Building corner F and 17th streets. Building corner F and 15th streets. Navy Depart ment. Pay of Secretary, &c. Bureau of Office of the chief engineer: For blank books, stationery, binding, and miscellaneous items, three thousand five hundred dollars. Office of the surgeon-general: For blank books, stationery, binding, and miscellaneous items, including rent of office, fifteen thousand dollars. Office of the chief of ordnance: For blank books, stationery, binding, and miscellaneous items, ten thousand dollars. Office of military justice: For blank books, stationery, binding, and miscellaneous items, one thousand five hundred dollars. For the General Purposes of the Northwest Executive Building.— For compensation of superintendent, four watchmen, and two laborers of the northwest executive building, three thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars. For labor, fuel, light, and miscellaneous items, twenty thousand dollars. For the General Purposes of the Building corner of F and Seventeenth streets. For compensation of superintendent, four watchmen, and two laborers for said building, three thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars. For fuel, compensation of firemen, and miscellaneous items, ten thousand dollars. For the General Purposes of the Building corner of F and Fifteenth streets. - For superintendent, watchmen, rent, fuel, lights, and miscellaneous items, fifteen thousand dollars. Navy Department. For compensation of the Secretary of the Navy, assistant secretary of the navy, solicitor and naval judge-advocate-general, chief clerk, and the clerks, messenger, assistant messenger, and laborers in his office, fifty-eight thousand one hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the chief of the bureau of navy yards and yards and docks; docks, and the civil engineer, chief clerk, clerks, messenger, and laborers in his office, nineteen thousand two hundred and forty dollars. of equipment and recruiting; of navigation; of ordnance; of construc For compensation of the chief of the bureau of equipment and recruiting, chief clerk, and the clerks, messenger, and laborer in his office, sixteen thousand one hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the chief of the bureau of navigation, chief clerk, and the clerks, messenger, and laborer in his office, nine thousand three hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the chief of the bureau of ordnance, and the assistant, chief clerk, clerks, draughtsman, messenger, and laborers in his office, eighteen thousand eight hundred and twenty dollars. For compensation of the chief of the bureau of construction and repair, tion and repair; chief clerk, and the clerks, draughtsman, messenger, and laborer in his office, sixteen thousand three hundred and forty dollars. of steam engineering; of provisions and clothing; of medicine and surgery. Contingent expenses. Bureau of yards and docks. For compensation of the chief of the bureau of steam engineering, chief clerk, and the clerks, draughtsman, messenger, and laborer in his office, ten thousand seven hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the chief of the bureau of provisions and clothing, chief clerk, and the clerks, messenger, and laborer, twenty-four thousand three hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the chief of the bureau of medicine and surgery, assistant, and the clerks, messenger, and laborer in his office, ten thousand five hundred and forty dollars. Incidental and Contingent Expenses of the Navy Department. - Office of the Secretary of the Navy: For stationery, labor, newspapers, periodicals, and miscellaneous items, five thousand dollars. Bureau of yards and docks: For stationery, books, plans, drawings, and incidental labor, one thousand eight hundred dollars. Bureau of equipment and recruiting: For stationery, books, and miscellaneous items, five hundred dollars. For stationery, blank books, and miscellaneous items, two thousand four hundred dollars. Bureau of ordnance: For stationery and miscellaneous items, one thousand three hundred dollars. Bureau of construction and repair: For stationery and miscellaneous items, one thousand dollars. Bureau of equipment and recruiting; of navigation; of ordnance; of construction and repair; of steam engi For stationery and miscellaneous items, two thousand five hundred neering; dollars. Bureau of provisions and clothing: of provisions For stationery and miscellaneous items, one thousand five hundred and clothing; dollars. Bureau of medicine and surgery: of medicine For blank books, stationery, and miscellaneous items, eight hundred and surgery dollars. To defray the expense of introducing water into the naval academy Water at naval academy. grounds and buildings at Annapolis, Maryland, nine thousand dollars. For the General Purposes of the Southwest Executive Building. For Southwest compensation of five watchmen and two laborers of the southwest execu- executive buildtive building, four thousand seven hundred and fifty-two dollars. For contingent expenses of said building, viz: For labor, fuel, lights, and miscellaneous items, seven thousand five hundred dollars. ing. Post Office Department. Post Office Department. For compensation of the Postmaster-General, three assistant postmasters-general, chief clerk, and the clerks, pay of Postmessenger, assistant messengers, watchmen, and laborers of said depart- master-General, ment, one hundred and seventy-seven thousand seven hundred and twenty &c. dollars. For compensation of authorized additional and for temporary clerks, thirty-seven thousand dollars. expenses of Post Contingent Expenses of the Post Office Department. For blank Contingent books, binding, and stationery, fuel for the general post office building, Office Depart including the auditor's office, oil, gas, and candles, printing, repair of the ment. general post office building, office furniture, glazing, painting, whitewashing, and for keeping the fireplaces and furnaces in order; for engineer for steam-engine, laborers, watchmen, repairs of furniture, and for miscellaneous items, forty-five thousand dollars. Money Order Bureau. For compensation of superintendent and the clerks in his office, seven