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Article 59. Executive Board-sessions, procedure and officers.
Article 60. Executive Board-powers and duties.


Article 61. Establishment of commissions. .











Article 62. Composition and procedure of commissions.
Article 63. General functions of commissions.


Article 64. Functions of Commission on Commercial Policy
Article 65. Functions of Commission on Business Practices.
Article 66. Functions of Commodity Commission. .:


Article 67. Composition of Secretariat.
Article 68. Director General . . .

Article 69. Deputy Directors General

Article 70. Secretariat staff.


Article 71. Relations with other organizations.

Article 72. International responsibilities of personnel of Organization

Article 73. Legal capacity of Organization.

Article 74. Privileges and immunities of Organization.

Article 75. Amendments to Charter .⠀ .

Article 76. Interpretation and settlement of legal questions.

Article 77. Contributions of Members.

Article 78. Entry into force. . .

Article 79. Withdrawal and termination.

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The International Trade Organization of the United Nations is hereby established and shall operate in accordance with the following provisions:


Article 1. General Purposes of the Organization

The purposes of the Organization shall be:

1. To promote the solution of problems in the field of international commercial policies and relations through consultation and collaboration among Members.

2. To enable Members to avoid recourse to measures destructive of world commerce by providing, on a reciprocal and mutually advantageous basis, expanding opportunities for their trade and economic development.

3. To encourage and assist the industrial and general economic development of Member countries, particularly of those still in the early stages of industrial development.

4. In general, to promote national and international action for the expansion of the production, exchange and consumption of goods, for the reduction of tariffs and other trade barriers, and for the elimination of all forms of discriminatory treatment in international commerce; thus contributing to an expanding world economy, to the establishment and maintenance in all countries of high levels of employment and real income, and to the creation of economic conditions conducive to the maintenance of world peace.

5. To provide a centralized agency for the coordination of the work of Members to the above ends.


Article 2. Membership

1. The original Members of the Organization shall be those countries represented at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment which accept the provisions of this Charter by December

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31, 194, or, in the event that this Charter has not entered into force by that date, the countries which have agreed to bring this Charter into force pursuant to the proviso to paragraph 3 of Article 78.

2. Membership in the Organization shall be open to such other countries as accept the provisions of this Charter, subject to the approval of the Conference on recommendation of the Executive Board. 3. The Conference shall establish procedures that will open a membership in the Organization to the United Nations on behalf of the trust territories for which the United Nations is the administering authority.


Article 3. Relation of Employment to Purposes of Organization

The Members recognize that the attainment and maintenance of useful employment opportunities for those able, willing, and seeking to work are essential to the full realization of the purposes of the Organization. They also recognize that domestic programs to maintain or expand employment should be consistent with these purposes.

Article 4. General Undertaking to Promote Full Employment

Each Member shall take action designed to achieve and maintain full employment within its own jurisdiction through measures appropriate to its political and economic institutions.

Article 5. Avoidance of Certain Employment Measures

In seeking to maintain or expand employment, no Member shall adopt measures which would have the effect of creating unemployment in other countries or which are incompatible with undertakings designed to promote an expanding volume of international trade and investment.

Article 6. Consultation and Exchange of Information on Matters Relating to Employment

The Members agree that they will: (1) make arrangements for the collection, analysis, and exchange of information on employment problems, trends, and policies and for the submission at regular intervals of reports on the measures adopted to give effect to Article 4; (2) consult regularly on employment problems; and (3) hold special conferences in case of threat of widespread unemployment.

Article 7. Assignment of Functions to Economic and Social Council In accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, the Economic and Social Council will be responsible for furthering the objectives of Chapter III and supervising the fulfillment of the obligations assumed under Article 6.



Article 8. General Most-Favored-Nation Treatment

1. With respect to customs duties and charges of any kind imposed on or in connection with importation or exportation or imposed on the international transfer of payments for imports or exports, and with respect to the method of levying such duties and charges, and with respect to all rules and formalities in connection with importation or exportation, and with respect to all matters relating to internal taxation or regulation referred to in Article 9, any advantage, favor, privilege or immunity granted by any Member country to any product originating in or destined for any other country, shall be accorded immediately and unconditionally to the like product originating in or destined for all other Member countries.' The principle underlying this paragraph shall also extend to the awarding by Members of governmental contracts for public works, in respect of which each Member shall accord fair and equitable treatment to the commerce of the other Members.

2. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall not be construed to require the elimination of any preference in the rate of ordinary import customs duty which does not exceed the preference in force in any Member country on July 1, 1939 and which falls within the descriptions set forth in (a) or (b), below, but such preferences shall in no event be increased above their level on July 1, 1946 and shall be subject to processes of elimination pursuant to the provisions of Article 18:

a. Preferences in force exclusively between territories in respect of which there existed on July 1, 1939 common sovereignty or relations of protection or suzerainty. Each Member to which this provision applies shall provide a list of such territories in respect of which preferences were in force on that date, which lists shall be incorporated in an annex to this Charter.

b. Preferences in force exclusively between the United States of America and the Republic of Cuba.

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