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BRITISH ORDER IN COUNCIL, establishing Tables of Consular Fees.-Windsor, May 9, 1892.*

At the Court at Windsor, the 9th day of May, 1892.


Lord President.

Lord Steward.

Earl of Yarborough.

Sir Walter Barttelot, Bart.
Mr. Forwood.

WHEREAS by "The Consular Salaries and Fees Act, 1891,"t Her Majesty the Queen is authorized by Order in Council to fix the fees to be taken in respect of any matter or thing done by a Consular officer in the execution of his office, and to vary such fees by way of increase or decrease, and to abolish fees, and to create new fees;

And whereas by an Order in Council dated the 24th November, 1891 (hereinafter referred to as "The Foreign Marriages Order in Council, 1891"), and made under the said Act and the Foreign Marriage Acts, certain fees are prescribed to be taken by Consular officers and others in respect of marriages;

And whereas "The Consular Fees Order in Council, 1887,"S continues in force under the provisions of the first-recited Act as if it had been issued in pursuance thereof, but the marriage fees comprised therein have in certain particulars been altered by "The Foreign Marriages Order in Council, 1891;"

And whereas under "The Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890,"|| Her Majesty in Council has power to make Orders in Council, and also to revoke and vary Orders in Council made, or deemed to have been made, in pursuance of that Act;

And whereas it is expedient that "The Consular Fees Order in Council, 1887," should be repealed, and that the fecs established thereby, including the marriage fees fixed by "The Foreign Marriages Order in Council, 1891," should be fixed by an Order in Council made under the provisions of "The Consular Salaries and Fees Act, 1891 :"

Now, therefore, in pursuance of the before-mentioned Acts, it is hereby ordered by Her Majesty, by and with the advice of her Privy Council, as follows:

1. This Order may be cited as "The Consular Fees Order in Council, 1892."

*Repealed by Order in Council of August 18, 1892, page 295.


page 132.

§ Vol. LXXVIII, page 303.

Vol. LXXXIII, page 161.

Vol. LXXXII, page 656.

2. The several fees set forth in the Tables annexed to this Order are hereby established, and the said Tables and notes thereto shall be construed as part of this Order.

3. Such provisions of any Order in Council made or continued in force under the provisions of "The Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890," as are inconsistent with anything in this Order are hereby revoked, and the provisions of this Order and of the said Tables shall be and are hereby substituted for such first-mentioned provisions, and the fees herein prescribed may or shall be taken accordingly.

4. This Order shall not extend to any place in China, Japan, or Corea.

5. "The Consular Fees Order in Council, 1887," is hereby repealed as to all places to which this Order applies, but this repeal shall not revive any Table, provision, or Order in Council abolished or repealed by the said Order, or affect any right or liability existing at the commencement of this Order in any place.

6 This Order shall come into operation in respect of each Consular jurisdiction on the 1st July, 1892, or at such later date as, in the case of any particular Consular jurisdiction, or part thereof, one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, by any general or particular instructions, may from time to time direct.

7. In this Order

The expression" Consular jurisdiction" means and includes the district, place, or places for which a Consular officer acts;

The expression "Foreign Marriage Acts" means "The Consular Marriage Act, 1849,"*"The Consular Marriage Act, 1868,"+" The Marriage Act, 1890,"‡ and "The Foreign Marriage Act, 1891."§

And the Most Honourable the Marquess of Salisbury, K.G., one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, is to give the necessary directions herein accordingly.


[Here follow Tables of Consular Fees to be taken in all foreign countries other than China, Japan, and Corea.]

• Vol. XXXVII, page 150. Vol. LXXXII, page 648.

+ Vol. LVIII, page 122.
§ Vol. LXXXIII, page 138.

BRITISH ORDER IN COUNCIL, establishing Tables of Consular Fees for China, Japan, and Corea.- Windsor, May 9, 1892.*

At the Court at Windsor, the 9th day of May 1892.


Lord President.

Lord Steward.

Earl of Yarborough.

Sir Walter Barttelot, Bart
Mr. Forwood.

WHEREAS by "The Consular Salaries and Fees Act, 1891,"t Her Majesty the Queen is authorized by Order in Council to fix the fees to be taken in respect of any matter or thing done by a Consular officer in the execution of his office, and to vary such fees by way of increase or decrease, and to abolish fees, and to create new fees;

And whereas by an Order in Council dated the 24th November, 1891 (hereinafter referred to as "The Foreign Marriages Order in Council, 1891"), and made under the said Act and the Foreign Marriage Acts, certain fees are prescribed to be taken by Consular officers and others in respect of marriages;

And whereas "The China, Japan, and Corea (Consular Fees) Order in Council, 1887,"§ continues in force under the provisions of the first recited Act, as if it had been issued in pursuance thereof, but the marriage fees comprised therein have in certain particulars been altered by "The Foreign Marriages Order in Council, 1891;"

