From Pedler's Grove to Garden City. From Red Wing, via Mazeppa, to Rochester. From Minneaska, via East Indian Creek and Read's Ford, to Ma From Des Moines to New Jefferson. From Sigourney to Askoloosa. From Towden, via Oxford Mills and Scotch Grove, to Monticello. From Helena R. R. Station, via Eureka and Kent's Ridge, to Brook lyn. From Dennison to Magnolia. From Des Moines to Saint Joseph, Missouri. From Fort Dodge, via Dakota, Wancosta, Fern Valley, and Emmetts burg, to Estherville. From Newbury, via Hartland and Bristol, to Northwood. From Northwood to Mason City. From Northwood, via Gordonville and Shellrock, to Albert Lea, in Minnesota. From Burlington, via Toolesboro, to Port Louisa. From Osceola, via La Salle, to Hopeville. From Burlington, via Port Louisa and Grandview, to Ononioa. From Vernon, via Mount Sterling and Upton, to Memphis. From Rockford, via Rock Grove City, Nora Springs, Shell Rock Falls, and Plymouth, to Northwood. From Boonsboro, via Dennison, Paradise, Olmstead, and Whitesboro, to Saint John. From Guttenburg, via Elkport and Littleport, to Strawberry Point. From Nevada, via Iowa Centre, Peoria, and Greencastle, to Colfax. From Grundy Centre, via Parkersburg, Butler Centre, West Point, and Coldwater, to Marble Rock. From Wheatland, via Toronto and Burgess, to Monmouth. From Webster to Luni. From Sigourney to Montezuma. From Iona to New Hartford. From Winterset to Fort Des Moines. From Postville, via Sybrand [Lybrand] and Ludlow, to Waukon. From West Union, via Fredericksburg, Williamstown, and Bradford, to Nashua. From Centreville, via Cincinnati, Unionville, Pennville, Greencastle, Birdseye Ridge, Pleasantville, New Boston, Bucklin, Westville, to Keitsville. From Onawa to Section Eight, township eighty-five. From Des Moines, via Hickory Grove, Palestine, Ames, Blinkson, and Saratoga, to Webster City. From Winterset, via Afton, Bedford, and Maryville, to Savannah, in Missouri. From Postville to Waukon. From Panora, via Dale City, to Fontanelle. From Des Moines, via Pilot Grove and Macksville, to Lewis. From Algona, via Armstrong's Grove and Mud Lakes, to Esthersville. From Parkersburg to Marble Rock. From Marion to Winthrop. From Eldoria, via Point Pleasant, to Tipton. From Recerville, via Wentworth, to Le Roy, in Minnesota. From Des Moines, via Chariton, Corydon, and Linersville, to Chillicothe, in Missouri. Iowa. Ante, pp. 8, 189. Post routes in Iowa. Wisconsin. Ante, pp. 8, 189. California. Ante, pp. 5, 190. From Postville to Wauken. From Lewis, via Red Oak Junction, to Sidney. From Vernon to Memphis, Missouri. From Germanville to Coalport. From Grinnell to New Hartford. From Homestead to Little City. From Marshaltown, via Timber Creek and College Farm, to Newton. From Clio to Iowa Centre. From Pottsville to Wauken. From New Oregon, via Vernon Springs, Line Springs, Glen Rock, and Eatonville, in Iowa, and La Roy, in Minnesota, to Austin, Minne sota. From Brighton, via Germanville, Salina, to Glendale. From Menomonee, via Mill Spring and Plumb city, to Maiden Rock. From Richland Centre, via Boaz, Bradeys, Yankeetown, Rising Sun, and Alexander's Mills, to De Sota. From Princeton, via Germania, to Montelle. From Pella to Shawnee. From Woodman, via Millerville, Mount Hope, and Tafton, to Beetown. From Maysville to Theresa. From Trempealeau, via Arcadia, Burnside, and Hale, to Sumner. From Manston to Warner. From River Falls to Brookville. From Melrose to Sparta. From Alma to Durana. From White Creek, via Easton, Arcade, Woodworth, and Point Basel, to Plover. From Denison to Ida. WISCONSIN. From Dunleith, Illinois, to Platteville, Wisconsin. From Woodman, by Millville, Mount Hope, and Tayton, to Beetown. From Richland Centre, by Boaz, Brady's Rowes, Yanktown, Towerville, Rising Sun, and Alexander's Mill, to De Sota. From Wilson's Creek, by Black Hawk, to Sauk City. CALIFORNIA. From San Buenaventura, via Ojai, to Camulas. From Oisalia, via Fort Tejon, to Bakersfield. From Red Bluff, via Nome Lackee, to Coast Range. From Cloverdale, via Uncle Sam, Lower Lake, and Lake Port, to Up per Lake. From Susanville to Taylorsville. From Fort Bidwell to Susansville. From Taylorville to Carner Place. From Chico to Colusa. From Colusa, via