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that "a new institution shall have a standard as high in certain measurable respects as the average of the type."

When the measurable resources fall below the average in nearly all points, the points which cannot be measured, which form the spirit of an institution, have to be carefully considered before they can be allowed to outweigh the others.

The committee asks careful consideration of a possible modification of instructions; also, consideration of presenting at some future time its definite average to the institutions in membership, which are now in the minimum class. These institutions give cause for just criticism from both educators and heads of other institutions.

The last division considers the new department of the National Education Association, of which our president is the honored chairman. It gives me special pleasure to give the history of this activity. As far back as the Atlanta meeting of 1905, Miss Mary M. Abbott asked permission to present to our association her scheme to bring together the educational committees of five national organizations of women, in order to unify the work these organizations were endeavoring to do on behalf of education. Miss Abbott was chairman of the Educational Committee of the General Federation, and was authorized to make the effort to affiliate the work of these organizations, to hold an annual conference with members of the National Education Association, that their efforts might be inspired and directed by that great professional body.

At the first conference, held in Chicago February 25, 1907, there were present members from all the organizations, and also a number of the Superintendents of the N. E. A. At this time Miss Abbott presented the aim and principles for the work of the organizations. These were adopted by the members present as suggestions for united work, and a committee was appointed by President Schaeffer to petition the N. E. A. to provide for the organization of a department, to meet annually with the Association, that they might cooperate more successfully with each other and with the educators of the country in bringing the home and the school into more helpful relation. At the Los Angeles meeting of the N. E. A., in 1907, the department was voted by the Executive Committee; and in February, 1908, at Washington D. C., the department was organized, with Dr. Laura Drake Gill as president.

The first meeting of the department was held in Cleveland at

the N. E. A. Convention, July 2, 1908. The officers elected at this meeting were Dr. Laura Drake Gill, President; Mrs. Sarah S. P. Decker, Vice-President; and Mrs. Herbert Mengel, Secretary.

I have taken the time to elaborate upon the details of this new activity because it has been so little known, and because it is capable of great possibilities. I am sure everyone will be quite ready to assist our president in this arduous work.

Before leaving the activities of the Association, I wish to bring the work of the branches to mind. Individual members feel that they are connected with the large affairs alone, but I have noticed they often ally themselves with other bodies taking up the same interests and forwarding them faithfully. They form about 30% of the membership of the Association, and the branches 70%.

Branches have taken up many lines of work which the Association need not consider as a national organization; for instance, civil service reform in state, charitable, and correctional institutions; forest preservation; household economics and management; improved school sanitation; social service, such as district visiting and settlement work; school legislation; loan scholarships, and care of women students in local institutions; civic conditions, and municipal committees on smoke abatement, expectoration, and noise; lectures and discussions; laws relating to women and children; and many others I cannot enumerate. From time to time the Association has seen the wisdom of leaving to the branches all matters of local or state interest, concerning itself with the large matters I have mentioned. Branches assist in these large interests; but their main object, one in which they are specially helpful, is in making themselves centers of educational interest and influence in the cities and states their membership covers.

To sum up the activities, allow me to quote from Miss Breckenridge in her membership circular of 1905:

The Association claims your attention, interest, and support because of what it has already done, in collecting and publishing statistical and other valuable material upon practical educational topics; in maintaining fellowships, proving beyond question through the achievement of its fellows the ability of women in the most advanced fields of abstract thought and scientific investigation; in formulating, urging, and maintaining high standards of collegiate training and exerting a great influence in this direction upon inst tutions both within and without its corporate membership. It is now frequently consulted by other national organizations, by government bureaus, and by foreign authorities in regard to the higher education of women in America.



The twenty-seventh annual meeting of the Association was opened in the red room of the Hotel Fairmont, San Francisco, California, on Tuesday, September 1, at ten a. m. The president, Miss Gill, was in the chair.

The report of the general secretary, Mrs. Moore, was read by the secretarytreasurer and accepted. The bursar's report, up to the date of August 15, was read and accepted. It was moved that the president be authorized to appoint an auditor for this report. The annual report of the secretary-treasurer was read and accepted. The following recommendation offered by the bursar and amended by the Executive Committee was read: "That the Trust Fund Committee be instructed to pay into the treasury of the Association annually during the life time of the giver the annual income up to $1.00 of each life membership fee." Amended by the addition of "the income for the present shall go toward the European fellowship." On motion of Miss Peckham this recommendation as amended was adopted.

