STATE OF KANSAS,) SHAWNEE COUNTY, SS. SENATE HALL, TOPEKA, March 26, 1861. I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Kansas, and faithfully discharge the duties of my office as Senator of said State. So help me God. O. B. GUNN, H. S. SLEEPER, H. W. FARNSWORTH, J. W. MCDOWELL, J. F. BROADHEAD, H. N. SEAVER, J. A. PHILLIPS, S. D. HOUSTON, S. N. WOOD, I, Jacob Safford, do hereby certify that the foregoing oath was by me duly administered to each and every one of the persons whose names are above thereto attached, as Senators of the State of Kansas, in the Senate Hall, at Topeka, on the twenty-sixth day of March, A. D. 1861; and I further certify, that the same was duly subscribed by said persons. Witness my hand, this first day of April, A. D. 1861. JACOB SAFFORD, Judge Third Judicial District, State of Kansas. On motion of Mr. Broadhead, the Senate proceeded to the election of permanent officers. The election of Secretary being in order, Mr. Lockhart nominated John J. Ingalls, of Atchison. The vote resulted as follows: For Mr. Ingalls-Messrs. Bancroft, Broadhead, Burnett, Connell, Dutton, Elder, Farnsworth, Gunn, Hoffman, Houston, Lappin, Lockhart, Lynde, Martin, McDowell, Miller, Morrow, Osborn, Phillips, Seaver, Sleeper, Spriggs, Wood-23. And Mr. Ingalls having received a majority of all the votes, was declared elected. On motion of Mr. Wood, The President was directed to administer the oath to the officers. Mr. Ingalls took the oath of office and entered upon the discharge of his duties. The election of Assistant Secretary being in order, Mr. Lockhart nominated Jacob Stotler. The vote resulted as follows: For Mr. Stotler-Messrs., Bancroft, Broadhead, Burnett, Connell, Dutton, Elder, Farnsworth, Gunn, Hoffman, Houston, Lappin, Lockhart, Lynde, Martin, McDowell, Miller, Morrow, Osborn, Phillips, Seaver, Sleeper, Spriggs, Wood-23. And Mr. Stotler having received a majority of all the votes, was declared duly elected. The election of Docket Clerk being in order, Mr. Lockhart nominated J. Davis Wilson. The vote being taken, resulted as follows: For Mr. Wilson-Messrs. Bancroft, Broadhead, Burnett, Connell, Dutton, Elder, Farnsworth, Gunn, Hoffman, Houston, Lappin, Lock hart, Lynde, Martin, McDowell, Miller, Morrow, Osborn, Phillips, Seaver, Sleeper, Spriggs, Wood-23. And Mr. Wilson having received a majority of all the votes, was declared duly elected. The election of Journal Clerk being in order, Mr. Lockhart nominated J. R. Lambdin. The vote being taken, resulted as follows: For Mr. Lambdin-Messrs. Bancroft, Broadhead, Burnett, Connell, Dutton, Elder, Farnsworth, Gunn, Hoffman, Houston, Lappin, Lockhart, Lynde, Martin, McDowell, Miller, Morrow, Osborn, Phillips, Seaver, Sleeper, Spriggs, Wood-23. And Mr. Lambdin having received a majority of all the votes cast, was declared elected. Mr. Josiah M. Hubbard, Senator from the Fifth District, presented his credentials, and took and subscribed the following oath of office : I do solemnly swear to support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Kahsas, and to faithfully discharge the duties of Senator of said State. So help me God. JOSIAH M. HUBBARD, Jr. Subscribed and sworn to before me, President of the Senate, this 26th day of March, A. D. 1861. J. P. ROOT, President of the Senate. The election of Engrossing Clerk being in order, Mr. Lockhart nominated A. W. Pickering. The vote resulted as follows: For Mr. Pickering-Messrs. Bancroft, Broadhead, Burnett, Connell, Dutton, Elder, Farnsworth, Gunn, Hoffman, Houston, Hubbard, Lappin, Lockhart, Lynde, Martin, McDowell, Miller, Morrow, Osborn, Phillips, Seaver, Sleeper, Spriggs, Wood-24. And Mr. Pickering having received a majority of all the votes cast, was declared elected. The election of Sergeant-at-Arms being in order, Mr. Lockhart nominated Thomas S. Wright. The vote resulted as follows: For Mr. Wright-Messrs. Bancroft, Broadhead, Burnett, Connell, Dutton, Elder, Farnsworth, Gunn, Hoffman, Houston, Hubbard, Lappin, Lockhart, Lynde, Martin, McDowell, Miller, Morrow, Osborn, Phillips, Seaver, Sleeper, Spriggs, Wood-24. And Mr. Wright having received a majority of all the votes, was declared elected. The election of Doorkeeper being in order, Mr. Lockhart nominated Henry M. Robinson. The vote resulted as follows: For Mr. Robinson-Messrs. Bancroft, Broadhead, Burnett, Connell, Dutton, Elder, Farnsworth, Gunn, Hoffman, Houston, Hubbard, Lappin, Lockhart, Lynde, Martin, McDowell, Miller, Morrow, Osborn, Phillips, Seaver, Sleeper, Spriggs, Wood-24. And Mr. Robinson having received a majority of all the votes, was declared elected. Nominations for Messenger being in order, Mr. Lockhart nominated F. R. Davis. Mr. McDowell nominated W. C. N. Garvey. The vote resulted as follows: For Master Davis-Messrs. Bancroft, Broadhead, Burnett, Dutton, Elder, Gunn, Hoffman, Houston, Hubbard, Lappin, Lockhart, Lynde, Martin, Miller, Morrow, Osborn, Phillips, Seaver, Sleeper,. Spriggs, Wood-21. For Master Garvey-Messrs. Connell, Farnsworth, McDowell-3. And F. R. Davis having received a majority of all the votes, was declared elected. Mr. Farnsworth moved that the Senate proceed to the election of Chaplain. On motion of Mr. Wood, The motion was laid on the table. Mr. Farnsworth moved, that the acting Clergy of the different denominations in Topeka be invited to officiate alternately as Chaplains of the Senate, Which was agreed to. Messrs. Stotler, Pickering and Robinson received the oath of office, and entered upon the discharge of their duties. Mr. Burnett offered the following order, which was agreed to: Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate be directed to notify the House of Representatives, that the Senate is permanently organized, by the election of John J. Ingalls Secretary, Jacob Stotler Assistant Secretary, A. W. Pickering Engrossing Clerk, J. R. Lambdin Journal Clerk, J. Davis Wilson Docket Clerk, Thomas S. Wright Sergeant-at-Arms, H. M. Robinson Door-Keeper, and Franklin R. Davis Messenger. On motion of Mr. Elder, The Sergeant-at-Arms was directed to procure the necessary stationery for the members and officers of the Senate. On motion of Mr. Wood, The Sergeant-at-Arms was directed to procure a copy of the Constitution of the State of Kansas for each member and officer of the Senate. On motion of Mr. Bancroft, The Sergeant-at-Arms was directed to procure a copy of the bill admitting Kansas into the Union as a State, for each member and officer of the Senate. Mr. Wood offered the following order: 2 |