Tariff Act of 1929: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Finance, United States Senate, Seventy-first Congress, First Session, on H.R.2667, an Act to Provide Revenue, to Regulate Commerce with Foreign Countries, to Encourage the Industries of the United States, to Protect American Labor, and for Other Purposes. Schedule 1[-16] ... Indexed ....U.S. Government Printing Office, 1929 |
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Página 2
... STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF CHESTER H. GRAY , WASHINGTON , D. C. , REP- RESENTING THE AMERICAN FARM BUREAU FEDERATION ( The witness was duly sworn by the chairman of the committee . ) Mr. GRAY . I am Washington representative of the ...
... STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF CHESTER H. GRAY , WASHINGTON , D. C. , REP- RESENTING THE AMERICAN FARM BUREAU FEDERATION ( The witness was duly sworn by the chairman of the committee . ) Mr. GRAY . I am Washington representative of the ...
Página 1
... brief , where he can sit down and carefully study the question . In fact it would be the policy I would follow if I were a witness in the case . 1 GENERAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF CHESTER H. GRAY , WASHINGTON , TARIFF ACT OF 1929 ...
... brief , where he can sit down and carefully study the question . In fact it would be the policy I would follow if I were a witness in the case . 1 GENERAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF CHESTER H. GRAY , WASHINGTON , TARIFF ACT OF 1929 ...
Página 11
... statement ? Mr. GRAY . The fact of use in the United States . Senator THOMAS of Oklahoma . I think it is very questionable whether that statement is correct , and I want to get your authority . Mr. GRAY . Coconut oil goes into the soap ...
... statement ? Mr. GRAY . The fact of use in the United States . Senator THOMAS of Oklahoma . I think it is very questionable whether that statement is correct , and I want to get your authority . Mr. GRAY . Coconut oil goes into the soap ...
Página 18
... statement from him . He has evidently studied these questions very closely . Senator WALSH of Massachusetts . The witness says he is about to close , anyway , so that will prevent any controversy . The CHAIRMAN . Evidently the gentleman ...
... statement from him . He has evidently studied these questions very closely . Senator WALSH of Massachusetts . The witness says he is about to close , anyway , so that will prevent any controversy . The CHAIRMAN . Evidently the gentleman ...
Página 26
... statement from the Encyclopedia Brittanica not only reveals that tapioca in its various forms really signifies starch , but that this starch is " identical with starch obtained from our domestic starch producing plants " and that ...
... statement from the Encyclopedia Brittanica not only reveals that tapioca in its various forms really signifies starch , but that this starch is " identical with starch obtained from our domestic starch producing plants " and that ...
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Términos y frases comunes
ad valorem agricultural amount average bales bananas barrels bill brief Canada Canadian cassava cent ad valorem cents per pound CHAIRMAN coconut oil companies competition consumer consumption copra corn cornstarch cost cottonseed oil crude oil domestic producers dutiable Egyptian cotton export fact farmer free list free of duty fruit fuel oil gaplek GARNETT gasoline GERRY growers House imported increase industry Java jute kraft pulp labor LIPPITT lumber Means Committee MEESE mills otter trawls Pacific coast paper paragraph Pima Pima cotton plants plaster present production profit protection rapeseed oil raw material refined represent salt cake sand sell Senator BINGHAM Senator CONNALLY Senator COUZENS Senator EDGE Senator HARRISON Senator KING Senator REED Senator SHORTRIDGE Senator SIMMONS Senator SMOOT Senator WALSH Senator WATSON soap sodium sulphate spools staple cotton starch statement STRASSER STRYKER supply tapioca tariff tariff act tons United witherite York
Pasajes populares
Página 133 - Articles the growth, produce, or manufacture of the United States, when returned after having been exported, without having been advanced in value or improved in condition by any process of manufacture or other means if imported by or for the account of the person who exported them from the United States...
Página 124 - Dated (Signature of petitioner) ss: , being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the above-entitled proceeding; that he has read the foregoing petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his own knowledge, except as to matters therein stated to be alleged upon information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true.
Página 301 - Oils, expressed or extracted: Croton, palm, palm-kernel, perilla, sesame, and sweet almond; olive oil rendered unfit for use as food or for any but mechanical or manufacturing purposes, by such means as shall be satisfactory to the Secretary of the Treasury and under regulations to be prescribed by him; Chinese and Japanese tung oils; and nut oils not specially provided for.
Página 572 - An Act to promote the mining of coal, phosphate, oil, oil shale, gas, and sodium on the public domain
Página 448 - But that the harvest will eventually be a great one can be no matter of doubt. To the tune of many million pounds a year America before very long will have to purchase from British companies, and to pay for in dollar currency, a progressively increasing proportion of the oil she cannot do without and is no longer able to furnish from her own stores.
Página 343 - Croton, palm, perilla, and sweet almond; olive, palm-kernel, rapeseed, sunflower, and sesame oil, rendered unfit for use as food or for any but mechanical or manufacturing purposes, by such means as shall be satisfactory to the Secretary of the Treasury and under regulations to be prescribed by him; tung oil; and nut oils not specially provided for.
Página 133 - AN ACT To provide revenue, to regulate commerce with foreign countries, to encourage the industries of the United States, to protect American labor, and for other purposes...
Página 131 - Treasury; articles exported from the United States for repairs may be returned upon payment of a duty upon the value of the repairs at the rate at which the article itself would be subject if imported, under conditions and regulations to be prescribed oy the Secretary of the Treasury...
Página 34 - Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Delaware Maryland...
Página 386 - ... the American selling price, as defined in subdivision (f) of section 402 of this Act, of any similar competitive article manufactured or produced in the United States...