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Here he is brought in contact with the proprietor's daughter, Margaret, with whom, of course, he falls in love. Richard rises from the position of draughtsman to that of the practical manager of the works, and his experiences with the turbulent "hands" and their hot blooded leader, Torrini, before and after the strike in the marble-yard are depicted with the powerful vividness and reality so characteristic of the author of the "Queen of Sheba" and "Marjorie Daw." But now the neighborhood is thrown into consternation by the news of Lemuel Shackford's murder; an ill-patched display of circumstantial evidence points to the unfortunate Richard as the guilty one, which gives the author an excellent opportunity of painting the lovableness and nobility of character inherent in the devoted Margaret, and the timid, impatient, suspicious nature of her father.

There are one or two strong moral lessons latent in the chapters of "Stillwater Tragedy." We are reminded of the sweetness of a tolerant spirit, of the reward that accompanies heart-felt sympathy with the sufferings of our fellow-men.

whole course of the work, will give this retranslation : special charm. The changes made in the new revision art only such as the spirit of the age, the change in the mean ing of words, and the progress in classical and theological thought demand. Perhaps no change, however, is so start ling to those who are moved by popular memory and inagination as that which has done away with chapters, verses and running headlines; yet the effect must be recognized is an improvement in the gospel narrative. When one notes the verbal and grammatical changes that so constantly occur. he is astonished to find that clearness or accuracy is scarcely ever sacrificed to the original spirit of the text. It is a new Bible, yet it is still the old one. It tells the same truths and has the same hold on our highest affections, notwithstanding that its dress has been changed. We trust that the revised translation will soon dispel the imaginary fears of the many who have deprecated the undertaking, and that they will be brought to recognize the clearer stream of truth that flows from every page of the strangely familiar text.

Ole Bull. It is not often we have to record the death of one whose life is so illustrative of romantic adventure, gnawing despair, and the fickleness of fortune, as that of the great Norwegian violinist who, not long since, breathed his last in his native town of Bergen. It would be interest

It is unfortunate that so many chapters of comparatively minor interest precede the really interesting and powerful features of the book. It is well to inform the reader of this with the hope that he may pass over these chapters for the time to realize the substantially attractive matter that Mr. Aldrich has woven into his story with such beauty and pic-ing to recount the variations of light and shade that mark turesqueness of language and style.

A Boy's Vacation on the Great Lakes. By JAMES A. ROSE. Frovidence, Rhode Island: E. L. Freeman & Co.

Mr. Rose, in the neatly-bound and printed book of over two hundred pages, has given us the interesting experiences about Lakes Huron and Erie of a keen-witted school-boy and his chum Harry, in whom he would have us recognize the companions of his early days. Frank and Harry are good-natured boys in spite of their occasional quarrels, and though things are a little strange to them at first, they succeed in having a thoroughly good time. An excitable tem perament and an intelligent mind brings Frank before the notice of Mr. This and Mr. That, and what with acquaintances and talks on the steamer, a visit to a coal mine, with its accompanying bit of instructive dialogue, the horrible sensation of sea-sickness, an unexpected visit of Indians, a night in the forest, experiences of various kinds by the way, and the many scraps of useful knowledge interspersed throughout, Frank and Harry ought certainly to have filled a diary interesting not only to boys and girls, but also to those of their companions who have now grown up. The print and the character of the book are such as to recommend it to mothers and fathers who would encourage healthy, entertaining reading for their sons and daughters.

The Revised Bible.-After the lapse of three centuries the version of the English Bible has undergone a new revision. The ablest scholars in England and America have just ended a labor of many years over a most searching translation, which will provide a text of inestimable value to all who speak the English tongue. The catholic spirit, the rare judgment, the cautious scrutiny which has marked the

the early and late career of Ole Bull, but it would take us beyond our space. We need but allude to his early despon dency that led him to meditate suicide, to the duel that caused his banishment from home, to the precarious and miserable existence he was forced to lead in Paris, and we shall give our readers a faint insight into the fatalities of ge nius so strikingly prominent in the Norse musician. His life, while recalling that of the wandering minstrel who fre quented the courts of princes and charmed all classes with his touching art, displays a liberality and patriotism whits belong to very few. Among his own people and here our shores, his zealous efforts in the direction of intel lectual, social and moral advancement were significant of the man, though unproductive of any great results. He visited us often; surprised us with his astounding skill; and won the affection of thousands who came under the magic spell of his bow, his noble presence, his earnest words and works.

