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It must not be permitted to be doubted whether the people of the. United States will fupport the government established by their voluntary confent, and appointed by their free choice; or whether, by furrendering themselves to the direction of foreign and domeftic factions, in oppofition to their own government, they will forfeit the honourable tation they have hitherto maintained.

For myself, having never been indifferent to what concerned the interefts of my country; having devoted the best part of my life to obtain and fupport its independence, and conftantly witneffed the patriotifin, fidelity, and perfeverance of my fellow-citizens on the most trying occafions, it is not for me to hefitate, or abandon a caufe in which my heart has been fo long engaged.

as did alfo the members of the fr nate: and the fpeaker having r fumed his chair, he read the fpeech: after which, on mo.ion it was ordered to be committed to a committee of the whole to-morrow.Adjourned.

Treaty of Definitive Peace concluded between the French Republic and the Emperor, King of Hungary and Bohemia.

His majefty, the emperor of the Romans, king of Hungary and Bohemia, and the French republic, wishing to confolidate the peace, the bafes of which were laid down by the preliminaries figned at the caftle of Eckenwald, near Leoben, in Styria, on 18th of April, 1797, have named for their plenipotentiaries, to wit:-his majesty (the emperor and king), the marquis di Gallo, count de Cobenzel, count de Meerfeldt, and baron de Degelmann; and the French republic, Buonaparte, commander in chief of the French army in Italy; who, after exchanging their full and refpective powers, have agreed to the following articles :--

Convinced that the conduct of the government has been juft and impartial to foreign nations; that thofe internal regulations which have been established by law, for the preservation of peace, are in their nature proper, and that they have been fairly executed; nothing will ever be done by me to impair the national engagements, to inno vate upon principles which have been fo deliberately and uprightly eftablished; or to furrender in any manner the rights of the govern, ment: to enable me to maintain this declaration I rely, under God, with entire confidence on the firm and enlightened fupport of the national legiflature, and upon the vir tue and patriotifm of my fellow-gage their utmost attention to maincitizens.

JOHN ADAMS. Having concluded his fpeech, after prefenting a copy of it to the prefident of the fenate, and another to the fpeaker of the house of reprefentatives, the prefident retired,

I. There fhall be for the future and for ever a folid and inviolable peace between his majesty the emperor of the Romans, and king of Hungary and Bohemia, his heirs and fucceffors, and the French republic. The contracting parties fhall en

tain between them and their poffeffions a perfect good understanding, without permitting henceforth on either fide, that any act of hoftility be committed by land. or fea, through any caufe, or unde: any pretext whatever; and every thing (X 2) fhall

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fhall be carefully avoided, that might impair for the future, the union happily established between them. No affiftance or protection shall be given, directly or indirectly, to thofe who might defire to do any prejudice to either of the contracting parties.

11. Immediately after the exchange of the ratifications of the prefent treaty, the contracting parties fhall caufe all the fequeftrations which have been placed on the property, rights, and revenues of the individuals refiding in the refpective territories which are united to them, as well as of the public eftablishments which are fituated in thofe territories, to be taken off They bind themselves to difcharge all they may owe which has been lent to them, as funds, by the faid individuals or public eftablishments, and to pay or reimburse all engage. ments entered into for their advan tage by each of them.

[The prefent article is declared common to the Cifalpine republic.] III. His majesty the emperor, king of Hungary and Bohemia, relinquithes, on his own part, and on that of his fuccessors, in favour of the French republic, all his rights and titles on the ci-devant Belgic provinces, known by the name of the Auftrian Low Countries. The French republic fhall poffefs thefe countries for ever, in full fovereignty and propriety, and with all the territorial poffeffions which depend on them.

IV. All the mortgages entered into before the war on the land of the countries expreffed in the preceding articles, and the contracts of which fhall be drawn up with the ufual formalities, fhall become the charge of the French republic. The plenipotentiaries of his majesty the emperor fhall furnish an account of

them in as fpeedy a manner as poffi ble to the plenipotentiaries of the French republic, and that before the exchange of the ratifications, that when the exchange takes place, the plenipotentiaries of both powers may be enabled to agree with refpect to all the articles explanatory of, and additional to, the present article, and fign them.

