Aberdeen Lord-correspondence with American min- ister on detention of vessels Abduction
Abolition-trial in Missouri 74; movement in Connec ticut 80; Mr. Slade's speech on 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143; speech concluded 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159; Mr. Rayner's speech on reception of petitions from 170 to 175; ticket in N. York 224; petition pre- sented relative to repeal of rule of house, relative to reso- lutions on petitions 269; conversation in U. S. Senate, on suspending rule in reference to 301; debate 302; laid on table ib.; petitions 335; meeting held at Boston, conven- tion in N. York 334 Accounts-standing com. of H. Rep on 255 Acqueduct 258; of Croton 365 Acts-to appropriate proceeds of sales of public lands, &c. 39, 40; on duties and drawbacks 62; Texas of land grants 66; navy pension 70; authorising issue of treasury notes 333; establishing treasury department 405, 409 Adams, J. Q.--relative to les-ening diplomatic agen- cies 14; on Smithsonian bequest 27; on citizens of U. States confined in Van Dieman's land 31; speech on McLeod 60, 61, 62; on rules of house 333: resolutions of reference of president's message, submitted by 301; lec- tare by, on war between G. Brit. and China 326, 325. pentions presented by, 349; on petitions to move from chairman of committee on foreign affairs 350; debate 351; petition for dissolution of Union presented by 351; vote and proceedings on censure of 359; debate thereon 360 to 367; further debate 373 te 353; Ohio vote of cen- 334 to 412 11, 349 397
Adjournment-vote in U. S. Senate Adrien-fire in
Advent conference--in New York
160 Africa-account of expedition to the Niger in 231; object of expedition to 83; travels of Dr. Matthews in 131; seizures on coast of 146; intelligence from 256; emigration from ib.; Algiers skirmishes, &c. Agents for Register Ages-of newspapers Agriculture-table of comparative value of states in 70; standing committee of U. S. Senate on 251, 255 Agricultural convention-resolution of H. reps. 269 Agricultural society-national 226; organi officers 273 Aids-de-camp of Gen. Washington Algiers-intelligence from
Alabama-supreme court of 22, general ticket system of electing members of congress 39; penal code of 119; legislature of 167; assembled Gov. Bagby's message to 204, 205; legislature adjourned, opinions of, public land sales 213; 229; extract from literary address in 241; bill for additional land district in 254; memorial of legislature of, for land office, 268; bill in U. S. senate, authorising payment of certain claims of and for relief of certain set- tlers ib; resolutions adopted against land distribution bill by legislature 274; land office bill engrossed 299; act for early disposition of lands acquired from Cherokees 393 Americans-captured near Sante Fe American antiquities
American colonization society-25th meeeting of American ministers-in Europe 273; Mr. Everett American revolution-Sydney Smith on
Armed forces, (on lakes) treaty concerning Armory, western
Bank bill, debate on veto of Bank officers, arrested Bank robbers, sentenced Bankruptcy
horrid outrage, justice to 149; bonds of 160; state bonds relative to 384; bill allowing the of District of Columbia 274; Indian murders in 319 another year of suspension passed 339; of Michigan, of 63 Kentucky 400; adjourned general meeting of stockhol- 161 ders of United States of Pennsylvania resolutions there. Army-general orders, sickness at West Point 3; din-of, Mr. Jaudon 401; bill in relation to, of District of ner to Col. Bankhead and officers, general orders, tri-Columbia referred to district committee 413, 414; re- bute to worth 19; general orders, death of leut. Jones, quartermaster department 37, Gen. Scott, Col. Churchill, Capt. Brewerton, ordnance department regulations 56; Brigadier General Wool, extract of letter from Florida ib; Gen. Wool, northern frontier, fortifications, operations, survey, suicides, Wild