thousand five hundred dollars. Topographer. For preparing and publishing post-route maps of the United States, ten thousand dollars. Money order bureau. Topographer. Department of Department of Agriculture. - For compensation of commissioner of agriculture, chief clerk, and the clerks and employés in this office, agriculture. thirty-nine thousand six hundred dollars. cies. Agricultural statistics. Purchase and For contingencies, viz: For stationery, purchase of library, laboratory, Contingenrent, and miscellaneous items, eleven thousand five hundred dollars. For collecting agricultural statistics, ten thousand dollars. For purchase and distribution of new and valuable seeds, viz: For purchase of cereal, vegetable, and flower seeds, and for labor in distribution of putting up seeds, seed bags, and miscellaneous items, sixty thousand dol- seeds. lars: Provided, That the commissioner of agriculture shall only pur- Proviso. chase and distribute, with the fund herein appropriated for that purpose, such seeds as are rare and uncommon to the country, or such as can be made more profitable by frequent changes from one part of our own country to another. Propagation, &c. of plants, cuttings, and shrubs. Proviso. Experimental garden. Mint at Phila delphia. Branch at San Francisco. Assay office, New York. Branch mint at Denver. Independent treasury. For employés in seed-room, five thousand two hundred dollars. For propagation and distribution of plants, cuttings, and shrubs, fourteen thousand dollars: Provided, That the propagation of plants, cuttings, and shrubs shall be confined to such as are adapted to general cultivation and to promote the general interests of horticulture and agriculture throughout the United States. For experimental garden in reservation number two, eight thousand eight hundred dollars. Mint at Philadelphia. For salaries of the director, treasurer, assayer, melter and refiner, chief coiner and engraver, assistant assayer, and seven clerks, thirty-five thousand five hundred dollars. For wages of workmen and adjusters, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. For specimens of ores and coins to be preserved in the cabinet of the mint, six hundred dollars. For freight on bullion and coin, five thousand dollars. Branch Mint at San Francisco, California. - For salaries of superintendent, treasurer, assayer, melter and refiner, coiner, and six clerks, thirty-two thousand dollars. For wages of workmen and adjusters, two hundred thousand dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses, repairs and wastage, one hundred thousand dollars. Assay Office, New York. For salaries of superintendent, assayer and melter, and refiner, assistant assayer, officers and clerks, twenty-five thousand seven hundred dollars. For wages of workmen, forty thousand dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses, thirty-five thousand dollars. Branch Mint at Denver. For superintendent, assayer, melter, refiner, coiner, and clerks, thirteen thousand dollars. For wages of workmen, twenty thousand three hundred and one dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses, twelve thousand dollars. Independent Treasury. — For salaries of the assistant treasurers of the United States at New York, Boston, Charleston, and St. Louis, viz: for the assistant treasurer at New York, eight thousand dollars; those at Boston and Saint Louis, each, five thousand dollars; and the one at Charleston, two thousand five hundred, -twenty thousand five hundred dollars. Additional sal- For additional salary of the treasurer of the mint at Philadelphia, one ary of treasurer thousand dollars. at Philadelphia; at New Orleans; at Denver. Clerks at office of assistant treasurer at Boston; of those now authorized, and their salaries. For additional salary of the treasurer of the branch mint at New Orleans, five hundred dollars. For additional salary of the treasurer of the branch mint at Denver, five hundred dollars. For salaries of the clerks and messengers in the office of assistant treasurer at Boston, twenty-five thousand two hundred dollars: Provided, Appointment' That in lieu of the clerks heretofore authorized, the assistant treasurer of of clerks in lieu the United States at Boston is hereby authorized to appoint, with the approbation of the Secretary of the Treasury, one chief clerk, at a salary of three thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, at a salary of twenty-five hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, at a salary of two thousand dollars per annum; two clerks, at a salary of eighteen hundred dollars per annum, each; two clerks, at a salary of fifteen hundred dollars per annum, each; six clerks, at a salary of twelve hundred dollars per annum, each; one clerk, at a salary of one thousand dollars per annum; two clerks, at a salary of eight hundred dollars per annum, each; one porter, at a salary of seven hundred dollars per annum; and one watchman, at a salary of six hundred dollars per annum. For salaries of clerks, messengers, and watchmen, in office of the as sistant treasurer at Philadelphia, eighteen thousand three hundred dollars. For salary of additional clerks in the office of the assistant treasury at Philadelphia, six thousand five hundred and eighty-five dollars. For salaries of clerks, messengers, and watchmen in the office of the assistant treasurer at New York, one hundred and twenty thousand three hundred and twenty dollars. For salaries of clerks, messenger, and watchmen in the office of the assistant treasurer at Saint Louis, nine thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars. For additional salaries to the messenger at four hundred dollars per annum, and to four watchmen at one hundred dollars per annum each, in the office of the assistant treasurer at Saint Louis, eight hundred dollars. For salaries of clerks, porter, and watchmen in the office of the assistant treasurer at New Orleans, nine thousand six hundred dollars. For compensation to stamp clerk in the office of the assistant treasurer at San Francisco, two thousand four hundred dollars. For compensation of the depositary at Santa Fe, and the clerk, watchman, and porter in his office, four thousand eight