He was ever disposed to direct his energies towards some charitable or patriotic object, and he collected large sums c money by public playing among the Norwegian settlers d the Northwest with a view of memorializing Lief, the Norse Viking, who he believed discovered America hundreds o years before the world had heard of Columbus. The mor ument has even been modelled, and we shall soon see in the Post-office Square of Boston, not only the statue of the s of Eric, but a standing reminder of one whose music charɛst and whose words and generous impulses won the love admiration of the whole world.

Belgium has no national literature, in part for the po reason that the people are poor book-buyers and rear ve** little. A literary congress is being held in Brussels 20 | cover what will foster native literature, and these quesos

are being discussed: 1. The rights of authors. 2. The pros- by more than sixty European collections. It contains pects of literary men. Does the Government, by offering | 105,000 printed books and 25,000 manuscripts. In the prizes, granting subventions, and subscribing to new publi- | United States, the largest is the Library of Congress at cations, attain the object of bringing forward literary talent? Washington, which in 1874 contained 231,000 volumes. Can the publishing trade be so organized as to increase the cir- The Boston Public followed very closely after it with 206,500, culation of native productions in and out of the country? What and the Harvard University collection came next, with provision can be made for men of letters and their families? 200,000. 3. The role of literature in education. Ought contemporary literature to form a part of classical education? How can the teaching of modern languages be improved? How can lectures, readings and public libraries be made more useful? What ought to be the office of the press as regards literary criticism? 4. Literature considered as an art.

The largest library in the world is stated to be the National Library at Paris, which, in 1874, contained 2,000,000 printed books and 150,000 manuscripts. The British Museum and the Imperial Library at St. Petersburg both contained about 1,100,000 volumes in 1874, and the relation is probably the same. The Royal Library of Munich contains 900,000 books. The Vatican Library at Rome is sometimes erroneously supposed to be among the largest, while in point of fact it is surpassed, so far as the number of volumes goes,

Advice for the Young Novelist.-As a rule, any one who can tell a good story can write one, so there really need be no mistake about his qualification; such a man will be careful not to be wearisome, and to keep his point or his catastrophe well in hand. Only in writing, of course, there is greater art. There, expansion of course is absolutely necessary; but this is not to be done, like spreading gold-leaf, by flattening out good material. That is "padding,” a device as dangerous as it is unworthy; it is much better to make your story a pollard-to cut it down to a mere anecdote-than to get it lost in a forest of verbiage. No line of it, however seemingly discursive, should be aimless, but should have some relation to the matter in hand; and if you find the story interesting to yourself, notwithstanding that you know the end of it, it will certainly interest the reader.


Glimpses in London and Paris.-Dame Fashion is a lady upon whose vagaries only the initiated, if even they, can calculate; and in nothing are they more conspicuous than in the arrangement of the hair. A photograph album gives the London belle of a few seasons ago with rolls and puffs and configurations that enlarge her head to about twice its natural size, and bespeak an expenditure at the hairdresser's for a larger amount of tresses than Nature has endowed her with. Now all is changed, and severe simplicity reigns; into how small a space her own locks can be condensed seeming to be the point of study. It is a very modest-looking coiffure, and with some faces, fair, young, and well-featured, very charming. But when the elder sister or mother, whose beauty, if it ever existed, is a thing of the past, fashions her hair on the same model, it is hardly a success, and suggests the idea that she has risen in haste and not yet taken time to arrange it.

In Paris more variety seems to reign, and individual peculiarities to be more studied; while the windows of the coiffures suggest that you may do as you please, so great is the variety of crimps, curls, puffs, braids, etc.

The English girl is recognized everywhere by her clear eyes, bright cheeks, and plain hair, and also by a certain comfortableness, but want of style, in dress; her American sister, by a paler complexion, more variety in the hair, and a certain stylishness which often not even a Parisian can exceed. The English girl or woman will surmount her best coal with a knitted wrap of some sort which entirely does away with its appearance; her American sister-never; while the French woman, if she wears it at all, will drape it in such a way that it becomes rather an added decoration.

