House Concurrent Resolution No. 2, "Authorizing the Secretary of State to procure 200 copies of the Laws of 1860," was, on motion of Mr. Broodhead, referred to Committee on State Library. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 7, "To ratify the amendment of the United States Constitution, as proposed by Congress," was taken up. Mr. Lockhart moved its adoption. Adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. FRIDAY, 2, P. M. Message from the House: MR. PRESIDENT: I am directed to notify your honorable body that the House has passed House Bill No. 60, entitled "An Act to provide for the State Printing." Also, House Bill No. 16, entitled "An Act to provide for the removal of the Records and Papers of the Courts of the late Territory of Kansas, to the Courts established by the Constitution. And respectfully request your concurrence. D. B. EMMERT, Chief Clerk. Bill No. 16, "An Act to provide for the removal of the Records and Papers of the Courts of the late Territory of Kansas, to the Courts established by the Constitution," was read first time. Bill No. 60, "An Act to provide for the State Printing," was read first time. Bill No. 1, "An Act providing for Joint Conventions of the two Houses of the State Legislature, was read second time, and referred to Committee on Judiciary. Bill No. 8, "An Act defining the duties and prescribing the qualifications of the Clerks of the District Courts," was read a second time, and referred to Committee on Judiciary. Bill No. 31, "An Act increasing the number of Justices of the Peace in the township of Centropolis, and providing for the election of the same," was read third time. The question being, "Shall the Bill pass?" the vote resulted as follows: YEAS-Messrs. Bancroft, Broadhead, Burnett, Connell, Denman, Dutton, Elder, Farnsworth, Gunn, Hoffman, Houston, Hubbard, Lappin, Lockhart, Lynde, Martin, McDowell, Miller, Morrow, Phillips, Seaver, Sleeper, Spriggs, Wood-24. NAYS-None. And so the bill passed, and The title was agreed to. On motion of Mr. Wood, The Senate went into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the Concurrent Resolution, ratifying the proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Mr. Lynde in the Chair. After some time spent therein, the committee rose and reported the Resolution back, and recommended its adoption. The question being on agreeing to the report of the Committee of the Whole, the Yeas and Nays were called, and the vote resulted as follows: YEAS-Messrs. Connell, Denman, Dutton, Farnsworth, Gunn, Hoffman, Houston, Hubbard, Lappin, Lockhart, Lynde, Martin, McDowell, Morrow, Osborn-15. NAYS-Messrs. Bancroft, Broadhead, Burnett, Elder, Miller, Phillips, Seaver, Sleeper, Spriggs, Wood-10. Adjourned. Senate assembled. MORNING SESSION. SATURDAY, April 13, 1861, 10, A. M. President in the Chair. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Preston. PRESENT Messrs. Bancroft, Broadhead, Burnett, Connell, Denman, Dutton, Elder, Farnsworth, Hoffman, Houston, Hubbard, Lappin, Lockhart, Lynde, Martin, McDowell, Miller, Morrow, Osborn, Phillips, Seaver, Sleeper, Spriggs, Wood-24. ABSENT-Mr. Gunn-1. Journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Morrow, from Committee on Banks and Banking, submitted the following REPORTS: Your Committee on Banks and Banking, to whom was referred Joint Resolution No. 5, to amend Section 2, Article 13, of the Constitution, relating to Banks, have examined the same, and recommend its passage. R. MORROW, Chairman. The same Committee, to whom was referred Joint Resolution No. 4, to amend Section 7, Article 13, of the Constitution, have examined the same, and recomend its rejection. R. MORROW, Chairman. Mr. Farnsworth introduced Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 9. "Against amendment to the Constitution of the United States." Mr. Broadhead introduced Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 10. was adopted; in accordance with which, the President appointed the following Committee: Messrs. Miller, Gunn, Lappin. Mr. Denman moved that Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 7, *To amend the Constitution of the United States," be taken up for consideration. The Yeas and Nays were demanded, and the vote resulted as follows: YEAS-Messrs. Connell, Denman, Dutton, Farnsworth, Hoffman, Houston, Hubbard, Lappin, Lockhart, Lynde, Martin, McDowell, Morrow, Osborn, Seaver-15. NAYS-Messrs. Bancroft, Broadhead, Burnett, Elder, Miller, PhilTips, Sleeper, Spriggs, Wood-9. And so the motion prevailed. Mr. Lynde moved that the subject be postponed until Thursday next, at 2 o'clock, P. M. Carried. Mr. Wood, from Committee on Judiciary, submitted the following REPORT: MR. PRESIDENT: The Judiciary Committee, to whom was referred House Bill No. 8, entitled "An Act defining the duties and prescribing the qualifications of the Clerks of the District Courts," have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the same back, and recommend its passage, with the following amend ments: In Section 1, strike out the words "Tribunal transacting County business," and insert the words "County Commissioners of the proper County." 66 In Section 2, in the 1st line, change the word "Clerk" to Clerks," and the word "Court" to " Courts." In the 4th line, strike out the word "County," and insert "Courts." In the 6th line, strike out the word "rewards," and insert the word “awards.” In Section 5, strike out all after the word "required," in the 7th line, and insert the following words: "and may take acknowledgments of Deeds, Mortgages and other instruments of writing within the State." In Section 6, strike out all after the word "Counties," in 2d line. Strike out Section 7 and 8. S. N. WOOD, Chairman. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 8 was, on motion of Mr. Elder, laid over until Thursday next. Bill No. 16, "An Act to provide for the removal of the Records of the Territory of Kansas to the Courts established by the Constitution," was read, and referred to Committee on Judiciary. On motion of Mr. Martin, The Rules were, suspended and Bill No. 60, "To provide for the State Printing," was read second time by title, and referred to Committee on Printing. Adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. On motion of Mr. Wood, SATURDAY, 2, P. M. The Report of the Committee on Judiciary on Bill No. 8, with the Bill, was referred to Committee of the Whole. Report of Committee on Banks and Banking, in relation to amendment of the State Constitution, was agreed to. The Report of the Committee on Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 4, "To cut off business," was agreed to. Mr. Wood, from Committee on Judiciary, submitted the following REPORT:/ The Judiciary Committee, to whom was referred House Bill No. 1, entitled An Act providing for a Joint Convention of the two Houses of the State Legislature," have had the same under consid |