Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

McCawley, John,




McCrory, Robert, elected member of Board of Health, 152.

McGrath, M., resignation as a Manager of Wills Hospital, 25.

Miller, Andrew, President Board of Commissioners Moyamensing, communica-

tion from, IS.

Myer, Isaac, elected Agent of the Girard Estates, 66.

Morris, William, elected President of the Select Council, 3.


O'Hara, Isaac H., elected a School Director. 30.

Olmsted, Edward, elected City Solicitor, 63.

Ordinance authorizing a pier at the foot of Walnut street, and the extension of
the Culvert through the same, 14, 20.

authorizing the Directors of the Girard College to construct a new
building, 35, 51, 52.

authorizing subscription to the Schuylkill Railroad, 77, 101.

to establish the regulation of Delaware avenue from Pine to Lom-
bard street, 14.

to establish the regulation of Delaware avenue from High to Ches-
nut street, 163,

to establish the regulation of Ashton street, north and south of High
street, 184.

to establish the regulation of Beach street from High to Chesnut
street, 112.

to establish the regulation of south side of High street, north of Ash-
ton, 140, 184.

making a temporary appropriation to the Committee on Highways,
69, 87, 183.

61, 105.

a temporary appropriation to the Committee on Police,

making appropriation from the Girard Estate for 1849, 15.

making appropriation from the Girard Estate for 1850, 57, 58, 72,
109, 148.

making appropriation to the Watering Committee, 19, 34, 37, 71,
99, 109.

making appropriation to repair Delaware avenue, 103.
making appropriation to light Delaware avenue with gas, 62.

making appropriation to the Committee on Legacies and Trusts, 204.

making appropriation to the Committee on Highways, 14, 194.

making appropriation to the Committe on City Property, 75, 86, 160.
relating to Water street, 20, 41, 102, 132, 155, 164.

relating to Water street and Delaware avenue, 155, 158.

relating to the Gas Works.

relating to the construction and management of Philadelphia Gas
Works, 73.

to provide for the appointment of a Committee on Gas Works, 32, 38.
to provide fire arms for the use of the Police, 74.

to provide for the payment of the final subscription to Pennsylvania
Railroad, 195.

to provide for the construction of certain culverts, 201.

to provide for the construction of a culvert in Lodge alley, 184.

Ordinance to fix the price to be paid for gas used by the public lamps, 112.
to fix salary of the City Surveyor, 69.

supplement relative to Ice Boat, 147, 158.

supplement for the regulation of cabs and omnibuses, 175.
to compensate certain policemen, 150.

to change the name of certain streets, 163, 165.

for creating a loan to provide for enlarging and improving the Fair-
mount Water Works, 18, 19, 34.

for the repair and preservation of the real estate belonging to the Gi-
rard Estates, 20, 27.

regulating the granting of building permits, 84.

to provide for the erecting of a market house in south-western part of
city, 74.

authorizing the appointment of a watchman of City Hall, and his
duties, 75.

creating a loan for the expense of altering the Permanent Bridge,
95, 98.

making appropriation to aid sufferers by the late fire, 168.

to restore the name of William street, 187, 189.

authorizing Commissioners of the Girard Estates to purchase a cer-
tain right of way, 188.

supplement, to change names of certain streets, 194.

to provide for purchase of certain real estate, 201.

to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for 1850, 201.

to fit up the new building at the Girard College, 202.

to fix salary of messenger of Watering Committee, 203.

to pave Delaware avenue with cubical blocks, 148.

to regulate the issuing of water permits, 155.

to regulate the underletting of stalls in market houses, 162.


Petitions to pave Ann street, from Schuylkill Second to Third street, 9.

Ashton street, 79.

Carver street, 79.

Chatham street, 90.

[blocks in formation]

Lombard to Pine, 79.

Schuylkill Fourth, from Locust to Spruce, 9.

Locust street, from Schuylkill Second to Third street, 165.

Porcelain street, 91.

