Imágenes de páginas
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Harbor of Cunningham creek, Ohio. Report on the con-

dition of the

Harbor of Grand River, or Fairport, Ohio. Report on the
condition of the

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1 252

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1 259

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Harbor of Southport, Wisconsin. Report on the condition

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Harbor of Racine, Wisconsin. Report on the condition of

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Harbor of Michigan city, Indiana.
tion of the

Harbor of Chicago, Illinois. Report on the condition of

the -

of the

the -

Harbor of Milwaukie, Wisconsin. Report on the condition

of the

Harbor of Dubuque, Iowa. Report on the condition of the
Harbor of Mobile, Alabama. Report on the condition of

the -

Harbor of St. Louis, Missouri.


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Harvey & Slagg. Report of the Committee on Finance, on
the bill for the relief of

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Henderson, on the necessity of increasing the rank and file
of the marine corps. Letter from General A.
Hollingsworth, of Blount county, Alabama. Report of the
Committee on Public Lands, on the bill (H. R. 554)
supplemental to the act for the relief of John
Hospitals. Report of the number of maniacs confined in
the several naval

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Hospital at New Orleans. (See Estimates.)
Hough. Report of the Committee on Pensions, on the pe-
tition of the heirs of Martha

Houmas claim to land in Louisiana. Report of the Secre-

tary of the Treasury, communicating information in
relation to the

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Hydrometers, made under the superintendency of Professor
Bache, by Professor McCulloch.
searches in relation to


Illinois. Message of the President, relating to reservations
of mineral lands in -

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Imports and exports during the year ending 30th June,
1844. Statement of the value of

Importation of sugar and molasses. Regulations prescribed
since 30th August, 1842, in relation to the -
Imported during the year ending 30th July, 1844. Report
from the Secretary of the Treasury, communicating
tables of articles free and subject to duty, and the
value and rates of duty

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Imported during the nine months ending 30th June, 1843,
the average duty on which exceeded 35 per cent, &c.
Statement of the articles
Improvements not ascertained by survey, &c., to be neces-
sary for the protection of trade from the dangers of
storms, &c. President of the United States recom-
mends the withholding of appropriations from
Indiana, the better to enable said State to extend and com-
plete the Wabash and Erie canal from Terre Haute
to the Ohio river. Report of the Committee on
Public Lands, on the bill (S. 3) to grant certain lands
to the State of

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Indiana, praying the correction of an error in the surveys of
the public lands in White county, in that State. Re-
port of the Committee on Public Lands, on the peti-
tion of citizens of

Indian Affairs during the year 1844. Report of the Com-
missioner of Indian Affairs, showing the operations
of the Office of

Indians. Report of the Committee on the Judiciary, on the
memorial of the Chickasaw

2 12

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- 7

Indian title to the lands north of the Fox river. Resolu-
tions of the Legislature of Wisconsin, in favor of
the extinguishment of the -
Indian tribes. Memorial of the American Indian Mission
Association, praying the adoption of measures for
promoting the permanent welfare of the various - 3
Indians who have become citizens of North Carolina, pray-
ing remuneration for property unlawfully sold by
agents in the employment of the United States. Me-
morial of the Cherokee

Indians. Report of the Secretary of War, communicating
information in relation to contracts made for the re-
moval and subsistence of the

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- 3

86 1

Indians. Report and correspondence of the board of in-
quiry, to prosecute an examination into the causes
and extent of the discontents and difficulties among
the Cherokee

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Iowa may be made to conform to the northern boundary
line of Missouri. Memorial of the Legislature of
Missouri, praying that the southern boundary line of
the proposed State of

Iowa. Constitution for the State of

Iron, copper, and coal. Letter from Professor Johnson, on
the subject of further experiments on

Iron steamers. (See Steamers.)


Jacobs. Report of the Committee on Pensions, on the bill
(H. R. 515) for the relief of Justin -
Johnson, on the subject of further experiments on iron, cop-
per, and coal. Letters from Professor


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King, minister to France, in relation to the disposition of the
French Government in regard to the contemplated
annexation of Texas to the United States. Letter of
Mr. Calhoun, Secretary of State, to Mr.
King. Report of the Committee on Revolutionary Claims,
on the claim of the representatives of Henry


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Lake Superior. Report of Walter Cunningham, late min-
eral agent on
Lake Superior. Report of Messrs. Abert and Sanders, on
the facilities of approach to and intercourse with the
mineral region of
Lake Superior. Report of John Stockton, superintendent
of the mineral lands on

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Land Office, showing the operations of that office during the
year 1844. Report of the Commissioner of the Gen-
eral -

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(See page 10 of the above document, for " Sched-
ule of Accompanying Papers.")

ads to the State of Indiana, the better to enable said State
to extend and complete the Wabash and Erie canal
from Terre Haute to the Ohio river. Report of the
Committee on Public Lands, on the bill (S. 3) to grant

Lads in the State of Mississippi, east of the Pearl river,


and south of the 31st degree of north latitude.
port of the Committee on Public Lands, on the bill to
confirm the survey and location of claims for
Land district in the southern part of the State of Arkansas.