hundred dollars. For salary of the clerk to the acting assistant treasurer at Denver, one thousand eight hundred dollars. For salaries of additional clerks, and additional compensation of officers and clerks, under act of August sixth, eighteen hundred and fortysix, for the better organization of the treasury, at such rates as the Secretary may deem just and reasonable, sixty thousand dollars. Salaries of clerks, &c. at Philadelphia; additional clerks; at New York; at Saint Louis; at New Orleans; at San Francisco; at Santa Fe; at Denver. Additional clerks, &c. 1846, ch. 90. Vol. ix. p. 59. For compensation to designated depositaries, under fourth section of Designated the act of August sixth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, for the collec- depositaries. tion, safe-keeping, transfer, and disbursement of the public revenue, eight thousand dollars. Special agents. For compensation to special agents, under act of the sixth of August, eighteen hundred and forty-six, eight thousand dollars. For salaries of icn supervising and fifty-six local inspectors, appointed Inspectors of under act of the thirtieth August, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, for the steamboats. better protection of tho lives of passengers by steamboats, with travelling and other expenses incurred in carrying into effect the steamboat inspection law, including the expenses of their annual meeting, eighty-five thousand dollars. 1852, ch. 106. Vol. x. p. 61. Checks and For contingent expenses under the act of the sixth of August, eighteen Contingent hundred and forty-six, for the collection, safe-keeping, transfer, and dis- expenses. bursement of the public revenue, in addition to premium which may be received on transfer drafts: Provided, That no part of said sum shall be expended for clerical services, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For checks and certificates of deposit for office of assistant treasurer certificates of at New York, and other offices, eighteen thousand dollars: Provided, deposit. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized, at Machinery, fixtures, &c. of his discretion, to remove the whole or any portion of the machinery, ap- branch mints at paratus, and fixtures of the branch mints of the United States at New New Orleans, Orleans, Charlotte, and Dahlonega, to such other branch mints as in his Charlotte, and Dahlonega may opinion may require the same, or at his discretion to discontinue the be removed or branch mint at New Orleans, Charlotte, and Dahlonega, and to dispose of the property belonging thereto, if he shall deem it expedient, at public auction to the highest bidder. GOVERNMENTS IN THE TERRITORIES. sold, These branch mints may be discontinued. Government in the territories. New Mexico. Territory of New Mexico. - For salaries of governor, chief justice, Territory of and two associate judges, and secretary, twelve thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of said Territory, one thousand dollars. For interpreter and translator in the executive office, five hundred dollars. Territory of Utah; Washington; Nebraska; Colorado; Dakota; Arizona; Idaho; Montana. For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks, and contingent expenses of the assembly, twenty thousand dollars. Territory of Utah. For salaries of governor, chief justice, two associate judges, and secretary, twelve thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of the Territory, one thousand five hundred dollars. For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks, and contingent expenses of the assembly, eighteen thousand dollars. Territory of Washington.- For salaries of governor, chief justice, two associate judges, and secretary, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of said Territory, one thousand five hundred dollars. For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, officers, clerk, and contingent expenses of the assembly, twenty thousand dollars. Territory of Nebraska. For salaries of governor, chief justice, and two associate judges, and secretary, ten thousand five hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of said Territory, one thousand dollars. For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks, and contingent expenses of the assembly, fifteen thousand dollars. Territory of Colorado. For salaries of governor and superintendent of Indian affairs, chief justice, and two associate judges, and secretary, nine thousand seven hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of said Territory, one thousand dollars. For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks, and contingent expenses of the assembly, ten thou sand dollars. Territory of Dakota. - For salaries of governor and superintendent of Indian affairs, chief justice, and two associate judges, and secretary, nine thousand seven hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of the Territory, one thousand dollars. For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks, and contingent expenses of the assembly, fifteen thousand dollars. Territory of Arizona.- For salaries of governor, chief justice, and two associate judges, and secretary, twelve thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of the Territory, one thousand dollars. For interpreter and translator in the executive office, five hundred dollars. For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks, and contingent expenses of the assembly, twenty thousand dollars. Territory of Idaho. - For salaries of governor and superintendent of Indian affairs, chief justice, and two associate judges, and secretary, twelve thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of the Territory, one thousand dollars. For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks, and contingent expenses of the assembly, twenty thousand dollars. Territory of Montana. For compensation of governor and superintendent of Indian affairs, chief justice, and two associate judges, and secretary, twelve thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of the Territory, one thousand dollars. For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks, and contingent expenses, twenty thousand dollars. |