Imágenes de páginas

< pay and reinstatement or hiring to persons who are victims of

:rimination in employment.6

: Recruitment and Selection Efforts

A World-Herald article on recruitment included a chart on utilization for

period 1972-June 1981 that shows a decline in the number of black officers 126 in 1972 to 24 in June 1981 (the number reached a high of 28 in )).7

The number of Hispanic officers remained about the same, eight or

, throughout the period. An American Indian officer joined the force in ). The proportion of black officers was about 4.5 percent of the force ughout the period. The proportion of Hispanic officers was about 1.5 ent of the force throughout the period. The division's total force ed from a high of 578 in 1974 to a low of 538 in June 1981.9

The World-Herald reported that for the 1978 recruit class while 45.7 :ent of white male applicants were put on the eligible list for appointment :he division, only 23.4 percent of white women, 11.1 percent of black women 7.1 percent of black men applicants were put on the list. It reported as of June 1981 the most recent black male hires occurred in 1974 and (one each); the most recent Hispanic male hires were in 1969 and 1974 each); and the more recent female hires were in 1978 (two).10

The clip file of the Omaha Public Library shows that in 1964 Monroe nan became the first black police captain.11 In 1965 a special

hance made possible the promotion of a much decorated black officer, Aaron Dailey, to sergeant, over the opposition of the police union and despite a suit filed by the police union to block the promotion."


Racial problems in the department led to the resignation in 1967 of 17 black officers from the Omaha Police Union (six other black officers did not resign). They charged that the union had tolerated discriminatory practices and had retained as its business representative a State legislator who had

opposed a fair housing law. But they also complained that the union had done nothing to end discriminatory practices by the department that had resulted in the absence of black officers from either the identification bureau or the vice squad and the failure to send most black officers to out-of-town police schools or seminars. One of the black officers alleged that: "If there is a call about a disturbance or a man with a gun on the Near North Side, they will send one Negro officer. If none is available, they send two or three white officers."13 Both the police chief and the city's human relations director stated that they had received no formal complaints on those issues.


The city's first affirmative action plan was approved in 1975 and a revised affirmative action plan was approved by Mayor Al Veys, Aug. 8, 1979.15 This plan called for an increase in minority hiring in protective service occupations (which include police and fire department entry level workers) of 0.9 percent per year and an increase in female hiring of 1.7 16

percent per year for five years. Even allowing for the inclusion of the fire department, this is considerably less than the city subsequently agreed to in a consent decree. The city is currently revising its affirmative action policy. The city personnel director, Gary Troutman, believes that if the city had been more alert and conscious of affirmative action in the past, it is possible legal actions by black officers and the Department of Justice could have been avoided.17

In July 1979 the black police organization, the Brotherhood of Midwest Guardians, filed suit alleging racial discrimination in employment by the city. That suit ultimately was supported by the U.S. Department of Justice and resulted in a consent decree that provided for a dramatic increase in the proportion of black officers over a period of years. The decree provides that, subject to the availability of qualified applicants, the city of Omaha must achieve a long term goal of hiring a sufficient number of black sworn

officers so that by 1987 9.5 percent of the work force will be black officers.

Interim goals are to fill at least 40 percent of all vacancies in the sworn entry positions with qualified black applicants until black officers make up six percent of the sworn personnel, and then to fill one-third of all entry level vacancies with qualified black applicants until the sworn work force is eight percent black, and thereafter to fill 25 percent of all entry level positions with qualified black applicants until the long term goal is 18 achieved. No goals were established for other minorities or women.

I.C. Plaza, chairperson of Nebraska's Mexican American Commission, and Joe Ramirez, director of the Chicano Awareness Center, mentioned the consent decree as a source of resentment in the Hispanic community. Both stated that the decree benefited only black officers and that Hispanics still suffered from employment discrimination. University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) Associate Professor Sam Walker commented that he believed the nonminority


officers also are resentful of the decree.20 In commenting on the draft of

this report, Mr. Walker added that he believes that for many white officers the consent decree was a "scapegoat" to vent their concern about the lack of opportunities for professional development, the lack of promotional opportunities, and their sense of alienation from the top command. In Mr. Walker's opinion, the city officials added to the problem by failing to explain and defend the consent decree to the officers. 21 Regarding the consent decree, Gary Troutman, personnel director for the city, said he does not believe enough has been done to explain it to the police officers. He believes that when the officers realize the police division will not suffer because of the decree, the opposition will disappear.2 22

Promotions are an important part of affirmative action. The consent decree touched briefly on the issue, providing: "For promotional sworn positions in the Omaha Police Division, the interim goal shall be to appoint

qualified blacks in at least the proportion that these groups are represented in the classes of employees eligible for promotion."23

According to the Omaha police manual, captains must have seven years experience in police work, including two years as police lieutenants; while lieutenants must have six years experience, including two years as police or detective sergeants. 24 Sergeants are required to have four years of experience as patrol officers. Years of police work in another city of comparable size and population can be substituted for two years of the required experience for sergeants.25 In addition to the requisite number of

years of experience, written and other examinations are a part of the

[blocks in formation]

In 1979 and 1980 five persons, all white males, were promoted to lieutenant. During the same period, ten persons, nine white males and one black male, were promoted to sergeant.27 There were no promotions to captain during this time period. 28 As of June 1980, there were one black lieutenant, two black sergeants and 20 black police officers in the division. The city did not provide information on the seniority of the officers so it was impossible for the Advisory Committee to determine how many, if any, minority officers were eligible to take the promotion examinations. Those who were promoted to lieutenant during 1979-1980 averaged 17.25 years on the force while those promoted to sergeant averaged eight years. 29

Current Recruitment and Selection Efforts

The National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals has suggested: "Every police agency seeking to employ qualified ethnic minority members should research, develop and implement specialized minority recruitment methods. "30 Such efforts were mandated by the consent decree.31

Mr. Troutman stated that recruitment for the last few training classes was a combined effort by police officers, the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance and the personnel department. Advertisements were placed in all the media, job announcements were placed in neighborhood gathering places and recruitment was done at the colleges. Mr. Troutman said recruitment at the colleges was done while they were in session except for one class for which recruitment was done during the summer. mer.32 A list of recruitment sources

used for the September 1981 class shows 84 contacts ranging from out-of-State universities and colleges to local minority organizations, church groups and individuals.

The NAACP, Urban League, Chicano Awareness Center, United Indians of Nebraska and American Indian Center were on the list as was a member of the Ministerial Alliance, although the organization itself was not.33 Mr. Troutman also asserted that contact had been made with the Midwest Guardians regarding recruitment although the president of that organization, James Patterson, said he was never contacted.34 In commenting

on the draft, Mr. Troutman clarified this point by stating that a black officer had been consulted regarding recruitment in October 1981 but the Midwest Guardians organization had not been contacted.35

Mr. Troutman stated that in 1979 there had been a strong recruitment effort in which officers were assigned to do recruitment; but that this was abandoned because then Chief Richard Andersen felt it was more critical to have the officers on the street. Mr. Troutman stated he would like to have police officers made available to him for recruitment programs because they can give a firsthand viewpoint on police work while his people give information on city personnel regulations and benefits. However, he stated that he understands the division's reluctance to use officers this way while it is understaffed. Currently, one person in the personnel department has been responsible for recruitment for all city departments in addition to other

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