The most popular windows in London seem to be the photographers', where the royal family and the beauties of the day never fail to draw an admiring or critical crowd. In Paris it will be the newspaper stores or the doll shops. The London windows are full, crowded to overflowing with rich and elegant materials; but they are simply hung or put there, while in Paris draping and graceful arrangement make an artistic whole which cannot fail to attract. In this matter, however, American stores are little, if any, behind; and in height and general appearance the finest much exceed those of London.

In both London and Paris there is evidently a large market for jewelry; every third or fourth store one comes to in London belongs to this class. Watches seem almost to go begging, and as to silver chains and lockets, one would think the mines were exhausted. At the Centennial one was struck with the fact that the manufacture of gold and silver ornaments was common to all nations; but at present the English seem especially devoted to silver. Too substantial-looking it is for grace or lightness, most of it, while every other feminine wears a chain and locket, the last occasionally so large that one is tempted to exclaim, "Locket, where are you going with that young woman?"

In Paris the jewelry is most beautiful, so light, graceful, and varied are the designs, the windows ablaze with diamonds and other precious stones; but it is said that the best is often in the windows, and the contents of the stores do not thoroughly correspond.

The artificial flowers in Paris are something wonderful and exquisite, the windows so arranged as to resemble a florist's, and the perfection of the flowers so very great that a

close examination only will decide whether they be real or no. The toy shops also are very attractive, the type of doll this year blonde and blue-eyed, stretching out inviting arms as if to be taken, or tossed aloft as if in a general spirit of jubilation. In neck-ties and bows also Paris exceeds; this year a most enormous lace one is in vogue, but much less graceful than some of its smaller predecessors.

American shoes seem now to stand first for a combination of fit and durability; for the former Parisian shoes are cele. brated, and gloves of course it still excels in. "Bien souliée et bien gantée," the Parisian waitress or shop-girl can be seen on the street in neat shoes, well-fitting gloves, and often without a bonnet. The caps are a feature, and quite an ornamental one, on the street; the bonnes, the femmes-dechambre, and the waitresses in the restaurant each having her own, which distinguishes the class; while in the windows are bewildering and bewitching combinations of silk and lace to suit all tastes and fancies.

In England two styles seem in vogue, that of the elderly lady, which is often a most marvelous construction or erection of ribbons and flowers utterly unintelligible to eyes masculine, and somewhat incomprehensible to the uninitiated feminine; while the domestic wears a little muslin cap or bit of plain lace that lends a new attraction to a pretty face, and gives a certain neat and tidy appearance to all.

Paris bonnets this season are infinite in variety, a large hat which makes rather an effective background to a pretty face, a sort of gypsy, some of which have short strings edged with lace, graceful little fabrications of lace and flowers, and caps of sealskin and other materials, being only a few of the many worn.

Under the arcades in many streets is a fine and tempting display, curtains hung out and all sorts of dress goods; while pictures in which the faces and hands are painted, and the dresses of the real material pasted on to represent the latest styles, form very attractive advertisements.

A stranger comes to Paris with the idea that he can purchase various things cheaper and better than at home, only to find himself, with some few exceptions of course, greatly mistaken. In some departments London and Paris still take the lead both as to excellence of manufacture and cheapness of price; but the New World is but little behind, and fast gaining on their steps; while occasionally a shopper is not a little discomfited to find on taking up an American paper that some article which has just been purchased, and on which there has been a good deal of self-congratulation, can be bought for the same or less in New York. Foreign travel, full of delight as it is, has often the effect of making one appreciate home the more; and without a narrow spirit one may yet feel that in being born an American the lines have fallen to him in pleasant places. L. N.

A Gypsy Funeral.-A singular ceremony, and one at tended with peculiar interest, took place last summer in Dayton, Ohio, in the solemnities attending the burial of Malda, queen of the Stanley tribe of gypsies. I am told they came from England about the year 1850, and having seemingly become charmed with the location chosen by them at first on the banks of the Mad River, near its junc. tion with the Great Miami, they make this their summer

home; migrating to the South every fall, but returning with the spring to their favorite camping-ground near Dayton. Their royal blood of course forbids their toiling or tilling the soil, but I assure you it does not stand in the way of shrewd bargains and crafty schemes. They own immense tracts of land, gained by keen trading in horses, cattle, etc., the whole rented out to American and German farmers, who are, I dare say, held to close work and cash payments! The royal residence is quite a pretentious structure, located one of the farms, and only occupied by royalty, the rest of the tribe living in true gypsy style, in tents and wagons.


