Page GERMANY. Speech of German Emperor, King of Prussia. Opening of Prussian Landtag.. ...14th January, 1892. 981 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :--with Colombia. Treaty and Notes. Navigation. Commerce and Bogotá, 23rd July, 1892. 139, 146 Egypt. Convention, Procès-Verbal, and Notes. Commerce and Navigation. Alexandria, 19th July, 1892. 168, 202, 203 Great Britain. Protocols. Boundary. East Taveta, 27th October, 1892. 628 Great Britain, &c. Zanzibar, 24th December, 1892. 629 Do. 12 Venice, 30th January, 1892. Italy. Convention. Patents, Trade-Marks, &c. Rome, 18th January, 1892. 953 Madrid, 29th January, 1892. 222 United States. Agreement. Copyright. Washington, 15th January, 1892. 1186 GIBRALTAR. Regulations. Great Britain and France. Money Orders. GILBERT ISLANDS. Paris, 12th London, 16th July, 1889. 4 Apamama, 27th May, 1892. 276 GOLD COAST. Ordinance. Importation, Storage, &c. Arms and Am- 31st May, 1892. 384 GREAT BRITAIN. Accession of Canada and certain Australasian Colonies. of British New Guinea, Fiji, and certain ..... Act (Cape of Good Hope). Trade-Marks Registration. (Do.) (Do.) GREAT BRITAIN. Act (Queensland). Pacific Island Labourers. Page 18th November, 1880. 892 Amendment. Pacific Island La- bourers Act, 1880. Patents, Designs, and Trade- 10th March, 1884. 919 Marks. ........ 13th October, 1884. 1270 Act of Congress (United States). Reciprocal Com- GREAT BRITAIN. Correspondence with Turkey, &c. Affairs in the East Note. (Dispute with Ecumenical Patriar- Page .1891. 740 Letters Patent. Government of Falkland Islands. 404 Brussels, 24th June, 1892. 405 Notices (Queensland). Recruitment of Pacific Island Labourers. Brisbane, 11th July, 1892. 266, 267 Notification. Abolition of Import Duties on Foreign London, 8th February, 1892. 268 Mixed Marriages in United Kingdom. London, 10th May, 1892. 269 French Blockade of Dahomey Coast. London, 16th June, 1892. 687 Placing of Zanzibar under Free Trade Provisions of Berlin Act. GREAT BRITAIN. Notification. (British East Africa Company). Sale Page Mombasa, 29th October, 1892. 407 Order of Secretary of State. Application of Indian London, 18th February, 1892. 703 (Spain). Application of Spanish Tariff. Pro- (Do.) ducts of British Possessions. Madrid, 4th October, 1892. 960 Madrid, 18th October, 1892. 595 Order in Council. Registration of Sea-Fishing Boats. *Repealed by Order in Council of August 18, 1892. |