Imágenes de páginas

269; report of secretary of treasury on 275, 276; bill for
payment of expenses of 1842 before U. S. senate 277;
passed ib; of Maryland 320; chairman of committee ad:
dressed the senate 331; of N. York 340; of Maryland
340, 341; bill for protection of American seamen 395; see
report on currency 404; part of president's message sub-
mitted to committee on 301; condition of the, of Michi-
Fine, vote of New York on refunding the imposed on
Fire, at Smyrna 16; at St. Johns N. B. 32; in Albany
80, 96, 112, 128, 160; Tower of London 193; at various
places 208, 256; at Adrien, (Michigan) 288; at Water-
town b; penitentiary of Missouri destroyed by b; at
Baton Rouge 320; Detroit
Fire arms, manufactured at Harper's Ferry 368
Fire engine, by steam

General Jackson

Firman, granted to Iseralites



Gold mine
48, 104
Gonon, Mons. system of telegraphing, before United
States senate 277; report of committee
Governor of Liberia
Governors of states


[blocks in formation]

Indemnification, memorial for in certain case 347
Index, on the first page of each number.



Indian affairs-depredations in Florida 3; Dakotas re-
Grain in Pennsylvania 48; imports in Boston 336 ject treaty 55; Sioux treaty concluded b; touching in-
Great Britain-corn laws of 1; heavy rains, prices of stance of friendship in Florida 56; Osage nation 66;
grain and cotton, parliament to meet, 16; dominions of movements in Florida 101; treaty 115; failure of treaty
ib; new peerages, election of peers in Scotland 17, 48; with Sacs and Fox 146; annuities 164; narrative of pro-
384 parliament assembled, Victoria's speech, Earl Spencer, ceedings in, attempt or treaty with Sacs and Fox 168,
Earl Ripon, other debaters, amendment moved, tory 210; the Catawbas, the Wyandots 227; standing com-
triumph, resignation of ministers 50; Lord Russell's mittee of the United States senate on 254; bill to pro-
speech 50, 51; McLeod's case debated, Mr. Roebuck's vide for payment of invalid pensions to Cherokee war-
remarks thereon 51, 52; the new ministry, state of trade, riors, in United States senate ib; standing committee of
manufacturing districts 52; remarks on census in, elec- house of representatives on 255; bill in United States
tion in 65; census 80; despatches from, grain market, senate to provide for Cherokee pensioners 277; petitions
harvest, cotton, sales, state of trade, tea, commerce, mo- relative to Seneca treaty 300; bill allowing pensions to
ney market, parliament assembled, exposition of govern- certain Cherokee warriors engrossed 300; passed b;
Fiscal agent, report upon 257; resolutions relative to in ment measures 81; on destruction of the Caroline, anti- part of president's message referred to committee on 301;
United States senate 269; detail of plan for laid before corn law meeting, Vauxhall gardens sold by auction, murders in Arkansas 352; Halleck Tuskenuggee's en
278, 300 banking house stopped payment, the Kelso burnt, Dan counter with major Plympton 353; bill reported in Unit-
Fiscal corporation bill-notice of 1; bill reported in iel O'Connell, Col. Napier on McLeod's case, army, ex-ed States senate making appropriations for department
United States senate 12, 17, 23, 24; passed in senate 24, tract of sir Robert Peel's speech 82; enterprise of 84; of 359; report of secretary origin of war with Seminoles
29; signature of speaker to 29, 30, 31; passed ib; presi- prorogation of parliament, Lord Mayor's dinner, sir C. 310; relics of red men 334, 412; Cherokees
dent's message relative 43, 44; vote on
46 Bagot Governor General of British America, failure of Indiana-elections 3; farming in 23; R. W. Thomas
Florida-accounts from, depredations in 3; extract of merchants, Mr. Hobhouse resigned, sir Edward Sug of retires from public service 168; early history of 205;
letter from 56, 58; Indian talk 74, 90; murders in 101; den, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, trade, Liverpool, on public debts 429; legislature of, governor's message 242;
information from 144, 269; Indian talk, Lieutenant Pat-import duties, grain harvest, cotton market 129; state of bill in United States senate for confirming land titles
ten's expedition 274; Colonel Riley's expedition 285; re-living in 145; warlike preparations in, prorogation of 268; law on sale of personal property, resolutions on
solutions relative to war of, 216; news from 320; legislative parliament, speech read, royal assent to exchequer biil, debt of 274; petition of for appropriations for Cumber-
council organized, steamer Isis burnt 323; remonstrance funding bill, poor law, continuance bill, population's land road 311; message of on state debt and public
against admission of into union 349; laid on table ib; payment bills; interview of deputation from the unem-works 293, 294, 295, 296; petition for appropriation for
fight between Major Plympton and Halleck Tuskenuggee ployed with sir Robert Peel, Lord Ellensborough gov improvement of harbor of St. Joseph's 371; resumption
353; advices from
400 einor general of India, deaths in, inroads of the sea on in 384; debt of 400; resumption bill b; treasury note
Flour 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 176, 192, south coast of, diplomatic appointment, Mr. O'Connell bill, rate of taxation, company chartered for completion
208, 240 lord mayor of Dublin, naval preparations, emigrations of white water canal, public works of
Foreign affairs-bill relative to Mexican treaty consi- from 161; marriage of captain Canfield in, McLeod case, Indies, East missionaries to 80; Punjaub 163; pro-
dered in house representatives and passed 14; news 16; revenue, trade, nioney market, corn market, crops, cot-ducts and manufactures of
180, 225
criminals 69; committee of house representatives on 245, ton market 162; McLeod case, districts, failure of potato Indies, West-Cuba coal, rail road 66; Cuba on sla-
255; report upon petition for indemnity &c. 287; part of crop, census of, fire in the tower 193; O'Connell's elec- very, Bermudas 84, 98; Jamaica disturbances, negro dis-
president's message referred to committee on 287; resolu- tion 194; birth of prince of Wales, Queen Dowager's ill-contents, Creole negro welcomed, novel notion relative
tions of legislature of Ky. relative to Santa Fe traders refer-ness, crazy man's attempt, sir C. Bagot, trade, lord mayor to Bahama waters
red to committee on 333; part of committee on decline fur- of Dublin on an article in The Times 225; Queen con. Insurance company, decision on case in Ohio 274;
ther service 298; new committee on appointed ib; letters valescent, American stocks, cotton, wheat, flour, embar-memorial of the of New Orleans, in U. S. senate
from persons appointed 399; third organization of 415 kation of troops, failure of potato crops in Ireland 257; Insurrection detected in Porto Rico
Fortification bill 10; debate and amendment 11; further emigrants from 304; Mr. Giddon's passage from, crea- Investigation of N. York custom house concerns 1, 358
proceedings on 15, 17; amendment to 24; for Staten Is- tion by patent of prince of Wales, Beaumont Smith Ioway-election in 4, 74; movement for admission in-
fand 26, 28; final vote on in house representatives 29, 43, transported from for life, consuls, Austrian funds, trade, to the Union 151; on message of governor of 304
203; bill in house representatives for purchasing sites for, Royal Exchange building, Niger expedition 321; minis- Ioway territory-resolution of citizens of relative to
considered and laid aside 13; at New Bedford 69 ter extraordinary to the United States. Mr. Everett ar- country owned by Indians
Forsyth, Mr. death of 128; funeral 132; obituary no- rives in, cultivation of cotton in the East Indies, treaty
tice and sketch of 151; two characters of
176 for suppression of slave trade, Lord Morpeth, funds, ex-
Foundry, the Conestoga recommended as site for 372 chequer bill fraud; rail road accident in, special mission
Forward, Mr. acting sec. of treasury 53; secretary 93 to the United States from and remarks thereon 337;
France-a verdict against Madame Laffrage, statistical steam packets of 368; return of the Conway from China,
account of cod fishery in, union with Belgium 17; har- line of steamers to be established
vests, vintage 48; part of army discharged, estimates of Greece-Otho and his ministers 52; Mavrocordato re-
contingents. M. Humann's determination, weather, death signed, insurrection anticipated 83; M. Piscatory's mis-
of Mr. Wells, resistance to M. Humann's measures, sion to, excitement in
French Africa 52; effects of fiscal census in 65; attempt Green, W. B. verdict on first indictment against 192
at assassination in, Hottinguer's death, loan, French Afri- Greenough's statue of Washington-bill relative to
ca 83; sedition 97; tranquillity of Paris, commotions in 11, 29, 43; placed in rotunda of capitol
south of, return of squadron, rupture of treaty with Bel- Grogan, release of 100; correspondence 146; sentence
gium 130; fall of funds in, loan taken, Bourse 163; rise concerning
of funds in, disclosures relative to secret societies, army
of observation formed, disarmament, editor tried, num
Hagerstown, tariff meeting in
ber of medical men in arinies of, reduction of fleet in
Harper's Ferry-fire-arms manufactured at
Mediterranean, import of cotton, revenue 195, Spanish
Harrisburg convention, history of
232, 233
affairs, Lord Cowley, report of committee on assassina-
Harrison, Gen-appropriations for funeral expenses
tion of princes 225; difficulties with Texas 256; convo- of referred to committee 10; bill passed in senate 12; in
cation of chamber of deputies 273; quiet at Paris, con-house of representatives debated and passed 13, 15; let
spiracy to blow up royal family detected, policy towards ters free of postage to widow of, 24, 25; passed 29; it; 43;
Spain 321; triumph of ministry in, ordonnance and re- sarcophagus of
port of marshal Soult, reduction of army 337; conspira-
fors found guilty, sentence passed, speech of king on
opening chamber of deputies 335; discussion in chamber
of deputies, illness of Baron Rothschild, king commutes
sentence on criminals, stock exchange

