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brother: not merely of saying, "How do you feel to-day?" or, "I hope you will soon be better." No! they extend beyond this. They teach us to speak cheerfully to him-to encourage him-to lead his thoughts away from the natural anxieties of a sick man. They teach us to approach him with a warm heart and a pleasant smile; and they also remind us that it is our privilege to carry to him any little article of fruit, or other dainty, which might be pleasant to his taste, or conduce to his comfort.*

* I cannot resist the impulse to speak here of a matter personal to myself; for it illustrates so beautifully the true spirit of OddFellowship. In 1844, while a member of old Jefferson Lodge, No. 46, New York, I was so unfortunate as to receive a dangerous injury by a "runaway" horse, which confined me to my room for several months. As I had previously led a very active life, it may be reasonably supposed that confinement was torture to me. But during my illness a brother of my Lodge,† who resided some distance from me, made it a part of his business to call on me nearly if not quite every day. And he appeared with such a plea sant smile, and so buoyantly, so cheerfully and hopefully, and sat and talked at my bedside with so much interest and earnestness, that his presence came to be an oasis in the darkness and gloom o my sick-chamber. I would look out of the window, at the dreary brick walls of the opposite side of the street, and comfort myself with the thought that to-morrow my brother would come and compensate me by his presence for the monotony of to-day. The very idea of his coming would bring to my mind the green fields, and the flowers, and the rambles of the country, or the busy world of the city, where I longed once more to be. Thus, day by day, did he appear, and encourage me, and lead my mind away from my loneliness, and by his hopeful conversation so enliven my spirits to make me a poor cripple that could scarcely move-happy! OL! how much better is it thus to be the instrument of such happines, imparted to the unfortunate, than to wrap oneself up in selfishness-for neglect to perform similar offices for our brother is the grossest selfishness-and pass our leisure time in an idleness that is a curse to ourselves and a most inhuman injustice to our neighbor!-P. D.

Why should I hesitate to tell his name? The Rev. BENJAMIN B. HALLOCK, now of Mohawk village, Herkimer county, N. Y., is not a man either to be flat tered or offended by a statement of a fact intended for the general good.

There are other duties of this committee, which our space will not permit us to enumerate and enforce. But there is one other that we will mention as of the utmost importance. It is this:-Should a brother die, and leave a family necessitous, they should not only report such fact to the Lodge, and cause such measures to be taken as will relieve that necessity, but they should also take such charge of the brother's children as will prevent their exposure to the vices which surround them. They should look after their education, and interest themselves in their welfare.

2. The Committee of Investigation.-This is another most important committee. Its duties are of the gravest description. On it depends, in a very great measure, the good or evil reputation of the Lodge. It may be said to be the shield of the Lodge against the entrance of corrupt characters who would disgrace Odd-Fellowship. Hence each member of this committee should make it his business, not only to ascertain from others the general conduct of a candidate, but also to see and converse with that person himself; to see how he lives at home, and who are his associates, what are his habits, etc. It has been stated that some members of Investigating Committees do not even make the least inquiry out of the Lodge, but report on the candidate at a hazard! It is sincerely hoped, for the honor of the Order, that there are few such Odd-Fellows; and we will add, as our opinion, that any brother who would be thus remiss is deserving of a severe public reprimand from his Lodge; for he surely is a most gross violator of the solemn promises he has made, as well as of the plainest obligation of a member of this Order.

3. The Committee of Finance.—It is the duty of this

committee to superintend the financial concerns of the Lodge; to examine the claims against the Lodge; to inspect and audit quarterly the accounts of the Permanent Secretary and Treasurer, or other officers or committees charged with the receipt or expenditure of money of the Lodge; and to report, in writing, as speedily as possible, on all matters they may have in hand. They should be prompt, unprejudiced, and just; and should neither conceal nor exaggerate an error or a dishonest act of those with whom they have to deal. If they find a brother to have been a defaulter, they should carefully investigate the circumstances of such defalcation, and ascertain whether he can redeem his lost credit; and if he can, and do, in a reasonable time, they should admonish and forgive him. By this course, perhaps, they save not only a pecuniary loss, but prevent the ruin of a brother whose intentions were never eventually to wrong the Lodge. We do not mean by this that a defaulter should be screened and permitted to escape punishment; we mean that a brother should not be driven into hopeless dishonesty by an unreasonable haste, or a bitter and unnecessary persecution.

