eration, and instruct me to report it back, and recommend its passage, with the following amendments: Strike out Section 1, and insert the following: "That whenever a Concurrent Resolution shall have been adopted by a majority of the members elected of each house of the Legislature, fixing a time and place, and agreeing to go into a Joint Convention, the two Houses shall meet in Joint Convention for the election of United States Senators, or for the purpose of doing any other act that may be authorized by law. Strike out Section 3. Add the words "of both Houses,” Section 4. In Section 6, strike out the three first lines, and insert a the following: "That in all elections in Joint Convention, the vote shall be viva voce." Strike out Section 7, and insert the following: "That to elect any person to any office in said Joint Convention, a majority voting in the affirmative of all the members elected to the two Houses shall be necessary. All of which is respectfully submitted. On motion of Mr. Wood, S. N. WOOD, Chairman. The Report and the Bill were referred to Committee of the Whole. On motion of Mr. Wood, The Senate went into Committee of the Whole, for the consideration of Bills No. 1 and 8. Mr. Bancroft in the Chair. After some time spent therein, the Committee rose, reported the Bills back, with instructions to have the Bills printed, with the Reports of the Judiciary Committee upon the same. Agreed to. Senate Joint Resolution No. 5 was read third time. The question being, "Shall the Joint Resolution pass?" the vote resulted as follows: YEAS-Messrs. Bancroft, Broadhead, Burnett, Connell, Denman, Dutton, Elder, Farnsworth, Gunn, Houston, Hubbard, Lappin, Lockhart, Lynde, Martin, McDowell, Miller, Osborne, Phillips, Seaver, Sleeper, Spriggs, Wood-23. NAY-Mr. Hoffman. And so the Joint Resolution passed. Report of Committee on Senate Joint Resolution No. 4 was agreed to, and the Joint Resolution indefinitely postponed. The Report of the Committee on Federal Relations, to whom was referred the Message of the Governor and acompanying documents, was made the Special Order for Thursday next, at 2 o'clock, P. M. The Senate adjourned. 'MORNING SESSION. MONDAY, April 15, 1861, 10, A. M. Senate assembled. President in the Chair. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Paulson. PRESENT-Messrs. Bancroft, Broadhead, Burnett, Connell, Elder, Farnsworth, Gunn, Hoffman, Houston, Hubbard, Lynde, Martin, McDowell, Miller, Osborn, Phillips, Seaver, Sleeper, Spriggs, Wood -20. ABSENT-Messrs. Denman, Dutton, Lappin, Lockhart, Morrow 5. Journal of yesterday read and approved. Message from the House: I am directed to notify your honorable body that the House of Representatives have concurred in the Resolution of the Senate, relative to the appointment of a Committee to ascertain the necessary immediate subjects of legislation. Committee on the part of the House, A. R. BANKS, Messrs. Morton, Eaton, Arny, Grimes, Abbott. Mr. Broadhead offered the following order: Resolved, That until otherwise ordered, there shall be but one daily Session of the Senate, to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M. Mr. Wood moved to amend, by striking out "9, A. M.," and inserting "10, a. m.” Lost. The Yeas and Nays were demanded, and the vote resulted as follows: YEAS-Messrs. Broadhead, Burnett, Connell, Farnsworth, Gunn, Houston, Hubbard, Lappin, McDowell, Miller, Osborn, Phillips, Seaver, Wood-14. NAYS-Messrs. Bancroft, Denman, Elder,. Hoffman, Lockhart, Lynde, Martin, Sleeper, Spriggs-9. And so the order was adopted. Mr. Denman offered the following order, which was adopted: Resolved, That the Attorney-General is hereby requested to furnish his opinion to this House, at an early day, on the following propositions, to-wit: 1st. If a general law for the organization of cities, towns and villages, as provided for in Article 12, Section 5, of our Constitution, cannot be made applicable to all the cities of the State, has the Legislature the right, under our Constitution, in those cases when the general law cannot be practically applied without working great inconvenience, to confer special corporate powers? 2nd. If we have the right, under these circumstances, to confer special corporate powers, will it be constitutional to permit the Acts of the Territorial Legislature, organizing and incorporating the City of Leavenworth, and other cities, to remain unrepealed; and if so, can we, under our Constitution, in any wise, amend the said Acts of the Territorial Legislature? Resolved, That the Clerk of the Senate is hereby requested to lay these propositions before the Attorney-General at his earliest convenience. Mr. Gunn offered the following order: Resolved, That the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to examine the Militia Law, and report to-morrow what legislation, if any, is necessary to perfect the organization of the Militia of the State. The Yeas and Nays were demanded, and the vote resulted as follows: YEAS-Messrs. Broadhead, Burnett, Elder, Gunn, Lockhart, Lynde, Miller, Osborn, Phillips, Seaver, Spriggs-11. NAYS-Messrs. Bancroft, Connell, Denman, Farnsworth, Hoffman, Houston, Hubbard, Lappin, Martin, McDowell, Wood-11. There being a tie, the President voted in the affirmative, and the order was adopted. Mr. Wood, from Committee on Judiciary, on leave, submitted the following REPORT. MR. PRESIDENT: The Judiciary Committee, to whom was referred House Bill No. 16, entitled "An Act to provide for the removal of the Records and Papers of the Courts of the late Territory of Kansas to the Courts established by the Constitution," have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report it back, and recommend its passage, with the following amendments: 1st. Strike out all after the word "Kansas," in the eighth line of first section. 2nd. Strike out all after the word, " removed," in thirteenth line, fifth section. 3rd. In last section, strike out the words "in some daily," and insert the words "once in one newspaper." All of which is respectfully submitted. S. N. WOOD, Chairman. Senate Concurrent Resolutions No. 9, 10, 11 and 13, were postponed until Thursday next, at 2 o'clock. The President laid before the Senate the Census Report of 1859, submitted by the Secretary of State, in accordance with an order previously passed, which was Referred to Committee on Apportionment. Mr. Martin, on leave, introduced the following order: Resolved, That the Sergeant-at-Arms be instructed to procure five dollars' worth of postage stamps, for the use of each member of the Senate. Mr. Seaver moved to amend, by inserting "officers." Mr. Elder moved to amend, by striking out "five," and inserting "three." The Yeas and Nays were demanded, and the vote resulted as follows: YEAS-Messrs. Burnett, Elder, Gunn, Hubbard, Lappin, Lockhart, Miller, Spriggs-8. NAYS-Messrs. Bancroft, Broadhead, Connell, Denman, Farnsworth, Hoffman, Houston, Lynde, Martin, McDowell, Osborn, Phillips, Seaver, Sleeper, Wood-15. And so the amendment was lost. Mr. Martin moved to strike out "officers," and insert "President, Secretary and Assistant Secretary." Carried. Mr. Gunn moved to adjourn. Lost. Mr. Seaver's amendment, as amended, prevailed. Mr. Lockhart moved to strike out "five," and insert" one." The Yeas and Nays were demanded, and the vote resulted as follows: YEAS-Messrs. Burnett, Elder, Hubbard, Lappin, Lockhart, Miller, Spriggs-7. NAYS-Messrs. Bancroft, Broadhead, Connell, Denman, Farnsworth, Gunn, Hoffman, Houston, Lynde, Martin, McDowell, Osborn, Phillips, Seaver, Sleeper, Wood-16. And so the motion was lost. |