may commit him to prison for any period not exceeding six calendar months. 12. Where any fire-arms, ammunition, or gunpowder imported into this Colony is, without the proper authority or licence, kept in a place other than a public warehouse, the occupier of such place (unless he can prove that the same was deposited there without his knowledge or consent), and also the owner of or other person guilty of keeping the same, shall, on summary conviction before the Chief Magistrate or two Justices of the Peace, be liable to a penalty not exceeding 100%., or to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for a period not exceeding twelve calendar months; and the Chief Magistrate or Justices may order that all or any part of such firearms, ammunition, or gunpowder be forfeited to Her Majesty. 13. It shall be lawful for the Chief Magistrate or any Justice of the Peace, if satisfied by information on oath that any fire-arms, ammunition, or gunpowder is being unlawfully kept, conveyed, landed, or sold in contravention of this Ordinance at any place, whether a building or not, or in any ship or vehicle, to grant a warrant to enter at any time, and if needs be by force, ou Sundays as well as on any other days, the place, ship, or vehicle named in such warrant, and every part thereof, and to examine the same, and to search for any fire-arms, ammunition, or gunpowder unlawfully kept therein, and to demand from the owner or occupier thereof the production of his licence or authority for keeping, conveying, landing, or selling the same. When the officer or other person executing such warrant has reasonable cause to believe that any fire-arms, ammunition, or gunpowder found by him in any such place, ship, or vehicle is being kept, conveyed, landed, or sold in contravention of this Ordinance, he may seize and detain the same until the Chief Magistrate, or any two Justices of the Peace, has decided whether the same is liable to be forfeited or not. Proceedings in the Police Court shall be commenced as soon as possible after the seizure. 14. Any person acting under such warrant shall not be liable to any suit for seizing or detaining any fire-arms, ammunition, or gunpowder subject, or presumably subject, to the provisions of this Ordinance. 15. Whosoever attempts to commit, or aids or abets in the commission of any offence against this Ordinance may be dealt with in the same way, and shall be liable in the same penalty, as if he were charged with the actual offence. 16. It shall be lawful for the Administrator in Council to frame such rules as he may consider expedient for the regulation of the landing, storage, withdrawal, or conveyance of any fire-arms, ammuni tion, or gunpowder imported into this Colony, and from time to time to alter, amend, or vary such rules. All such rules shall have the force of law, and any person contravening the same shall, on summary conviction before the Chief Magistrate or two Justices of the Peace, be liable for every offence to a penalty not exceeding 5l., or to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for a period not exceeding one calendar month. 17. In this Ordinance the following words shall have the meanings attached to them : "Fire-arms" includes any cannon, gun, rifle, machine-gun, or other fire-arm, whether whole or in detached pieces. "Ammunition" includes cartridges, balls, caps, gun-flints, and all materials for loading fire-arms. "Public warehouse" means any place or building which the Governor by Proclamation shall appoint for the storage or deposit of all fire-arms, ammunition, and gunpowder imported into the Colony. "Importer" includes any owner or other person for the time being possessed of or beneficially interested in any fire-arms, ammunition, or gunpowder imported into the Colony. "Store" includes house, shop, and every other building. "Ship" includes every description of vessel used in navigation. "Master" includes every person having or taking charge or command of a ship. 18. An Ordinance passed on the 19th day of September, 1842, intituled "An Act to repeal an Act passed on the 28th day of January, 1840, intituled An Act to regulate the importation into and safe keeping of Gunpowder within the Settlement of Bathurst, St. Mary's River, Gambia, and to make other provisions in lieu thereof,'" and an Ordinance passed on the 25th day of July, 1867, and intituled "An Ordinance to amend an Ordinance passed on the 19th day of September, 1842, and to further regulate the importation into and safe keeping of Gunpowder in the Settlement on the River Gambia," and "The Arms, Ammunition, and Gunpowder Ordinance, 1891," are hereby repealed. 19. This Ordinance may be cited as The Fire-arms, Ammunition, and Gunpowder Ordinance, 1892." Passed in the Legislative Council this 4th day of May, in the year of our Lord 1892. REGINALD R. GACE, Clerk of Legislative Council. Assented to in Her Majesty's name, this 5th day of May, 1892. R. B. LLEWELYN, Administrator of the Colony of the Gambia. PROCLAMATIONS issued on the occasion of the Establishment of a British Protectorate over the Gilbert Islands.Apamama, May 27, 1892. (1.) In the name of Her Majesty Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India. By Edward Henry Meggs Davis, Esquire, Captain in Her Majesty's fleet, and Deputy Commissioner for the Western Pacific, commanding Her Majesty's ship Royalist. WHEREAS I bave it in command from Her Majesty Queen Victoria, through her Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, to declare that Her Majesty has this day assumed a Protectorate over the group of islands known as the Gilbert Islands, situated