Petition to have gas pipes along Pine street, west of Schuylkill Eighth street 9.
of Joshua Comly, for loss and outlay for injury done his horse, 10.

for appointment to office, 56, 57.

against extending the railroad across High Street Bridge.

for a market-house in Schuylkill Second, between Spruce and Pine, 79.

for the removal of the railroad track in front of the Girard stores, 84.

for a gas lamp in Locust street, between Ninth and Tenth streets, 84.

for a gate to Independent Square, on Sixth street. 90.

for a crossing place in Market street, between Eleventh and Twelfth
streets, 107.

from John Lyons, policeman, 107.

from John Gray, policeman, 47.

Petition for an opening into the sewer from Merchants' Hotel, 114.

for a culvert at Vine and Schuylkill Fifth streets, 121.

for a culvert from Race street to Cresson's alley, 146.
from lamplighters, for increase of salary, 153.

from P. Maper, for compensation on account of an overflow of water,

[blocks in formation]

from West Jersey Ferry Company, to make a channel across the sand-
bar in Delaware river, 129.

to have George street, between Eighth and Ninth street, changed to
Sansom street, 108, 119.

Pacific Railroad Convention, communication from the Mayor, 97, 105.

Joint Special Committee appointed, 101, 106.
Pennsylvania Peace Convention, application for the use of Independence Hall,


Paez, General Jose Antonio, hospitalities of the City extended to, 200.
Parsons, A. V., resignation as School Director, 109.

Patterson, J. V., elected a vaccine physician, 68.

Pennsylvania Railroad, communications from, 159, 178, 183, 185.
election of Directors, 28.

Penrose & Burton, communication from, relative to cleansing docks, 121, 129.
Permanent Bridge, communication from C. J. Ingersoll and others, relative to
the use of, for a railroad, 91.

Philadelphia Hose Company, communication from, 74, 107.

Police Committee, reports of, 31, 41, 58, 101, 110, 121, 153, 207, 211.


Reed, W. B., Attorney General, communication from, relative to wharf property,

Rosine Association, memorial from, 97.

Resolution, relative to rules of order, 4.

relative to Mayor's election, 4.

to appoint a joint special committee to consider the subject of a police
for the city and districts, 14.

approving of a plan for a bridge over the Schuylkill at High street,
and continuation of Railroad to Broad street, 12.

to affix City Seal to deed to Quintus C. Brown, 16, 23,

John A. Rolin, 26.

Wm. L. Ward, 130.

A. Steuart and John A. Rolin, 182.
Peter Glasgow, Joseph Fareira and
Daniel Applegate, 135.

directing the Committee on Police to confer with Committees from
the Districts on the subject of Police, 15, 21, 22.

directing fire arms to be procured for the police, 18, 32. 40.

discharging Watering Committee from the subject of erecting filters
at Fairmount, 19.

relative to the introduction of gas pipes into Moyamensing, 20.
to pave George's alley, 20.

rescinding the resolution, passed 25th October last, affixing City Seal
to a deed, 24.

relative to the practicability of furnishing at each stated meeting of
Council the printed Appendix to the Journal of the preceding meet-
ing, 24.

relative to new county buildings, 27, 37, 45, 46, 50, 52, 54, 60, 137.
relative to Certificates of City Loan, paid in by Pennsylvania Railroad
Company, 31.

Resolution relative to changing names of certain streets, 33.

owners to repave private alley at Walnut and Tenth streets, 41.

to appoint City Directors of Pennsylvania Railroad proxies of Cor-
poration, 42, 46, 49.

to memorialize the Legislature to prohibit the placing of signs on
roofs, 40.

authorizing transfers for Watering Committee, 48.
relative to alteration of rules and regulations, 49.

the routes of omnibus lines, 49, 82.

night schools, 49, 100.

publishing pamphlet form of ordinances, 50.

directing the payment of interest received from Pennsylvania Rail-
road Company into the City Treasury, 51.

directing clerks to transmit to the Legislature the annual report of the
Commissioners of the Girard Estates, 59.

employing a person to prepare a list of all registered taxes due, 59.
to pay John Gray, (policeman,) 61.

approving of the location of the Schuylkill Railroad, 76, 93.