Report of the Committee on Public Lands, on the bill
to organize a new

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Land districts of Fayette and Palmyra may be consolidated
into one, and a land office therefor established at
Bloomington. Report of the Committee on Public
Lands, on sundry petitions of citizens of Missouri,
praying that the

Lands of the United States. Report of the Committee on
Public Lands, on the joint memorial of the General
Assembly of Alabama, and also the bill to grant to
the Tennessee and Coosa Railroad Company a right
of way through the public


Land claimants under the Dubuque claim, in Iowa. Report
of the Committee on Private Land Claims, on the me-
morial of Pierre Chouteau and others
Lands. Resolutions of the Legislature of Vermont, in favor
of the distribution of the proceeds of the public
Lands north of the Fox river. Resolutions of the Legisla-
ture of Wisconsin, in favor of the extinguishment of
the Indian title to

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Land in Louisiana, called the "Houmas claim." Report
of the Secretary of the Treasury, communicating in-
formation in relation to the claim to

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Lands in Michigan. Report of the Secretary of the Treas-
ury, in relation to errors or frauds in the surveys of 7 124
Lands. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, communi-
cating information in relation to issues of second pat-
ents for

Lands sold, &c., in the year 1843. Statement of public
Lands sold, &c., in the first and second quarters of the year
1844. Statement of the

8 139


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1 7


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Lands sold, &c., in the third quarter of the year 1844. State-

ment of public

Lands sold monthly, from 1st January to 30th September,

1844. Statement of purchase money received for -
Lands for each district during the year ending 1st Novem-
ber, 1844, and adjustment of accounts of receivers of
public money during the same period. Exhibit, in
relation to the progress made in registering the sales
of public

- 1 7 31

Lands proclaimed for sale since 26th December, 1843, show-
ing the quantity now under proclamation, &c. State-
ment of the public


Land in each State and Territory, advertised for sale in 1844,
&c., and the probable quantities which will be pre-
pared for market in 1845. Statement of public
Land districts. Reports of the surveyors general of the
Leavenworth. Report of the Committee on the Post Office
and Post Roads, on the petition of Seth M. -
Leavitt. Report of the Committee on Pensions, on the pe-
tition of Catharine

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Light-house on Flynn's knoll, New York. Report on the

condition of the

Light-house on Brandywine shoal. Report on the condi-

Vol. No. Page.

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tion of the .
Light-house establishment. Report of the Secretary of the
Treasury,communicating the result of an experiment,
to ascertain the expediency of using gas, instead of
oil, in the
Louisiana, in relation to the failures of the mail between
Washington and New Orleans. Resolutions of the
Legislature of


McCulloch, of sugar, molasses, &c., and of researches on
hydrometers, under the superintendence of Professor
Bache. Report of chemical analysis, by Professor
Macedonian. Delay of the Government of Chili, in relation
to the
Magnetic observations made at the Girard College, at Phil-
adelphia. Report of the Secretary of War, commu-
nicating a record of the

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Magnetic observations made by Lieutenant Gilliss, under
instructions of the Navy Department of 13th August,
1838. Copy of astronomical and
Mail matter between the United States and foreign coun-
tries, and upon our own waters. Recommendation,
by the President of the U. States, of the establishment
of a line of steam ships, for the transportation of 1 1 16
Mail between Washington and New Orleans. Resolutions
of the Legislature of Louisiana, in relation to the
failures of the

- 8 137 1

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Mail service in 1844. Report of the First Assistant Post-
master General, with tabular statements of -
Mail delivery in that city, and a reduction of the rates of
postage. Correspondence between the Chamber of
Commerce of New York and the Postmaster Gen-
eral, in relation to the establishment of the principal
office for the general

Mail in that country for the United States. Correspondence
between the Postmaster General and the minister to
England, in relation to making up the
Mail or postal matter between the United States and that
country. Correspondence between the Postmaster
General and the minister to France, in relation to the
interchange of

Mail between New York and New Orleans. Information
communicated, in relation to the establishment of a
private express

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- 1 1 697

Mail between Washington and New Orleans in 1844. State-
ment showing the number and causes of failures of the
Maine, in favor of making indemnity for French spoliations
committed prior to 1800. Resolutions of the Legis-
lature of

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