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our W. Grand Marshal to the chair of your office, where you will be installed. W. Grand Marshal, you will present the Vice Grand elect to our R. W. Grand Warden for obligation.

Grand Marshal. R. W. Grand Warden, by command of our M. W. Grand-Master, I present you brother [C. D.], the Vice Grand elect, for obligation.

Grand Warden. Vice Grand elect, you will please place your right hand upon your left breast, and repeat after me:


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In the presence of the members of the Order now assembled, I, do promise, declare, and say that I will perform the duties of Vice Grand of this Lodge until the end of the present term; and, in the absence of the Noble Grand, to the utmost of my ability, perform all the duties he has obligated himself to do; that I will restrain every improper sentiment, and strictly administer the obligations to candidates for membership, or cause the same to be done by a Past Grand or Past Vice Grand. All this I promise to fulfill, unless prevented by sickness or some unavoidable occurrence. To the performance of all which I pledge my most sacred honor.

Grand-Master. W. Grand Marshal, you will proceed to invest the Vice Grand in the regalia of his office.

Grand Marshal. By command of the M. W. GrandMaster, I invest you with the badges of your office. In receiving them, you will not cease to remember that the preference of the Lodge has placed them upon you, in the full confidence that, while you wear them, their purity shall not be blemished.

Grand Warden. Vice Grand, I present to you a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws of your Lodge,

which you will make your study, in order that you may assist the Noble Grand in the performance of his duties; and this gavil, which indicates that you are to assist him in the exercise of his authority. You will now take your seat as Vice Grand of this Lodge for the present term.

Grand Marshal. M. W. Grand-Master, I present to you for installation our worthy brother [E. F.], whom the brethren of this Lodge have elected Secretary. Grand-Master. Brother, do you accept the office to which you have been elected?

Secretary elect. I do.

Grand-Master. Brethren of the Lodge, are you content in the choice you have made of Secretary? Answer. [As in the case of the Noble Grand.] Grand-Master. W. Grand Marshal, have you examined the Secretary elect, and ascertained whether he has attained sufficient degrees to entitle him to the office? Have you ascertained whether he is free from all charges on the books, of whatsoever kind?

Grand Marshal. I have, M. W. Grand-Master, and find the brother fully qualified to fill the office to which he has been elected.

Grand-Master. Worthy Secretary elect, will you engage to perform the duties of Secretary of this Lodge faithfully and punctually, and to comply with the requisitions of the Grand Lodge?

Secretary elect. I will.

Grand-Master. Having expressed your willingness to enter upon and perform the duties of Secretary of this Lodge, our W. Grand Marshal will conduct you to the chair of your office, where the obligation appertaining to it will be administered unto you. W. Grand Marshal, you will present the Secretary elect to our R. W. Grand Secretary

Grand Marshal. R. W. Grand Secretary, by command of our M. W. Grand-Master, I present to you brother [E. F.], the Secretary elect, for obligation.

Grand Secretary. Worthy Secretary elect, you will place your right hand upon your left breast, and repeat after me:

When all the duties of Secretary are performed by one Secretary, the obligation will be administered thus:


In the presence of the members of the Order now assembled, I, -, do promise, declare, and say that I will keep accurate minutes of the transactions of this Lodge; I will keep correctly the accounts between this Lodge and its members; I will pay all moneys into the hands of the Treasurer, taking his receipt for the same; and that I will, as soon as practicable, forward to the Treasurer copies of all resolutions authorizing drafts of moneys on him. I furthermore promise, that I will not wrong the Lodge, or a brother, to the value of any thing; and I will deliver all books and papers belonging to the Lodge to my successor in office, and perform such other duties as the Lodge may require. All this I promise to fulfill, unless prevented by sickness or some unavoidable circumstance. To the performance of all which I pledge my most sacred honor.

Should the duties of Secretary be divided between a Secretary for recording, &c., and a Permanent Secretary for the accounts, the obligation for Secretary will be administered thus:


In the presence of the members of the Order now assembled, I, -9 do promise, declare, and say that I will keep accurate minutes of the transactions of this Lodge, and that I will, as soon as practicable,

forward to the Treasurer copies of all resolutions authorizing drafts of moneys on him. I furthermore promise, that I will not wrong the Lodge, or a brother, to the value of any thing, and I will deliver all books and papers belonging to the Lodge to my successor in office, and perform such other duties as the Lodge may require. All this I promise to fulfill, unless prevented by sickness or some unavoidable cirTo the performance of all which I pledge my most sacred honor.


Grund-Master. W. Grand Marshal, you will now invest the Secretary with the regalia of his office.

Grand Marshal. By command of the M. W. GrandMaster; I invest you with the badges of your office. In wearing this regalia of the important office to which you have been elevated, it is our hope that you will not for a moment lose sight of the responsibilities resting upon you, so that you may surrender it to your successor with as much honor to yourself as you now receive it.

Grand Secretary. Worthy Secretary, I present to you these books and papers, the property of your office, and this seal of the Lodge, which is to remain in your official keeping. You will now take your seat as Secretary of this Lodge for the present term.

When there is a Permanent Secretary, he will be presented, &c., to the Grand-Master, in the same manner and form as above prescribed for the Secretary, taking care to insert the word "Permanent" before the word "Secretary," wherever it occurs, and he will be obligated thus:


In the presence of the members of the Order now assembled, I, --, do promise, declare, and say, that I will keep correctly the accounts between the Lodge and its members, and will pay all moneys in my hands to the Treasurer, taking his receipt for

the same. I furthermere promise, that I will not wrong the Lodge, or a brother, to the value of any thing, and I will deliver all books and papers belonging to the Lodge to my successor in office, and perform such other duties as the Lodge may require. All this I promise to fulfill, unless prevented by sickness or some unavoidable circumstance. To the performance of all which I pledge my most sacred honor.

Grand-Master. W. Grand Marshal, you will now invest the Permanent Secretary with the regalia of his office.

Grand Marshal. By command of our M. W. GrandMaster, I invest you with the badges of your office. In bearing this distinction among your brethren, be assiduous in discharging the duties of your station.

Grand Secretary. Worthy Permanent Secretary, I present to you the books and papers of your office. You will now take your station as Permanent Secretary for the term of months, as provided by the By-Laws of your Lodge.

Grand Marshal. M. W. Grand-Master, I present to you for installation our worthy brother [G. H.], whom the brethren of this Lodge have elected Treasurer. Grand-Master. Brother, do you accept of the office to which you have been elected?

Treasurer elect. I do.

Grand Marshal. Brethren, are you content in the choice you have made of Treasurer?


[As in case of Noble Grand.] Grand-Master. W. Grand Marshal, have you examined the Treasurer elect, and ascertained whether he has attained sufficient degrees to entitle him to the office? Have you ascertained whether he is free from all charges on the books, of whatsoever kind? Has

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