Imágenes de páginas

PART VII-Page 149-The Veto Sustained by
the Democrats of the Senate.

PART VIII-Page 149-Republican Home-
stead Pledge of 1860-In 1862 the Republi-
cans redeem that Pledge despite Continued
Democratic Opposition-Analysis of Votes.
PART IX-Page 149-Bill of 1866 to Extend
Homestead Act to States of South-Demo-
cratic adverse Vote.

PART X-Page 150-Beneficent Effects of the
Republican Homestead Act shown in In-
creased Population, Wealth and Power-
Democratic Hostility to-day to the Principle
-It is essentially Republican,


The Tariff Question.

the "American System Washington,
Franklin, Hamilton, Clay, Jackson, Madi-
son, Adams, Webster, Lincoln, and Grant,
all advocate it.

PART II-Page 151-Brief History of Tariff
Legislation from 1824 to 1860.
PART III-Page 151-The Morrison Tariff
Bill of 1876-Its Proposed Iniquities-
Analysis of this Democratic Monstrosity.

PART IV-Page 152-The Wood Tariff Bill of

1878 How it Injured Manufacturers,

Traders, and Workingmen-Infamous In-

tentions of the Democratic Leaders-The

Democratic Vote to Consider the Bill-The

Republicans Kill it-Mill's "Tariff for Reve-

nue" Resolution-The Republicans Defeat

it-The Vote.

back-The Republican Party its Father,

Friend, and Guardian-The Legal-Tender

Act of 1862-Reason for its Being-Chase's

Letter-Democratic Opposition and Votes.

PART II-Page 155-The Democrats Direct-
ly Responsible for Contraction-The Act of
1866-Analysis of the Votes-Only one De-
mocrat in the two Houses Votes against Con-
traction-The Act of February 4, 1868, Sus-
pending Contraction-Only Twenty-four
Democrats Vote for that.

PART III-Page 155-Public Credit "Bill"

of 1869-Andy Johnson "Pockets" it-

"Public Credit Act of 1869 "-Resumption

Act of 1875-Remarkable Official Votes

showing the Democrats Solidly against them

PART IV-Page 157-Continuous and Des-

perate efforts of the House Democrats to

hamper and prevent Resumption-Repub-

lican Resolution to facilitate it voted down

by Democrats-Vote after Vote of the De-

mocrats against Resumption-The Demo-

cratic House, in 1876, pass a Bill to repeal

the Resumption day clauses.

PART V-Page 159-Pretended Democratic
Love for the Greenback-How they Hur-
rahed for it but kept it "in the Woods"-A
Smart Trick Exposed-Southward's "blind"
Resolution Making Greenbacks Receivable
for Customs Duties-A Bill from the Re-
publican Senate to that Effect beaten by the
House Democrats-Another Republican
Proposition (Hubbell's) to Receive Green-
backs for Customs and Exchange them for
Coin, and Construing the Resumption Act so
that no Greenbacks shall be Retired, only Re-
ceived Six Democratic Votes-Votes in De-
tail-Secretary Sherman's Order-Fort's Act
Prohibiting Further Retirement, etc., of
the Greenback-The Ten-Dollar Certificates
of 1879-House Vote.

PART VI.-Page 161-Democratic Hatred Pur-
sues the Greenback into the United States
Supreme Court-Democratic Judges Declare
it an Unconstitutional Bastard-Republican
Judges Declare its Constitutional Legiti-


PART VII-Page 161-Speeches of Democratic
Leaders in Congress Declaring the Repub-
lican Greenback Unconstitutional-Vallan-
digham Powell-Hendrick B. Wright-


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Analysis of Platforms-1856 to 1880.

PART I-Page 177-General Party Doctrines.
PART II-Page 177-The Rebellion.
PART III-Page 178-Reconstruction.
PART IV-Page 178-Home Rule.

PART V-Page 179-The Veto Power.
PART VI-Page 180-Internal Improvements.
PART VII-Page 180-Pacific Railroad.
PART VIII-Page 181-Public Lands.
PARTIX-Page 181-National Debt and Inter-
est, Public Credit, Repudiation, etc.

PART X-Page 182-Resumption.

PART XI-Page 182-Capital and Labor.

PART XII-Page 183-Tariff.

PART XIII-Page 183-Education.

PART XIV-Page 184-Duty to Union Soldiers

and Sailors.

PART IV-Page 193-Hancock Appoints new
Registration Boards-Enforces Attorney-
General Stanbery's Opinion-General Grif-
fin and Governor Pease denounce State
Courts and Juries for Protecting Assassins-
Hancock Sustains the Courts--General Rey-
nolds on General Order No. 40-Hancock
Amends Griffin's Celebrated Order No. 13.
PART V-Page 193-The Loyal Lindseys Pe-
tition Hancock for Redress-Hancock hands
them over to the Ku Klux and they are
Murdered-Hancock's Reply to Pease-
"Peace Reigns in Warsaw "-General Grant
Forced to Remove him.

