COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SEVENTIETH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION WILLIS C. HAWLEY, Oregon, Chairman ALLEN T. TREADWAY, Massachusetts. C. WILLIAM RAMSEYER, Iowa. FREDERICK M. DAVENPORT, New York. CLAYTON F. MOORE, Clerk II IBRARY OF CONGRESE HF1756 JOHN N. GARNER, Texas. C. C. DICKINSON, Missouri. ROBERT L. DOUGHTON, North Carolina HEARTSILL RAGON, Arkansas. *** TEU AFR 17 1929 DOCUMENTS DIVISION FOREWORD For the purpose of examining the effects of the operation of the Tariff Act of 1922 with a view to making readjustments where found necessary, general tariff hearings were commenced on January 7, 1929, pursuant to the following public notice authorized by the Committee on Ways and Means on December 5, 1928: Preliminary to general tariff revision, the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives announces to all concerned that it will hold hearings at Washington, D. C., beginning January 7, 1929. The distribution of time among the various schedules will be as follows: Schedule 1. Chemicals, Oils, and Paints.... 2. Earths, Earthenware, and Glassware 3. Metals and Manufactures of _____ 4. Wood and Manufactures of. 5. Sugar, Molasses, and Manufactures of 6. Tobacco and Manufactures of.. 7. Agricultural Products and Provisions. 9. Cotton Manufactures... 10. Flax, Hemp, Jute, and Manufactures of 11. Wool and Manufactures of 12. Silk and Silk Goods_ 13. Papers and Books... 14. Sundries 15. Free List Administrative and Miscellaneous. January 7, 8, 9. January 10, 11. January 14, 15, 16. January 17, 18. January 21, 22. January 23. January 24, 25, 28. January 29. January 30, 31, February 1. February 4, 5. February 6, 7, 8. February 11, 12. February 13, 14. February 15, 18, 19. February 20, 21, 22. February 25. Hearings will be conducted in the hearing room of the committee, room 321, House of Representatives Office Building. Sessions will begin at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m., unless otherwise ordered. Oral testimony. - Those desiring to testify should apply to the clerk of the committee at least one day prior to the date of the hearing in order to be assigned time on the program for that day. The following information should accompany the application: Name; permanent address; temporary address in Washington; person, firm, corporation, or association represented; paragraphs of the act concerning which testimony is to be given; and the amount of time desired. So far as practicable, the committee will seek to recognize witnesses who are qualified to give first-hand information. In order to avoid duplication of arguments and to conserve the time of the committee and witnesses, it is suggested that those interested in the same items, and having the same problem to present, agree, if possible, upon one representative to present their views. Briefs.-Witnesses are requested to file two copies of their briefs with the clerk in advance of the date of hearing. It is suggested that briefs should follow the outline given below: 1. Items and paragraphs in which interested; changes in duties recommended; reasons for such recommendations. 2. Importance of industry; development of industry and future prospects; number of employees affected. 3. Domestic production costs and wages and comparable costs and wages in foreign countries; also, if available, information concerning dumping, unfair competition, or other practices aimed to impair or destroy domestic industries. 4. Source of imports, volume, and prices at which offered. 5. Suggestions as to changes of phraseology or classification in the existing law. 6. Suggestions as to administrative features of the existing law with a view to their betterment. |