Cat, capt. Harrison 69, maj gen. Bankrupt bill-contents of the 4, 5, 6; vote on refer- Scott at Washington, general orders, topographical en-ring bill to postpone operation on, to committee on ju- gineers, death of lieut. Allen, medical staff, first artillery diciary 273; memorials against postponing or repealing at Fort Fairfield, 2d artillery movement, first infantry, 330, 331, 332, 333; considered in senate 355; vote of the transfers, recruits, news from Florida 86; obituary no- United States senate on tice of death of lieut. Jones, order by superintendent of armory at Springfield 87; general orders, 1st dragoons, resignation, major Gardner, 2d infantry, fifth infantry, 6th Infantry, court martials, murders in Florida, Indian movements 101; Florida, Little Rock 116; general or ders, movement of troops 123, 132; St. Clair Denny ap- pointed paymaster 145; deaths in Florida, lieutenant co- lonel Garland at Tampa 146; general orders, Floridian news, lent. Sprague, storin destroying camp 164; re- cruits, military academy, companies ordered to Baton Rogue, col. Harney commander in Florida 165; general orders, arrivals at Detroit, detachment of 1st regiment, torufication armaments 150; Fio ida movements, a cap- size, death of Dr. Weightman of, interesting facts rela- tive to 181; result of scout in Florida, yellow fever, fevers 201; decision on aliens' enlisting 202; extract of letter from capt. Wade; 4th artillery stations, 2d infantry, 5th infantry, death of col. Hook and Frederick Dunn 211; general orders, topographical engineers, ordnance de partment, Florida news, death of Dr. McKinley, Fort Mallin 227; bill introduced in United States senate for equalizing pay of 268; resignation in 273; major general Gaines authorised to remain at Washington, 2d dra- goons, five companies for Baton Rouge 259; major R. A. Zantzinger's death, sites for western armory, search for Florida Indians, emigrating Indians, death and biog. raphy of major Wilcox 322; major Plympton's encounter with Halleck Tuskennggee 358; bill reported in U. States senate, making appropriations for Arts and sciences of Italy Ashburton Lord, special mission of to U. States 337; account of
Bankrupt law-history of 2, 3, 273; memorial of New York merchants relative to, in United States senate 276; memorials 279; Mr. Benton on postponement of ope- ration of it; referred to committee on judiciary 250; vote on 293, 311; repeal of asked 312, 316; committee instructed to report bill to repeal ib; petitions of Louisi- ana for repeal of ib; yeas and nays on reference and in- struction for repeal of 317, 320; remonstrances on 331; amendments proposed 333; bill reported and read to re- peal the, debate on 334; repeal of in house of represen tavs 335, 346, 347 348; petitions for and against 355; petrions against repeal or postponement 359, 371; 372, b, 395, 397; on engrossment ib, 412, 413, 415 Barker, J. N. nomination of rejected 416 Battle of New Orleans, facts in relation to 386, 357 Beacon light 56 144
Badger, G. E. (secretary of navy) letter of resignation grain during the year 336; mortality of from 53; address by
Boston-city debt 61: coasting trade 176; imports of
213, 219 Bagby, governor, message of 204, 205 Bagby, A. P. elected United States senator from Ala- 355|bama 223; qualified Bagot, Sir Charles, sails for Canada Bahama waters, novel notion relative to British laws on Baker. J. N. acting comptroller of treasury Baldwin, Gen. B. G. judge of court of appeals Virginia Baltimore-commerce of
American scamen-bill reported making appropria- tions for relief and protection of, in foreign countries 381; reported in U. S, senate 395; laid aside to house of reps. 395; bill passed house of representatives American trade-in Pacific 19; with Great Britain ib. Amistad
