or interfere, within any State, with the domestic institutions thereof including that of persons held to labor or service by the laws of said State. Would respectfully report said Joint Resolution back to the Senate for their consideration, without recommendation. H. N. SEAVER, Mr. Wood, from Joint Committee on Joint Rules, submitted the following REPORT: MR. PRESIDENT: The Joint Committee on Rules have instructed me to report the following Joint Rules, and recommend their adoption. S. N. WOOD, Chairman. JOINT RULES. RULE 1. Each House shall, as soon as organized, report that fact to the other House; and the two Houses shall, by Joint Committee, inform the Governor that they are ready to receive any communication he may have to make. RULE 2. Messages from one House to the other shall be carried by their Clerks respectively, unless the House transmitting the Message shall specially direct otherwise. RULE 3. In Joint Convention of the two Houses, the President of the Senate shall preside. RULE 4. Each House shall transmit to the other all papers on which any Bill or Resolution may be founded. RULE 5. It shall be in the power of either House to amend any amendment made by the other to any Bill or Resolution. RULE 6. When a Bill or Resolution which shall have passed in one House is rejected in the other, notice thereof shall be given to the House in which the same may have passed. RULE 7. In case of difference between the two Houses, upon any subject of legislation, either House may request a conference, and appoint a Committee for that purpose; and the other House shall ap point a similar committee. The Committees shall meet at the time and place appointed by the Chairman of the Committee on the parof the House requesting such Conference. The Committees shall confer upon the cause of differrence, with a view to arrive at such modifications and amendments as would secure the agreement of both Houses. The report of the Committee shall be in writing, and shall be sent to the House assenting to the conference. When such House shall have acted thereon, it shall transmit the same, with the papers relating thereto, to the other, with a message certifying its action thereon. RULE 8. It shall be in order for either House to recede from any subject matter of difference subsisting between the two Houses, at any time previous to conference, whether the papers on which such difference arose, are before the House receding, formally or informally. RULE 9. If the two Houses adhere to their disagreement, or if as many as two Committees of Conference have been appointed, and cannot agree, the Bill which is the subject of difference shall be deemed lost, and shall not be revived in either House during the session. RULE 10. All Joint Committees, and all Committees of Conference, shall consist of three members of the Senate, and five members of the House, unless otherwise specially ordered by Concurrent Resolution. RULE 11. When a Bill or Concurrent Resolution shall have passed one House, it shall be transmitted to the other, without entering an order on the Journal. RULE 12. After a Bill shall have passed both Houses, it shall be neatly enrolled by the Enrolling Clerk of the House of Representatives. RULE 13. After a Bill' is duly enrolled, it shall be examined by the Joint Committee on Enrolled Bills, who shall carefully compare the enrolled Bill with the engrossed Bill, as passed by the two Houses, and correct any errors that may be discovered in the enrolled Bill, and report forthwith, in writing, which report shall be entered on the Journal of the House of Representatives, and they shall return the engrossed Bill to the Enrolling Clerk of the House. After such examination and report, the Committee shall present the Bill to the Speaker of the House for his signature, and to the Chief Clerk, who shall certify on the back of the roll that the Bill originated in the House of Representatives, after which the Committee shall present the Bill to the President of the Senate, for his signature, and to the Secretary for his certificate. Immediately after a Bill is properly signed, the Committee shall present it to the Gov emor for his approval, and report in writing to the House of Representatives, the day of the week, and date of the month, on which such Bill was so presented, which report shall be entered on the Journal of the House.. RULE 14. All Joint Orders, Memorials, Resolutions and Votes which are to be presented to the Governor for his approval, shall be treated in the same manner as Bills. RULE 15. The Committees of each House on Legislative Expenditures, the State Library, Enrolled Bills, and Printing, shall act jointly, and be considered Joint Committees of the two Houses. RULE 16. No item shall be inserted in any Bill, appropriating money, until it shall have been examined by the Joint Committee on Legislative Expenditures; and no money