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French Republic when employed as a mail-ship in the cases authorized by Article V of the said Convention.

3. This Order may be cited as "The Mail-Ships (France) Order in Council, 1892 (South Australia and Western Australia)."


BRITISH ORDER IN COUNCIL, applying the Patents, Designs, and Trade-Marks Acts, 1883* and 1885,† to Roumania.-Osborne, August 5, 1892.

At the Court at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, the 5th day of August, 1892.


Lord President.

Lord Privy Seal.

Lord Chamberlain.

WHEREAS by the provisions of "The Patents, Designs, and Trade-Marks Act, 1883," as amended by "The Patents, Designs, and Trade-Marks (Amendment) Act, 1885," it is, amongst other things, provided:

That if Her Majesty is pleased to make any arrangement with the Government or Governments of any foreign State or States for mutual protection of inventions, designs, and trade-marks, or any of them, then any person who has applied for protection for any invention, design, or trade-mark in any such State shall, subject to the conditions further provided and set forth in the said Act, be entitled to a patent for his invention or to registration of his desigu or trade-mark (as the case may be) under the said Act in priority to other applicants, and such patent or registration shall have the same date as the date of the application in such foreign State;

And whereas it has pleased Her Majesty to make an arrangement with His Majesty the King of Roumania by and in virtue of a Convention entered into between their Majesties, dated the 4th day of May, 1892, and duly ratified on the 3rd day of June, 1892, as regards the rights to which subjects of each of the Contracting Parties shall be entitled in the dominions and possessions of the other in regard to designs and trade-marks :

* Vol. LXXIV, page 211.

Page 64.

+ Vol. LXXVI, page 498.

Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice of her Privy Council, and by virtue of the authority committed to her by the said first-mentioned Act, doth declare, and it is hereby declared, that the provisions of the said Acts hereinbefore specified shall apply to the following country, viz. :


And it is further ordered and declared that this Order shall take effect, so far as regards designs and trade-marks, at the expiration of four months from the day and date first above written.


BRITISH ORDER IN COUNCIL, establishing Tables of Consular Fees.-Osborne, August 18, 1892.

At the Court at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, the 18th day of August, 1892.


Lord Chancellor.

Lord President.

Lord Privy Seal.

Marquess of Salisbury.
Marquess of Lothian.
Lord George Hamilton.

Viscount Cross.

Secretary Lord Knutsford.
Mr. Secretary Stanhope.
Mr. Goschen.

Mr. Balfour.

Sir J. Parker Deane.

WHEREAS by "The Consular Salaries and Fees Act, 1891,"* Her Majesty the Queen is authorized by Order in Council to fix the fees to be taken in respect of any matter or thing done by a Consular officer in the execution of his office, and to vary such fees by way of increase or decrease, and to abolish fees, and to create new fees;

And whereas by "The Foreign Marriage Act, 1892," and by "The Foreign Marriages Order in Council, 1892,"‡ made in pursuance of that Act, it is provided that certain things may or shall be done on payment of the proper fee, and that Act further provides that the proper fee shall be such fee as may for the time being be fixed under the first-recited Act, and that the fee so fixed as respects a Consul shall be the fee which may be taken by any marriage officer;

And whereas, under "The Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890,"S

• Vol. LXXXIII, page 132.

* Page 318.

+ Page 253.
§ Vol. LXXXII, page 656.

Her Majesty in Council has power to make Orders in Council, and also to revoke and vary Orders in Council made, or deemed to have been made, in pursuance of that Act;

And whereas it is expedient that the Table of Fees fixed by "The Consular Fees Order in Council, 1892," "* should in certain respects be amended, and that the whole of the fees to be taken by Consular officers and marriage officers should be fixed by an Order in Council made under the provisions of "The Consular Salaries and Fees Act, 1891 :"

Now, therefore, in pursuance of the before-mentioned Acts, it is hereby ordered by Her Majesty, by and with the advice of her Privy Council, as follows:

1. This Order may be cited as "The Consular Fees (General) Order in Council, 1892."

2. The several fees set forth in the Tables annexed to this Order are hereby established, and the said Tables and notes thereto shall be construed as part of this Order.

3. Such provisions of any Order in Council made or continued in force under the provisions of "The Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890," as are inconsistent with anything in this Order are hereby revoked, and the provisions of this Order and of the said Tables shall be and are hereby substituted for such first-mentioned provisions, and the fees herein prescribed may or shall be taken accordingly.

4. This Order shall come into operation on the 1st January, 1893, or at such later date as in the case of any particular Consular jurisdiction, or part thereof, one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, by any general or particular instructions, may from time to time direct.