Boits, Mr. remarks by 44, 45; on second veto 74 to 79 Boundary-north eastern 130; resolations of Vermont on 202, 210; communication on the, of Texas and Unit- ed States 331: report of secretary of state relative to orthern of Missouri 331; resolution of enquiry relative to the of Wisconsin and Michigan 349; relative to the betweeen the U. States and Texas 349, 395; message 398 from president relative to N. Hampshire & Maine Bradford, T. nominated district judge in Pennsylva nia 354; rejection and vote of sennte
Bank-national, petition of North Carolineans for 114; suit of the United States of Pennsylvania, against N. Biddle 16; of Connecticut 20; petitions for a, of U. 164 States 23; resolution adopted relative to the Pennsylvania 288 dues 25; of Pennsylvania 32; of the Metropolis, North 176 American Trust and Banking company, suit against
Anthracite-furnace 118; coal trade Antigua-scarcity of provisions in
Anti-slavery-convention 125; society of Pennsylva-editors 32; treasurer's communication on amount of nia present memorial to congress
Anti-slavery society-question of reception of resolu- tions from house of representatives
Buenos Ayres-engagements anticipated in 66, 131 Buffalo-petition from citizens of relative to American citizens prisoners at Australia 300; tonnage of 416 Burleson, Shadrick, (vice president of Texas) account
Burr Aaron's papers Bustamente, (president of Mexico) exile of Butter
299 funds in the, of Pennsylvania 42; items 45; stock of U. States of Pennsylvania, farmer's of Canton, Ohio. losses 349 of, of Louisiana 64; statement of the, of South Carolina Appointments by the president-1, 19, 33, 53, 67; 74; Herkimer, Commercial of England 89; U. States 84, 93, 113, 164, 177, 239, 305; Mr. Clay's resolutions be- agency 96; items of England 112; effects of stoppage in fore United States senate for transferring power of, in Philadelphia 118; of Georgia, of Ohio 119; items 123; certain cases 299. 322, 353, 384, 400, 416 items 144; of the, of Vermont 147; the, of New Orleans Apportionment-report on bill relative to, 319; read 149; items 160; items, Mr. Jaudon, meeting of presidents and referred 350; resolution relative to 398, 399; Mass of in New Orleans, correspondence of convention of, of chusetts and Ohio movements relative to 416 Baltimore, table of circulation and specie of, of Baltimore, Appropriations-bill passed making, for civil depart Jacksonville, of Florida resumed specie payments 176; ment 263 269; bill introduced in house of representatives versus United States 201; of United States 203; icas for congress 269; resolutions adopted in US senate on 203, 224; Eagle Bank (Boston) of England, item, New expediency of making, for paying expenses of treaty 277; York city, Watertown, New Orleans 210, 256; stock, resolutions adopted 313; asked for survey of Tennessee profits, and suspensions 283; chamber of commerce ask river, 316; bills reported making, for civil and diplomatic appropriation for purchase of the United States for cus expenses, for army, military academy, navy, Indian de tom house 312; report of stockholders of United States partment and pensions 359; petition of Indiana for, for of Pennsylvania read, resolutions adopted 290; officers Canals of Illinois 3; Canadian 18; statisties of Now Internal improvement 371; for Milwaukie harbor ib; bill of the United States bound over 336; the union of Mis- York 20; boats at Philadelphia 32; 1 N. York 80; tolls, reported making, for relief and protection of American sissippi 336; mobbing of in Cincinnati ib; condition of New York state 118; of Illinois and Michigan 119; J C. seamen in foreign countries 381; bills passed senate ma- the of Baltimore, resumption of demanded by Mary Butler appointed commissioner in Penn. 166; items 192; king, for seamen and pensions for 1842 396, Mr. Merland legislature, notes of certain refused, failure of the the Delaware and Hudson 202; Dismal Swamp 203; rick's resolution relative to 397; bill for for pensious, for Girard, the of Maine 352; topics on the of New Jersey, close of the Erie 240; standing committee of U. S. senate civil and diplomatic 398, ib., 399; bill considered 415 of New York, the state of Illinois, the of Ohio, of Mi-on 254; resolution for transfer of U. S. stock to Chesa- Arkansas, lynch law in 3; facts relative to bonds 90; chigan 365; reports of New York ; law of Louisiana peake and Ohio 263; of Dismal Swamp 233; tolls on 283;
