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or hypothecate, or devise both real and personal property acquired by gift, descent, or by purchase and make contracts, incur liabilities and do any and all of the things necessary and requisite to own or alienate property of any kind the same as if she were unmarried. Neither husband or wife has any interest in the property of the other but neither can be excluded from the other's dwelling. Husband and wife may contract with each other, respecting property, subject to the rules of law as to persons in confidential relations. Neither is answerable for the acts of the other. When the married woman lives separate and apart from her husband her earnings and those of her minor children go to her separate estate and her separate property is not liable for the debts of her husband, but when they are living together the husband is deemed the head of the conjugal home and has full authority as to its regulation, location, etc. If he is able to do so he must support his wife and family but if he is not able then the separate property of the wife is liable for the obligation. If either husband or wife be absent from the marital domicile for more than one year the court may authorize the other to sell or mortgage the property of the absentee for the support of the family.

The surviving husband or wife has the right to the use of the homestead. Personal property, household furnishings and paraphernalia, books, etc., go to the surviving spouse.

If the husband dies intestate personal property to the value of $1,500 goes to the widow and minor children exclusive of any claims, if there be more than that value the excess goes one-half to the mother and the other half to one child, if there be more than one child then the widow takes one-third of the excess above $1,500 and if there are no children the widow takes all.

In any event one-third of the property goes to the surviving wife or husband and cannot be diverted by will.

Boys less than sixteen, women and girls, are prohibited from working in mines and quarries.

Minors less than fourteen are prohibited from working in mills, factories and places injurious or dangerous to life, limbs and morals. Minors less than sixteen who work must file a school certificate.

Seats must be furnished to female employees.

The guardianship of children is deemed due equally to the father and mother and is left to the discretion of the court.

The penalty for rape of a girl less than fourteen years is death or life imprisonment, between fourteen and sixteen the penalty is imprisonment from one to three years.

A girl of fifteen may be married with the consent of parents. Oklahoma will grant divorce, among other rea sons, for the following: Abandonment for one year, cruelty, habitual drunkenness and gross neglect.

There is an inheritance tax on property passing to a widow of one per cent. above twenty-five thousand dollars, of one per cent. above ten thousand dollars to each child and one per cent. above five thousand dollars to brother, sister, son-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Oklahoma has had woman's suffrage since 1907.


Married women in Oregon have the right to sell, manage, convey and devise their separate property which consists of all the estate owned at the time of marriage or acquired subsequently in any manner whatsoever. The separate property of the wife is not liable for the debts of the husband, but the property of both husband and wife are equally liable for the support and education of the children,

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and legitimate family expenses; neither being liable for the contracts of the other beyond this provision. Husband and wife are free to convey property to each other and to contract with each other.

By special Satute all civil disabilities have been removed from the married woman and she may be sued and appeal to the courts in her own name and right.

There is curtesy and dower of the right to the use for life of half of all lands owned by the deceased.

The surviving wife or husband is entitled to one-half of the personal property if there is a child and to all if there are no children.

The State of Oregon when it established the Industrial Welfare Commission in 1913 took a step in advance of Massachusetts and Nebraska in their Welfare Commisison provisions. The intent is summarized in the preamble which reads: "Whereas the welfare of the State of Oregon requires that women and minors should be protected from conditions of labor which have a pernicious effect on their health and morals, and inadequate wages and unduly long hours and unsanitary conditions." There follows mny regulations to control the sanitary conditions where women and minors are employed and it is made unlawful to employ minors for unreasonably low wages. The commission is composed of three persons, one to represent the employers, one the employees and one the disinterested public, without salary, but their expenses are defrayed. The first commission had as one member a woman who acted as secretary. The duty of the commission is to investigate and declare proper standards and conditions of labor for women and minors, length of time of labor days, minimum wages (which means the wage on which these laborers can be maintained in health).

Under the Labor Law children of less than fourteen are prohibited from working during school sessions and minors less than sixteen must have school certificates if

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