Francis, J. B. chancellor of Brown university

Francis', life boat




Ireland-population of





Iron ore in Pennsylvania 89; memorial presented for
protection of manufactures of
372, 412, 414
Israelites, firman granted to
Italy-annual meeting of men of science in 80; inun-
dation at Venice



[blocks in formation]

Harrison, capt. T. reminiscence of
Hassler, R F. report by, of survey of coast,
Havana-arrival of an exile and a dancer in
Haverhill, petition from for dissolution of Union
Havre de Grace-resolution relative to defence of 415
Hay, export of
Hayti-recognition of independence of asked of con-
192gress of the United States 349; petition of Massachusetts
relative to diplomatic and commercial relations with ib;
Hemp, purchase of water-rotted, authorised by the se-
nate 27, 44; approved by president


Free trade and protection of American industry, arti-
cle on
183, 184, 185, 186, 187
Friendship, touching instance of devoted
Fugitives, resolution on arrest of
Fulton, R. bill adverse to claims of heirs of

History of bankrupt law 2; of Connecticut 57; of
Indiana 205; of veto power 206, 207; resolution of in-
quiry relative to colonial of New York


Key West-amount of salvages in for fifteen years 36!
Kingston, (Jamaica) fires in





La Belle Poule




Lake country, business and products of
Lake navigation, wheat by





[blocks in formation]

Lakes, trade 201; trade of 305; commerce of norther
399 and western 336; made and commerce 338; trade of 355
134 tonnage


Gardner, Col. coinmunication from presented to the
house of representatives 44; not received ib.


Geological survey of N. Hampshire 20; report on
Georgia-freshet 56; election in 104; gold mines of ib;
resignation of two congressmen 119; banks ib.; election
134, 167; meeting of legislature of, reduction of salaries
proposed, extract from Gov. McDonald's message 183;
inaugural address of Gov, McDonald 203; instructions
to judge Berrien 213; message of governor relative to
fugitive slave 241; bill in the United States senate to
provide for claims for services of militia 254; adjournment
of legislature of 274; bill reported in the U. S. senate to
settle claims of 299, passed 413; elections in

[blocks in formation]

Land, act of grants of in Texas 66; classification of i
237 China 353; act passed relative to acquired from Cher

Howard, G. resignation of from senate of Maryland 58 kees of Alabama
Hoyt, (collector) suit against

Hughes, Christopher intended return of
Hunter's lodges

Ice, trade of Boston in



Land claims, bill confirming certain


395, 39

Land distribution bill, time of passage of 1; vote of
176 S. senate on 12; referred to committee on public landsi
house of representatives 14-see public lands;-resol
tions against in Alabaina 274, 279; communication fro
treasury relative to operation of


Illinois-lynching in, state debt, canal $; election 38,
39; election, escape of a murderer and bank robber 74;
statistics of population 90; Rock river tragedy, election,
canal, trial for murder 119; tobacco of 134; case in court
of 206; state bonds 280; state debt 242; letter from W.
S. Wait ib; remarks on, from St. Louis Pennant 244;
conventions, bonds 274; banks of 363; debt 416
Imprisonment, case of



55, 100


Imports, resolution for general statement of 278; state-
ment of 280; of gold and silver since 1820


Gold 224, resolution for statement of export and im-
port of 278; imports and exports since 1820,


Imprisonment for debt, petition of District of Colum-
bia relative to the law abolishing


Land district, bill in United States senate to establis
in Alabama 254; to create a new in Missouri 268; bill
establish additional in Alabama


Land fund, vote on inquiry of rejected quotas
Land office, examination authorised 55; memorial
280 3
establishment of 268; annual report of com.
Land sales, of Maine

Laughlin fund, statement concerning
Lead trade in Wiskonsan 23, 119; statistics
Lecture by J. Q. Adams on war with China
Legare, H. S. attorney general

Legrand, J. C. secretary of state for Maryland 340
Letter (see correspondence) to editor on trade and
commerce 353; number of brought by the Britannia 365
Levy, David, resolution relative to contested election
28; resolution adopted 29; remarks by 30; adopted ib;
Libel suits

Liberia-expedition to 56; movement towards 80; death
of governor of 224; governor of

Liberty, the Mexican schooner of war lost
Library, committee report on distribution of census re-
turns 10; resolution 239; committee on expenditures of
254; committee of U. S. senate on 254; H. of R. 255
Life boat

Light houses of the union

Lumber trade




McLeod--15, 27, 28, 29, 32, 48: debate in parliament
relative to 51; Mr. Adams' speech on case of 60; jury |
drawn for 64, courts assembled 80, 82; trial of 90, case
before court 101 105, 106, 107, 108, 112: testimony on
rase of 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124; verdict 125, 128;
public dinner to 144; review of decision on case of 187,
183, 189, 190, 191; in jail in Canada
Meade, bishop




Mechanics' convention 116; receipts of fair
Meek. A. B. extract of address by
Memorial-from Boston merchants 11; from citizens
of Harpers' Ferry 14; from brush makers 25; on south
western road in Virginia 212; in U. States senate 276


[blocks in formation]

National foundry--resolution to establish, adopted 255;
committee on 255; Conastoga recommended as site for 372
National institute, meeting of,
National repeal, convention held
Naval fight in South America