Antelope Valley, Bear Valley, and Sulphur Springs, to Lakeport. From Oak Creek to Independence. From Suison City, Solano County, via Gordon Valley, Rag Cannon, and Berryessa Valley, to Lower Lake, in Lake County. From Smith's Ranch, via Caffey's Cave, Casper Creek Mills, Noyo Mills, Ten Mile River, Bear Harbor, Shelter Cove, and Upper Mattole, to Lower Mattole. KENTUCKY. Post routes in From Horse Kane to Bucksville. From Augusta, via Brookville, Powersville, Petra, Milford, to Claysville. From Richmond to Lexington. From Irvine to McKee. From Cattlesburg, via Canonsburg, Botts Fork, Sulphur Spring, and Cherokee, to Blair. From Somerset to Knorville. From Beattysville to Thompsonville. MONTANA TERRITORY. From Virginia City, via Formans, Fosters, and Boreman's City, to Yellowstone City. From Crossing of Gallatin at Foster's farm, to Gallatin City. WASHINGTON TERRITORY. From Seattle, via Tree Posts, Pass Blakeley, to Pass Orchard. DAKOTA TERRITORY. From Fort Randall to Fort Sully. From Sioux Falls to Ponca. From Fort Wadsworth to Devil's Lake. OREGON. From Dallas City, via Selilo, Umatilla, Wallula, to Walla-Walla. Oregon. From Logan to Oxford. From Nephi to Saint George, via Severe Valley and Fort Gunnison. KANSAS. From Paoli, via Miami, Madora, to Blooming Grove. From Humboldt, via Coonville, Lightning Creek Valley, Chetopah, Cabin Creek, Alburdes, to Fort Gibson. From Ottawa to Mound City. From Cottonwood Falls to Lincolnville. From Wathena, via Columbus, to Iowa City Point. NEVADA. From West Gate to Ione. From Austin to Unionville. From Austin, via Pahranagat and Callville, to Fort Mojave. NEW JERSEY. From Woodmansee to Mannahawkin. NEBRASKA TERRITORY. From Dakota City to Yancton, in Dakota Territory. From Plattsmouth to Columbus. From Ponca to Fremont. From Saint John's, Iowa, via De Soto and Fontanelle, Nebraska, to Buchanan, Nebraska. Utah Terri tory. Kansas. Ante, pp. 8, 189. Nevada. Ante, pp. 7, 190. New Jersey. Nebraska Territory. Ante, p. 7. Post routes in Nebraska Terri tory. Idaho Terri tory. Montana Ter From Brownsville to Table Rock, Nebraska. From Brownsville to Grant, Nebraska. From Fremont, via Jalappa, Saint Charles, Greenwood, West Point, and Rock Creek, to South Fork of Elk Horn. IDAHO TERRITORY. From Idaho City to Rocky Bar. From Ruby City, via Puebla Valley, to Chico, in California. From Ruby City to Jacksonville, in Oregon. From Placerville, via Warren's Diggings to Florence. From Boise City, via Old Fort Boise, to Clanyon City, in Oregon. MONTANA TERRITORY. From Kalmiche to Elma. From Jefferson Crossing, via Silver Prow City and Deer Lodge City, to Blackfoot. From Helena to Diamond City. From Helena, via Blackfoot, to Hell Gate. From Virginia City, via Sterling and Garfield, to Gallatin City. From Gallatin City to Boreman. From Helena, via Dearborn and Sun River Farm, to Fort Benton. From Diamond City to Fort Benton. From Junction, via on Salt Lake Road, via Cut Off, to Virginia City. From Hell Gate to Flat Head. From Virginia City, to Fort Sully, in Dakota Territory. From Helena, via Fort Laramie and Fort Reno, to New Fort Kearney, in Nebraska Territory. From Helena to Blackfoot City. From Bannock City, via German Gulch, to French Gulch. From Bannock City to Montana City, on Rattlesnake Creek. From Virginia City, via Silver Bow, Deer Lodge City, and Hell Gate, to Fort Owens, in Bitter Root Valley. DAKOTA TERRITORY. From Panca Agency to Chateau. From Fort Sully to Virginia City, in Montana Territory. INDIAN TERRITORY. From Fort Gibson, via Creek Agency, to Seminole Agency. CHAP. CCLXVIII. - An Act in Relation to the Appointment of Clerks to the Courts of Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That each judge of the district court shall appoint a clerk for each court in his district, who shall reside and keep his office at the place of holding said court, and exercise the powers now provided by law for the clerk of the supreme court of the Territory of Washington, and be subject to all provisions of law, not inconsistent with this act, applicable to the clerk of said supreme court. APPROVED, July 26, 1866. CHAP. CCLXIX. -An Act to provide for and to regulate the Weighing of Exports, July 26, 1868. and for other Purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That upon all weighable Upon certain articles hereafter exported, upon which a drawback or return duty is cles exported, weighable artiallowed, and upon all weighable goods withdrawn from bonded ware- three cents per houses for export, there shall be levied and collected, by the collectors of hundred pounds the several ports, three cents per hundred pounds, to be determined by the returns of the weighers. to be collected. Office of measurerer at SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the office of measurer at the port of New York is hereby abolished, and the duties heretofore per- New York formed by them shall be performed by the weighers. SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the weighers at the port of New York shall receive, from and after the passage of this act, an annual salary of twenty-five hundred dollars: Provided, That the increase of compensation, over and above the present salary of said officers, shall not exceed, in any fiscal year, the amount of fees earned by them. APPROVED, July 26, 1866. abolished. New York. CHAP. CCLXX. - An Act granting Lands to the State of Kansas to aid in the Con- July 26, 1866. struction of a southern Branch of the Union Pacific Railway and Telegraph, from Fort Riley, Kansas, to Fort Smith, Arkansas. If any of have been sold be selected in Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That for the purpose of aiding Public lands the Union Pacific Railroad Company, southern branch, the same being a granted to Kansas to aid in corporation organized under the laws of the State of Kansas to construct construction of and operate a railroad from Fort Riley, Kansas, or near said military a railroad and reservation, thence down the valley of the Neosho River to the southern Fort Riley to telegraph from line of the State of Kansas, with a view to an extension of the same Fort Smith. through a portion of the Indian Territory to Fort Smith, Arkansas, there is hereby granted to the State of Kansas, for the use and benefit of said railroad company every alternate section of land or parts thereof designated by odd numbers, to the extent of five alternate sections per mile on each side of said road and not exceeding in all ten sections per mile; but in case it shall appear that the United States have, when the line of said road is definitely located, sold any section, or any part there- granted lands of, granted as aforesaid, or that the right of pre-emption or homestead or reserved, &c. settlement has attached to the same, or that the same has been reserved other lands may by the United States for any purpose whatever, then it shall be the duty lieu thereof. of the Secretary of the Interior to cause to be selected for the purposes aforesaid, from the public lands of the United States nearest to the sections above specified, so much land as shall be equal to the amount of such lands as the United States have sold, reserved, or otherwise appropriated, or to which the right of homestead settlement or pre-emption has attached as aforesaid, which lands, thus indicated by the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, shall be reserved and held for the State of Kansas for the use of said company by the said Secretary for the purpose of the construction and operation of said railroad, as provided by this act: Provided, That any and all lands heretofore reserved Lands heretoto the United States by any act of Congress, or in any other manner by excepted from competent authority, for the purpose of aiding in any object of internal this act. improvement or other purpose whatever, be, and the same are hereby, reserved and excepted from the operation of this act, except so far as it may be found necessary to locate the route of said road through such reserved lands, in which case the right of way, two hundred feet in width, is hereby granted, subject to the approval of the President of the United States: And provided, further, That said lands hereby granted shall not be selected beyond twenty miles from the line of said from line of road. road. fore reserved Right of way granted. Lands not to be selected beyond twenty miles |