between 4° north and 3° south latitude, and 172° east and 177° east longitude; and that the following islands, and all small islands or islets depending upon them, are included in such Protectorate, viz., Arorai, Tamana, Onoatoa, Peru, Nukunau, Taputewea, Nonuti, Aranuka, Kuria, Apamama, Maiana, Tarawa, Apiang, Maraki, Taritari, Makin: Now, therefore, I, Edward Henry Meggs Davis, Captain in Her Majesty's fleet, and Deputy Commissioner for the Western Pacific, commanding Her Majesty's ship Royalist, do hereby proclaim and declare to all men that, from and after the date of these presents, the above-mentioned islands have been placed under British protection. Given under my hand, at Apamama, this 27th day of May, 1892. ED. H. M. DAVIS. Witnesses: F. ST. L. LUSCOMBE, Lieutenant. (2.) HER Majesty Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, having this day assumed a Protectorate over the Gilbert Islands, I would remind all residents in the group, other than natives, that it is contrary to law to supply fire-arms, ammunition, explosive substances, or intoxicating liquors to any natives of the Pacific Islands. This is hereby made known for general information. Her Majesty's ship Royalist, and Deputy Commissioner. BRITISH ORDER IN COUNCIL, applying "The Mail Ships Act, 1891,"* to Newfoundland, Queensland, New Zealand, the Cape of Good Hope, and Natal, as regards the Postal Convention between Great Britain and France of August 30, 1890.+-Osborne, February 6, 1892. At the Court at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, the 6th day of February, 1892. PRESENT: THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. Lord President. Mr. Ritchie. Mr. Jackson. WHEREAS by "The Mail Ships Act, 1891,"* it is provided that where Her Majesty the Queen has made a Convention with a foreign State respecting the postal service between such foreign State and the United Kingdom, or respecting the privileges of mail-ships, that is to say, ships engaged in any postal service of such foreign State, or of any part of Her Majesty's dominions, it shall be lawful for Her Majesty in Council to order that the said Act shall, subject to any conditions, exceptions, and qualifications contained in the Order, apply, during the continuance of the Order, as regards such Convention and foreign State, and the postal service and mail-ships described in the Convention; And whereas by section 8 of the said Act it is also provided that an Order in Council may, for the purpose of a Convention with a foreign State, apply the said Act, subject to any exceptions or modifications not inconsistent with the provisions of the said Act, to any British possession, and that the said Act when so applied should, subject to those exceptions and modifications, and subject as thereinafter mentioned, have effect as if it were re-enacted, with the substitution of such British possession for the United Kingdom, provided that, before it should be applied to any British * Vol. LXXXIII, page 125. + Vol. LXXXII, page 91. possession named in the Schedule to the said Act, the Government of such possession should have adhered to the Convention; And whereas on the 30th day of August, 1890, a Convention was made at London between Her Majesty and the President of the French Republic respecting the postal service between France and French possessions and the United Kingdom and British possessions, the terms of which Convention are set forth in the Schedule to this Order; And whereas the ratifications of the said Convention were exchanged on the 23rd day of March, 1891; And whereas the Governments of certain of the British possessions named in the Schedule to the said Act, namely, Newfoundland, Queensland, New Zealand, Cape of Good Hope, and Natal, have adhered to the said Convention; And whereas it is expedient that "The Mail Ships Act, 1891," should apply as regards the said Convention and the French Republic and the postal service and mail-ships described in the said Convention; And whereas it is also expedient that the said Act should, for the purpose of the said Convention, apply to the above-mentioned British possessions, and also to all British possessions not named iu the Schedule to the said Act, subject to the exceptions and modifications in this Order contained: Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by virtue and in exercise of the powers in this behalf by "The Mail Ships Act, 1891," or otherwise in Her Majesty vested, is pleased, by and with the advice of her Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows:— 1. "The Mail Ships Act, 1891," shall apply during the continuance of this Order as regards the Convention set forth in the Schedule to this Order, and as regards the French Republic, and the postal service and mail-ships described in that Convention. 2. The said Act shall apply as regards any public ship of the French Republic when employed as a mail-ship in the cases authorized by Article V of the said Convention. 3. The said Act shall, for the purpose of the said Convention, apply to the following British possessions, viz., Newfoundland, Queensland, New Zealand, Cape of Good Hope, and Natal, and also to every British possession not named in the Schedule to the said Act, subject, however, to the provisions of section 8 of the said Act, and also to the exceptions and modifications following, that is to say: (i.) The expression "officer of Customs" shall mean an officer of the Customs Department of the possession, or where there is no such Department an officer or one of the officers appointed for the purposes of the said Act by the Governor in Council, of which |