Mastering Import & Export ManagementAMACOM, 2004 - 560 páginas "Here is the definitive guide to supply chain management in the post-9/11 world, intensively researched and painstakingly written by one of the leading experts in the field.
Before the terrorist attacks that destroyed New York's World Trade Center in 2001, managing the import/export supply chain was ""complicated, convoluted, and difficult"" enough, as Tom Cook observes. Since then, new security and compliance requirements have come into play. Some of these mandates are still evolving, and some pose special challenges for smaller exporters. To remain competitive, companies of all sizes must understand the changes, anticipate new directions, and keep the costs of compliance and security in balance. This book provides the timely and practical information necessary to meet those goals.
As a supply chain professional or executive involved in global trade, you can rely on Mastering Import and Export Management to help you:
* Identify the risks. Learn to use creative financing as a marketing potential exposures in new markets...avoid the major pitfalls of international freight shipments. Gain entry into world markets.
* Determine how your products and services can best compete globally...structure an effective export program...understand key distribution logistics and foreign tax considerations.
* Meet sales and service demands. Recognize the factors involved in global customer service...negotiate problems the right way...leverage the benefits of third-party logistics...apply quality control procedures...control the terms of sale.
* Deal with freight and logistics issues. Reduce costs...negotiate better rates...get the best service contracts...assess the value of using consolidators.
*Handle specialty issues. Learn the ins and outs of shipping equipment overseas for temporary use...ship perishable freight safely...evaluate air versus ocean shipping ... deal with strikes...observe key practices if you're in the entertainment or communications industry.
* Finesse your documentation. Utilize INCO terms correctly...avoid documentation obstacles...navigate the demands of the Harmonize Tariff Schedule of the U.S. (HTSUS), Bureau of Export Administration (BXA), Federal Maritime Commission (FMC), Automated Export System (AES)...learn when and how to use the SED.
* Learn about importing if you export only. Be prepared to handle returns and the right customhouse broker...get familiar with ""drawback.""
* Become finance-savvy. Identify banking and credit options...manage letters of credit.
* Control cargo loss. Learn the science and art of properly packing for transit...minimize losses in transporting bulk liquids, pulp, and paper...understand the variables of containerization, sea, and air shipping.
* Manage risk. Insure against physical, political, and credit risk...learn the liability basics...get more from your marine aware of recently beefed-up air regulations.
* Leverage technology. Automate key documentation...track and trace more accurately...know what to expect from your EDI carrier.
* Understand geographic demands. Familiarize yourself with the idiosyncrasies of doing business under NAFTA and in the European Community, Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, Russia, Mexico, and Brazil.
* Deploy global staff cost-effectively. Develop networking channels...understand the landed cost...attract quality personnel.
* Obtain export assistance. Make the most of such resources as Chambers of Commerce, state governments, world trade centers, commercial banks, and others.
* Gain the benefits of duty-free work areas. Explore the possibilities inherent in free trade zones (FTZs) and custom bonded warehouses.
More than 200 pages of sample forms, tariff schedules, and other vital materials enhance this invaluable and authoritative volume. If you are running an import and/or export operation of any scale, you can't afford to be without it." |
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Purchasing Management Skill Sets in Foreign Markets | 3 |
Freight Logistics and Specialized Transportation Issues | 9 |
Controlling Shipping Issues in the Entertainment Communications | 22 |
Shipping Perishable Freight | 29 |
Know Your Commodity Classification | 35 |
Solid Wood Packing Treatment Guidelines | 41 |
2000 and Beyond | 47 |
Not for the Fainthearted | 55 |
34 | 219 |
Truck Export NAFTA | 226 |
Oceanfreight Export Letter of Credit | 236 |
23 | 296 |
67 | 297 |
The Export Finance Matchmaker EFM | 331 |
3335 | 336 |
998 | 341 |
Ten Critical Steps for Risk Managers | 61 |
Getting More from Marine Insurance | 67 |
The Internet is becoming a significant driving force of global trade | 72 |
Export Logistics | 79 |
Developing Resources in the ImportExport Supply Chain | 88 |
Free Trade Zones and Bonded Warehouses | 98 |
65 | 104 |
Essential Overview of ImportExport Compliance | 106 |
INCO Terms Documentation | 125 |
It Is Everybodys Business | 135 |
Case Studies in Export Compliance | 147 |
Purchasing Operations | 161 |
Inbound Supply Chain | 176 |
Compliance | 182 |
Appendix | 189 |
Key Telephone Numbers | 201 |
Government Resources | 203 |
Airfreight Export Cash Against Documents | 209 |
Menu of EMS Elements with Objectives | 348 |
Import Compliance Issues Review and Customs and Border Protection | 369 |
Harmonize Tariff Schedule of the United States HTSUS | 385 |
36 | 395 |
ATA Carnet | 399 |
61 | 405 |
Options in Export Finance | 407 |
Comparison Method of Export Payment Options | 416 |
Legalization Prices and Requirements | 422 |
WTO Agreement on AntiDumping | 430 |
83 | 447 |
Sample Fines and Penalties on Export Transactions from the Bureau of Industry | 451 |
57 | 480 |
CTPAT | 503 |
U S Government Contact List | 536 |
549 | |
Otras ediciones - Ver todas
Mastering Import & Export Management Thomas A. COOK,Rennie ALSTON,Kelly RAIA Vista previa limitada - 2012 |
Mastering Import and Export Management Thomas Cook,Rennie ALSTON,Kelly Raia Vista previa limitada - 2012 |