Message the second veto 18; President Tyler's an
Naval affairs-Dr Barton surgeon of asylum Schuylkill
Lippincott, I. K. article by on free trade and protec- nual 233; notice of reception of 241; from Governor of 3; resolution calling for list of officers not on duty 15;
tion to American industry
183 Georgia 241; notice of from Gov. of Indiana 242; resolu- the chronicle, report, account of ships, steam frigate Mis
List of acts of 27th congress
47 tion to refer Presidents, to committees 269; debate there- sissippi 19; temperance movements, appropriations, the
Loan 19, 55; United States 116; negotiation for 145, on 270, 271, 272; of executive of Maryland 305; of Gov. Macedonian, the Warren, &e 19; delightful scene 20;
240; bill reported for extension of
285 of Louisiana 290, 291; of Gov. of Ohio 292, 293; of Gov. relative to purchase of hemp 27; orders for fitting out 37;
Lottery tickets, relative to sale of in D. of Columbia 372 of Indiana 293, 294, 295, 296; extract from of Governor letter of resignation from secretary of, 53, 57; temperance
Louisiana-the Bayou lime kiln expedition 23; special of Wisconsin 296, 319, extracts from the of Governors movement, pension act, commodore Perry, mode of
election in 104; Episcopal bishop appointed for, banks of Rutherford and Seward 335, 366; second veto 18; ex
obtaining evidence 70; medical staff, orders, dry dock 87;
New Orleans' 149; case in court of 205; inquiry into tract from the of Gov. Paine, (Vermont) of Gov. Pen- Belle Poule, explosion of steam ship 88; register of off-
amount of public lands in prepared for market, in U. S.nington of New Jersey 145; extract from, of Governor cers of cutter service 101; four commodores, navy yard,
senate 254; bill in United States senate to authorise sale McDonald of Georgia 178; of Gov. Bagby of Georgia Gedney channel, Kamschatka 102; midshipmen, steam-
of school lands in 263; bills for benefit of judge of United 204, 205; of Gov. Richardson of South Carolina 220, 221,ers 116; Brooklyn dry dock 146; naval school at Brooklyn,
States district court for, and payment of balance due to 222, 223; President Tyler's annual 233; in senate 237; gen. Tallmadge's speech 165; proposals for timber for,
263; legislature convened 274; resolutions of legislature debate relative to printed copy of President's, in house the Raritan, capt. Bolton 181; Constitution and her crew
of presented to U. S senate 276, 277; on the state of and of representatives 239; from President Tyler transmit 202; commodore Read to command navy yard 211: com
tariff 307; bill introduced for payment of volunteer militing information relative to capture of Sante Fe tra- modore Stewart, lieutenant Pinckney acquitted, decis-
tia 312; governor's message 290, 291; bill authorising leg-ders 342; extract of Gov. Rutherford of Virginia 385
ions of courts martial, medical board 211; naval rendez-
islature to sell school lands, engrossed 300; passed ib; re- Methodists-question among the relative to the gown. vous 225; standing committee of United States senate on,
solutions passed by legislature of 352; vote of relative to amount of centenary fund 32; statistics of
254; of house of representatives 255; enquiry as expedi
relations with Great Britain. bank law in 334; bill en- Merico-bill relative to treaty with passed U. States ency of abolishing revenue culters 265; resolution relative
grossed in United States senate confirming certain land senate 11; passed in house of representatives, title alter to regulating 269; steam frigate Mississippi 273; capt. Bol-
claims 395; referred 399; debt of 400; estimate of expen-ed 14, 15; awards of commissioners of 37; commission-ton's sentence 320; R. S. Pinkney to commander in navy
ditures ib; resolution relative to treatment of Santa Fe ers to 53; revolution revived, Gaudalaxara, Santa Anna, 299; resolution relative to lists of midshipmen of, 300, 301;
captives ib; resumption of specie payments
416 Yucatan, 66; consulate 100; Santa Anna conquers forts, midshipman Niles' death 322; resolution for information
Lowel institute, of Boston 48; factories
354 Wirl's batile, General Galinda joins him 145; revolution relative to pay of officers in Great Britain and United
132 effected, ministry of 177; death of Mr. Dimitt 192; San-States 346; bill reported in U. S. senate making appro
ta Anna, convention 225; capture by 211; commission- priations for, 359; report from secretary of navy on esiab-
ers from 241; vessels of war in 239; Santa Fe expedition,lishing depot and vard in Gulf of Mexico, read in senate
MacRae, D. K. appointed bearer of despatches to American consul leaves 259; bill relative to drawbacks 371; navy yard of Pensacola 372; committee on, authe-
Mexico 322; arrival of at Vera Cruz
402 on packages of merchandize exported to. England in rised to appoint board for preparation of rules and regu
Maffit, rev. Mr. chaplain for house of reps.
255, 317 U. States senate 300; passed b; armed schooners of seizlations for government of navy 398; resolution adopted
Mails on Sunday, petition relative to
335 320; Santa Anna chosen president, civil appointments relative to information on expenditures for navy yard
Maine-the revised code of 20; elections in 57; amend-in, death of Senor Garcia, constituent assembly convok- &e. at Pensacola 412; bill for augmenting marine corps
ed constitution of ib; ship building in 102; land sale in, ed, letter received in relation to Sante Fe expedition 221; 415; bill for establishing ranks in, reported b.; yard of
mechanics convention, Professor Espy, festival 116; con- President La Mar's proclamation to Santa Fe, cross of Philadelphia, expediency of enlarging &c. ib.; professors
stitutional amendment 133; legislature of 147; bill in U. personal distinction awarded to Harminjo, letters receiv
of inathematics in, ib.; capt. Ross's discoveries
States to provide for militia services in 254; bill in house ed relative to Texian prisoners, report of secretary of
Court of enquiry 181; adjournment of
of representatives of United States relative to settlement war, cold-blooded act of barbarism, ratio of representa-
Naval board of examination, adjournment of,
of militia claims 257; vote for governor, governor's mes- tion in 322; bearer of despatches to ib; military superin-
Court martial-persons composing, 35; of inquiry and
sage, militia 320; statistics of banks of 352; message from tendance, petition to be relieved from 14; also, for con- martial 132; decisions of, reversed 181, 211; decisions
president to house of representatives transmitting report tinuation of ib; condition and treatment of Texian cap. in cases 211; who composed, 225; G. F. Lindsay
on survey and boundary of 398; on cost of military road tives in, further particulas of Santa Fe expedition 369;
Promotions and appointments in 37, 38, 239; medical
399 resolutions submitted for full information relative to con- staff 87, 211; resignations
256 vention for settling claims 395; resolutions to inquire re-
149 lative to treatment of United States citizens in ib; loss of
exche-schooner, The Liberty 400; liberation of Coombs.fate of
358 other prisoners, landing of Mr. McRhea 402; informa-
Man, Job elected treasurer of Pennsylvania
322 tion required as to treaty between U. States and 412;
Manufactures, standing committee of United States gulf of, report in United States senate relative to estab
senate on 254; standing committee of house of represen-lishing depot in
tatives on 255; committee on allowed to appoint clerk
372; debate and vote thereon ib; further consideration
postponed 393; laid on table ib;


Lynch law in Arkansas 3; in Illinois ib;


Malek Adhel, decision of circuit court on
Manuel labor schools

Mangum, Mr. (of North Carolina) speech of on
quer project 343, 344, 345, 346: vote of




Maps, resolution 301; of Maryland
Marine corps, (of navy), bill for augmenting
Marriage licenses
Maryland-anniversary of defence of Baltimore, mo-
nument to gen. S. Smith 38; Mr. Howard's resignation
in senate of 53; nomination for slave holders convention
ib; position and resources of 70, 71, 72, 73, 74; election
returns 89; vote for governor 103; conventions called,
water canal trade 101; map of 119; military convention,
vote for governor 133; manuel labor schools, note to ma-
gistrates of 149: election statistics 167; sketch of laws of
in relation to colored population 215, 216, 217, 218; legis
lature convened 274; governor's message 305, 306, 307;
convention of slave holders in 320; finances of ib; vote of
house of delegates of on repealing tax law 304; slavehold-
er's convention held at Annapolis, resolutions passed and
recommended to legislature of 322; extra election in
Queen Anne's county 336; secretary of state nominated,
librarian removed, finances 340; abstract of treasurer's
report 311; specie payments demanded of banks of by
house of delegates 352; proceedings of slaveholders con-
vention 356, 357, 353; in 368; assessment of Cecil co. 354;
on resumption ib; resumption, resolutions relative to San-
ta Fe traders






Coast and West India Squadron-brig consort 3; the
Van Buren and list of officers, Phenix, Flirt, Wave,
Otsego, Madison, Jefferson, heur. McLaughlin 20; Dol-
phin, list of officers, capt. Armstrong, C. K. Stribling,
Macedonian 33; Macedonia, Warren, Pennsylvania 57;
Phenix sails for Florida 70; the Levant 88, 102; Mace
donian, brig Consort 102, 132, 133; squadron at Norfolk
Michigan-business in 57; election 176; election 215; 202; commodore Stewart to command home squadron
review of gov's. message 336; financial affairs of ib; banks | 221 225; list of squadron 273; U. S. ship Macedonian 2.;
of 368; banks of, election of unembers of congress 400 brig Consort 274; disposition of home squadron 289;
Midshipmen, as to inquiry into expediency of 300 W. India station ib.; health of, death of nidshipman Niles
Mileage, standing committee on
255 322; the Mississippi steam ship 416; the Missouri
Military academy-appropriation bill, joint resolution
on duties of attorney general relative to referred to com-
mittee on judiciary 24; West Point 27; bill relative to
amended and passed 28, 41; bill receives speaker's sig.
nature 47; signed by president 47; list of cadets appoint-
ed to 165; bill of appropriation for

