Imágenes de páginas


Abbotsford, 289, 478.
Abraham Lincoln, 427, 469, 504.
Absalom and Achitophel, 187, 494.
Abt Vogler, 395, 502.

Abuses Stript and Whipt, 146.
Acres, Bob, 250.

Actions and Reactions, 432.
Adam Bede, 376, 377, 468, 501.
Addison, Essay on, 340, 495, 500.
Addison, Joseph, 182, 205-212 ff.,
219, 235, 242, 249, 466, 475,
495, 496.

Address of the Soul to its Body, 20.
Address to the Deil, 266.
Address to the English, 33.
Admirable Crichton, The, 422, 469.
Adonais, 299, 310, 311, 318, 499, 500.
Advancement of Learning, 148.

[blocks in formation]

Anatomy of Melancholy, 151, 465.
Ancient Mariner, The, 284, 285,
288, 467, 499, 500.

Ancren Riwle, 45, 55, 463.
Andrea del Sarto, 395, 502.
Andreas, 23, 462, 484.
Angles, The, 3, II.

Anglicanism, 103, 202, 473.
Anglo-Saxon, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 17,

Adventures of Harry Richmond, The, Anglo-Saxon Christian Poetry, 12,

[blocks in formation]

476, 484 ff.

14-24, 27, 30, 31, 462, 484, 485.
Anglo-Saxon Conquest, 3, 8, 29, 471,

Anglo-Saxon Pagan Poetry, 3-13, 14,

15, 19 ff., 27, 30, 31, 462, 483, 484.
Anglo-Saxon Prose, 16, 19, 25-34,
462, 485, 486.

Anglo-Saxons, The, 3, 4, 11, 88, 119,

Anglo-Saxon Verse, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13,

17, 40, 42, 53, 60.

Anne, Queen, 199, 218, 471, 472,

495, 509.

Ann Veronica, 435.

Alfred, King, 25, 26, 27-29 ff., 462, Annus Mirabilis, 186.

[merged small][ocr errors]

Antony and Cleopatra, 131.

Apollonius of Tyre, 33, 462.
Apologia pro Vita Sua, 468, 479.
Appreciations, 468.

Arbuthnot, Epistle to Dr., 219, 495.
Arcadia, 101, 464, 490.

Areopagitica, 174, 465, 493.

Ballad of Reading Gaol, 449, 469.

Argument against Abolishing Christi- Ballads, 37, 45, 51, 66, 78-84, 113,

[blocks in formation]

Ballads and Songs, 452.

Banks o' Doon, The, 498.
Bannockburn, 265, 498.
Banquo, 132.
Barabas, 116.

Barchester Towers, 468.
Bard, The, 230, 496.
Barère, Essay on, 341.

Barker, Harley Granville, 426, 427,

Barons' Wars, 113.

Arthur, King, 43, 48, 79, 108, 109, Barrack-Room Ballads, 450.

[blocks in formation]

As You Like It, 129.

Atalanta in Calydon, 413, 468.
Athenian Orators, The, 340.
Atticus, 219.

Augustine, 15, 25, 41, 42.
Auld Lang Syne, 265, 498.
Auld Licht Idylls, 433.
Auld Licht Manse, An, 433-
Aurora Leigh, 386.

Austen, Jane, 256, 295-298, 318, 359,

373, 467, 474, 475, 478, 499, 500.
Austin, Alfred, 447, 469.

Austin, Lady, 259.

Autumn, To, 317, 499.

Avenue of the Allies, The, 457.
Awakening, 441.

Ayenbite of Inwit, 51, 55, 463.

Ayrshire, 265.

Azarias, 20.

Bacon, Essay on, 340.

[blocks in formation]

Becket, 406.

Becket, Thomas à, 69.

Beckford, William, 256, 467.

Bede, 16, 19, 26 ff., 41, 42, 462, 485.
Bedford, 184, 191.

Belgian Christmas Eve, A, 457.
Beloved Vagabond, The, 440, 469.
Bending the Bough, 430, 469.
Bennet Family, 296.

Bennett, Arnold, 425, 426, 441, 442,
469, 481, 504, 506.

Beowulf, 8-11, 14, 462, 482 ff.
Bestiary, 44, 45, 55, 463.
Bevis of Hampton, 49, 463.

Bible, The, 16 ff., 25, 26, 31, 32, 40,

43, 44, 49, 50, 54, 57, 58, 71, 82 ff.,
92, 93, 151, 152, 166, 172, 183, 185,
355, 463 ff., 487, 490, 491.

Biographia Literaria, 288, 415, 467.
Bishop Blougram's Apology, 393.

Bacon, Francis, 147-150, 465, 475, Bishop Orders his Tomb, The, 502.

477, 482, 490.

Blackmore, Richard D., 468.