enquiring into the practicability of constructing the High street Railroad
from the Bridge to Broad street, on an elevated superstructure, 81.
relative to accidents during the construction of buildings, 82.

to provide for the appointment of a Committee on Girard College, 82.
releasing property of A. H. Eurtis, 83.

to memorialize the Legislature against the extension of the York
and Harrisburg Railroad to the Pennsylvania Railroad, 93.
relative to ice boat, 100.

releasing property of Thomas Gegan, 110.

relative to payment by the Philadelphia Exchange Company of part
of mortgage, 110.

relative to amendment of ordinances regulating market houses,
116, 118.

relative to dispensing with the lamp-lighters, 118.

relative to vesting the Superintendents of Public Squares with police
powers, 118.

directing the paving of certain streets, 132, 193, 196.

private streets and alleys, 163, 165.
respealing the consent given to erect new county buildings on Inde-
pendence Square, 137, 156.

directing Finance Committee to pay subscription to Pennsylvania
Railroad, 140.

dividing the city into Sanatary districts, 141, 156, 170.

to let the city wharves at public auction, 142, 148.

to compel owners of wharves to keep them in order, 142.

to compel owners of docks to keep them clean, 146.

to allow B. Douredoure to build on the south-wing wall of the bridge
abutment, 146.

publishing the report relative to the first Bank of the U. States, 147.
releasing property of Martin Lutz, 149.

William Dougherty, 154.

authorizing City Surveyor to employ assistants, 159.

Treasurer Girard Fund to transfer, 159, 196.

to convey a certain lot to Walter B. Dick, his heirs, &c., 160.
to make annual payments to Fire Companies, 163.

on death of Zachary Taylor, President of the United States, 167,
177, 178.

dispensing with last meeting in July and first in August, 172.

of thanks to Fire Department of New York, 173.

relative to the surveys ordered of the drainage of the city, 174.
placing a Fountain in Washington Square, 174.

Resolution to repave Beaver street with tramway, 176.

on death of Commodore Jacob Jones, 179.

directing City Surveyor to run wharf line on Western bank of Schuyl-
kill, 183.

to pay William Ellender, policeman, 199.
invitation to General Paez, 199.

to remit taxes on U. S. Mint, 187.

of inquiry, relative to procuring floating suction steam engines, for
extinguishing fires on the Delaware Front of the city, 188.
of thanks to William Morris, President of Select Council, 205.

Schuylkill Rail-road, 13, 76, 92.


School Directors, elected, 30, 87, 104, 105, 176, 191.

Schuylkill Navigation Company, communication from, 128.
Shivers, P. K., elected Vaccine Physician, 30, 68.

Smith, C. S., elected Treasurer of the Girard Fund, 66.
H. Y., elected Vaccine Physician, 68.

G. R., elected Appraiser of Tavern Licences, 126.
R. H., elected City Clerk, 14.

Stevenson, Cornelius, elected City Treasurer, 66.


Taylor, Zachary, President of the United States, death of, 167, 177, 178.

Trustees of Gas Works, elected, 53, 81, 106.

Traquair Adam, elected President Board of City Commissioners, 144.


Vaccine Physicians, 30, 68.


Watering Committee, reports of, 18, 19, 37, 48, 57, 71, 99, 109, 123, 155, 203.
Waterman, A. G., resignation from Committee on Gas Works, 77.

Weakly, John, application relative to loss of a horse, 25.

Weer, S. W., resignation from Board of Health, 145.

West Philadelphia Canal Company, communication from, 91.

Wetherill, J. P., resignation as Trustee of Gas Works, 48.

Wetham, Joseph, elected a School Director, 176.

White, William H., elected a vaccine physician, 18.

Wiegand, John, resignation as a Director of the Girard College, 152.
Wilcox, Edmund, elected Clerk of Select Council, 3.

Wills Hospital, election of Managers, 30, 34.

Annual Report, 71.

Wilson, E, elected a vaccine physician, 68.

Wolff, Samuel, resignation as a vaccine physician, 25.


Yarrow, John, elected a Director of Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 29.

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