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The subject was referred to Committee on Military Affairs.

Message from the House:

MR. PRESIDENT: I am directed to notify the Senate that the House of Representatives have passed Bill No. 81, “An Act to authorize the formation of county, town and village Agricultural and Horticultural Societies; also, Bill No. 87, "An Act to promote Medical Science;" also, Bill No. 86, " An Act to prevent injury by dogs;" and solicit your concurrence.

I am further directed to notify the Senate, that the House has concurred in Senate Resolution, permiting Clergymen of this City to draw books from the State Library; and have also concurred in Senate Resolution authorizing the Governor to send a messenger to Southern Kansas, to ascertain the extent of the difficulty existing between the Whites and Indians.

Chief Clerk, pro tem.

Bill No. 81, "An Act to authorize the formation of county, town and village Agricultural and Horticultural Societies," was read first time.

Bill No. 86, "An Act to prevent injury by dogs," was read first


Bill No. 87, "An Act to promote Medical Science,” was read first time.

Mr. Osborn, from Committee on Phraseology, submitted the following Report, which was agreed to:

The Committee on Phraseology, to whom was referred House Bill No. 28, entitled "An Act to provide for the protection of stock from contagious diseases," have had the same under consideration, and beg leave to report the Bill back, and recommend its passage, with the following amendments, to-wit:

In Section 2, strike out all between the words "to," in second line, and "and," in fifth line, and insert "impound therein."

In Section 4, second line, strike out the word "the," between the words "into" and "township," and insert the word "his." At the end of said Section insert the following: And if said person or

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persons, so arraigned, shall be found guilty of violating the provi

sions of this Act, it shall be the duty of the Justice to issue an order to the sheriff, or a constable of the county, directing him to drive said cattle out of the State over and on the same route whence they came in; and the said sheriff or constable is hereby empowered to drive said cattle in or through any county through which said cattle may have been driven on their way into the State."

Strike out Section 5 entire, and insert the following:

SEC. 5. It shall not be lawful for any person to use, let, sell or permit to run at large any horse, mule or ass, diseased with glanders. Any person violating the provisions of this Section shall pay a fine of not less than five nor more than fifty dollars, and shall be liable for all damages.

So transpose the Sections as to make Section 6 Section 3.



The Senate went into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of Bill No. 28, "An Act to provide for the protection of stock from contagious diseases."

After some time spent therein, the Committee rose, reported the Bill back with sundry amendments, and ecommended its passage.

Mr. Wood moved to amend, by striking out "twenty dollars," and inserting "one hundred dollars," in Section 6.


Report of Committee, as amended, was agreed to.

Bill No. 28 was ordered to a third reading.

Report of Committee on Roads and Bridges on Bill No. 91, Act to declare a certain road a State road," was agreed to.


Mr. Wood offered the following amendment to the title of Bill No. 91, which was adopted:

"An Act declaring the road from Atchison to Clifton, on the Republican Fork, a State road."

Bill No. 91 was ordered to a third reading.

Report of Joint Committee of Conference on Bills No. 1, 8 and 60, was taken up.

Mr. Morrow moved its adoption.

A division of the question was called for.

Report of Conference Committee on Bills 1 and 8 was agreed to.

The question being on agreeing to Report of the Conference Committee on Bill No. 60,

A division of the question was called for.

The question being on agreeing to Report of the Committee of Conference on Section 5 and 8 of Bill No. 60,

Mr. Sleeper moved a call of the Senate.

ABSENT-Messrs. Denman, Dutton, Gunn, Hoffman, Houston, McDowell, Morrow, Spriggs-8.

On motion of Mr. Martin,

Further proceedings, under the call, were dispensed with.

The question being on agreeing to Report of the Committee of Conference on Sections 5 and 8,

A division of the question was called for.

The question being on agreeing to Report of the Conference Committee on Section 5 of Bill No. 60,

The Yeas and Nays were demanded, and the vote resulted as follows:

YEAS-Messrs. Connell, Denman, Hubbard, McDowell, Osborn, Phillips, Wood-7.

NAYS-Messrs. Broadhead, Burnett, Elder, Farnsworth, Hoffman, Lappin, Lockhart, Lynde, Martin, Miller, Seaver, Sleeper, Spriggs-13.

And so the motion was lost.

The question being on agreeing to Report of the Committee on Section 8 of Bill No. 60,

The Yeas and Nays were called, and the vote resulted as follows:

YEAS-Messrs. Denman, Hoffman, Hubbard, Osborn, Sleeper, Wood-6.

NAYS-Messrs. Bancroft, Broadhead, Burnett, Connell, Elder, Farnsworth, Lappin, Lockhart, Lynde, Martin, McDowell, Miller, Phillips, Seaver, Spriggs-15.

And so the motion was lost.

The question being on agreeing to the remainder of the Report of the Committee of Conference,

The Yeas and Nays were demanded, and the vote resulted as follows:

YEAS-Messrs. Bancroft, Broadhead, Burnett, Connell, Denman, Elder, Farnsworth, Hoffman, Hubbard, Lappin, Lockhart, Lynde, Martin, Miller, Phillips, Seaver, Sleeper, Spriggs, Wood-19.

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Journal of yesterday read and approved.

Mr. Lockhart presented the petition of C. L. Dilley and 80 others, "praying for postponement of collection of taxes," which was read and

Referred to Committee on Ways and Means.

Mr. Wood, from Committee on Judiciary, reported Bills No. 7 and 54 back, with amendments.

Mr. Dutton, from Committee on Counties, reported back Bill No. 44, with amendments.

Mr. Phillips, from Committee on Engrossed Bills, submitted the following


The Committee on Engrossed Bills, to whom was referred Bill No. 28, have examined the same, and report it, with amendments, as correctly engrossed.



Mr. Lockhart, from Committee on Enrolled Bills, submitted the following


MR. PRESIDENT: The Committee on Enrolled Bills have examined House Bill No. 13, entitled "An Act in relation to the Organization of District Courts, and defining their Powers and Duties," and report it correctly enrolled, and presented it to the Governor, April 24, for his signature. JOHN LOCKHART,


Mr. Wood offered the following order, which was adopted:

WHEREAS, The Act admitting Kansas into the Union as a State was approved by the President and became a law on the 29th day of January, A. D. 1861; and

WHEREAS, Various laws were passd by the Territorial Legislature, from and after the 29th day of January, A. D. 1861; and

WHEREAS, Others previously passed were approved by the Territorial Governor from and after the 29th day of January, A. D. 1861;


WHEREAS, Differences of opinion exist as to the legality of said laws: Therefore,

Resolved, That the Attorney-General of the State be requested to give his opinion, in writing, as to the legality of all laws passed by the Territorial Legislature, or approved by the Territorial Governor, after the 29th day of January, A. D. 1861.

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