The reports of the standing committees were then taken up in order. Finance and Publication. In the absence of Miss Breckinridge, chairman, this report was read by Miss Laura White of Kentucky, accepted, and referred for printing. Fellowships. In the absence of Miss Cushing, chairman, this report was read by Dr. Elsie Seelye Pratt of Denver, accepted, and referred for printing. In the absence of the representative of the Naples Table and Research Association the report prepared by Miss Cushing was presented in condensed form by the secretary-treasurer. Corporate Membership. In the absence of Miss Talbot, chairman, this report was read by Mrs. Wilbur of Portland, Oregon. The report was accepted, and it was moved that the recommendations be taken up separately after hearing the report of the special committee on Associate Membership. This report was read by Miss Gertrude Vaile of Denver. The report was accepted and referred for printing. The following recommendations of the Executive Committee were read by the secretary-treasurer: (1) The Executive Committee recommend to the Association that the former statement of instructions to the Committee on Corporate Membership be rescinded. On motion of Miss Vaile this recommendation was adopted. (2) The Executive Committee also recommend the adoption of the instructions to the Committee on Corporate Membership as submitted by that committee in their report. On motion of Miss Mary Willard of Chicago that these instructions be adopted the recommendations were read separately and discussion on any point called for. (For recommendations, see Corporate Membership Committee report, page 114 of this issue). The recommendations were considered item by item and were finally adopted with amendments which resulted in the following final form:

Article 1, (a) (b) (c) adopted without change. (d) In the consideration of a coeducational institution great weight shall be given to the fact that such institution has a dean or adviser of women, above the rank of instructor, giving instruction, and counted a regular member of the faculty. All points in Articles 2 and 3 adopted without change. Article 4 (a) The number of laboratories shall not be less than the average number in institutions of the same type already admitted to membership. (b) The number of books in the library shall not be less than the average number in institutions of the same type already admitted to membership. (c) The number of departmental journals regu

larly placed in the libraries shall not be less than the average number in institutions of the same type already admitted to membership. (d) (e) (f) and (g) Adopted without change. Article 5 adopted without change.

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The amendment to Article 5 of the constiuttion as presented by the Corporate Membership Committee was read: "Any woman who has received a degree in arts, philosophy, science, or literature from any college, university, or scientific school admitted to the Association is entitled to regular membership. Any woman who has received an advanced non-professional degree from a European university or an approved American university is entitled to graduate membership. New institutions etc. (as in constitution.) A motion to amend by the insertion of the words "with the full powers and duties of regular membership" after the words "graduate membership" was adopted. It was voted to amend the words "from a European university or an approved American university" to "from an approved American or foreign university.' The full amendment as amended was then adopted. Article 8, section 2, was adopted as follows: "Regular and graduate membership shall be limited to graduates eligible to membership in the Association of Collegiate Alumnae and residing within such distance as may permit their attendance at meetings. Graduates who have become regular or graduate members of a branch shall thereafter be considered regular or graduate members of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae." The list of institutions to which the Corporate Membership Committee recommend in their report that approval be given is as follows: Clark, Columbia, Johns Hopkins, Pennsylvania, Yale, Magill, and Toronto. The following motion presented by Mrs. Graupner was adopted: "That inasmuch as the instructions to the Committee on Corporate Membership will undoubtedly result in enlarging the general and branch membership, any discussion of associate membership in branches be postponed until another annual meeting." In the absence of Miss Ames of the Committee on Educational Legislation the report of this committee was postponed until a later session.

In accordance with the vote of the Association (1904) two names were then presented to the Association by the Executive Committee for a member to serve on the Nominating Committee until 1914. The names presented were Mrs. Violet Jayne Schmidt, B. A., M. A., Mich. '87, '96, Ph. D., Minn. '03; and Mrs. Ethel Fountain Hussey, Ph. B., Mich., '91. Miss C. C. Jackson, Mrs. Thorsen, and Miss Laura R. White were appointed tellers, and on ballot of the Association Mrs. Schmidt was elected.

Meeting adjourned.