V. His majesty the emperor, king of Hungary and Bohemia, confents that the French republic poffefs in full fovereignty, the former Venetian iflands of the Levan, to wit,-Corfu, Zante, Cephalonia, Santa Maura, Cerigo, and other iflands depending on them, as well as Butrinto, Larta, Voniffa, and in general all the former Venetian establishments in Albania, which are fituate lower than the gulf of Londrino.

VI. The French republic con. fents that his majesty the emperor, king of Hungary and Bohemia, fhall poffefs in fult fovereignty and propriety the country hereafter expreffed, to wit, Iftria, Dalmatia, the former Venetian itiands of the Adriatic, the mouths of the Cattaro, the city of Venice, the canals, and the countries comprehended between the hereditary ftates of his majesty the emperor and king, the Adriatic fea, and a line which shall be drawn from the county of Tyrol fhall follow the torrent forward to Gardola, and cross the lake of Garda as far as Laciffa; from thence a military line as far as San Giacomo, holding out an equal advantage to both parties, which fhall be traced by engineers named on each fide previ ous to the exchange of the ratifications of the prefent treaty. The line to afcertain the limits thall cross the Adige at San Giacomo, follow the left bank of that river as far as the mouth of the White Canal, compre


hending that part of Porto Legnago which is on the right bank of the Adige, with a circle drawn of 3000 fathoms. The line fhall be carried on by the left bank of the White Canal, the left bank of the Tartaro, the left bank of the canal called the Polifella, until it difcharges itself into the Po, and the left bank of the Great Po as far as the fea.

VII. His majefty the emperor, king of Hungary and Bohemia, relinquishes for ever, for himself and his fucceffors, in favour of the Cifalpine republic, all the rights and titles arifing out of thofe rights which his faid majefty might pretend to have on the countries which he poffeffed before the war, and which now conftitute a part of the Cifalpine republic, which shall poffefs them in full fovereignty and propriety, with all the territorial poffeffions that depend on them.

VIII. His majesty the emperor, king of Hungary and Bohemia, acknowledges the Cifalpine republic as an independent power. This republic comprehends the former Auftrian Lombardy, the countries of Bergamo, of Brescia, and of Cremona, the city and fortrefs of Mantua, the Mantuan territory, Pefchiera, that part of the former Venetian ftates to the west and fouth of the line defcribed in the 6th article as the frontier of the states of his majesty the emperor in Italy, the country of Modena, the principality of Maffa and Carnira, and the three legations of Bologna, Ferrara and Romagna.

IX. In all the countries ceded, acquired, or exchanged by the prefent treaty, the fequeftration placed on the property, effects, and revenues of all the inhabitants and properties of every description, on account of the war which has been carried on between his imperial majefty

and the French republic, fhall be taken off, without their being expofed in that refpect to be molested in their property or perfons. Those who for the future may not wish to continue their refidence in these countries, fhall be bound to make a declaration to that effect, three months after the publication of the treaty of definitive peace. They fhall be allowed the term of three years to fell their moveable and immoveable poffeffions, or to difpofe of them as they think proper.

X. The countries ceded, acquired, or exchanged by the prefent treaty' fhall encumber those in whose poffeffion they fhall remain with the mortgages that have been incurred on the land.

XI. The navigation of the part of the rivers and canals, ferving as limits between the poffeffions of his majesty the emperor, and those of the Cifalpine republic, fhail be free, without either being able to establifh any toll, or to keep any vessels armed for war; which however does not exclude the neceffary precautions for the fafety of the fortress of Porto Legnago.

XII. All fales or alienations made, all engagements contracted, whether by the towns, or by the government, or the civil and adminiftrative authorities of the countries formerly Venetian, for the maintenance of the German and French armies, until the date of figning the prefent treaty, fhall be confirmed and confidered as valid.

XIII. The titles of the domains, and the archives of the different countries ceded or exchanged by the prefent treaty, fhall be given up in the fpace of three mouths, to date from the exchange of the ratifications, to the powers which shall have acquired the propriety of them. The plans and maps of the for


treffes, towns, and countries which the contracting parties acquire by the prefent treaty, fhall be faithful ly given up to them. The military papers and regifters taken in the

actual war from the staffs of the respective armies fhall be equally reftored.

