Imágenes de páginas

tion, which maintains a close and cordial relation among the college women of Denver. The program has included an afternoon with members of the Symphony Club in the study of the symphony to be presented that month by the Denver Symphony Orchestra; a review of a recent book; modern Irish poetry and a discussion of the Irish literary revival; American architecture, a paper which brought up for consideration Denver architecture and the proposed plans for beautifying the city; a lively discussion of equal suffrage. The branch is a contributor to and an active worker in the Neighborhood House, and is represented on its board of directors. It has presented a program under the Home and Education Department of the Woman's Club, in which the various phases and advantages of college life were set forth.

Its greatest work has been to assist in the college education of Colorado girls through a scholarship loan fund of $600, which is available for Colorado girls attending any of the colleges in the corporate membership of the A. C. A., or any college or university in Colorado.

THE VIRGINIA BRANCH: The educational work in the state which the branch was instrumental in starting has grown in significance and influence during the past year. A committee of the branch decided the winner of the historical prize offered by the Colonial Dames of Virginia.


THE SOUTHERN New York BRANCH: Membership, 32. Has held eight meetings, at some of which was taken up the study of city governments. young woman who is in the Syracuse University has been helped financially. Some of those whom we have helped were able to pay us back this year part of

the loan.

THE NEBRASKA BRANCH: Membership, 44. A program of literary interest similar to that of 1906-07 has been carried out. Miss Gill's visit in January was an inspiration, not merely in a general way, but in a very definite fashion, for she gave us a conception of how to find and how to accomplish definite results. The branch feels that it has gained in the estimation of the community, thus increasing its potency for the future.

THE ANN ARBOR BRANCH: Membership, 81. Eight meetings have been held, including the annual reception to the senior women of Michigan University; five special lectures by five men in various departments of the University; one musical, given by talent from the Conservatory of Music of Ypsilanti; one paid lecture to raise money for a scholarship to be given to the women students of the University; and the annual picnic and election of officers. The branch does its most active work in connection with the Loan Scholarship Fund, a fund for the benefit of college women, consisting of $250, which is loaned in $50 lots without interest. The branch co-operates in all work undertaken by the women of Michigan University.

THE CENTRAL ILLINOIS BRANCH: Eight meetings have been held, with programs including a lecture on "The Legal Rights of Women," by Prof. G. L. Clark of the Law School; papers prepared by members of the branch; and a reception to the senior women of the University of Illinois, at which a history of the A. C. A. was given Efforts have been made during the entire year to interest the women of the University in the Association. Contribution of the branch to the Neighborhood House Association was twenty dollars.

THE IOWA BRANCH: Has held four meetings, at one of which the branch had the pleasure of entertaining the president of the Association, Miss Gill. At the annual meeting, held at the Savery Hotel in Des Moines, it was voted to meet the third Friday in every month at the Savery Hotel. A motion was also made and carried to ask the alumnæ of the State University and of the Iowa College at Grinnell to become affiliated members. The address was given by Miss Youngquist, general secretary of the Associated Charities, on "College Women and Social Service."

THE COLUMBUS BRANCH: Membership, 58. The meetings have included the following papers: "The Application of the Empirical Method to Some Problems of Life and Thought," "Schoolroom Decorations," "The Street Cleaning Problem;" an address by Miss Gill, president of the Association; report of the Quarter-Centennial meeting; a reception to new members; a reception at

the out of town home of one of the members; the customary reception, during the Christmas holidays, to undergraduates of the colleges represented in the Association. This year, as last, a house in one of the poorer parts of the city has been rented and used for guild work, with a sewing school with an average attendance of forty, and a boys' club. It has been decided to discontinue this work next year, as it should be done on a larger scale than the finances of the branch will admit at present.

THE SEATTLE BRANCH: Membership, 46. The meetings have included a novel talk by Miss Pollock, recently returned from an extended trip to South America and Europe; delightful readings from her own writings by Mrs. Elizabeth Champney; the biennial luncheon, with a report of the Boston meeting; the annual picnic, with a discussion of next year's work, which is to be devoted to municipal interests.

THE OREGON BRANCH: Membership, 54. The work is threefold-educational, philanthropic, and social. For the past three years the branch has had a scholarship fund sufficient to maintain a student at the University of Oregon. This year, in order to raise the fund, Browning's "Colombe's Birthday" was presented at the Empire Theatre. Membership in the Juvenile Improvement Association has been renewed Several clubs have been organized in the suburbs. The programs have been sociological rather than literary. Addresses were given on the following subjects: "The Juvenile Court," Judge Frazer; "The Consumers' League," Miss Wilson; "The Open Air Sanitarium,' Dr. Pierce; "The Travelers' Aid Association," Mrs. Baldwin; "Child Labor in Oregon," Mrs. Trumbull. At the annual luncheon in March, Miss Strong gave an inspiring talk on "Browning as a Dramatist."


THE KANSAS BRANCH: Has had three meetings. The special work has been that of keeping a club house in East Lawrence, looking toward the betterment of social conditions for the poor and for working girls over there Its success was not of the wild fire sort, but was enough to warrant continuing the plan. We hope that by the wholesome and sturdy process of evolution, some thing permanent and helpful may grow.

THE OMAHA BRANCH: A visit from Miss Gill brought much inspiration. The branch, in conjunction with the Woman's Club, has started and has in running order a social settlement. A Settlement Association has been formed, and the entire branch is interested.

THE OXFORD BRANCH: Disbanded, having fallen below the standard of membership in regard to numbers.

