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as we have seen, having found the Convention, which his Legislature had called, utterly and emphatically intractable to the uses of treason, had reconvened his docile Legislature.' But even this body could not be induced to vote the State out of the Union. Below that point, however, it stood ready enough to aid the bolder conspirators; and its pliancy was taxed to the utmost. The State School Fund, the money provided to pay the July interest on the heavy State Debt, and all other available means, amounting in the aggregate to over three millions of dollars, were appropriated to military uses, and placed at the disposal of Jackson, under the pretense of arming the State against any emergency. By another act, the Governor was invested with despotic power-even verbal opposition to his assumptions of authority being constituted treason; while every citizen liable to military duty was declared subject to draft into active service at Jackson's will, and an oath of obedience to the State Executive exacted. Under these acts, Jackson appointed ex-Gov. Sterling Price Major-General of the State forces, with nine Brigadiers-Parsons, M. L. Clark, John B. Clark, Slack, Harris, Rains, McBride, Stein, and Jeff Thompson, commanding in so many districts into which the State was divided. These Brigadiers were ordered by Maj. Gen. Price to muster and organize the militia of their several districts so fast as possible, and send it with all dispatch to Booneville and Lexington, two thriving young cities on the Missouri, respect

of the question had vanished. This was the position of Missouri, to whose Convention not a single Secessionist was elected. Gov. Price was

ively some forty and one hundred miles west of Jefferson, and in the heart of the slaveholding region. | This call having been made, Jackson and Price, fearing an attack from the Federal forces gathering at St. Louis, started westward with their followers, reaching Booneville on the 18th of June. Price, being sick, kept on by steamboat to Lexington.

They had not moved too soon. Gen. Lyon and his army left St. Louis by steamboats on the 13th, and reached Jefferson City on the morning of the 15th, only to find that the Confederate chiefs had started when he did, with a good hundred miles advantage in the race. Reëmbarking on the 16th, he reached Rockport, nearly opposite Booneville, next morning, and espied the Rebel encampment just across the river. In it were collected some two or three thousand men, only half armed, and not at all drilled, under the immediate command of Col. Marmaduke: Jackson, utterly disconcerted by Lyon's unexpected rapidity of movement, had ordered his 'State Guard' to be disbanded, and no resistance to be offered. But Marmaduke determined to fight, and started for the landing, where he hoped to surprise and cut up the Unionists while debarking. He met Lyon advancing in good order, and was easily routed by him, losing two guns, with much camp-equipage, clothing, etc. His raw infantry were dispersed, but his strength in cavalry saved him from utter destruction.

Jackson fled to Warsaw, on the Osage, some eighty miles south-west.

elected from his district as a Union man, without opposition; and, on the assembling of the Convention, was chosen its President." May 3d.






Fifteen miles north of that place, at trated. Sigel found the Rebels, haltCamp Cole, a half-organized regimented after their morning march, well of Unionists, under Capt. Cook, was posted, vastly superior in numbers asleep in two barns, with no pickets and in cavalry, but inferior in artil out save northward, when, during lery, which he accordingly resolved the night of the 18th, they were sur- should play a principal part in the prised by a Rebel force from the battle. In the cannonade which southward, under Col. O'Kane, and ensued, he inflicted great damage utterly routed—being unable to offer on the Rebels and received very any serious resistance. Capt. Cook little, until, after a desultory combat and a portion of his followers barely of three or four hours, the enemy reescaped with their lives. Jackson, solved to profit by their vast superiorreënforced by O'Kane, halted two ity in cavalry by outflanking him, days at Warsaw, then continued his both right and left. This compelled retreat some fifty miles to Montevallo, Sigel to fall back on his baggagein Vernon County, near the west line train, three miles distant, which was of the State, and was here joined on otherwise at the mercy of the enemy. the 3d of July by Price, with such The retreat was made in perfect order, aid as he had been able to gather at with two cannon on either flank, two Lexington and on his way. Their in front, and four in the rear, keeping united force is stated by Pollard at the Rebel cavalry at a respectful 3,600. Being pursued by Lyon, they distance; save when, at the crossing continued their retreat next day, of Dry Fork creek, where the road halting at 9 P. M., in Jasper County, passes between bluffs, an effort was twenty-three miles distant. made to stop him by massing a strong cavalry force in his front. This was easily routed by bringing all his guns to bear upon it; when he continued his retreat to Carthage, and through that town to Sarcoxie, some fifteen miles eastward. It was well, indeed, that he did so; for Jackson's force was augmented, during that night and next morning, by the arrival of Price from the southward, bringing to his aid several thousand Arkansas and Texas troops, under Gens. Ben. McCulloch and Pearce. Our loss in the affair of Carthage was 13 killed and 31 wounded-—not one of


miles hence, at 10 A. M., next morning, they were confronted by a Union force 1,500 strong, under Col. Franz Sigel, who had been dispatched from St. Louis by the South-western Pacific road, to Rolla, had marched thence to Springfield, and had pushed on to Mount Vernon, Lawrence County, hoping to prevent a junction between Jackson and some forces which his Brigadiers were hurrying to his support. Each army appears to have started that morning with intent to find and fight the other; and such mutual intentions are seldom frus

"It seems to be pretty well agreed that Cook's men were about 400 in number: but he reported that he was attacked by 1,200, while Pollard makes O'Kane's force only 350. Cook's account makes his loss 23 killed, 20 wounded, and 30 prisoners; while Pollard says we lost 206

killed, a large number wounded, and over 100 taken prisoners; while the Rebels lost but 4 killed, 15 or 20 wounded, and captured 362 muskets. Such are the materials out of which History is necessarily distilled. Pollard is probably the nearer right in this case.

them abandoned to the enemy; while | nated the first Monday of the Nothe Rebels reported their loss at 40 to 50 killed and 125 to 150 wounded. Sigel, now outnumbered three or four to one, was constrained to continue his retreat, by Mount Vernon, to Springfield; where Gen. Lyon, who had been delayed by lack of transportation, joined and outranked him on the 10th.