California-wheat 32; drought and famine Canada-internal improvements 18; death of governor general of 53; north eastern boundary b; legislative pro- ceedings 81, 256; gov. gen. of arrives at N. York
Cecil county (Maryland) assessment of of committee of congress on distribu- Census-report tion of printed returns of 10; house of representatives on 14. 15; message relative to 29, 37; of Great Britain 80; of United States 113, 114, 115; notes on ib; of Charleston 125; of Belfast 144; of Great Britain 193; returns of sixth printed 250; transmitted to congress 257; of Ireland 258; apportionment bill according to 6th in congress 349; of China 353; communication relative to 412 Centenary of Lutherism 221 Central America 93; earthquake in 257; General Mur- phy arrives in 304; attempt to assassinate Gen. Carrera 177; minister from United States to ib; Champagne wine
Chantry, Sir Francis (sculptor) death of Chaplains-resolution in U. S. senate relative to
in house of representatives 254; choice
Chapman, R. letter from declining to serve on
mittee of foreign affairs
Connecticut-banks 20; Tyler convention, history of 57. earl of Elgin ib; major Zantzinger, major Wilcox 322; abolition movements 80; discovery 91; thanksgiving 102 honorable D. Dimock 331, 335; in New York 342; Na- Constitution of Maine 57; vote on amendment of 133; than F. Dixon 359; in Philadelphia 363; colonel Cum- movement in Virginia for alteration of 213; amendments nings ib; number daing January 400; hon. Lewis Wil- proposed to the of U. States 273; petition of J. Wright &liams 401; Charles Scott others relative to 277; new one in Rhode Island 320; Mr. Debts-of states 202; of Illinois 242; of Ohio 320; pe- Clay's resolutions in United States senate for amendment tition to repeal law abolishing imprisonment for in Dis- of the of United States 299, 331. 349; vote on amendment trict of Columbin 335; vote of Mississippi relative to 354; 397; petition for amendment of of Virginia ib; of Illinois
13, 15 331, 335 Diplomatic agents--bill for appropriations for, referred 11; proceedings in house representatives on 13; passed in house representatives 14; Mr. Adams' motion relative to ib; return of 19; bill reported in senate for appqopria- Conventions, called in Connecticut and New York; 57 tions for 24, 25; amended and passed 26, 27; colonel slaveholders 58; Universalist general 102; Protestant Todd minis er to Russia 33; in United States senate 41; Episcopal 103; mechanics of Maine 116; great suffrage passed ib; discussion on 43; amendinents, bill reported 44; of Rhode Island, Van Buren mass, home industry 118; approved by president 47; C. Hughes 53; Mr. Camber whig of New York 125, 126, 127; anti-slavery 123; mili. leng Mexican commissioner 53: Austrian minister 113; tary of Maryland 133; home industry 134, 135; whig state items 145; correspondence 178, 179, 196; arrivals of of New Hampshire 147; military of N. York 148; South-American in Europe 273, passage to ib; minister extra- western 179; of whigs of Vermont 182; in Virginia for ordinary 337; correspondence relative to Santa Fe traders road 183; colored held 229; history of the Harrisburg 232; 342, 343, bill reported making provision for expenses 359; in Ilinois 274; of slaveholders in Maryland 320, 356, 357, correspondence between Messrs. Webster and Everett 358; abolition in New York 384; resolutions adopted by 403, 404, 415; bearer of despatches to American minister the national for encouragement of home industry 394; at Mexico Van Buren in Virginia 331; national repeal Cooper, hon, M. A. qualities 351; letter from