XIV. The two contracting pow. ers, alike animated with the defire, of doing away every thing that might tend to injure the good understanding which now happily fub fifts between them, bind themselves in the most folemn manner to con⚫ tribute with all their power to the maintenance of internal tranquillity in their respective states.

XV. A treaty of commerce efta. blifhed on equitable grounds, and on fuch as may give to his majesty the emperor, and to the French republic, advantages equal to thofe enjoyed by the most favoured nations in their refpective dominions, fhail be forthwith concluded. In the mean time, all the communications and commercial relations thall be re-established in the ftate in which they were before the war.

XVI. No inhabitant of all the countries occupied by the Auftrian and French armies, fhall be liable to be profecuted or affected, whether in his perfon or property, on account of his political opinions, or his civil, military, or commercial conduct during the war which has been carried on between the two powers.

XVII. His majefty the emperor fhall not, conformably to the principle of neutrality, receive into any of his ports during the courfe of the prefent war more than fix veffels armed for war belonging to any one of the belligerent powers.

XVIII. His majesty the emperor binds himself to cede to the duke of Modena, as an indemnity for the

countries which that prince and his heirs had in Italy, the Brifgau, which he fhall poffefs on the fame conditions as thofe in virtue of which he poffeffed the country of Modena.

XIX. The real and perfonal property, not alienated, of their royal highneffes the archduke Charles and the archduchess Chriftina, fitu ate in the countries ceded to the French republic, fhall be restored to them under the condition of felling them within the space of three years.

The fame measure shall be ob ferved with refpect to the real and perfonal property of his royal highuefs the archduke Ferdinand, in the territory of the Cifalpine republic.

XX. A congrefs fhall be held at Raftadt, folely composed of the ple nipotentiaries of the Germanic em. pire, and the French republic, for concluding peace between these two powers. This congrefs fhail be opened one month after the figning of the prefent treaty, or fooner if poffible.

XXI. All the prisoners of war made on either fide, and the hostages carried off, or given, during the war, who may not have been yet restored, shall be fo within forty days, to date from the figning of the prefent treaty.

XXII. The contributions, deli veries, furnishings, and whatever affiftances of war have taken place in the respective states of the contracting powers, fhall cease from the day of the exchange of the ratifications of the present treaty.

XXIII. His majesty the empe ror, king of Hungary and Bohemia, and the French republic, fhall preserve between them the fame ceremony, with refpect to rank, and other etiquettes, which was conftantly obferved before the war.

His faid majefty and the Cifalpine republic fhall have between them the fame ceremony of etiquette as that which was customary between his majefty and the republic of Venice.

XXIV. The prefent treaty shall be ratified by his majefty the emperor, king of Hungary and Bohemia, and the French republic, with in the space of thirty days, to date from this day, or fooner if poffible, and the acts of ratification in due form fhall be exchanged at Raftadt.

Done and figned at Campo Formio, near Udine, on the 17th October, 1797.



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Count de MEERFELDT, Major-

Baron de DEGELMANN. The executive directory ratifies and figns the present treaty of peace with his majesty the emperor, king of Hungary and Bohemia, negotiated in the name of the French republic by citizen Buonaparte, commander in chief of the army of Italy, invefted with powers by the executive directory, and charged with its inftructions to that effect.

Done at the national palace of the executive directory the 5thBrumaire (October26th), in the 6th year of the French republic, one and indivifible.

Act for granting certain duties of customs on goods, wares, and merchandise imported to, and exported from, or brought and carried coaftwife within Great Britain, except wine and coal when brought or carried coaftwife.

Act for additional duties on stagecoaches.

A&t for additional duties on diftilleries in Scotland.

Act for altering the rates of postage for conveyance of letters in England and Scotland.

Act for more effectually fecuring the ftamp duties on indentures, leafes, bonds, and other deeds.

A& for extending the time limited by an actof this feffion, for delivering in navy, victualling, and tranfport and exchequer bills.

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