PART XV-Page 184-Naturalization and Alle- PART VI-Page 194 Terrible Results of

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Hancock's brief Maladministration-Gen-
eral Reynold's Report, November, 1867-
General Sheridan's Report-Report of Com-
mittee on Lawlessness-Official Arraign-
ment of Hancock for Innumerable Murders
and other Crimes-Another Massacre.

PART VII-Page 195-Hancock admits he

sought the Presidency in 1868-But "not for

Joe"-His Stipulated Reward Comes at

Last-He gets the Democratic Nomination.

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The Impending Crisis.



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reached the middle of the stage the great multitude was on its feet applauding by voice and hands and with hats and handkerchiefs in the most enthusiastic The Paramount Issue of the and extravagant manner. * When the wild, tumultuous outburst of cheering that greeted the old Hour!-The Democratic Lead-gentleman's appearance was beginning to subside, a ers preparing for Violence-If sturdy voice from the gallery cried, 'Three cheers for President Tilden !' and the cheers were given with aring Fraud fails, then Force! that fairly shook the building. 'Three ch ers more!' exclaimed another voice, and the demonstration was repeated with even greater vigor than before. When John McKeon came forward and said, I nominate for chairman the legally elected President of the United States,' the excitement reached its climax and a great shout went up. ** * His name, whenever mentioned by the orators of the evening, drew a terrific burst of applause."

Just as religiously as all Republicans believe that Rutherford B. Hayes was legally elected President of the United States, do the mass of Democrats believe that Samuel J. Tilden was duly elected to the same high office. Herein lies the great danger that is in the coming Presidential election. Herein lies the necessity, at this time, of securing the election of the Republican candidate by so large an ele toral majority, that it will carry absolute conviction to the Democratic masses, and frighten their leaders so thoroughly, that a Democratic Congress will not dare to count him out, and the Democratic candidate will not dare to strive to overturn by force the lawfully expressed will of the people. The work of the campaign is not so much to elect Garfield for that is already assured-but to elect him by an immense electoral majority. That will insure peace and the preservation of the liberties of the people, and the institutions of the Republic. A close vote threatens CIVIL war, with all its hitherto unknown horrors,

The Democratic Leaders teach this belief on all occasions for their own infernal ends-They begin to believe it themselves!-Peace or civil war?

The Democratic leaders have instilled and worked up this belief among the Democratic masses, so that their own devilish purposes may be subserved. The 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th resolutions of the Democratic platform of 180 were adopted solely to intensify that feeling. They declare President Hayes to be a "representative of conspiracy only;" that he was declared President "upon a false count;" that he was a "defeated candidate, who that Tilden was elected" President by "bribed his way to the seat of a usurper;" and majority of his countrymen "—the latter clause evidently inserted with the intention of makDemocratic belief that Tilden is the "le of being elected by a majority of the electoral ing the Democratic masses believe that instead


gally elected President "—" President " Tilden cheered in New York in 1880! If it is doubted that the Democratic masses believe that Tilden was elected, and defrauded | of his rights, the proceedings. July 28, 1880, at the New York Democratic Rally," in the Academy of Music, would set that doubt at rest. The New York Herald (independent)



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vote, an American President is elected by a majority of the popular vote! In his address to Mr. Tilden, when presenting to him a copy of the 9th_resolution of the Cincinnati Convention, Governor Stevenson, President of that Convention, in the presence of the Democratic National and Congressional Committees and other Democratic magnates, tendered "the homage of the entire American people to him "The great event of the evening was the coming in who in 1876 was by a large majority elected Presiof ex-Governor Samuel J. Tilden. His appearance dent of the United States," and talked of "the was looked forward to with the most intense interest. base fraud committed for the first time in our Women holding children by the hand and babies in past history, in refusing to permit the President their arms hung around the entrances with no other object than to catch a glimpse of the man of whom legally chosen by them to exercise the duties of they have heard so much. The whole body of men that exalted position." By constant repetition forgot Hancock and English for the moment and of an untruth, those who utter, as well as those centred their attention on Mr. Tilden. Never did a man meet a more thrilling reception. Every inch of room within the spacious interior of the Academy was occupied, and a lively feeling of expectancy filled the minds of all present when John McKeon entered on the left of the stage, followed by Mr. Tilden and a string of prominent Democrats. The moment the ex-Governor emerged from the wings the cheering broke forth like a tornado, and by the time he had

who hear it, in course of time come to believe it is truth. It is quite likely, therefore, that not alone the Democratic masses, but the leaders also of the Democracy have come to believe that Tilden really was "legally elected," and was "hocus-pocussed" out of his seat! This belief-which all Republicans are

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