[blocks in formation]

Pacific squadron-the St. Louis takes runaway seamen
359 from the Marquesas, the Vincennes 3; T. Ap. Catesby
Military affairs-com. of U. S. senate on 254; mes-Jones to command 20; Boston, Long 57; Constitution 88;
sage referred 269, 300; bill equalizing pay of officers 316 United States 102, 132; Constitution arrived from, cha ge
Military land warrants, bill as to time of issuing 237 of officers in the C. list on board, Cyane, capt. Stribling,
Military services, claims of Massachusetts for 399 list of officers 146; the Cyane, commander Stribling, the
Militia-standing committee of United States senate United States, commander Jones 181; disposition of na-
on 254; report and abstract of returns of, of several states val force of 239; disposition of forces of 289; U. S. ship
and territories
393, 415 Yorktown at Honolulu 416; capt. Ross's discoveries
Milwaukie, petition for appropriation for harbor in 371 South American squadron 3; Cyane ib.; sloop of war
Mine of gold
48 Decatur at Montevideo 57; Delaware 102; Concord at
337 Pernambuco, the Decurur, Delaware sails for Brazil 132;
Mint, report showing operations of 1841, 393, 400 commodore C. Ridgely returns from Brazil 146; Potomac
Missionaries to India
80, 285 and Enterprize 165; disposition of active service at Brazi
Mississippi-crops, election 167; state bonds 213, 214; station 289; U. S. frigate United States, commodore
bonds 224; Gov. McNutt, election and state bonds, elec-Jones, sails, U. S. ship Dolphin arrives
tion in 228; resolutions in United States senate on ap-
416 pointment and salary of judges in 279; character of go
Massachusetts-ice trade, rail road 20; singular bridge vernor's message 336; suation of Union Bank in ib;
invented in 88; western rail road, woollens, thanksgiving review of governor's address 352; governor of, ad inte-
day, rail road accident 102; nomination, Boston Ex-rim 368; vote relative to debt 384; U. S. court in 416
change, receipts of fair 118; election in 176; election, Missouri-appointment to supreme court in 3; license
negro legislator 181; school statistics 182; treasury of 320; law 53; trial of abolitionists in 74; St. Louis, large be
legislature convened ib; bill for refunding balance due to quest 215; bill in United States senate to create new land
for disbursements to the United States 299; petition from district in &c. 268; penitentiary of burnt 288; bill for re-
colored population of for alteration of naturalization law lief of volunteer of 312; resolution relative to public lands
laid on table of United States senate 349; schools in 352; in 300; report relative to boundary of
petition from Haverhill in for dissolution of Union 351
resolutions of state of, relative to claims for military
vices 399; on apportionment

[blocks in formation]

New Orleans-interments in 16; deaths 32, 48, 64;
yellow fever 80; deaths in 96; deaths 112, 123, 160; yel-
low fever disappeared from 176; facts in relation to
386, 337

bar le of

Newspapers, ages of

Perry, commodore,

Pews, sale of,




Prints, memorial for daty on foreign,
Private lands-standing committee of U. S. senate on,

employing clerk for committee on,
Proclamation, official, of president Tyler

395, 399



[blocks in formation]

lature of, resolution for adjourned session, 166; thnaks in. 227; Philadelphin and Pottsville rail road 241; pr›-
giving day appointed 132; important law.sna 183; lezisceedings of legislature of, on repudiation, 320; le stature,
lature assembled 324; common schools of 352; banks of of, convened, bank report, special election on 290; reso-251; committee of house of representatives on, 255; on
36; oyster case decided
400 lutions of legislature on repudiation, gov. Porter's inaugu-
ral, Job Man elected treasurer 322; coa! trade in 336;
trade of Philadelphia 352; Thomas Bradford nominated
district judge in, 351; resumption in, 334; memorials 413
Pennsylvania Avenue, paving proposed
Pensacola, resolution relative to navy yard
372, 412
New York state-canals of 20; salt trade 21; whig Pensions-standing committee of senate on, 254; house
convention in, called 57; number of men at work on rail of tepresentatives 355; bill reported in U. S. senate mak-
road, reward offered for apprehension of rogue ib.; Johning appropriations for 359; bill reported and passed mak-
C. Clark, resignation, capture, Helderberg war, sickness ing appropriations for, tor 1542, 396; appropriations for,
70; canals 80; agent to collect historical documents rela- passed house of representatives
tive to 83; opening Erie rail road ib.; Universalist gene- Per-diem
ral convention, Atlantic basin 102; Salt Spring, general
Episcopal convention, rail road at auction 103; Van
Buren mass convention, candidates, ligbo, canal tolls,
state canals, home industry convention, temperance cele- |
bration 118; election 147; military convention, heavy
damages 145; list of members of legislature, vote of city
of for series of years 165; completion of rail road in from
Rochester to Albany 166; parties in legislature of, politi-
cal 182; defences of, 201; canal and rail road, revenues
202, 211; election statistics, Gennessee valley canal,
Erie canal 212; statement shewing safety fund 227;
legislature of, convened, notice of governor's message Politics of the day-Mr. Badger's address 218, 219;on, 14. 15; official statement of, now in market 16; not
296; canal navigation in, 339; finances of 319; Oasario president's message 233; the next president
county petitions laid on the table in house of representa- Polk, L., appointed bishop of Louisiana
tives of U. S. 319; banks of, 365; reports of canal and Population of Ottoman empire 192; of Ireland
bank commissioners ib; value of property in, ib.; memo- Postage-resolution relative to 313; petitions
rial from South Carolina relative to controversy between Post master-arrearages of, 16; Mr. Hobbie acting as
Virginia and, submitted to the U. S. senate 372; vote of principal 53; presiden's instruction to 67; C. A. Wyek
legislature of, on fine imposed on general Jackson 354; liffe appointed general 98, 131; report of the general 261,
on custom house proceedings 395; resolution of enquiry 262, 263; amount paid for use of rail and other roads
relative to colonial history of,
393 demanded of, general 257; annual report
New York city-importations 55; assessed value of Post office-bill in reference to, in U. S. senate 10;
real and personal property in, 147; vote of, for series of debated, amendmen's to, bill passed 12; in house of
165 representatives ib.; passed in house of representatives 13;
321 amendment of senate agreed to by house of representa-
tives 27, 43; communication from col. Gardner presented
49 to house of representatives 44; laid aside ib.; Mr. Hobbie
196 acting master of, ib.; trial in court relative to 115; stand
32ing committee of U. S. senate on, 254; standing com-

[blocks in formation]

Public buildings-appropriations asked for 23; resolu-
30 tion relative to ventilating, adopted 30; standing commit-
70 tee of U. S. senate on 254; standing committee of house
Petition, debate growing out of presentation of, for dis-of representatives on, 255; resolution of enquiry instituted
solution of waton 351, 359 360 361, 362, 363 364 365, on 393; resolution relative to expenditures adopted
366, 367, 373, 374, 375, 376, 373, 379. 37, 38, 349, 390, Public debt, resolution as to amount of,
391, 392, 393, 391, 395 Public defences, message and report on
1921 Public expenditures, standing committee of house of
352 representatives on 255; resolution reported by committee
224 on, authorising employment of clerk, adopted 393
16 Public funds-places of deposite of, 1; bank of the
80 mtropolis for
32. 41
83 Public lands-proceedings of house of representatives
239 yet offered for sale and why 19; message from president
149 approving and signing bill relative to 23; statement rela-
233tive to distribution of, 36, 37; the act of appropriation of
335 39, 40; standing commitee of United States senate on
251; standing committee of house of representatives 255;
resolution of enquiry as to sale of, in Louisiana 263, 269;
bill in U. S. senate to distribute proceeds of, 277; debate
on reference of ib; vote on referring to select committee
273, 279; report of commissioner of land office referred
to committee on, 301, 331; Mr. Clay's resolution relative
to states refusing 347: South Carolina on, submitted to
United States senate 372; Mr. Clay's resolution of enquiry
debated ib.; vote on