On Wednesday afternoon, September 2, an open session of the Association was held in Hearst Hall, University of California, Berkeley. The meeting was presided over by Dean Lucy Sprague. President Wheeler addressed the Association and their guests on "Recent Readjustments in the College Course," and Professor Stephens presented the topic "Research Work for Women."

An evening session was held in the red room of the Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, at 8:30. The topic for the evening was "Economic Efficiency of Women." A paper entitled "An Economic Retrospect," prepared by Dr. Edith Abbott, was read by Dr. Lucile Eaves, who has been recently appointed to the Department of Sociology of the University of Nebraska. The paper on "Efficiency and Wage of Women in Gainful Occupations," prepared by Dr. Susan M. Kingsbury, of Simmons College, was presented by title and referred for printing. Professor Katherine Coman, of Wellesley College, presented a paper on "The Recent Decision of the United States Supreme Court on the Oregon Ten Hour Law;" and Professor Jessica Peixotto, of the University of California, closed the evening with her discussion of "The Women of California as Trade Unionists."

The second business session of the Association was called to order by the president at 10 a. m. of Thursday, September 3, in the red room of the Hotel Fairmont. The president announced the re-election of Mrs. Clarke as secretarytreasurer for a term of two years. In accordance with the constitutional requirements the secretary-treasurer is elected by vote of the president, 6 vice presi

dents, and general secretary the year alternating with the general election of officers.

The question of place of meeting for the year 1910 was presented to the Association. An invitation had been received from the Colorado Branch. While the present Executive Committee cannot pledge the incoming Executive Committee for a date so far in the future, a vote of the Association is always in order; and it was voted to accept the invitation from the Colorado Branch. The president stated that the Executive Committee had voted to ask the editor of the Magazine to issue the next number before Dec. 10 if possible. A committee on resolutions of thanks was appointed by the chair; Mrs. Wilbur of Portland, Oregon, was made chairman.1

The secretary-treasurer announced that the alumnae living in Springfield, Illinois, and vicinity, had organized and had met all the requirements of the constitution and wished to be admitted as the Springfield Branch of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae. On vote the branch was admitted. The alumnae living in Springfield, Missouri, were similarly admitted as the Ozark Branch of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae.

Owing to the lateness of the hour the chair announced that there must be a choice of business to be presented to the Association; the business might be further committee reports or the branch reports. It was voted to take up any committee reports that had definite recommendations and then proceed to the branch reports.

The report of the Membership Committee presenting no definite recommendations was referred for printing. The Committee on Collegiate Administration presented no formal report. The president reported what had been the point of discussion held at Radcliffe in February. The report of the Alice Freeman Palmer Memorial Fellowship Committee was read by Mrs. Burk.2 The recommendation of the Executive Committee that "in view of the deficit in the treasury this year the Executive Committee recommends to the Association that this appropriation from the general treasury be not granted," was read by the secretary and, on motion of Miss Barnes of Detroit, adopted.

The report of the Committee on Procedure was read by Mrs. Graupner. The report was accepted and, on motion of Miss Miller of the Nebraska branch that the recommendations be adopted, discussion took place, and it was moved that the recommendations be laid on the table. The report from the Committee on Conference with the Federated Clubs presenting no formal recommendations was accepted and referred for printing. The report from the Committee on Educational Legislation was presented in summary by Miss Ames, of California. The recommendation of the Executive Committee "that the Committee on Conference with the Federated Clubs and the Active Central Committee be discharged, inasmuch as the cooperation with the Women's Clubs has been brought about by other means" was read by the secretary and on motion adopted.

The report of the Committee on Child Study was presented in condensed form by Miss Shinn, the chairman, and accepted. The following vote of the Executive Committee was read: "Voted to continue the Committee on Child Study and to express to the executive officers approval of the suggestion to print material collected by this committee when possible." On motion of Miss Head this vote was amended by the addition of the words, “and that the executive officers in consultation with the chairman of the committee have power to provide for printing in other journals if it is impossible for the association to publish soon."

No report was presented by the Committee on Joint Fellowship of the College Settlements Association and the Association of Collegiate Alumnae. The vote taken by the Executive Committee was read; namely, "that the Joint Fellowship of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae and the College Settlements Association be discontinued and the Committee on Award discharged."

'For report of this committee see page 135.

2See page 113.

'See page 115.

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