5. On and after the day on which this Order comes into operation in any place to which this Order applies, "The Consular Fees Order in Council, 1892,"* shall be repealed as to that place; but this repeal shall not revive any Table, provision, or Order in Council abolished or repealed by the said Order, or affect any right or liability existing at the commencement of this Order in any place.

6. In this Order the expression "Consular jurisdiction" means and includes the district, place, or places for which a Consular officer acts.

7. This Order shall not extend to any place in China, Japan, or Corea.

And one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State is to give the necessary directions herein accordingly.

* Page 284.


TABLES of Consular and Marriage Fees to be taken in all Foreign Countries other than China, Japan, and Corea, in pursuance of "The Consular Salaries and Fees Act, 1891," "The Foreign Marriage Act, 1892," "The Foreign Marriages Order in Council, 1892," and "The Consular Fees (General) Order in Council, 1892."

PART I.-Fees to be taken in respect of Matters in which the Interposition of a Consular Officer is required by Law.


1. For every declaration taken or recorded under the Merchant
Shipping Acts, with a view to the registry, transfer, and
transmission of ships, interests in ships, or mortgages on
2. For indorsing a memorandum of change of master upon the
certificate of registry, and initialling his signature on agree-
ment with crew, if required

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3. For granting a provisional certificate of registry (this fee to be exclusive of fees on declarations)

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£ s. d.

. 0 5 0

[ocr errors]



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1 0 0

4. For recording a mortgage of a ship, or shares in a ship, made under certificate of mortgage

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

5. For recording the transfer of a mortgage of a ship, or shares in
a ship, made under a certificate of mortgage..
6. For recording the discharge of a mortgage of a ship, or shares
in a ship, made under a certificate of mortgage
7. For every sale of a ship, or shares in a ship, made before a
Consular officer under a certificate of sale

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8. For inspection of the register book of transactions in ships, kept in pursuance of the Merchant Shipping Acts..

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9. For certified copy of extract from register book of transactions in ships

10 For every seaman engaged before a Consular officer

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

11. For every alteration in agreements with seamen made before a Consular officer

[merged small][ocr errors]

12. For every seaman discharged or left behind with the sanction

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

13. For every desertion certified by a Consular officer 14. For attesting a seaman's will (see No. 100) 15. For examination of provisions or water, to be paid by the party who proves to be in default, in addition to costs of survey 0 10 0 16. For every salvage bond made in pursuance of section 488 of "The Merchant Shipping Act, 1854," to be paid by the master or owner of the property salved

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17. For making indorsement on ship's papers as required by sec-
tion 279 of "The Merchant Shipping Act, 1854"
(To include the fee for inspection of ship's papers.

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Marriage Fees to be taken by Marriage Officers acting under "The Foreign Marriage Act, 1892," and "The Foreign Marriages Order in Council, 1892."

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0 10 0

20. For every marriage solemnized by or in the presence of a Marriage officer, and registered by him

21. For certificate by Marriage officer of notice having been given and posted up (Article 6 of "The Foreign Marriages Order in Council, 1892")

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.. 0 5 0

22. For attendance by Consular officer at a marriage solemnized in accordance with the local law, and his registration of the marriage (see Article 8 of "The Foreign Marriages Order in Council, 1892")

. 100

PART II.-Fees to be taken in respect of Matters in which the Interposition of a Consular Officer is to be given when required by Parties interested.


23. For noting a marine protest and furnishing one certified copy

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24. For filing a request for survey and issuing order of survey
25. For receiving report of survey, filing original in archives, if not
exceeding 200 words, and furnishing, if required, one cer-
tified copy of request, order, and report of survey

26. For extending marine protest, if not exceeding 200 words, filing
original, and furnishing one certified copy if required. This
is to be exclusive of fee for oaths or declarations (see
No. 48), or for drawing, if required, the body of the protest
(see No. 94)
27. For any other protest, if not exceeding 200 words, filing
original, and furnishing one certified copy if required. This
is to be exclusive of fee for drawing, if required, the body
of the protest (see No. 91)

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28. If the protest or report of survey exceed 200 words, for every additional 100 words or fraction thereof

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£ s. d.

076 0 10 0




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29. For attesting average, bottomry, or arbitration bond, each copy
(see No. 93)
30. For preparing a fresh agreement with the crew of a British

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vessel on new articles of agreement being opened at a foreign
port, and for furnishing the copy which the Merchant
Shipping Acts require should be made accessible to the

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34. Certificate of due landing of goods exported from a British


010 0

0.10 0

0.10 0

0 10 0

0 10 0

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