Niger expedition, sickness and mortality
Nile, Hezekiah, (midshipmen,)—death 256; burial 322
Niles' National Register, editorial remarks on,
Nolle prosequi, rioters before president's house
North American trust and banking company
North Carolina-silver, draining lands 74; death of J. mitee of house of representatives 255; communication
Owen of,
104 to U. S. senate showing expenses of contingent fund of,
Northeastern boundary question 37, 55 56; frontier 69.500; part of president's message submitted to committee
180, 210; hoax 226; survey of, closed for the season 259; on 301, movement of, relative to letters sent by officers
meeting of commissioners on, held at New York 322; of steainboats
reports relative to, transmitted to congress 393; resolution Pork
192, 208
of, enquiring relative to state of negotiations about, 415
Northwest coast, our trade with,

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Question of privilege 373 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379,
390, 351, 332, 333, 357, 388, 339, 390, 391, 392, 393, 409,
410, 411, 412
Ral roads-statement of several 16, of Maine and
Boston 20; New York and Erie, 57, 64; opening N York
Portland, memorial, trade with British colonies
and Erie, 88; accident 97; Western, accident on 102; at
Port of entry (Chicago) 299, 300; memorial in U. Sanction 103; signal for, 112; of New Jersey 118; comple
senate for a, at New Albany

[blocks in formation]

Ohio-preamble and resolutions of certain citizens of,
pre-ented to U. S. senate 25; mob proceedings 58; bank
question, Loking ahead 119; slave case 131; wheat crop
of, 150; legislature of, 167; banks 168; proposed conven
tions, election statistics, annual report of common schools
214, 215; statement of receipts and expenditures for com-
mon schools in Cincinnati 228; Muskingum improve
ments, colored convention and colony proposed 229;
Methodist conference in, rail road 242, petitions from,
praying repeal of rule of house of representatives 269,
decision of supreme court on Columbus insurance com
pany 274; debt of, 320; governor's message 292; resolu
tions of legislature of, relasive to repudiation 293; judge of
supreme court of, elected 323; resumption in 352; banks
of, 363; resump ion, vote of censure on Mr. Adams 354;
bill on resumption, vote on censure of Mr. Adams 400
Ordnance--bill for appropriations for purchase of, con-
sidered in U. S. senate 21; passed 27, 23; signed 475
Oregon-bill in U. S. senate for adopting measures for
occupation of 263; all petitions and memorials relative to
referred to select committee 299; resolution of notice to
Great Britain relative to treaty for joint occupation of
300; bill reported, and laws for

Ostler, salary to, of house of representatives
Ottom in empire, population of,
Oyster case, decided in New Jersey

Paine, gen. E. death of,


Palm leaf, amendment on the duties on,
Palestine, project concerning
Palmerston, lord, correspondence with
Burr-papers of


[blocks in formation]

Potomac bridge-appropriations, proceedings on in U
senate 11, 12, 14; passed 24, 29, 30; signed
Powder mill



[blocks in formation]

Printed-proceedings of citizens of Washington on
disorders ordered to be, 10; proceedings of meeting in
Virginia ordered to be 11; amendments to land bill or
dered to be. 14; secretary of treasury's papers in relation
to removals from office ordered to be, 11; war department
communication ordered to be, 15; preamble and resolu-
tions of a meeting in Virginia ordered to be, 23; Surry
county Virginia resolutions ordered to be, 25; resolution
and reports on employing reporters ordered to be 27; sub-
ject of, in house of rep. 23; report and documents on can-
tested election ordered to be, 23; statements relative to, 30;
337 letter from treasury department ordered to be. 41; pro-
41ceedings of citizens of Ohio ib.; communication from sec.
192 of treasury relative to money in U. S. bank of Penn.
400 ordered to be, 42; relative to, 42; amendment relative to
expunging resolutions to be, ib.; report on rules ordered
93 to be, 47; prices for, postponed 47; capital of office in
11 London 160; president's message to be, 237, 239; extra
65 copies ib.; resolutions for committee of reference on, in
241 U. S. senate adopted and ordered to be, 254; select com-
304 mittee on, 276; memorial ordered to be, 276; extra copies
Partizan leader, new novel
169 of report of plan of fiscal agent 279; secretary of treasury's
Parents-standing committee of U. S. senate on, 254; annual report, extra copies, 230; ban bill ordered to be,
standing commitice of house of representatives on, 255; 255; papers accompanying census to be, 237; military
annual list of, iransmitted to congress with report of com- claim bill of Maine ordered to be, 237; Mr. Clay's reso-
missioner of,
393 lutions for amendment of constitution ordered to be, 300;
Patent office-committee of U. S. senate on 251; reso-maps accompanying land commissioner's report to be,
lution for information regarding expenditures 412301; resolutions of Kentucky legislature relative to Santa
Paymasters, report of clerk of house of representatives Fe traders ordered to be, 333; apportionment bill and act
on additional,
63 ordered to be. 349; extra copies ordered to be, 350;
Peacock, loss of the,
322 report of executive of South Carolina on public lands, and
Pea Patch island-bill providing for settlement of title controversy between New York and Virginia ordered to
to, 23. 41; resolution relative to,
415 be, 372; niemorial in relation to trade with British colo-
nies ordered to be, 397; resolution to have survey and
boundary of Texas 393; resolution of enquiry relative to
public buildings ib.; executive communication on New
York custom house 399; Kentucky resolutions ordered
to be 399; reports extra of commissioner on parents to be,
ib.; information of the Creole ordered to be, 414; extra
copies of exchequer plan 414; bill establishing ranks in,
415; mathematics

Peansylvania-resources and credit of, annual pro-
ducts 21, 22; canal 32; number of volunteers in uniform,
extra congressional election, resignation of Mr. Sergeant
53; candidates 70; Girard fund ib; iron ore discovery 89;
elections 103; anthracite furnace, effects of bank stop
pa e 118; lection in, 143; iron ore, cotamerce 119;
legislature of, canal commissioner appointed 166; dis
covery of original chart of Lancaster, supreme court of,
U. S. bank, coal trade, Pottsville and Reading rail road.
port of Lancaster, military encampment, great powder
mill 203; canals and rail roads 212; interest of state debt |

[blocks in formation]

tion of, from Albany to Rochester 166; Delaware and
Hudson 202; of Pennsylvania 203; items 203, 211; Phila-
delphia and Pottsville 241; Mad river and lake Erie 242;
Selma and Tennessee 263, 277; Boston and Albany
and Tennessee bill ordered to be engrossed 300, passed
completed 238; Charlestown and Fresh Pond 320; Selma
ih.; a profitable, speed on a, 304; accident on, in Great
Britain, means of completing a, in Austria
Randolph's will case

Ranks, bill establishing in navy

[blocks in formation]

Report-ot clerk of house of representatives 63; of
see of war 250; of chairman of com. on currency 401, 402
Reporters-resolution reported for employment of 27;
41, 42

Representation to congress-select committee of house
of representatives on appointment of, 255; on in house of
representatives ab; res. relative to apportionment of 393
Repudiation--resolutions of Ohio on, 293; Pennsylva
nia. Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, New York on, 320; reso-
lutions of Pennsylvania on 322, 352; resolutions of Ken-
tucky on, presented to U. S. senate
353 399
Resignation of Henry Clay

[blocks in formation]

Revenue bill-considered in U. S. senate and proceed-
ings on, 12, 17, 23;-(see duties and drawbacks)-further
consideration of, estimates relative to, 24, 25; amended
and reported to senate, further amendment, engrossed
and ordered to third reading 26; vote on final passage of
27, 31, 41; substitute 42, 43, 44; signed by president 47
Revenue cutter service-bill in U.S. senate for increas
ing pay of certain officers in 254; amendments 278
Revenue laws, revision of,