They have become in a certain degree domesticated in Dayton, coming nearer perhaps to civilized life here than elsewhere. Here they own their property, and here they are held by the strong tie of buried friends. Owen, the old king, died a few years after coming to this country, and is interred in Woodland Cemetery in Dayton. His monument has this inscription:

"Owen Stanley. Died Feb. 21, 1860, aged sixty-six years. He was a native of Reading, Berkshire, England. "Our father has gone to a mansion of rest, From a region of sorrow and pain, To the glorious land of the blest, Where he never will suffer again. Owen Stanley was his name, England was his nation,Any wood his dwelling-place,

And Christ was his salvation."

When Owen died his son Levi succeeded to the gypsy kingship. His wife, Matilda, ruled with him until January, 1877, when she died in Vicksburg, was brought to Dayton, and placed in a vault, when the bereaved king returned to the tribe. They returned to Dayton in the spring, and when the approach of autumn warned them that they must, in accordance with their usual custom, set out for their Southern home, they placed the remains of their beloved queen in an underground vault, built of slabs of marble seven feet by five, three feet deep, and covered by one per fect slab of the finest marble. When death comes to Levi, he is to be placed in the sarcophagus by the side of his wife, to whom he was, unlike royalty in general, romantically attached.

The exercises attending the burial of Queen Matilda were brief, but impressive in the extreme. But few were per mitted to witness them. In the late afternoon the tribe assembled around the public vault while the remains of the royal dead were reverently brought forth. The officiating clergyman placed himself at the head; king Levi followed immediately after, alone, then the tribe in order of rank and age. It was a mournful procession, and the brief exercises were superlativ ly solemn in their simplicity. I think few who heard it will ever forget the wild, weird shout that went up at short intervals during their march from the vault to the grave, winding slowly around the base of an overharging hill and up to the lovely spot chosen for the royal burial ground. It reminded one of the Druidical ceremo nies, without the sacrifice. A monument is being prepared for the grave, which will, I am told, be by far the finest in the cemetery grounds. L. M. B.

The Right and the Left.-By the Greeks and Romans the East, whence came morning and the light of day, was regarded with special veneration, not unlike that displayed by the Christian, who builds his churches with the chancel looking eastward, and buries his dead with face toward the rising sun. In observing the heavens in expectation of a divine sign, the Greek turned to the North, while the Roman stood with face to the South; and so while the former had the East on the right, the latter had it on the left. Thus it came about that right and left were associated by one with what was lucky and unlucky. The very terms, "dexter" and "sinister," conveyed in themselves this double meaning. The preference that was accordingly given to the right was shown in many ways. The steps of the early Grecian temple were three in number, in order that for the sake of good omen the right foot might touch the first and last of them. Moreover, the wine and the sacrificial cup were passed to the right; the cloak was thrown over the right shoulder, and we are even justified in supposing that this superstition influenced the Greeks in changing the Hebrew mode of writing from right to left, and causing it to proceed in the opposite direction.

If we were not informed to the contrary, we should be inclined to believe that this preference for the right was the result of expediency, as it certainly seems to be with us. It has been argued by some that we use the right hand from force of habit; others maintain that we do so because the right side is the stronger; while others again would tell us that the use of our left would endanger the principal organ of circulation that lies more on the left side. However this may be, it remains an indisputable fact that privation of the right hand will be compensated for by a commensurate agility in the use of the left.

We can all recall cases in which, the left is used instead of the right; but they are exceptional. The Bible gives us innumerable instances of the more general rule, such as "If I forget thee, oh, Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning." And so the right hand of the Lord is the symbol of power and glory. It "bringeth mighty things to pass." There is a certain amount of superstition in the preference of the right. In Cornwall, England, if the palm of the left hand itches, the person will have to pay money; if the right, to receive it. If the left ear tingles, it denotes that an enemy is speaking about you; if the right ear, that a friend is saying something in your favor. A mole over the right temple of a girl's eye was an indication, it was thought, of a good and happy marriage that was going to come to pass. The expression once common among boys, of "over the left" is too significant to need any comment. It is the un.

conscious outcome of the notion of luck and ill-luck that the Greek associated with the East and West. J. S. W.