4. The Committee of Correspondence. It is the duty of this committee to examine communications sent to the Lodge, to reply to such as may need replies, and to cause such disposition to be made of the correspondence as may be required by its nature or necessity. They should see that letters, circulars, or other documents are carefully filed away, so that, in case they should at a future time be required by the Lodge, (which may frequently occur,) they may be accessible, and readily produced.

5. The Committee on Claims, (or the Widows' and Or phans' Committee.)-This committee should be elected

by the Lodge annually, and may consist of three or more brothers, of whom the N. G. should be one. Its duty is to attend to the welfare of the widows and orphans of deceased brothers, and see that they do not want for any thing absolutely required for their health and comfort. They should visit such widows and orphans at least once in each month, and render any service, reasonable and necessary, which may seem to be called for. Great responsibility rests on this committee, and they should not shrink from it. On them devolves, in an eminent degree, the direction of the minds of the orphans of their dead brother, and they should exercise the control and authority of a father over those bereaved children. Can any office be more responsible? "Good men and true" should be this Committee on Claims!

6. The Committee of Trustees.-They are to hold in trust for the Lodge all stocks, securities, investments, and funds in deposite, or in trust; and to transfer, exchange, or deposite the same, or any part thereof, whenever required under the laws, or by a vote of the Lodge. They are to deposite in person, at the end of each term, all sums in the hands of the Treasurer exceeding (blank) dollars, in such Savings Bank, Trus Company, or institution as the Lodge may direct, in the name of the Trustees for the Lodge, and no amount is to be drawn without the order of the Lodge. The checks, in all cases, to be signed by a majority of the Trustees. The deposite-books to be kept in the hands of the Treasurer. They are to have charge of all the furniture of the Lodge and Lodge Room, to procure such things as may be necessary during the recess of the Lodge, and to make, or cause to be made, all necessary repairs to the furniture or property of the Lodge.

7. The Committee for the Investigation of Charges, and for the Trial of a Brother. *-This is another most

*No member of a Lodge can be put on trial, unless charges duly specifying his offence be submitted to the Lodge in writing by a brother of the Order, except when made liable by non-payment of dues, in which case he is usually suspended by the action of the By-Laws of his Lodge. When the charge or charges shall have been thus preferred against a brother, or when any matters of grievance between brothers are brought before the Lodge, they should be referred to a special committee of five members, who must, if possible, be chosen from among the peers of the implicated brother; and who, with as little delay as the case will admit, must summon the parties, and examine and determine the matter in question: and if it do not involve the expulsion or suspension of a member, or if no appeal be taken from their decision to the Lodge, it should be final without further action from the Lodge. Should the committee be convinced of the necessity of cuspending or expelling a member, they must submit a motion for the purpose to the Lodge for action. When a motion for the expulsion or suspension of a brother shall have been submitted in due form, it must be announced at two regular meetings previous to action being taken, and the accused must be summoned to be in attendance at the Lodge at the time when it may have been determined to consider the question; at which time, whether the implicated brother be present or not, the Lodge may proceed to consider and determine it: two-thirds of all the qualified members present voting in favor of the motion, it will be carried; and the Lodge is fully competent, while such motion is under consideration, to vary the penalty from the original motion. If the decision of a committee, appointed as above stated, shall not be satisfactory to all parties, either of those interested have the privilege of appeal to the Lodge; and at the time appointed for trying the appeal, the committee must present to the Lodge, in writing, the grounds on which their decision was founded, and the parties have the privilege of being heard before the Lodge after which the Lodge may determine the correctness of the decision of the committee by a majority of the votes present. Either party interested in a case, feeling aggrieved by the decision of the Lodge against him, is entitled to an appeal to the Grand Lodge for a new trial, if informality or want of fairness be shown on a former trial. When a brother has been regularly sus pended or expelled, notice thereof should be given at once to all Lodges in the vicinity; and no one who has been thus expelled can be again admitted to membership without the consent of the Grand Lodge.

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