THE TACOMA BRANCH: Number of members, 34. Meetings held every two months at homes of the members, and always with a social hour. The branch studied and reported on the chapters of "Democracy and Social Ethics," by Jane Addams. Informal addresses were made upon the book by Rev. A. R. Shulander and Mr. Curtis, of Washington University. Dr. H. H. Powers, of the University Bureau of Travel, delivered a most interesting lecture on "Story Tellers in Art."

THE OHIO Valley BRANCH: Was admitted to the Association November 8, 1907. Since then, two meetings of the branch have been held, one in January and one in April. At the first meeting there were several speakers, notably Miss Gill, president, who gave an inspiring talk on the work and ideals of the Association. Several meetings of the Executive Board have been held during the year, to consider plans for the branch.

THE CENTRAL MISSOURI BRANCH: Officially admitted to the Association of Collegiate Alumnæ Nov. 8, 1907, with 12 members. Number of members at present, 24. Bimonthly meetings have been held, the especial work of the year being an inquiry into and an effort to improve the rural schools of Missouri. Addresses have been delivered as follows: "Illiteracy in Missouri," by Mrs. C. W. Greene; "The Conditions in Rural and Graded Schools of Missouri," by Professor Loeb; "The Proposed Amendment in Regard to Associate Membership," by Mrs. Moore, general secretary of the Association. On May 2, high school day, the members of the branch assisted Miss Breed in receiving visiting women graduates of the University. The women of the senior class of the University of Missouri have been included in many of the meetings of the branch.


WHEREAS, The Association of Collegiate of Alumnae has been entertained with lavish generosity during the days of the past week by the California branch; and

WHEREAS, It would be impossible for each of its members to return even an attempt at adequate thanks for all the consideration which has been shown them; and

WHEREAS, Even the wondrous reception we have experienced has been but a part of all the kindly heartedness which undoubtedly would have included a gift of all California, had we had the time to accept it; and

WHEREAS, This pleasure has been one that was postponed from 1906, and is only now made possible by a courage and strength that has made San Francisco a wonder before the world; be it

Resolved, That the Association of Collegiate Alumnae extend to the following persons and organizations this expression of their deep gratitude and sincere appreciation of all the courtesies we have received; that these resolutions be spread upon our minutes; and that the secretary-treasurer be requested to send these thanks of the Association to the following:

The California Branch of the A. C. A.

The University of California.

Leland Stanford Jr. University.

Mills College.

The Century Club.

The various ladies who entertained the Association privately, and the members who extended private hospitality to the visiting delegates.

The ladies of the Faculty of Stanford University.

The Prytanean Society..

The California Promotion Committee

The Trustees of Smith Cottages.

The Directors of the Home Club






The Naples Table Association for promoting Laboratory Research by Women wishes to call attention to the opportunities for research in zoölogy, botany, and physiology provided by the foundation of this table.

The Zoological Station at Naples was opened by Professor Anton Dohrn in 1872 for the collection of biological material and for the study of all forms of plant and animal life. Under the personal direction of Professor Dohrn and his assistants the Station has developed into an international institution for scientific research. Any government or association which pays five hundred dollars annually is assigned a table for research and is entitled to appoint to it qualified students, who are provided by the Station with all materials, apparatus, and assistance, free of cost. One table is sometimes used by four or five research students in the course of a year.

This Association, which was formed in 1898 to promote scientific research among women, is maintained by annual subscriptions of fifty dollars each. For the year 1908-9 the following colleges, associations, and individuals are contributors:

[blocks in formation]

The year of the Association begins in April, and all applications for the year 1909-10 should be sent to the secretary on or before March first, 1909. The appointments are made by the Executive Com:nittee.

A prize of $1,000 has been offered periodically by the Association for the best thesis written by a woman, on a scientific subject, embodying new observations and new conclusions based on an independent laboratory research in biological, chemical, or physical science. The third prize will be awarded in April, 1909. Application blanks, information in regard to the advantages at Naples for research and collection of material, and circulars giving the conditions of the award of the prize will be furnished by the secretary.


LIDA SHAW KING, Woman's College in Brown University, Providence,
R. I., Chairman.

SARAH E. DOYLE, 119 Prospect St., Providence, R. I.

LILIAN WELSH, The Arundel, N. Charles St., Baltimore Md.

ALICE UPTON PEARMAIN, 388 Beacon St., Boston, Mass.

Caroline Hazard, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass.

ELIZABETH L. CLARKE, (MRS S. F.) Williamstown, Mass., Treasurer.

Ada Wing Mead, (Mrs. A. D.) 283 Wayland Ave., Providence, R. I.,



Instruction will be offered to Graduate and Undergraduate students in the following regular, University Departments:

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The School of Education, Law, and Divinity will conduct summer sessions.

Courses in Medicine will also be given

For Detailed Announcements address The University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.

Prize of

One Thousand Dollars

The Naples Table Association for Promoting Laboratory Research by Women hereby announces the offer of a fourth prize of one thousand dollars for the best thesis written by a woman, on a scientific subject, embodying new observations and new conclusions based on an independent laboratory research in biological, chemical, or physical science.

The theses offered in competition must be in the hands of the chairman of the Committee on the Prize, MRS. ELLEN H. RICHARDS, MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, BOSTON, MASS., before February 25, 1909. Each thesis must be submitted under a pseudonym and must be accompanied by a sealed envelope, enclosing the author's name and address, and superscribed with a title corresponding to one borne by the manuscript.

The papers presented will be judged by a regularly appointed Board of Examiners, or by such specialists as they may choose. The Association reserves the right to withhold the award of the prize, if the theses presented are not, in the judgment of this board, of adequate merit to deserve the award.

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