Page TREATIES, CONVENTIONS &c., between FOREIGN POWERS, continued, Rhine. Vienna, 30th December, 1892. 690 Belgium and Egypt. Convention and Note. Commerce and Navigation. Alexandria, 24th June, 1891. 147, 156 France and Almamy Samory. Treaty. Commerce, &c. 21st February, 1889. 853 France and Belgium. Convention. Military Service. Paris, 30th July, 1891. 824 France, Portugal, and Congo. Arrangement. Import and Do. Do. Notes. France and Greece. Notes. Export Duties. Western Lisbon, 8th April, 1892. 447 Commerce and Navi- Bogotá, 30th May, 1892. 136 tions. Diplomatic Inter- Bogotá, 23rd, 25th May, 1892. 137 Athens, th January, 1892. 220 France and Liberia. Arrangement. Delimitation of Posses- France and Montenegro. Convention. France and Paraguay. sions. Paris, 8th December, 1892. 626 Cettinjé, 8th June, 1892. 1006 gation. Buenos Ayres, 21st July, 1892. 680 France and Sweden and Norway. Convention. Commerce and Navigation. Paris, 13th January, 1892. 110 Monte Video, 4th July, 1892. 826 Germany and Colombia. Treaty and Notes. Commerce and Navigation. Bogotá, 23rd July, 1892. 139, 146 Germany and Egypt. Convention, Procès-Verbal, and Notes. Commerce and Navigation. Alexandria, 19th July, 1892. 168, 202, 203 Germany and Italy. Convention. Patents, Trade-Marks, &c. Rome, 18th January, 1892. 953 Germany and Spain. Declaration. Commercial Relations. Madrid, 29th January, 1892. 222 Germany and United States. Agreement. Copyright. Washington, 15th January, 1892. 1186 Page TREATIES, CONVENTIONS, &c., between FOREIGN POWERS, continued, Italy and Bulgaria. Notes. Duration. Commercial Arrange- ment. Sophia, 29th, 30th December, 1892. 215 Italy and Colombia. Treaty. Commerce and Navigation. Bogotá, 27th October, 1892. 206 Bogotá, 27th October, 1892. 625 Italy and Egypt. Convention and Notes. Commerce and Navigation. Cairo, 1st February, 1892. 158, 167 Italy and Montenegro. Convention. Extradition. Cettinjé, 29th August, 1892. 618 Italy and Roumania. Convention. Commerce. Bucharest, 11th December, 1892. 217 23rd Italy and Spain. Convention. Duration. Commercial Treaty, Italy and Zanzibar. Agreement. Concession. Benadir Ports. 1115, 1119, 1127 12th August, 1892. 630 Act, 1890. Slave Trade. Commerce. Aranjuez, 27th June, 1892. 113, 118 Spain and Switzerland. Convention. Duration of Commer- cial Treaty, 1883. Madrid, 25th January, 1892. 237 Page TREATIES, CONVENTIONS, &c., between FOREIGN POWERS, continued, Do. Protocol. Ratification of Brus- United States and British Guiana. Convention. Parcel Post. 57 Agreement. Washington, 1st February, 1892. 1011 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO. Proclamation (United States). Commercial Monte- Correspondence with Great Britain. Affairs in the East 1891. 740 Firman of Investiture. Khedive of Egypt.....27th March, 1892. 637 UGANDA. Treaty with Imperial British East Africa Company. Kampala, 30th March, 1892. Message of President. Opening of Congress. Washington, 6th December, 1892. 863 Order in Council (British). Seamen Deserters. United States' Merchant Ships. Osborne, 18th August, 1892. 317 Proclamation. Agreement with Great Britain. Washington, 15th June, 1891. 493 Washington, 1st February, 1892. 1011 Washington, 15th February, 1892. 669 Washington, 12th March, 1892. 652 Washington, 15th March, 1892. 657 Washington, 15th March, 1892. 659 Washington, 15th March, 1892. 661 Washington, 30th April, 1892. 604 Washington, 18th May, 1892. 611 Toll on Canadian Freight. St. Mary's Washington, 18th August, 1892. 1022 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Brussels, 2nd February, 1892. 57 British Guiana. Convention. Parcel UNITED STATES. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, continued, Great Britain. Treaty. Arbitration. Beh- Page Washington, 24th February, 1892. 43 URUGUAY. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :--with France. Monte Video, 14th August, 1888. 956 Monte Video, 4th July, 1892. 826 V. VENEZUELA. Proclamation (United States). Suspension. Free Admis- VESSELS. See FISHERIES. TONNAGE. sion of Sugar, &c., from l'enezuela. Washington, 15th March, 1892. 657 VICTORIA. Accession. Universal Postal Union, 1891..... 19th May, 1892. 66 WINDWARD ISLANDS. Convention with United States. Parcel Post. Washington, 24th February, 1892. 43 Proclamation (United States). Commercial Agreement (Grenada excepted). Washington, 1st February, 1892. 1011 |