And whereas under "The Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890,"|| Her Majesty in Council has power to make Orders in Council, and also to revoke or vary Orders in Council made, or deemed to have been made, in pursuance of that Act;

And whereas it is expedient that "The China, Japan, and Corea (Consular Fees) Order in Council, 1887," should be repealed, and that the fees established thereby, including the 'marriage fees fixed by "The Foreign Marriages Order in Council, 1891," should be fixed by an Order in Council made under the provisions of "The Consular Salaries and Fees Act, 1891:"

Now, therefore, in pursuance of the before-mentioned Acts, it is hereby ordered by Her Majesty, by and with the advice of her Privy Council, as follows:

*Repealed by Order in Council of August 18, 1892, page 306.

+ Vol. LXXXIII, page 132.

§ Vol. LXXVIII, page 314.

↑ Vol. LXXXIII, page 161.

|| Vol. LXXXII, page 656.

1. This Order may be cited as "The China, Japan, and Corea (Consular Fees) Order in Council, 1892."

2. The several fees set forth in the Tables annexed to this Order are hereby established, and the said Tables and notes thereto shall be construed as part of this Order.

3. Such provisions of any Order in Council made or continued in force under the provisions of "The Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890," and relating or applicable to China, Japan, or Corea, as are inconsistent with anything in this Order, are hereby revoked, and the provisions of this Order and of the said Tables shall be and are hereby substituted for such first-mentioned provisions, and the fees herein prescribed may or shall be taken accordingly.

4. This Order shall apply to all places in China, Japan, and Corea.

5. "The China, Japan, and Corea (Consular Fees) Order in Council, 1887," is hereby repealed as to all places to which this Order applies, but this repeal shall not revive any Table, provision, or Order in Council abolished or repealed by the said Order, or affect any right or liability existing at the commencement of this Order in any place.

6. This Order shall come into operation in respect of each Consular jurisdiction on the 1st August, 1892, or at such later date as, in the case of any particular Consular jurisdiction, or part thereof, one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, by any general or particular instructions, may from time to time direct.

7. In this Order

The expression "Consular jurisdiction" means and includes the district, place, or places for which a Consular officer acts;

The expression "Foreign Marriage Acts" means "The Consular Marringe Act, 1849,"*"The Consular Marriage Act, 1868,"+ "The Marriage Act, 1890," and "The Foreign Marriage Act, 1891."S

And the Most Honourable the Marquess of Salisbury, K.G., one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, is to give the necessary directions herein accordingly.


[Here follow Tables of Consular Fees to be taken in China, Japan, and Corea.]

* Vol. XXXVII, page 150. Vol. LXXXII, page 648.

+ Vol. LVIII, page 122.
§ Vol. LXXXIII, page 138.

BRITISH ORDER IN COUNCIL, giving effect to the General Act of the Brussels Conference on the Slave Trade of the 2nd July, 1890.—Windsor, May 9, 1892.

At the Court at Windsor, the 9th day of May, 1892.


Lord President.

Sir Walter Barttelot, Bart.
Mr. Forwood.

Lord Steward.

Earl of Yarborough.

WHEREAS by an Act passed in the thirty-seventh year of Her Majesty's reign, cap. 88, intituled "The Slave Trade Act, 1873,"* it was, amongst other things, provided that where any Treaty in relation to the Slave Trade is made after the passing of that Act by or on behalf of Her Majesty with any foreign State, Her Majesty may, by Order in Council, direct that, as from such date, not being earlier than the date of the Treaty, as may be specified in the Order, such Treaty shall be deemed, and that thereupon (as from the said date, or if no date should be specified, as from the date of such Order) such Treaty shall be deemed to be an existing Slave Trade Treaty within the meaning of the Act, and all the provisions of the Act should apply and be construed accordingly;

And whereas at Brussels, on the 2nd day of July, 1890, the following General Act, with annexed Declaration, was signed by the Powers therein mentioned, that is to say :

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[Here follow the General Act and annexed Declaration of the

2nd July, 1890, Vol. LXXXII, pages 55 and 80.]

And whereas the said General Act has now been ratified by all the Signatory Powers, and came into force on the 2nd day of April, 1892;

And whereas it is expedient that the said General Act should be brought within the operation of "The Slave Trade Act, 1873:"

Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by virtue and in exercise of the powers in this behalf as aforesaid, is pleased, by and with the advice of her Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows:

The said General Act herein before recited shall, from the said 2nd day of April, 1892, being the day on which it came into force, be deemed to have been and to be an existing Slave Trade Treaty within the meaning of "The Slave Trade Act, 1873."

* Vol. LXIII, page 394.

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