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The General had just been picturing to his companions what a pleasant thing it would be to reach Jerusalem about five, to go to our hotel, and stroll around quietly and see the town. There would be no palaces, or soldiers, or ceremonies, such as had honored and oppressed us in Egypt. But the General had scarcely drawn this picture of what his fancy hoped would await him in the Holy City, when the horsemen came galloping out of the rain and mist, and told us we were expected.

Well, there was no help for it, for there were cavalry, and the music, and the dragomans of all nations, in picturesque costumes, and the American flag floating, and our Consul, the proudest man in Palestine.

Arrived at the city, General Grant was at once called upon by the Pacha and the Consuls. The Bishops and the Patriarchs all came and blessed the General and his house. The Pacha sent his band of fifty pieces in the evening to serenade the ex-President. The Pacha also gave a state dinner, which was largely attended.

Early the following morning General Grant stole away, before the reception ceremonies, and walked over the street Via Dolorosa, consecrated to Christianity as the street over which Jesus carried His cross. The General lived, while in Jerusalem, within five minutes' walk of Calvary, and with this sacred mount in plain sight from his window.

General Grant and Prince Bismarck-An Interesting Interview between Two Remarkably Great Men.

Soon after General Grant's arrival in Berlin, he called upon Prince Bismarck, going to the palace alone and on foot. As he passes into the court-yard, the sentinels present arms, and the General raises his hat in honor of the salute. The doors are opened, and the Prince, taking the General by the hand, said:

"Glad to welcome General Grant to Germany."

The General answered that there, was no incident in his German visit that more interested him than this opportunity of meeting the Prince.

Bismarck expressed surprise at seeing the General so young a man, but on a comparison of ages it was found that Bismarck was only eleven years the General's senior.

"That," said the Prince, "shows the value of a military life; for here you have the frame of a young man, while I feel like an old man."

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The General, smiling, announced that he was at that period of life when he could have no higher compliment than being called a young man. By this time the Prince had escorted the General to a chair.

It was his library or study, and an open window looked out upon a beautiful park, upon which the warm June sun was shining. This is the private park of the Radziwill Palace, which is now Bismarck's Berlin' home. The library is a large, spacious room, the walls a gray marble, and the furniture plain. In one corner is a large and high writingdesk, where the Chancellor works, and on the varnished floors a few rugs are thrown.

The Prince speaks English with precision, but slowly, as though lacking in practice, now and then taking refuge in a French word, but showing a thorough command of the language.

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After inquiring after the health of General Sheridan, who was a fellow-campaigner in France, and became a great friend of Bismarck's, they discussed the Eastern question, military armament and strength, and the late atrocious attempt to assassinate the Emperor, giving the two great men an opportunity to discuss this phase of socialism. In speaking of this attempt on the life of the Emperor, the Prince paid the following glowing tribute to the Emperor:

"It is so strange, so strange and so sad. Here is an old man-one of the kindest old gentlemen in the world—and yet they must try and shoot him! There never was a more simple, more genuine, more—what shall I say?—more humane character than the Emperor's. He is totally unlike . men born in his station, or many of them, at least. You know that men who come into the world in his rank, born princes, are apt to think themselves of another race and another world. They are apt to take small account of the wishes and feelings of others. All their education tends to deaden the human side. But this Emperor is so much of a man in all things! He never did any one a wrong in his life. He never wounded any one's feelings; never imposed a hardship! He is the most genial and winning of men-thinking always, anxious always for the comfort and welfare of his people, of those around him. You can not conceive a finer type of the noble, courteous, charitable old gentleman, with every high quality of a prince, as well as every virtue of a man. I should have supposed that the Emperor could have walked alone all over the Empire without harm, and yet they must try and shoot him."

The Prince asked the General when he might have the pleasure of seeing Mrs. Grant. The General answered that she would receive him at any convenient hour.

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