Copyrights, leave asked to introduce bill relative to 311 Corn-laws of G. Britain 1, 16; crop in Florida 48, 240 Correspondence, letter from Mr. Crittenden on resign- ry 33, 34; from D. Webster to editors of Intelligencer 34; to H. Ketchum ib; G. E. Badger, John Bell 53, 54; Mr. Webster 51; extract of from Florida 56; Henry Clay's to whigs of Baltimore 67; Gen. Jackson 91; Mr. Tallmadge 108; the Grozan 146; Gen. Jackson 151; M. Van Buren, T. H Benton, J. C. Calhoun, Tennessee senators and Mr. Foster 152, 153; letter from Gen. Scott 169; Tyler and his neighbors 177; diplomatic 178, 179; from Santa Fe. from H. Clay to citizens of Dayton 209; Mr. Beli 231; William S. Wait on Illinois bonds 242; relative to deten tion of American vessels 244, 245, 246, 247, 218, 249, on lake trade and commerce, canal navigation &c. bv J. Tallmadge 339, 340; relative to Santa Fe capture 342, 343; political 402; Carter Beverly ib; Mr. Webster to Mr. Everett 403, 404 Cotton-prices, crops 16, 48, 64, 96, 100; goods 112, manufactures 160; Bombay prices current, Texian, crops 176; remarks and important statement concerning 179, 180; imports of in France 195; trade of 197; market 203; 240; cultivation of in East Indies 337; crops of Egypt 333 Cotton floater, account of 240 Court, proceedings in McLeod's case 90; McLeod's case in 104, 119; trial in Illinois 119; devision of case in Louisiana 205; decision of supreme of Ohio in case of insurance company Cranberry case
ton, proceedings 130; forces of expedition to 131; repairing 33: from T. Ewing resigning secretaryship of treasu. ing defences on river, paragraphs from Canton press, sir H. Pottinger expected, ransom money, angry edict from Emperor, surrender of Nusseer Khan 163; sir H. Pottia ger's arrival, notification, news 225; island of Amoy pos- sessed by Great Britain, Mandarins feeble, populace of bold, exasperation, junks attacked, Wang Tung destroy ed, Cow Loon destruction, report of recapture of Chusan 321; island of Amoy captured by British, statistics, cen- sus, classes, lands of, amount of revenue, taxes &c. con- tributions 353; news from Chinese collection
District of Columbia-bill to extend limits of corpora- ion of Georgetown 15; committee of U. S. senate on 254, of house representatives 255; petitions for abolition of slavery in, or removal of seat of government 269; mes sage referred 301, petitions to repeal law abolishing impri- sonment for debt in 335; resolution relative to sale of lotte- ry tickets in 372; on suspension of specie payments in 399 Divorce law of New Hampshire
Dixon, honorable Mr. letter from read in senate Dixon, N. F. death of announced in United States se nate 359; funeral of 371; announcement in ho. reps. 381 Dodge, J. A. address from to tobacco planters Dodge, Mr. (of Iowa) M. C.
Doorkeeper, assistant, abolished by ho. reps. Drawbacks, petition from New Yorkers on Drydock
Duties and drawbacks--debate on 10; amendment adopted, bill informally passed over 11; debate and amend- ments 11, 23; debated, 26; signed by president 47; an act relating to 62; bill in United States senate allowing in certain merchandise 254; memorial for increase of on certain articles
Electro magnetic telegraph, inquiry into expediency of at-establishing system of
Elgin, earl of death of Elssler, Fanny
Emancipation, law in South Carolina to prevent Emigrants, act important to 66, 112; to Illinois Engrossed bills, committee of U. S. senate on Enlisting, aliens
Cuba-slave vessels fitted out from 256; order for sup pressing monasteries in. begging orders prohibited, tariff to be reduced 289; political opinion concerning Cumberland road-bill making appropriations for in- troduced 263, 269; petitions for appropriations for 311 Currency, standing committee of house of representa. tives on 255; ready to report 349, 352; report on 404, 405, 406 407 408, 409, counter re-port on 415 Cushing, Mr. address of to constituents 109, 110, 111; report of on currency 401, 405, 406, 407, 403, 409
