from, and 88 Confederate
Soldiers appointed to, positions in the
Capitol of this "Union" by the canting
Confederate-ridden Democrats.

Peonage and Black Laws.

PART I-Page 128-Legislation of 1865-6-
Slavery succeeded by Peonage-Black
Laws The Slave Code re-enacted-Con-
gress obliged to set aside all State Laws op-
pressing Freedmen-Specimen Laws.

PART II-Page 129-Legislation after con-

ciliation-Getting back to the Slave Code-

Five years in Prison for Stealing a Sucking
Pig-Two years' Hard Labor for a few Roast-
ing Ears!

PART III-Page 130-The Contract System-

Criminals worked for years in legalized Slave

Gangs-Colored Men the only Victims-

Profits of the system-The Cost of Costs-
Lawyers' Fees worked in-Three years for
carrying a Pistol--Wages a quarter of a
cent a day-Working under Shot-Guns-
The System general in the South.

PART IV-Page 131-Sweeping

Lien Laws-A Colored Man's Crop cannot

be sold or used without permission-The

Landlord can take all-Outrageous exac-

tions-The resulting Peonage worse than

Slavery-The System breeds bad Men.

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