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my whole body, for never before had sci- | divinity, to breed this hateful littleness ence seemed beautiful to me, until this and conceit in any soul?" man mingled it with divine dreams.

"While we stood discoursing and listening, day began to appear. We descended the great stairs, and came in, slow and scattering, to the house, the guests taking their leave of me as they passed; for I and Dione lingered behind with Manes and Pythagoras. When all were gone but the sage and the young priestess, we invited them to retire, which they accepting, were shown each by a train of slaves into sumptuous apartments, not unworthy to be the chambers of princes. But these were princes indeed, for even the Pharao feared Pythagoras; and for Dione, she shone a pure star among the pure."

When Diotima had made an end, Lysis thanked her for the description of the banquet of Pythagoras, but seemed astonished at the boldness of the Egyptian women. "I desire," said he, "good Diotima, that no such sage or prophet may appear in Athens, intoxicating young girls with discourses of this kind.'

"And pray," said the prophetess, "what is it that you fear for them, my prudent friend ?"

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"When you are older, good youth, you will find that affectation in speech and manners is not the innocent thing it seems to be."


How so?" inquired the jester in a grave voice.

"I have long noticed," answered Lysis, "that such as use an unnatural cant phrase, in speech or writing, make bad friends, or rather no friends at all. They are an adaptive kind of persons, surprisingly ready to shape themselves to the disposition of any one whom they wish to please; but are for the most part full of cankerous animosity and contempt."

"But how is it possible," rejoined Cymon, "for the conversation of a wise and unaffected person like Pythagoras, a man, if I may so speak, intoxicated with

"I do not say that he breeds it there," answered Lysis; "but only that he gives occasion for it. When the master sings, the dog barks."

"It is this barking that offends me," said the jester, with the same apparent gravity. "I am accustomed to compare the voices of these people," continued he, affecting a deep seriousness, "to the echoes of speeches which return only the emphasized syllables."

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"A stiff comparison," said Lysis, laughing at the gravity of the other; but he continued undisturbedly. And the faces that speak them, I compare to tragic masks, through which the words of a good poet are pertly delivered. The persons themselves I resemble to an unscoured kneading trough, into which the good housewife carelessly put her dough, but it presently began to corrupt. For the words of the sages themselves, they are like the rain which falls equally into filthy sewers and golden pitchers. And for the effects of their words, I observe the kennels swell most after a summer shower."

Cymon and Lysis applauded this speech heartily, and the prophetess seemed not displeased with it.

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I will add one more," she said, smiling, "to your similitudes. I will compare the words of the wise to the rain that unfolds tender buds; and say that poisonous nightshade feels it as genially as the grass and grain."

"And now, my friends," said Lysis, "let Diotima continue her history; for I see the morning entering."

"For my part," said the young man, "I desire to hear more of this young Egyptian priestess, who seems to be in love with the very wise Pythagoras. Tell us in a few words, dear Diotima, what befell the amiable Dione."

"At another time,' answered the prophetess, "I will relate her story, as I had it from hearsay."

"Go on, then, dear prophetess," said Lysis, "with your own story, and let us hear the loves of Dione at another time."

"The morning is well begun," answered. she," and though I desire your company, good friends, I will even break off here,

and, if it pleases you, relate the after-fortune of my life at another time.”

"Especially your spiritual history," said the young man.

"As my friends will," answered she; "but why should I be so much of a talker, when here is one to whom the Graces are favorable, and who is better able to please you than I am?"

She said these words in so pleasant and playful a tone, shining with her lustrous eyes upon the rude Meton, he was abashed, and turned his head away. But Cymon now began to show symptoms of discontent; for he had hoped ere this to have found a private opportunity with the prophetess, meaning to disclose his love for her niece; but she, penetrating his thoughts, paid no heed to him, but only joined with Lysis, who was urging the jester to his part in a story, vowing, in jest, that if he did not, he, Lysis, would begin a very prosy one himself. Cymon declared he would rather sleep under Lysis than lie awake under Meton. But the jester, who secretly desired to talk, began presently as follows:

"Since you, good Diotima, wish to hear me, and you, grave Lysis, are of the same mind, I may use my endeavors notwithstanding the youth, whom I pity for his condition," (here Cymon gave a groan,) "which is exactly that of the fox who could not get his head into the narrownecked jug into which the crane put his dinner."

"Stop, good sir," said the prophetess, beginning to laugh at the sight of Cymon's sad countenance. "This is no story, but a very cruel amusement."

"Before Meton begins his story," said Lysis, "I insist that he tell us in what particulars our friend here resembles the


"Because," said the jester, "it is his fate to be unable to enjoy anything deep or witty, (which is the case with all lovers.) I, who resemble the crane, could sip nothing out of his flat dish; and now, he as little of my witticisms, that have a depth and a pith for a deep sense to get at, (though I say it.) I will tell you a story of an old woman that lived in the Piræus not long ago, and what a cunning way she took to get a living."

"Let the story, good joker, be a short

and pithy one, like the farce after the tragedy," said Lysis, "that we may all go home in a good humor."

But the jester, making no reply, continued as follows:

"This old woman sold cresses for a small profit; but she had a little yellow dog, that brought her more money than all her simples, though she kept the best parcels in the market."

When the jester had got thus far with his story, he stopped and lay quite silent, sipping a little wine with a dull expression. The others waited a while, thinking he would go on, but Cymon grew impatient. "Well," said he, "and what of the dog?"

"This dog," said the jester, " had a familiar demon, who befriended the old wo

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"But is it true ?" said the young man. "As true," answered the other," as the calendar."