shall be appropriated except by Bill. RULE 17. The General Appropriation Bill shall be introduced into the House at least ten days before the close of the Session, and passed and sent to the Senate at least five days before the close of the Session. RULE 18. No Bill, or other paper, shall be printed until so ordered by one or the other House; and such order shall specify the number for both Houses; and when either House makes an order for the printing of any Bill or document, they shall immediately inform the other House of such order. RULE 19. Orders to print, unexecuted, expire at the close of the Session; and no document shall be printed or delivered after the final adjournment, unless under some law or resolution of the two Houses. RULE 20. Whenever there shall be an election of officers, by the joint action of the two Houses, the result shall be certified by the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House, and shall be reported by each to their respective Houses; which report shall be entered on the Journal of each, and shall be communicated to the Governor by the Clerks of the two Houses jointly. RULE 21. A majority of the members elect to each House shall constitute a quorum in that House. And when a quorum is present, a Constitutional majority shall have power to pass any Bill, and a inajority of a quorum shall have power to pass any motion or resolution not specially prohibited by Rule, and two-thirds of the members elected to either House shall have power to pass any Bill over the veto of the Governor. RULE 22. In Joint Conventions of the two Houses, the previous question shall be in the usual form, and when sustained by a majority of the members present, it shall cut off all debate or amendment, and bring the Convention to a direct vote; but the vote shall be taken on all pending amendments, in their order, until the main question is reached. RULE 23. These Rules may be changed or suspended by concurrent resolution, on the vote of two-thirds of the members present in each House. Mr. Lynde offered the following order, which was adopted: Resolved, That the Secretary of State be, and is hereby requested to furnish the Senate, at as early a day as possible, a certified copy of the Census Report, ordered by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Kansas for the year 1859. Senate Joint Resolution No. 5 was read the second time, and referred to the Committtee on Banks and Banking. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 3 was taken up. Mr. Gunn moved that it be indefinitely postponed. The Yeas and Nays were demanded, and the vote resulted as follows: YEAS-Messrs. Bancroft, Broadhead, Burnett, Elder, Farnsworth, Gunn, Houston, Hubbard, Lockhart, Martin, Miller, Phillips, Seaver, Sleeper-14. NAYS-Messrs. Connell, Denman, Dutton, Hoffman, Lynde, Lappin, McDowell, Morrow, Osborn, Wood-10. And so the Concurrent Resolution was indefinitely postponed: Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 4 was taken up. Mr. Hubbard moved its adoption. Mr. Houston moved to amend by referring to Committee on Roads and Bridges. Carried. The motion, as amended, was adopted, and the Resolution referred to the Committee on Roads and Bridges. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 5 was taken up. Mr. Broadhead moved its indefinite postponement. The Yeas and Nays were demanded, and the vote resulted as follows: YEAS-Messrs. Bancroft, Broadhead, Denman, Dutton, Elder, Gunn, Hoffman, Houston, Hubbard, Lappin, Lynde, McDowell, Miller, Morrow, Phillips, Seaver, Sleeper, Wood-18. NAYS-Messrs. Burnett, Connell, Farnsworth, Lockhart, Martin, Osborn-6. And so the Concurrent Resolution was indefinitely postponed. Mr. Wood moved to agree to Report of Committee on Senate Joint Resolution No. 2. The Yeas and Nays were demanded, and the vote resulted as follows: YEAS-Messrs. Bancroft, Broadhead, Burnett, Connell, Dutton, Elder, Farnsworth, Gunn, Hoffman, Houston, Hubbard, Lappin, Lockhart, Morrow, Osborn, Seaver, Sleeper, Wood-18. NAYS-Messrs. Lynde, Martin, McDowell, Denman, Miller, Phillips-6. And so the Report was agreed to, and the Resolution indefinitely pastponed. The Report of the Proceedings of the Joint Session, on motion of Mr. Hoffman, was taken up and read. Mr. Hoffinan offered the following order, which was adopted: Resolved, That the officers of the Joint Convention be requested to furnish the Senate with a certified copy of the Proceedings of the Joint Convention, including the vote for Senators. Message from the House: Mr. PRESIDENT: I am directed to notify your honorable body, that the House has passed House Bill No. 1, entitled "An Act providing for Joint Conventions of the two Houses of the State Legislature." Also, House Bill No. 31, entitled "An Act increasing the number of Justices of the Peace in the township of Centropolis, and providing for the election of the same." |