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ACT of the Government of Queensland, to make provision for the Registration of Copyright in Works of the Fine Arts in Queensland.

[56 Vict., No. 6.]

[Assented to August 9, 1892.] WHEREAS it is desirable to make provision for the registration of copyright in paintings, drawings, and photographs in Queensland, and for keeping a register of such copyright:

Be it enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly of Queensland in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as "The Copyright (Fine Arts) Registration Act, 1892."

2. In this Act the term "register of artistic works " means the register of proprietors of copyrights in paintings, drawings, and photographs, required to be kept under this Act.

Register of Copyright in Artistic Works.

3. The Registrar-General shall keep at Brisbane a register of copyright in paintings, drawings, and photographs published or produced in Queensland, in which shall be recorded, in the form in the first Schedule to this Act, the name and place of abode of the author of the work, and of the proprietor of the copyright in the work, and the title of the work, together with a short description of the nature and subject of the work, and also, if the person registering so desires, a sketch, outline, or photograph of the work.

4. The proprietor of copyright in any painting, drawing, or photograph, heretofore published or produced in Queensland, or in any painting, drawing, or photograph hereafter to be published or produced in Queensland, may cause the same to be registered in the register of artistic works.

For that purpose he shall deliver to the Registrar-General a statement in the form in the second Schedule to this Act, settim forth the title of the work, a short description of its nat subject, and the name and place of abode of the author a proprietor, and also, if he thinks fit, a sketch or outline graph of the work.

He shall also pay a fee of 5s. to the Registrar-General. 5. Any such registered proprietor may assign his inter any portion of his interest, in any copyright by delivering to Registrar-General a memorandum of such assignment, and of th ame and place of abode of the assignee, in the form in the third

Schedule to this Act, and attested by a Justice, and on payment of the like sum of 5s.

The Registrar-General shall register every such assignment in the form in the fourth Schedule to this Act; and an assignment so registered shall be effectual in law to all intents and purposes whatsoever, without being subject to any stamp or duty, and shall be of the same force and effect as if the assignment had been made by deed.

6. A person aggrieved by any entry made under colour of this Act in the register of artistic works may apply to the Supreme Court, or a Judge thereof, for an order that such entry may be expunged or varied; and upon any such application the Court or Judge may make such order for expunging, varying, or confirming the entry, either with or without costs, as to the Court or Judge may seem just; and the Registrar-General shall, on the production to him of an order for expunging or varying any such entry, expunge or vary the same according to the requirements of the order.

7. The register of artistic works shall at all convenient times be open to the inspection of any person on payment of a fee of 1s. for every entry searched for or inspected; and the Registrar-General or his Deputy shall, whenever reasonably required, give an extract of any entry in the register, certified under his hand to be a true copy thereof, to any person requiring the same, on payment to him of the sum of 58.

Any copy so certified shall be received in evidence in all Courts, and shall be prima facie proof of the proprietorship or assignment of any copyright as therein expressed.

8. If any person wilfully makes or causes to be made any false entry in the register of artistic works, or wilfully tenders or causes to be tendered in evidence any paper falsely purporting to be a copy of an entry in the register, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanour and shall be liable, on conviction, to be imprisoned for any period. not exceeding three years, with or without hard labour.


Register of Copyright in Paintings, Drawings, and Photographs.

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the copyright in a painting [or drawing or photograph] entitled and I hereby require you to make entry in the Register of Copyright in Paintings, Drawings, and Photographs in Queensland of my proprietorship of such copyright, according to the particulars hereunder written.

[A sketch (or outline or photograph) of the painting (or as the case may be) is attached.]

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Form of Memorandum of Assignment of Copyright.

I, A.B., of


being the registered proprietor of the copyright of the painting [or drawing or photograph] hereunder described, have assigned such copyright [or one undivided half share (or as the case may be) of such copyright] to the person hereunder mentioned, and I hereby require you to make entry of such assignment of copyright to the said assignee.

[blocks in formation]

ITALIAN LAW, respecting a Provisional Convention of Commerce and Navigation with Spain.- Monza, June 28, 1892. (Translation.)

WE, Humbert I, King of Italy.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies have approved;

We have sanctioned and promulgate as follows:-

Sole Article.-The Government of the King is authorized, upon the basis of the General Customs Tariff and of the Conventional Tariffs annexed to the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation concluded on the 26th February, 1888, the 6th December, 1891,† and the 19th April, 1892, to apply the same until the 31st December, 1892, to a Provisional Convention of Commerce and Navigation which may be concluded with Spain.

We command, &c.

Given at Monza, the 28th June, 1892.





PROVISIONAL COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT between Italy and Spain.-Madrid, June 29, 1892.


The Royal Italian Ambassador at Madrid to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain.


Madrid, June 29, 1892. WITH reference to my verbal communication of yesterday, respecting the commercial relations which should come into force between Italy and Spain on the 1st July next, I have the honour to inform your Excellency that his Excellency Benedetto Brin has authorized me to make the following declaration:—

In the desire to give a proof of its sincere friendship, and confident that subsequent negotiations will lead to a favourable result, the Government of His Majesty the King, my august Sovereign, is disposed to apply to goods of Spanish origin, from the 1st July referred to above until such time as other provisions may be settled upon, the customs duties determined by its Treaties with

* Vol. LXXIX, page 302.
+ Vol. LXXXIII, pages 259 and 588.

Page 1109.

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