Revisal and unfinished business, committeeon,
Revised code of Maine

[blocks in formation]

Rhode Island-universal suffrage proceedings 3; N.
Brown of, 102; suffrage convention of, 118; legislature
adjourned 147; length of session of 181; convention ad-
24 journed 211; days of voting for constitution 274; returns
176 of election in 289; new constitution adopted 320; United
352 States flag hoisted at fort Adams in,


32, 80, 203
Rice harvest
Richardson, J. P., governor of South Carolina, mes
220, 221, 222, 223
sage of
Right of petition-debate growing out of question of,
373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 350, 381, 382, 383, 409,
410, 411, 412
Right of search, Mr. Allen's resolution of enquiry
Right of visitation

relative to,

Ripley, rev. Ezra, death of,


of representatives 255; communication from, to U. in Russia 65; of population of Illinois 90; Methodists,
steamers 112; of commerce 132; of schools of Massa-
S. senate relative to applicants for pensions 280; re-
solution of enquiry of, relative to boundary line of chusetts 182; of Prussia 195; vehicles in Paris 208;
Wisconsin and Michigan 349; report from, on origin of shoes 211; of elections in N. York 212; in Ohio
of Seminole war 380; resolution of enquiry of, relative 214; of imports and exports from 1791 to 1821 226;
to tariff on foreign nations adopted in U. S. senate of canal tolis 288; of Maine 320; of lead trade, of
395; communication from, relative to surveys of export of coin, on receipts of Schuylkill canal 304;
241 lakes, submitted to U. S. senate 397; letter of infor- of commerce on lakes 336; of Pennsylvania coal trade
96 mation on cost of military road in Maine transmitted 336; of banks of Maine 352; of schools in Massachu-
399 setts 352; of China 353; exports and imports of gold
53 to congress from,
Security, for person, petition for, in all states 335; and silver
laid on table
Seminole war, report from secretary of war on
origin of, 390; See Florida.




Senate of U. States-meeting of, 237; election of
Mr. Sprague to,

Rives, Mr., second speech on veto message
Roads-memorial on south western, (Va.) 212; stand-
ing com. of U. S. senate on, 254; of house of rep. on, 255
Roanoke inlet, bill for appropriations to re-open,
Roberts, Mr., governor of Liberia
Rochester-manufacture of iron in, 208; acqueduct 233
Rogers, Mary, persons implicated in murder of
Rules of house of representatives of congress-report
on, 47; discussion on, 235, 239; debate on motion sus-
pending 21st. 301; notice of motion to amend 349; notice
of resolution to alter,
Russel, Mr., choice of, at special election in Pennsv!nia
vania 290; in U. S. senate

Russia-religions of, 65; items concerning 195; Cirens-
sians victorious over,


Rutherford, gov., extract from message of, relative to

relations of states



[blocks in formation]

Salt spring, newly discovered


Salvages, amount of, at Key West
Sandwich islands-affray between British consul and
newspaper editor in, 66; christianity in, ib.; our trade
with 65; letter from,

senate relative to

Sarcophagus of W. H. Harrison
Savings girls




[blocks in formation]

Steamers-ship Precursor for Calcutta, line be-
tween Bremen and United States 48; itens of, ib.;
Sergeant, Mr., resignes seat in congress
Seward, gov.-reward offered by, 57; extract from Platte sunk, coach, ship items, British 64; Chilli,
message of, relative to position with regard to Virgi- Erie, frigate Kamnschatka 80; prices in, West India
385 boats, British Queen 96; accident to Beaufort 101; of
and South Carolina
320 St. Louis trade, President, Cunard's, new line 112;
Sheep husbandry
Shrapnel inventors
war 116, 128; running ashore, coal for, items 150,
Ships-of Maine
192, 208, 224; ship Savannah lost 240; owned at St.
192 Louis 256; arrival of Kamschatska in Russia 273;
Ship building
128 Isis burnt 323; the, of Great Britain 368; the war, on
128 lake Erie 384; trial of the Mississippi ib.; line of,
projected between Pacific coast of South America and
New Zealand and Australia 401; cost of ships Mis-
souri and Mississippi

[blocks in formation]

Silver-nine-deposite from, to U. S. tint at Phi-
ladelphia 16; in N Carolina 74; resolution for state.
ment of exports and imports of, 278; imports and
Steamboats, line from Charleston to England, burn-
exports of, since 1820
Sites-bill reported relative to duty of attorneying of the Missouri
general concerning, 25, 28; on printing papeis rela-
five to certain,


Steam navigation, to India


Stevenson, Mr., 48; return of, to United States 161;
correspondence of, 178, 179; reply of, to citizens of
Philadelphia 206; correspondence of, relative to de-
tension of American vessels 244, 245, 246, 247, 248,
Stocks 16, 32, 96, 112, 144, 160, 176, 192, 208, 240,
Sound dues, of Denmark

South America 66; Rio Grande 84; Monte Video,
Buones Ayres naval fight, Paraguay ib.; interesting
facis 97; despatches from,


Slade, Mr., speech by, on abolition of slavery 135,
Santa Fe-expedition 69; traders 100; traders 110;
Slaveholders-convention in Maryland 320; con-
letter from, descriptive of, 209; expedition to, seized 259;
account of, 304, resolutions passed Kentucky legislature vention held and resolutions adopted by, 322, 323;
relative to American traders to, presented to congress proceedings of, 356, 357, 358; item relative to con-
333; resolution adopted in house of representatives rela-vention in Maryland
tive to information concerning traders to, ib.; message
Slaves-appeal in behalf of, 16; case of, in Ohio
from president Tyler transmitting information relative to
capture 342; account of expedition to, 369; resolution in 134; memorial on insurance of, presented to U. s.
305, 412 senate 278; referred to committee on foreign relations
132 ib.; petitions from Ohio relative to, 315; law passed
South Carolina-statement of bank of, 74; military
203 in South Carolina to prevent emancipation of, 320;
415 review 89; commencement of annual session of, 203;
Scott, judge, of Missouri, on bench of supreme court 3 resolution of inquiry in certain case
Scott, gen., letter from,
Slavery-Cuba in reference to, 84; petitions relative legislature 213; governor's message 220, 221, 223;
Scott, Charles, death of,
Schools, common-report of common, of Cincinnati to, in U. S. senate 277, 414; proceedings in congress judge Gantt resigned 228; adjoniniment of legislature,
214, 215; further statements of, 228; of New Jersey 352; relative to, 316; petitions having reference to, in notice of certain acts passed 274; law passed to pre-
house of representatives 335; Vermont resolution on, vent emancipation 320; report from executive of, in
349 relation to public lands, and Virginia and New York
in U. S. senate
controversy, submitted to U. S senate 372; extract
Southwestern road, (Va.) memorial
from gov. Seward's letter relative to relations with 385
Subinarine armour
Sub-treasury-robbed 56; Mr. Walker's resolution
96, 192
calling for statement of losses &c.