Meantime, Gen. Harris, Jackson's Brigadier for north-eastern Missouri, had rallied a considerable force at Paris, near the Mississippi, and hence commenced the work of destroying the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad. Col. Smith's Union force attacked him on the 10th at Palmyra, whence Harris fell back to Monroe, fifiteen miles west, where he destroyed much of the railroad property. Here he was again attacked by Smith, and worsted, losing one gun and 75 prisoners. He thereupon disappeared; but continued actively organizing guerrilla parties, and sending them out to harass and plunder Unionists, destroying their property through all this section, until he finally joined Price, with 2,700 men, at the siege of Lexington. In fact, all over Missouri, partisan fights and guerrilla outrages were now the order of the day.

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vember ensuing as a day of election, whereat the people should ratify or disapprove this decisive action; and, meantime, elected Hamilton R. Gamble Governor, Willard P. Hall Lieut. Governor, and Mordecai Oliver Secretary of State. These officers were that day inaugurated, and the Convention, immediately thereupon, adjourned to the third Monday in December. Their action was ratified, of course, and the functionaries above named continued in their respective offices. These proceedings were met by a proclamation from the Rebel Lieut. Governor, Reynolds, styling himself acting Governor, dated New Madrid, July 31st; wherein he declares that he has been absent for two months, as a Commissioner of Missouri to the Confederate States, and that now


"I return to the State, to accompany, in my official capacity, one of the armies which the warrior statesman, whose genius now presides over the affairs of our half of the Union, has prepared to advance against the common foe. * *

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'I particularly address myself to those who, ted a love of peace to lead them astray from though Southerners in feeling, have permitthe State cause. You now see the State authorities about to assert, with powerful forces, their constitutional rights; you behold the most warlike population on the globe, the people of the lower Mississippi valley, about to rush, with their gleaming bowieknives and unerring rifles, to aid us in driving out the Abolitionists and their Hessian alfriends, the war must soon depart Missouri's lies. If you cordially join our Southern

borders; if you still continue, either in apathy, or in indirect support of the Lincoln Government, you only bring ruin upon yourselves by fruitlessly prolonging the contest. The road to peace and internal security is only through union with the South. We be bygones. Rally to the Stars and Bars, will receive you as brothers, and let bygones in union with our glorious ensign of the Grizzly Bear!"

Jackson followed this (August 6th) 'Jefferson Davis, to wit.


"By the recognized universal public law of all the earth, war dissolves all political compacts. Our forefathers gave as one of


by a Declaration of Independence, | on the part of Jackson, and R. M. T. mainly made up of abuse of the Fed- Hunter acting for Davis, an offensive eral Government, and its efforts to and defensive alliance between Mismaintain its authority in Missouri. souri and the Confederacy; whereby He thus established his right to take all the military force, matériel of war, that State out of the Union: and military operations of the former were transferred to the said Davis, as though she were already in the Confederacy; to which was added a stipulation that she should, so soon as possible, be admitted into the Confederacy; and she has since been represented in its Congress, although no election for members thereof was ever held by her people.

their grounds for asserting their independence that the King of Great Britain had 'abdicated government here, by declaring us out of his protection, and waging war upon us.' The people and Government of the Northern States of the late Union have acted in the same manner toward Missouri, and have dissolved, by war, the connection heretofore existing between her and them.

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The General Assembly of Missouri, the recognized political department of her Government, by an act approved May 10th, 1861, entitled, 'An act to authorize the Governor of the State of Missouri to suppress rebellion and repel invasion,' has vested in the Governor, in respect to the rebellion and invasion now carried on in Missouri by the Government and people of the Northern States and their allies, power and authority 'to take such measures, as in his judgment he may deem necessary or proper, to repel such invasion or put down such rebellion.'

"Now, therefore, by virtue of the authority in me vested by said act, I, Claiborne

F. Jackson, Governor of the State of Missouri, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of my intentions, and firmly believing that I am herein carrying into effect the will of the people of Missouri, do hereby, in their name, by their authority, and on their behalf, and subject at

all times to their free and unbiased control.

make and publish this provisional declaration, that, by the acts of the people and Government of the United States of America, the political connection heretofore existing between said States and the people and Government of Missouri is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that the State of Missouri, as a sovereign, free, and independent republic, has full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent States may of right do."

On the strength of the preceding, there was negotiated at Richmond, on the 31st of October ensuing, by E. C. Cabell and Thomas L. Snead,

The Rebels, largely reënforced from the South, and immensely strong in cavalry, soon overran all southern Missouri, confining Gen. Lyon to Springfield and its immediate vicinity. Aware of their great superiority in numbers, Lyon waited long for reënforcements; but the disaster at Bull Run, and the general mustering out of service of our three-months' men, prevented his receiving any. At length, hearing that the enemy were advancing in two strong columns, from Cassville on the south and Sarcoxie on the west, to overwhelm him, he resolved to strike the former before it could unite with the latter.

He accordingly left Springfield, August 1st, with 5,500 foot, 400 horse, and 18 guns; and, early next morning, encountered at Dug Springs a detachment of the detachment of the enemy, whom he lured into a fight by pretending to fly, and speedily routed and dispersed. The Rebels, under McCulloch, thereupon recoiled, and, moving westward, formed a junction with their weaker column, advancing from Sarcoxie to strike Springfield from the west. Lyon thereupon retraced his steps to Springfield. The Rebels, now com

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