Come thou of comforters the best, The pious happy spirit's guest,
Refreshment and sole strength in fears.
Mid every toil thou givest rest; Sweet calm to man's o'erheated breast; True comfort in his doubts and tears.
Oh blessed light! to thee we pray; Pour gently down thy saving ray
On all who firmly trust in thee. Without thy grace, can man attain No single good: he strives in vain :- He cannot even harmless be.
Wash every stain sin leaves behind; Rain dew upon the arid mind;
The spirit's wounds and bruises heal. Make stubborn reason humbly bow; Illume it with a heavenly glow;
To thee make doubt obedient kneel.
Grant to thy faithful, dearest Lord! Whose only trust is thy sure word Thy sevenfold gifts of grace and love; Grant patience, peace, forbearance mild, Meek charity, joy undefiled,
Hope here, and lasting bliss above.
To thee, at morn, our songs shall swell; At eve, our hearts on thee shall dwell. And may our praise hereafter rise
And blend with heaven's own symphonies.
To God the Father and the Son, And Holy Spirit, three in one, May holiest praises still ascend Through coming years and never end.
Loudly sing my tongue! proclaiming All the mystery of faith. His body and his blood adoring, Born a virgin womb beneath, Which the King of all surrendered To redeem a world from death.
Born for us, for us descending 'Neath a purest virgin zone- In the world he dwelt, and taught us Till the seeds of truth were sown.
Then his parting love and blessing Was in wondrous manner shown.
When for the last time reclining Round the board that awful night, When the legal pasch was eaten, When fulfilled was ev'ry rite- Then to his wond'ring twelve disciples, He gave himself with heavenly might.
The Word made flesh for man's redemption, Made, by a word, true flesh of bread : And wine became the blood of Jesus :- Sense would not be captive led : But truthful hearts vain reason master- Faith believes whate'er He said.
Mighty Sacrament! adore it,
Praise it all on bended knee! Ancient rites give way before it*Worlds in this new faith agree. What though human sense deplore it? Faith will solve the mystery.
Praise be to the Father given; Praise-but praise him not alone. Greeting, honour, triumph, even Thanks and blessings to the Son. To whom proceeds from both in heaven Be an equal homage done.
* So ancient is this hymn, that Pagan rites are here alluded to.
Hail Sea-star! we bless thee God's Mother confess thee.
Virgin pure, immortal; Heaven's happy portal.
Sin by woman enter'd- Hope in thee was center'd. Woman now has freed us;
Give us peace and heed us.
Sin repentant whiten; Murky hearts enlighten; Far be evil driven;
Every good be given.
Oh wouldst thou protect us Christ would not reject us. He the Son who chose thee, He would not oppose thee.
Virgin strange and holy, Meek, and pure, and lowly; Oh may we inherit
Thy chaste humble spirit!
May our lives be quiet, Far from sin and riot;
Praise to Christ upsending With thy praises blending.
Father, God, we bless thee; Jesus, we confess thee; Equal praise be given The Holy Ghost in heaven.
Exult thou world, exult with praise !
Ye heavens ring back the songs we raise !
Join now ye earth, skies, stars, and all To greet the Apostle's festival.
Ye judges of the world, ye lights
To guide mankind its heavenward wayHigh plac'd on hills and beacon heightsOh list the vows thy suppliants pay.
Ye who can ope the gates of heaven, Or firmly close them with a word- Oh may your favouring help be given To lead us upwards to the Lord.
Health, langour, ailings, all obey Your summons still, as once on earth; Oh heal our fainting minds, we pray- Encrease our strength, give sterling worth.
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