Schuylkill navigation



Slave trade-correspondence on suppression of,
178, 179; treaty in Europe for suppression of 337;
number of vessels engaged in, captured by Fantome

Secretary of navy-G. E. Badger resigned and judge
Upshur appointed 33; Mr. Simius acting secretary 53;
Mr. Badger's letter of resignation ib.; A. P. Upshur ap
pointed 98, 131; report on contingent expenses trans
mitted to senate 254; communication from to house of
representatives relative to expenditures 251; 255; an-
nual report of, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 265; report from,
on practicability of establishing navy yard and depot in
gulf of Mexico 371; communications relative to opinions
of. 334; letter from containing cost of steamers 415; state-mittee on,
ments of,



[blocks in formation]

212, 213


Suicides in army


Suit 132; against Hoyt



Sumac exempted from duty



Sunday mails



Supreme court, annual session of,
Survey of Patapsco river 69; of coast 301; com-
munications relative to



Sweden, tariff of,


Switzerland, canton Tessino in, represses convent


[blocks in formation]

Secretary of state (Daniel Webster)-letters from
34; letter from 54; relative to 67, 98; reports showing
Spain-Espartero ill, bill of proposition withdrawn
52, 128; riot at Madrid, revolted regiments submit to
incidental expenses 254; letter from, containing state
ment of expenditures of contingent fund in house of regent, republicans of Barcelona submit to republi-
representatives 255; committee of house representa cans of France, account of insurrection 163; difficul-
tives on expenditures of department of state 269; ties over, fate of leaders, regent's address 195; Barce
communication from, relative to census 280; printed lona ib.; extract from Madrid Gazette and other
copy of census transmitted to house of representatives papers 196, 225; cavalry of royal guard suppressed,
by, 237, 331; correspondence relative to Santa Fe resolution relative to guard, cortes opened, character
traders 342; letter to Mr. Everett from, 403, 404; of royal speech, democracy, character of municipal
414 bill, cottons of Catalonia, corn trade 338; Espartero
report and information from relative to Creole
refuses to accede to pretensions of French minister,
convents and monasteries to be sold

Secretary of treasury (Thomas Ewing)-letter and
papers from, in relation to removals from office 14;
loan obtained by. 19; amount of notes issued ib.;
letter of resignation by, 33, 34; letter from, relative
to Indian money &c. 41; communication from, on
money in U. S. bank of Pennsylvania 42; Mr. For-
waid temporary head officer at department of, 53;
Walter Forward 98; return of, to Washington 164;
report from in relation to certain insolvent debtors re-
ceived in senate 254; report of, in house of represen
tatives 255; report upon fiscal agent 257, 253, 259,
260, 261; report on state of finances 275, 276; state.
ment of exports and imports 280; annual report of,
in house of representatives 280; report of, considered
300, 330; report of, considered in U. S. senate 330;
resolutions in U. S. senate for reports by 347; report
of, on progress of coast surveys 380; a bill amenda-
tory of several acts establishing department of, 408,
409, 415

Secretary of war (John Bell of Tennessee)-com.
munication from, relative to certain troops 15; con-
tract submitted by, also letter and report on harbour
of New Castle 29; McLea acting secretary of 53; Mr.
Bell's letter and statement on resigning 53, 54; John
C. Spencer appointed 84. 98; report of 250, 251, 252.
253; report from, on public defences transmitted to
senate 234; abstracts of expenditures of contingent
funds in senate 254; report from, submitted to house

Special election 173; in Pennsylvania
Specie 48, 96, 112, 123, 144, 160, 176, 192, 208,
240, 304
Special mission, to U. States from Great Britain 337
Speech-Mr. Botts on second veto message 74, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9; Mr. Proffit on second veto 92, 93, 94, 95;
of Mr. Slade on abolition of slavery 135, 136, 137, 133,
139, 140, 141, 142, 145; of Mr. Rayner of reception
170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175
of abolition petitions
Spencer, J. C, appointed secretary of war 84, 98
Spoliations, memorial for indemnity for,
Sprague, Win., elected United States senator
Squier, E., death of,

Stanley, Mr., difference Mr. Wise
Starvation, in London

Tallmadge, Gen.,-on trade of lakes 305; address
of before American institute 296, 297, 298, 299;
339, 340
letter from to editor on lake trade
Tallmadge, Mr., letter from
Tallmadge, judge, review of decision on McLeod's



Tariff-state of Vermont on 182, 280, Mr. Slade
on 250, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 300; ques-
tion of reference, decided 301; Lousiana and the 307,
347 308 309, 310, 311; Vermont's resolutions on 311;
369 resolutions of enquiry on laws of 313; debate 314;
96 meeting 352, letter on 353; of Sweden 368; resolution
43, 44 for information relative to 381; movement relative to
224 384; resolution adopted 395; on the 397, 398; subject
in relation to laid on the table ib.; duties of the new
on certain imports 402, 412; memorial from Pennsyl
vania referred 413; debate 413, 414; meeting in
Hagerstown relative to

[blocks in formation]


Tolls on canals


Tonnage-287; of lakes 320; on canals of New
York 339; of Buffalo


tution of,



Vanderstraeten, baron, sec. of Belgian legation
Van Dieman's Land-resolution relative to citizens
of United States detained in, 31, 46; memorials rela-
268, 372, 300

tive to

Vehicles, in Paris
Venice (New town)