Colonial history of New York, inquiry relative to 398 Colored population-sketch of laws of Maryland rela- tive to 215, to 218; convention in Ohio, colony proposed 229; petition from the of Mass. to naturalization law 349 Colonization 224; 25th meeting in Washington Colquitt, hon. Mr. (of Georgia) qualified Columbia river, accounts from Commerce-sec trade, 1; resolutions by committeee on ; laid on table ib; resolution on relations of U. S. with other nations, adopted 29; annual report of of United States 85; regulations 100; statistics of 132; sketch con- tinued 197, 198, 199, 200, 201; sketch continued 210, 226; standing committee of U. S. senate on 254; of house of representatives 255; resolution that committee enquire into the expediency of appropriation conducive to 269; of Baltimore 336; bill relating to with French Guiana 253; chamber of present memorial for appropriation 312; of Boston 320; bill in senate regulating with Cayenne, Custom house (of New York) result of investigation of i French Guiana &c. 299; committee on instructed to in-1; resolution relative to expenditures for 30; resolution for quire into the necessity of appropriation for constructing full information relative to affairs of the of New York enston house at New Orleans 300; of Baltimore, of Wes-353; considered in senate 395; Mr. Pierce on question of tern Lakes, of Northern Lakes 336; trade and on lakes investigation concerning 396; laid on table 397; executive 335, letter on 353; of of cotton crops of C. States 369; of communication relative to 399; resolution relative to 415 Cleveland 370; committee on to make inquiry into the Cutter service, register of officers of expediency of excluding British vessels from certain
Davezac, Major, resolutions in New York legislature relative to fine imposed on Gen. Jackson 386, 387 Davidson, James death of 224 Davidson, general bill for erection of monument to 312 Common schools, of New Jersey Deaths 16; Joseph Gales ib; Mathias ib, 32; Cyrus Comparative table, of agricultural industry Wingate, Joseph Nourse, colonel E. Brown 32, 48; Ca- Compromise act, memorial from Pennsylvania oppos- det Mason, captain Dade, R. Bogardus 49; S. Wells 52; 413 Lord Sydenhain 53, 64; Edward de Wolf 85, lieutenant Constellation frigate 123 Jones, lieutenant colonel R. D. Wainwright 87; govern- Conestoga, recommended as site for nati. foundry 372 or Cannon 90; Louis Cornelius, general Paine, rev. E. Congress-list of acts of 27th, 47; joint resolutions of ib; Ripley, rev. J. Elliott, E. Squier, enter.ant col. Wain- resignation of two members of 119, 197; chaplains to 254; wright 96; John Owen 104, 112; Mr. Forsyth, J. Mur- Mr. Clay's resolution relative to members of being re-phy, in New York 123; captain Whitney 133, 144; ma Fiacted from civil appointments during official term 299; jor Brown, captain Garner, colonel Downing 146, 160; on amending journal of senate 303; privilege question captain S. D. Griffing, T. Dungan 176; Dr. Weightman disposed of, vote thereon 369 181; Jonathan Benjamin, bishop Moore 192, 203; James Congressional temperance society 400 Davidson, governor Buchanan 224; James H. Hook, F. Congressmen, resignation of 178, 197; resignation of Dunn 211; H. Black 226; Dr. McKinley 227; rev. Jacob C. C. Clay 219; death of H. Black 226 A. Burton, Hezekiah Niles 256; sir Francis Chantry 273;
European treaty for suppression of slave trade Everett, Mr. minister to Great Britain, arrival at Lon- don 273; letter from Mr. Webster to 403, 404 Everglades 64
Ewing, Mr. letter resigning secretary of treasury 33, 34 Exchange 16, 43, 49, 64, 96, 112, 144, 176, 192, 208, 256, Exchequer bil: 273; question on, and decision in con- gress 305, 313; remarks on 330; referred 331, 415; ex- chequer board 312, 313; Mr. Mangum's speech on 343 to 316; exchequer fraud, in G. Britain 240, 337; exche quer plan
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