German South- May 9... Newfoundland... Act................ Merchandize Mark............... 1173 June 26.. { Aug. 14.. {Argentine Rep..} Convention... Pilots. Spirit Licences.... 346 Ordinance... Merchandize Mark.................. 1164 956 { German South- West Africa. Ordinance ...{ Importation. Trade. Arms, } [German South Notification..... Trade in Spirit...... Africa. [ May 23... Hong Kong... June 10.. Fiji .. Ordinance .... Patents 339 346 1144 { July 30... Aug. 1.... Aug. 1.... {Belgium. France {German East Africa........ J German East Africa........... Aug. 18.. {Cape of Good Норе.... German East } Convention... Military Service Laws. Spirit Licences...... Ordinance... Sale of Spirits... Law.... Registration Act, 1977 Consular Jurisdiction......... Ordinance... Slave Trade... Sept. 4... {Protectorate..}) Proclamation. {Operation of Proclamation 824 344 345 { Amendment. Trade-Marks 1158 949 340 840 Sept. 11. Great Britain.. Notice { of June 10, 1891...... of Soldiers, Coolies, &c., 819 Protectorate. Proclamation. Death Sentences, &c..................... 842 |