Tenuessee-Election returns of, 22; gov. Cannon's report concerning relations of, with Texas, in house Yeas and nays-on adjournment, on recommitment
death 90; legislature of, 104; legislature 119; senators 269; amendments proposed to constitution of, 273; 10; on amendment to bill on duties, drawbacks, on
vote for governor of, 150; public debt, gov. Jones American consul leaves Santa Fe 289; Mr. Clay's amendments to fortification bill twice, on fixing time
inaugural address ib; proceedings in, Mr. Crockett resolutions for amendment of 299; communication 2; of adjournment 11; on amendments to duty bill, on
elected deputy attorney general, W. C. Dunlap senate relative to boundary line between Texas and, land bill, on appropriations to post office, on Clay's
judge of seventh judicial district, gov. Polk's valedic-331; resolutions of amendinent of constitution defer- amendment thereto, on Mr. Calhoun's proviso, on
tory 167; number of voters in, 183; division of pro-red a week 331; special mission from Great Britain further amendment, on restricting franking privilege,
posed 227, 228; Mr. Bell in Nashville, letter 231, to the, 337; resolutions relative to citizens of, includ-on passage of bill in U. S. senate 12; on post office
256; subscriptions by, charters granted by adjourned in Texas by boundary line 337; amendment to appropriation bill in house of representatives, on lay-
ment of legislature of, 288; resolutions adopted by, constitution of, debated 349; proceedings and decisioning on table, on adopting amendment ib.; on amend-
352; bill passed house compelling specie payments relative to boundary line between Texas and, trans-ments thereto four times, on passage of bill, on sub-
368; vote on division of 334; vote condemning re mitted to Senate 349; petition for dissolution of, pre-mitting account of funeral expenses to be audited by
pudiation in, 400; resolutions of, relative to debts sented to congress by Mr. Adains 351; light-houses marshal, on passage thereof, on call of house, on
of, yeas and nays on time of resumption 416 of, 352; estimated cost of light-houses in, 352; cotton taking up appropriation bill 13; on laying bill on
Territories, standing committees on, in house of crops of, 369; petition and memorials against annexa- table, on passage of bill providing for paving Penn-
255 tion of Texas to, 372; debate growing out of presen-sylvania avenue, on appropriation bill, on appeal, on
Texas-public debt of, 66; act granting lands to tation of petition for dissolution of, 373, 374, 375, 376, taking main question, on amendment 14; on further
emigrants in, ib.; Indians intentions bi; funds 98; 377, 378, 379, 330, 381, 382, 383; resolution relative amendment, on main question, on receding from pre-
treaty ratified, presidential election in, 131; union to relations of, with Mexico 395; on altering consti. vious vote, on main question, on reconsidering 15; on
with proposed, 145; Society in, 177; navy bi; message
397 Choctaw reservation, on laying revenue bill on table,
of president of, opening of Colorado river to navigation University of Virginia
149, 213 on fiscal corporation amendments 5 times, on adjourn-
196; vice president of, 226; difficulties with France Upsher, judge, appointed seeretary of navy 33; ment twice 23; on amendinent to fiscal corporation
286; report relative to treaty of U. S., with transmit relative to opinions held by, 384; reply of, 416 bill, on final passage, on amendment to fortification
ted to house of representatives 269; censures passed
bill, on amendment to ordnance appropriation bill 24;
by congress of, 288; Santa Fe expedition captured,
in reference to revenue bill, on amendment to diplo
on amendments to revenue bill 5 times, 25; 10 times
American consul, movement 289; communication re-
matic agency bill 26; on final passage of revenue bill
lative to boundary line of in United States senate 331;
in U. S. senate, on laying military appropriation bill
president Houston's message 336; resolution in
U. S. senate, relative to citizens of U. S. in, 347;|
on table, twice on amendments, on postponement, on
proceedings and decision relative to boundary line of
amendment to ordnance bill, on its final passage 27;
jaid before U. S. senate, 349; news from, rumor of
on motion to adjourn bi.; on laying resolution and
invasion by Mexicans 368; account of expedition to
Vermont-compliment 20; election 118; legislature amendments on table, on suspending rule twice 28;
Santa Fe 369; petitions and memorials against annex-of, election, Crogan case 133; bank statements, para- on laying resolution on table, on final passage of
ation of to the United States 372; resolution in house graphs from gov. Paine's message 147; resolutions of military appropriation bill 29; on resolution in a case
of representatives of United States, to have survey whig state convention, address, vote on tariff 182; of contested election 30; on laying resolution on table,
and boundary of, printed 393; commodore More, boundary, finances, geological survey 202; petition on case of order, on ainendinents to revenue bill 6
adjournment of congress, mutiny of a crew 402, 412 of, presented to U. S. senate for amendment of con- times, on adjournment once, 31; on printing resolu
stitution 311; resolution of, reiative to slavery 349 tions of Virginians, on resolution relative to reporters
Tobacco 16, 48, 64, 112; of Illinois 134, 144, 176.
Vetoes-debate on president Tyler's, to bank bill 41; on adjournment, on expunging question, on ad-
192; address to planters of,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10; when exercised and by whom 16, 17; journment 42; on revenue bill 3 times 43; on decision
Todd, col., appointed minister to Russia 33; arrival message ib.; on printing of, 47, 48; Mr. Botts' speech of speaker, on amendments to resolution on rules of
of, at St. Petersburg
on second, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79; Mr. Proffit's speech house twice, on previous question, on main question
on second 92, 93, 94, 95; of several presidents 180; 239; on motion to lay on table, on postponing elec
paragraph in relation to,
207 tion of chaplain, on decision of chair, on previous
Veto power-history of, 206, 207; Mr. Clay's no question, on select committee on parts of president's
Trade-British corn laws 1; American 19; with G. tice of intention to introduce joint resolution relative message, on abolishing office of assistant doorkeeper
Britain ib.; of lead in Wiskonsin 23; with Sandwich to, 299; Mr. Clay's resolution ib.; debate on amend- 255; on laying motion on table, on call of house, on
isles and Northwest coast 68; of cotton 100; lake ib.; ment of constitution relative to, 349; Mr. Buchanan laying motion on table 269; on referring bill to com-
reciprocity of, 153, 154; on lakes 201; imports and on, 371; debate on restricting,
414 mittee 278; on committee's rising 315; on laying
exports from 1791 to 1841 226; gen. Tallmadge's Virginia-copper ore discovered in 3; special elec- question of reception on table 5 times, on putting
address on, of lakes 305; letter to editor of Register tion in, 89; Belleville burnt 104; election, exports, main question on repeal of bankrupt law, on adjourn-
on foreigners availing of free trade system to mono- university 149; convention for southwestern road ment 316; on reference and instruction to report 317;
polize 339; on lakes 352; of Philadelphia ib; letter held in, 183; Dismal swamp canal 203; memorial of, on motion to adjourn, on decision of chair ib; on
relative to 353; cotton crops of United States 369, 370; on southwestern road 212; university, constitution, seconding demand for previous question, on ordering
items relative to, of lakes 370; of tobacco 371; me-resumption, education ib; legislative proceedings 227; main question, on amendment to main question, on
morial in relation to, with British colonies 397 320; gen. B. G. Baldwin elected judge of court of motion to print 301; on motion to lay subject on table
Traders, the Santa Fe,
100, 336, 369 appeals in, 368; South Carolina memorializes con- 302; on laying petition on table, on laying treasury
Travel and transportation, facilities for, 241 gress on controversy between New York and, 372; note bill on table, on appeal from speaker's decision
Treasurer, notice of annual report of,
257 convention held in, 384; debt of, ib.; extract from 303; for call on secretary of treasury for his opinion
Treasury department-bill amendatory of acts e-nessage of governor of, in relation to position of, relative to revenue 331; on postponing motion, on
408, 409 with New York 385; vote for governor in, 400; stay resolving into committee of the whole twice, on com-
Treasury notes-amounts issued &c. 19, 85, 145;
ib. mittee rising, on suspension of rules 332; on amend-
amounts issued 226; amount of, issued 289; bill au-
Visitation, right of,
241 ment to treasury note bill, on treasury note bill 333;
Votes in executive session
thorising issue of read in U. S. senate 303; bill debat-
40 on adjournment, on ordinary main question, on reso-
ed and reported 305; bill authorising issue of, read
lution to report bill repealing bankrupt law, on
in U. S. senate 315; debate on ib.; subject debated
instructions accompanying bankrupt law bill, on
adjournment, on laying appeal on table, on decision
317, 318, 319; bill considered in U. S. senate 331;
adopted ib.; amendments of bill in house of represen
passage of bankrupt law, on laying petitions on table,
of chair 334; on main question, on engrossment, on
tatives and debates on 332; bill and amendments re-
ported and passed 333; forin of bill ib., 346; bill order- Washington college, (Conn.) legacy to,
on previous question 335; on amendment to treasury
ed to be engrossed 347; Mr. Calhoun on, vote on Washington-statue of 13; see Greenough and ment to treasury note bill twice, 347; on passage of
note bill 349; on laying resolution on table, on amend-
passage of 348; bill considered 459; vote on amend-statue; placed in rotunda of capitol 224; resolution treasury note bill 318; on question of reception being
ment to bill, form of bill
laid on table twice, on motion to adjourn, on motion
to lay petition on table, on laying question of recep-
tion on table twice again, on laying on table 349; on
committing bill to committee of whole, on Mr. Mar-
shall's motion 350; on decision of chair twice, on
adjournment, on leave to Mr, Adams to proceed, on
laying on table 351; on bankrupt bill 359; on ad-
sketch of,
journment 362; on laying subject of censure of Mr.
Western national armory-location 16, 84, 164 Adams on table 366; on considering Mr. Marshall's
West Point 27; resolution, military academy 300 resolutions 367; on amendment to treasury note bill
Whale fisheries 37; American,
164 380; on motion to lay subject of censure on table, on
Wheat 16, 32, 48, 64, 96, 112, 144; crop in Ohio motion to lay Mr. Adams' resolution on table, on
150, 160, 176, 192, 208, 240 adopting resolution, on resolution, on laying on table
Whig meeting, congressional, resolutions and ad- 881; on laying subject on table, on reconsideration
dress of,
35, 36 383; on laying resolution on table, on fixing day for
133 adjournment, on engrossing bankrupt law bill 397; on
67 laying report on table, on laying resolution to employ
322 a clerk on table, on laying motion on table 398; on
69 apportionment bill, on suspension of specie payment
304 of District banks, on laying on table, on striking out
224 items from appropriation bill 399; to lay District bank

Treaty-rejected 55; with Siouxs ib.; relative to
armed forces on lakes 68; Indian 116; failure of, with
Sacs and Fox 146; narrative of the failure of 168; Eu-
ropean for suppression of slave trade 337; relative to
the, with Seneca Indians 349; resolution of enquiry
as to, with Mexico
412, 413

Trinadad, immigration to,
Turkey 52; Syrian tribute fixed, lord Ponsonby,
Candia insurrection ended 83; military preparations
130; earthquake at Constantinople 195; amount of
tribute paid in 225; armaments at Porte, Selim Pasha,
change of ministry in, energetic measures in Syria
by, pasha of Damascus


Tyler, president-second "eto message 18; procla
mation by, 66; instructions of, to acting post master
general 67; 118, 131, 164; correspondence with
neighbours 177; nolle prosequi by 196; paragraph in
London Times on veto of, 207; message of, 233; mes-
sage relative to boundary line with Texas 349


United States-trade of, with Great Britain 19;
sugar trade of, 37; list of acts of 27th congress of, 47;
table shewing comparative value of, in agriculture 70;
sketch of commerce and navigation of, 85; census of,
113, 114, 115; loan 116; western national ar:nory of,
128; statistics of commerce of, 132; debts of, 202;




Wainright, lieut. col. R. D., death and sketch of 96
War steamer, to be built
Washington city, bill in U. S. senate to amend and
continue act of incorporation of,



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