INDEX TO EXECUTIVE DOCUMENTS OF HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. CONTENTS OF THE VOLUMES. VOL. 1..FOREIGN RELATIONS: No. 1, pt. 1. VOL. 3.. VOL. 4. VOL. 5.. VOL. 6.. VOL. 7 ENGINEERS: No. 1, pt. 2, v. 2, pt. 1. VOL. 18..Nos. 19 to 36 inclusive, except Nos. 31 and 35. VOL. 19..No. 37. VOL. 20 No. 38 to 92 inclusive, except Nos. 43, 64, 73, 82, and 84. VOL. 21..No. 43. VOL. 24. Nos. 93 to 99 inclusive. VOL. 27. Nos. 129 to 175 inclusive, except No. 172. VOL.29. No. 176, pt. 1. VOL. 30..No. 176, pt. 2. VOL. 31..No. 177. VOL. 32..No. 178. INDEX TO THE DOCUMENTS. Vol. No. Part. Subject. A. Acqueduct Bridge, District of Columbia, letter from the Secretary of War relative to.. Adjutant-General of the Army, annual report (vol. 1) Admiral of the Navy, annual report of (vol. 1) Advisory Board of the Navy, annual report of (vol. 1) Agriculture, report of Commissioner of, for 1884 Alaska, letter from the Secretary of the Treasury relative to new revenue steamer to cruise in the waters of...... American-Spanish Claims Commission, message of the President American College, Italy, Secretary of State transmits report rela- tle disease in Kansas and Illinois. letter from the Secretary of the Treasury in regard to quarantine stations for.. Appropriation, letter from the Secretary of the Treasury asking for a deficiency appropriation for printing Treasury notes |