Blake, William, 252, 253, 255, 260- Brutus, 42, 43, 48, 49, 66.

262, 467, 478, 497, 498.
Blank Verse, 94, 95, 97, 114 ff., 130 ff.,
142, 171, 176, 187, 228, 259, 309.
Bleak House, 361.

Blessed Damozel, The, 468.
Blickling Homilies, 31, 462.
Blot in the 'Scutcheon, A, 396.
Boccaccio, 65, 67, 72, 189.
Boer War, 449, 505.
Boethius, 28, 462, 485.
Boniface, 195.

Book of Martyrs, 97.

Book of Snobs, 468.
Book of Verses, 449.
Born in Exile, 430.
Borough, The, 260.

Boswell, James, 240 ff., 244, 475,

Bottom, 127.

Bowge of Court, 464.

"Break, Break, Break," 502.
Bride of Abydos, 300.
Bridges, Robert, 447, 469.
Bristol, 233, 234.

Britain, 3, 8, 29, 42, 97, 113, 471, 484.
Britannia's Pastorals, 145, 465.
British, 43, 49, 289, 326, 357, 432,

435, 450, 497, 500.

Britomartis, 108.

Brobdingnag, 204.

Broken Heart, The, 156, 465.

Brontë, Charlotte, 380, 468,

478, 479.

Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 379, 380,
468, 479.

Bunyan, Essay on, 340, 500.
Bunyan, John, 182-185, 190, 191,
213, 234, 466, 475, 477, 494.
Buried Alive, 442, 504.

Burke, Edmund, 247-250, 255, 468,
475, 496, 497.

Burney, Fanny, 256, 467, 475.
Burns, Essay on, 500.

Burns, Robert, 227, 229, 251 ff., 262-
268, 270, 275, 278, 328, 330, 348,
400, 467, 475, 478, 497, 498.

Burton, Robert, 151, 319, 465.
Bussy d'Ambois, 465.

Butler, Samuel, 192, 417, 418, 466,

494, 495.

Byron, Essay on, 340.

Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 269,
298-305, 307, 312, 314, 400, 467,
475, 478, 499, 500.
Byron, Life of, 467.

Cædmon, 16-21, 22, 27, 28, 44, 462,
484, 485.

Cædmonian Poetry, 18-20, 462,
484, 485.

Casars, The, 324.
Cain, 302.

Calcutta, 339, 367.

Caleb Williams, 256, 467.

475, Caliban, 133.

Caliban upon Setebos, 393.

Brooke, Rupert, 458, 459, 469, 482, Calidore, Sir, 108.

505, 506.

Brook Kerith, The, 431.

Brook, The, 402, 502.

Callista, 468.

Call of the Blood, The, 438.
Calvin, John, 202.

Browne, Sir Thomas, 158, 169, 319, Cambel, 108.
465, 476.

Browne, William, 145-147, 465.
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 385
388, 394, 468, 479, 501, 503.
Browning, Robert, 271, 334, 360, 387-
397 ff., 468, 474 ff., 478, 479, 501 ff. |
Brunanburh, Battle of, 30, 462, 484 ff.
Brut, 40-43, 44, 48, 56, 463, 486, 487.
Brut d'Angleterre, 43.

Cambridge, 103, 114, 164, 169, 170,

173, 273, 299, 338, 339, 367, 397.
Campaign, The, 206, 466.
Campbell, Thomas, 326, 467, 479.
Campion, Thomas, 112.
Candida, 422, 469.

Canterbury, 15, 33, 69, 72, 93, 114.
Canterbury Tales, 62, 68-74, 463,
487, 488.

[blocks in formation]

Carew, Thomas, 159, 160, 465.
Carlovingian Romances, 49.
Carlyle, Thomas, 271, 333, 342-351,
352, 356, 358, 375, 468, 474 ff., 479,
500, 501, 503.
Carnival, 445.

Casa Guidi Windows, 386.
Castaway, The, 258, 259, 497.
Castle of Indolence, The, 228.
Castle of Otranto, 239, 256.
Casuistry of Roman Meals, 324.
Catarina to Camoens, 386.
Cathedral, The, 444.

Cathleen ni Houlihan, 423, 469.
Catholicism, 92, 103, 109, 164,


Chatterton, Thomas, 233, 234, 466,
478, 496.

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 38, 55, 56, 60, 61,
62-74 ff., 89, 103 ff., 119, 167, 189,
218, 301, 463, 472, 475, 476, 482,
487 ff., 494.
Chester, 83, 489.

Chesterton, Gilbert K., 445, 446.
Chevy Chase, 81.

Childe Harold, 300-302 ff., 467, 499.
Childe Roland, 395, 502.
Children of the Ghetto, 433.
Children of the Mist, 442, 443-
Christ, 17, 23, 44, 45, 59, 60, 82 ff.,
115, 177, 184, 226, 261, 393, 400,
431, 454.