Woman's Proper Sphere.-Very few women are qual ified either by nature or training to play the part of a judicious domestic Providence, unrestrained by any other influ ence; and the abdication of the husband is generally attended by humilation and suffering to the rest; for without a balance of power we may expect abuses to steal in, whether States or families are victimized by an unfortunate adjustment of circumstances. For it is men on whom the

sterner and more serious responsibilities of existence fall. Men who bear the burden and heat of the day, husbands and brothers who give their lives for their country, and die by thousands of every lingering torture under a foreign skythey must act often under heavy mental pressure and distress; while women, who are generally led by any other bias save their judgment or intellect, may indulge in hysterical views of everything at their ease and at home. Marriage protects women, who, in return, are expected to embellish life, soften its trials, and with womanly grace, smiles and kindness, avert the threatening clouds of adversity from bursting in unchecked violence on the family circle. It is a fine field of enthusiasm, action and enterprise in which women may enlist, and the more highly toned their moral ethics the better; they may form character, direct aims, soothe despair, and by their delicate tact, instincts and perception, assist in mitigating much cruel suffering and disap pointment. Women should represent beauty of some kind or another. There is nothing a man so much detests as a masculine woman; she expects to share his equality, while at the same time refusing to accept his claims and responsibilities.


The Arrangement of the Hair.-There is a good deal that might be said on the subject of the hair of the sterner To any one who studied the matter, a great deal of a man's character might be guessed with tolerable accuracy by the way in which he does his hair. Mr. Smith, a young man of æsthetic tastes, wears his rather long at the back, but cut in the front so as to fall over his forehead; he also rejoices in a drooping silky mustache, cultivated with the greatest care. Mr. Brown, the rising young lawyer, has apparently not an unnecessary lock on his head, what the hairdresser has left being brushed into its proper place with a severity there is no mistaking. He is clean shaven, too, save for two precise little patches of whisker that never seem to alter in the slightest degree. Every one knows the musical head of hair, for it is unmistakable. Is there anything that looks more unprepossessing, by the-by, than a bald head with a few stray wisps, well greased, brought up from the side, and carefully arranged over the crown? Will men, I wonder, ever give up the ridiculous habit of shaving? Why on earth should a man take so much trouble to get rid of that natural appendage, a beard? Certainly, a man looks more manly and generally better-looking with than without. A long, glossy beard is a great improvement to the appearance, and frequently, by concealing a weak mouth and chin, causes a man to be thought a fine-looking fellow, when without it no one would dream of bestowing that title upon him. I have been shown the photograph of a gentleman, whom I only knew as the possessor of a bushy, black beard and whiskers, taken before we became acquainted, and while the razor was still in requisition; there was scarcely the faintest resemblance to be discovered, and I should never have recognized it untold. Fifty or sixty years ago, with what disgust did our fathers or grandfathers look upon the individual who dared to go unshaved, with a blind disregard of the common sense view of the question, namely, that there is not a shadow more reason in removing every scrap of hair from their face than in doing the same by the rest of the head.

A Fine Specimen of Lacework.-Of all the wonders beheld at Brussels during the Exhibition, none are more wonderful than the bridal veil now being exhibited at the Hotel de Ville for the benefit of the poor of the city. It is the bridal present offered by the town to the Princess Stephanie on her marriage with the Archduke Rudolph. It is four metres long and three metres wide. In the lower border are inserted the arms of the nine Belgian provinces, at the sides those of the provinces of Austria, and in the centre those of the Empire. The whole has been worked by the needle; the veil is composed of seven hundred distinct pieces, which have employed the labor of one hundred and fifty lacemakers during the past four months. The value of this unique specimen of the lacemaker's art is supposed to be not less than five thousand dollars.

