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Besides these duties of organist and choir leader, His present attention is devoted to perfecting and constantly composing, Mr. Rosewig finds his new three-act opera, to be entitled, "Illutime to act as conductor of several musical or- sions; or, Petticoat Politics." Musical people ganizations, opera companies, etc., and is also who have seen the advance sheets do not hesitate prominently identified with the music of several in saying that it will be just such an opera as the societies and orders. He holds an enviable repu- musical and fun-loving community will appretation as conductor of orchestra and chorus. ciate; it will abound in comical situations, originality of treatment, and sparkling, taking melodies and concerted parts.

Some of the best of Mr. Rosewig's compositions are of a religious character, written for the service of the Catholic Church, as is but natural, he having been so long connected with its choirs and identified with its music in his own city. His "Mass in G, No. 1," "Concerted Vespers," "Magnificat in Ab," "Salve Regina," "O Salutaris," "Ave Maria," and others, are known to every one familiar with Catholic music.

He is the author of several very popular Catholic choir books, the most prominent being the "Cantus Divinus," the "Concentus Sacri," and the "Sodalist's Companion," each of which has the endorsement of the highest Catholic authorities. The Lotus Club Collection" is a number of four-part songs for male voices, very popular among male quartettes and societies.

With all these labors as organist, leader, conductor, composer, etc., and being besides a married man with an infant successor, our friend does not seem to be "happy yet." He wants more work, so conducts a music store, and acts as agent for organs and pianos on Eleventh street, Philadelphia.

As a composer Mr. A. H. Rosewig is popular, pleasing, industrious and conscientious; his compositions show him to be possessed of a vivid imagination, a warm heart and a thorough knowledge of his profession. Socially he is ever cheerful, courteous, good-natured and obliging.


FROM whence came these strange and warlike people called Indians? Many volumes have been written, and theories and speculations indulged in for over two hundred years concerning them; but as yet no one has definitely settled the much-vexed question.

The red man is fast disappearing from the settled and unsettled portion of the United States; and the time has come when, if it is possible to demonstrate it, our people should know with certainty the origin of the North American Indian. Some say they are Jews; others, Phoenicians; others, Carthaginians, Mongolians, and others again, Welsh; but I believe they are Asiatics.

To go back to the beginning, we all know that the whole human family sprang from a single pair, the man and the woman, Adam and Eve, whom God placed on the banks of the Tigris in the beautiful Garden of Eden. They began us all,

white, red, black and brown. But you ask, how do we know they were our common parents, and that the Garden of Eden was on the Tigris? I answer because Moses in the Holy Word tells us so. "And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and a river went out of Eden to water that; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. The name of the first is Pison; that is it which compasses the whole land of Havilah where there is gold; and the gold of that land is good; there is bdellium and onyxstone. And the name of the second river is Gihon; the same is it which compasses the whole land of Ethiopia or Cush. And the name of the third river is Hiddekel; that is it which goes toward the east of Assyria; and the fourth river is Euphrates."

Go to Bagdad in the dominions of the Grand Signior, and travel across the beautiful tract of

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tioned by Moses, going out of Eden, and which divides into four heads or different branches, and makes the four rivers described by the ancient


Shat al Arab, or the River of Arabs. It rises only two days' journey from Bassora, and divides again into two channels five leagues below. These channels empty themselves in the Persian Gulf. The Shat-al-Arab is undoubtedly the river men

historian. The two branches

of the Shat are the Pison and Gihon, and the two above, the Euphrates and Tigri-, the latter being sometimes called the Dislat by the Arabs, and now allowed to be the Heddekel of Moses. The western branch of the Shat was old Pison, and the Persian Gulf country Moses's Havilah. The eastern branch of Shat was Gihon, and encompassed the country of Cush or Chuzestan, as it is still called by the Persians. Heidegger, La Clerc, Pere Abraham and Pere Hardouin place Paradise near Damascus in Syria about the Springs of Jordan; but that cannot be if Moses described it as correctly as he did Mount Ararat where the ark rested, or the Plains of Shinar, to which the sons of Noah went out. Sanson, Reland, and Calmet, as well as Tournefort, who is the best authority of them all, located Eden in Armenia between the Tigris, Euphrates and Araxes; but a river is still wanting if we take Moses's word, and besides the Phasis does not flow from south to north, but from north to south. Huet, Bishop of Soissons and Arranches, Stephanus Morinus, Bochart, and many others believed the Paradise of Adam was located between the channels of the Tigris and Euphrates, where

I have put it; and certainly the geography of the country and neighboring lands of Mesopotamia and Chaldea go far to prove their views were correct. But I have already written more on this point than I had intended; and considering the


manner in which our first parents behaved them-
selves, it does not matter much to us at this day
where they dwelt; certainly they had nothing to
do with the origin of the North
American Indians, except in a
very general and remote way.
The posterity of Cain improved
the arts taught them by Jubal,
built and grew luxurious and ex-
travagant. The children of Seth
contemplated the heavenly bo-
dies, and laid the foundation of
the science of astronomy. The
sons of Seth married the daugh-
ters of Cain, and lived unhap-
pily with them. It was now the
general corruption of man be-
gan, and "the wickedness of
the people was very great on
the earth, and every imagina-
tion of the thoughts of their
hearts was only evil continu-
ally," until of all the inhabitants
of the earth Noah only was
found perfect in the sight of

Then came the deluge, and every living human being perished save Noah, and those who were with him in the Ark.

After the flood Noah got drunk, and lay uncovered in his tent. While in this condition his youngest son, Ham, saw him, and called his brethren, Japhet and Shem, that they might see his drunkenness. But they, mindful of their duty, and the respect due their father, instead of ridiculing his nakedness, as did Ham, took a garment between them, and walking in backward covered up Noah. When Noah got sober,

of the Canaanites, the subjugation of the Phoenicians and Carthaginians, the slavery of the African negroes, is the fulfillment of this curse



and learned of what had occurred, he pronounced | pronounced on Ham and his son, Canaan. Jathe fearful sentence: "Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. Blessed be the Lord God of Shem, and Canaan shall be His servant. God shall enlarge Japhet, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem, and Canaan shall be his servant." The extirpation

phet was, through his son Gomer, the progenitor of almost one-half of the human race. From Gomer sprang the inhabitants of Lesser Asia, or Asia Minor, "the Isles of the Gentiles," and the vast regions of Scythia. Greece poured its people into the western part of Asia Minor, and founded

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discovered by Europeans, the natives of the th were found to be not only more civilized the rude tribes of the North, but their per-al appearance, religion, and language exhibited striking a diversity as to authorize the belief that catan, or Yucatan, as it is now called, derives its e from Joktan. Among others, Arius Monta, one of the foremost authorities, says, "Joktan self either passed into America, or that contint was peopled by his posterity." Montanus aces the identity of nations by their names and e names of places, and offers a plausible con

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