Christabel, 285, 286, 499, 500.
Christian Hero, The, 209.

Christianity, 1, 4, 14-17, 20, 22, 25,
26, 30, 31, 59, 88, 196, 484, 485.
Christian Year, The, 468.

Christ in Hades, 454.

Christ's Hospital, 318.

Chronicle, Anglo-Saxon, 26, 27, 29 ff.,
33 ff., 39, 40, 462, 463, 485, 486.

Cavalier Poetry, 159-163, 165, 166, Chronicle Plays, 97, 113, 116 ff.,

202, 490.

Catiline, 137.

Cato, 207, 466.

169, 192, 493.

169, 192.

Caxton, William, 78.

126 ff., 133, 141, 473.

Cavaliers, 155, 159-163, 165, 166, Church of England, 181, 188, 212.

Cecilia, 256, 467.

Civil War, 155, 159, 173, 489, 493.
Civil Wars of York and Lancaster,
113, 464.

Celtic Literature, On the Study of, Clarissa Harlowe, 236, 256.


Cenci, The, 311.

Chance, 436.

Changeling, The, 142, 465.

Chapman, George, 141, 143, 465,


Characters, Overbury's, 151.

Charity, 258.

Charlemagne, 49.

Charles I, 167, 174, 493.

Classicism, 64, 96, 97, 102, 117, 118,

135, 137, 139, 146, 166, 167, 169,
171, 179-182, 183, 185, 189, 190,
196–199, 205, 207, 208, 212, 214 ff.,
225 ff., 236 ff., 247 ff., 258, 260, 262,
268 ff., 326, 327, 357, 359, 384,
385, 466, 477, 496.

Classics, The, 90 ff., 95, 96, 121, 135,

141, 188, 218.

Clayhanger, 442, 504.

Charles II, 167, 174, 182, 186, Cleanness, 54, 55, 463.

[blocks in formation]

Clough, Arthur Hugh, 385, 468, 476, Country House, The, 440.

478, 501.
Cockermouth, 272.

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 269, 273,
281-288, 291, 294, 297, 307, 314,

318, 321, 323, 326, 467, 475, 476,
478, 499, 500.

Country Wife, The, 194.
Courtly Makers, 95.
Coventry, 83, 118, 373.
Coverdale, Miles, 92, 464.
Cowley, Abraham, 165–167, 190, 465.
Cowper's Grave, 386, 501.

Colin Clout's Come Home Again, 107. Cowper, William, 224, 252, 253, 255,

Collar, The, 164.

Collins, Wilkie, 468, 475.

257-260, 262, 263, 271, 275, 467,
475, 476, 478, 497, 498.

Collins, William, 229, 230, 252, 275, Crabbe, George, 255, 260, 262, 467,

466, 475, 496.

Colonel Jack, 212.

Comedy, 84, 90, 91, 93, 96, 97, 114,
118, 126 ff., 131, 133, 137, 138,
140 ff., 156, 187, 193-195, 207, 209,
246, 250, 419 ff., 473, 490.
Comedy of Errors, 126.
Comic Spirit, 414.
Commonwealth, 181, 493.
Complaint of Rosamond, 113.
Complaint of the Duke of Bucking-
ham, 96.
Complaints, 107.

Complete Angler, The, 158, 159, 465,


Comus, 138, 171, 172, 174, 465, 493.
Conceits, 145, 164.

Conciliation with America, 496.
Confederacy, The, 194, 466.
Confessio Amantis, 61, 73, 463.
Confessions of an English Opium-
Eater, 321, 322, 467, 479, 499.
Congreve, William, 194, 466, 475.
Coningsby, 468.

475, 498.
Craigenputtoch, 345.
Cranmer, Thomas, 93.
Crashaw, On the Death of Mr., 167.
Crashaw, Richard, 164, 165, 465.
Crist, Cynewulf's, 22, 23, 484.
Criticism, 101 ff., 139, 186, 189, 207,
210, 217, 242, 243, 281, 288, 314,
319, 323, 325, 340, 353, 354,
357, 358, 445.
Critic, The, 250.

Cromwell and Other Poems, 458.
Cromwell, Oliver, 167, 168, 181, 186,
190, 191, 348, 493, 494.
Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, 348.
Crossing the Bar, 407, 502.
Cross, John Walter, 374.
Crown of Wild Olives, 355.
Crusades, 292.

Cry of the Children, The, 385.
Cry of the Human, The, 386.
Cuckoo Song, 45.

Culture and Anarchy, 358.
Cura Pastoralis, 27, 28.

Conrad, Joseph, 435-437, 469, 482, Curse of Kehama, 326.

[blocks in formation]

Cotter's Saturday Night, 253, 264, 267, Danes, The, 8 ff., 23 ff., 29, 30, 33:

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