Window Ornaments.-During the dead of winter, any living plant which looks green adds to the cheerfulness of a room, and a mass of beautiful verdure is obtained by the fol lowing expedient: Take about twenty or thirty ears of wheat, and tie them together, leaving the straws about two inches long. Hang them up for a few days, keeping them sprinkled with water, and when they begin to sprout, put them in a glass with water; the top will soon become a perfect pyramid of verdure, and will retain its beauty for several weeks. This simple plan may be put in practice at any time in the winter months.

Decoration in Indelible Ink.-Drawings or prints may be imitated with good effect in indelible- or marking-ink as a means of decorating doilies, finger-napkins, and similar articles. Stout white jean may be employed, and for this kind of ink no previous preparation of the fabric is necessary. A moderately soft quill pen will be found best for executing the drawing, and the strokes should be made as quickly as is found consistent with firmness and accuracy. The work should be smoothed with a tolerably hot iron before it has become perfectly dry.

The com

A Mode of Preserving Eggs.-Paint over the surface of the eggs with a thick mucilage of gum arabic in water. This may be easily prepared by putting some crushed gum arabic into a teacup, pouring boiling water over it, and allowing it to remain by the fire until dissolved. monest kind of gum arabic may be employed for this purpose. When the eggs are thus coated, they should be kept in a box surrounded by very dry powdered charcoal. When required for use, the gum may be removed by placing the egg in tepid water. Eggs intended to be thus preserved should be very fresh, kept at a regular temperature and preserved from the contact of air and moisture.

A Colored Desdemona.-A pleasing story which does credit to the sentiment of French theatre-goers, is told of M. Legouve, in a recently published volume on Malibian. The violent temper of Malibran's father, Garcia, caused a severe quarrel, which resulted in the separation of father and daughter. The breach had already lasted several years, when, one evening the opera "O'hello" was produced at the Theatre Italien, with Garcia in the rôle of Othello, and

Malibran in that of Desdemona. The daughter, as usual, was admirable in the part, and the father, unwilling to be outdone, became once more the Garcia of his best years. The success was complete, and an enthusiastic recall neces sitated the hasty rising of the curtain after it had fallen on the first act. Desdemona was discovered almost as black as Othello. Moved by the ovation in which both had shared, Malibran had thrown herself into the arms of her father, and in the embraces which ensued, Garcia had imprinted upon her features some of the dye which stained his own M. Legouve was present on the occasion, and he says that no one in the theatre thought of laughing; the audience immediately understood the affecting nature of the incident, and, ignoring all that was grotesque in it, "they applauded with transport the father and daughter, reconciled by their art, their talents and their triumph."

The home life of German girls is far different from that of American girls, and we could hardly fancy anything more prosy than the home life of the high and well-born German girl. They are educated precisely alike, the range of study being limited. The common branches, French, sometimes English, and a few small ornamental accomplishments, comprise the list. The statement that American girls study the sciences and sometimes Greek and Latin, causes from them manifestations of surprise. The traditions and prejudices of their class are carefully inculcated. Any woman who does think or act in opposition to the conventional standard is looked upon with distrust. But their domestic education is carefully attended to; whatever their rank, they must master all branches and steps of housekeeping. Their wedding trousseau and outfit in bed- and table-linen is generous in quantity and beautiful in texture, and usually made up by their own willing hands. An engagement with them is as solemn and binding as a marriage contract, and unfaithfulness in either sex is an exception that meets hearty condemnation. Their simpleness and quietness of life is a reproach to the lives of most of the idle, ease-loving, frivolous girls of many other countries.

Cotton-Seed Meal.-This ought all to be consumed in our own country, instead of exporting so great a proportion of it, as it is not only a highly nourishing food, but a healthkeeping food. The oil in it lubricates the bowels of animals, and keeps them in good condition, while the other elements of which it is composed assist in building up the muscles rapidly. But it should be fed sparingly, and mixed with either bran, middlings, oats, or other meal. From a pint to two quarts per day is a fair ration with other food, according to the size of the animal; although at the South, we are informed, they feed it still more abundantly. There they usually feed the seed whole as ginned from the cotton, and after boiling they let their animals eat as much as they please with impunity, almost entirely fattening their swine with it, finishing off with corn two weeks or so before slaughtering.

To Prevent Flies from Soiling Picture-Frames.Paint the frames over with a decoction of leeks, prepared by boiling three or four in a pint of water. This will not injure the frames, but it will prevent the flies from resting on them.

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