"Pray go on," said Cymon, seeing that the jester did not proceed.

When Meton heard this request, he squeezed up the corners of his eyes with a grin, and proceeded:

"You must know, my young friend, that there are two kinds of demons, the good and the bad; and that every man has one of each appointed him at birth.”

"I know it," said the other; "but how for the women? Have they a demon ?"

"O yes, several," replied the jester, "but with this difference-that the woman's demon, be it good or evil, is not allowed to manifest itself to her directly, but must appear in some other shape; whereas the man's demon may enter into him directly, and become spiritually visible to himself, without external appear


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I never heard that before," said Cymon, with a look of surprise.

"Your not having heard it makes nothing against it," said the jester; "but it is certain that this dog had a demon who was a friendly genius to his mistress."

"Was the dog a female?" said the young man, musingly.

Thereupon Lysis and the jester burst into a laugh, but the prophetess discovered no emotion of any kind.

"I wished to know," said the young

"Pray what conjurations have you in hand?" said Lysis, continuing to laugh. But seeing Diotima look offended, he motioned the jester to continue his story; but Cymon would not be put off, and appealed with his question to the prophetess. She assured him mildly,

"Those who profess to know the nature of the good and evil demons, declare they are of no sex, and can inhabit a male or a female body at pleasure."

man, "whether the demons of males might ers shouting, as if intoxicated; and while inhabit female animals." we listened, some began to beat at the gate; and presently it was opened and a number of young men with garlands on their heads, came into the court calling for Diotima. She immediately rose, and going to the door, they saluted her and threw their garlands at her feet, and presented gifts of wine and other delicacies; and one threw a rich robe over her shoulders, and kneeling down kissed her hand as if she had been a princess. She received their gifts, and having dismissed them courteously, returned to the banquet room, where her guests were waiting in some wonder as to the result. When they saw her returning with the purple robe upon her shoulders, having the air of a princess, they were struck with astonishment. But she only dismissed them, after appointing another day to finish her story, and bidding Cymon attend her in another apartment. Then having saluted her, they left the house.

Meton objected.

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"I feel certain to have seen women,' said he, "possessed by the male demons, some good and some evil."

But Diotima would not suffer him to proceed.

"I restrict you," said she, "to the finishing of this story, for it is broad morning, and I hear banqueters going home from the ward feast."

Just at this moment there was a noise of voices in the street, some singing, oth


THE establishment of a people in the enjoyment of liberty and competency is allowed by all writers to be the noblest work in which a man of great spirit can be engaged; but as the opportunity of composing constitutions and building up institutions of freedom is rare, and happens only once in a century or more, it well becomes the ambitious spirits of those ages which offer none of these fortunate occasions to look about them, lest, for mere want of occupation, they fall into contempt, and play the miserable part of eulogists, and defenders of antiquated systems. Their only chance for distinction lies in being the first to pull down what their fathers established. Military conquerors of the despotic order have rare opportunities of immortalizing themselves in this fashion.

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The arts which they pursue are well known, and have not yet gone out of use. But of that order of conquerors who busy themselves chiefly about the foundations of their own States, the world is not half so well informed; not because their work is any less difficult and praiseworthy than that of the warlike order, but that it requires a subtlety and refinement of genius which historians either do not always appreciate, or will not be at the pains to set before the world in a proper light.

A great politician, lately retired from office, and who employs the leisure of his old age in reading, and meditation upon his own experience, proposes to write a volume for the use of statesmen, and for politicians, by which he shall guide them to a more systematic and effectual de

struction of their institutions, than they ever could accomplish under the merely natural impulse of ambition and the love of change.

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We happen to be very intimate with the designer of this treatise, which its author means to entitle The New Machiavel; or a Treatise on the Art of Destroying a Nation from within." The first part will be a profound essay on the nature and uses of Opinion, and of the various arts of creating it. Of this portion a friend quite competent to the task, has promised us a popular review. The author evidently regards it as the most important portion of his work, for at the very page we find this sentence, "The Constitution and Laws of a people rest upon three columns: these are, Prejudice, Interest and Opinion." It is unnecessary to remind the reader that whatever rests upon three legs, if one be knocked away, will fall to the ground. Our author believes that the Prejudices of a people, which are quite distinct from their speculative Opinions, are a main support of their government, and he proposes to devote a separate treatise to the art of undermining inherited prejudices.

The third part is of the Interests of a Nation-in what they consist, and how they are most judiciously and easily brought to the ground. As the practical experience of our author lies chiefly in that field, he having been the cause of undermining and annihilating larger and more valuable Interests, than have ever before been ruined by any private adventurer, without detriment to himself, may be regarded as perfectly good authority upon this topic at least.

One principal defect, however, has been noticed by the judicious who have seen these treatises, and that is that the venerable writer, while he tells us how to bring down the edifice of state in a tasteful and magnificent style, so as to make a very fine ruin of it, neglects to show us how to "stand from under;" and while we read "of trains and plots and machinations dire," our enthusiasm is checked by the reflection that some of these grand engineers might possibly be hoist with their own petards, or buried under a falling column. These, it may be, are but the reflections of nervous and over-fearful persons. To give some faint idea of the work, we subjoin a few extracts from the plan.

"To destroy the interests of a nation the most effectual methods are obviously those which will sink the largest amount of labor and capital, or which will turn the labor and capital of the people into the least productive channels. This cannot be done immediately, or in one generation, and the most that we of this time can do is to begin the work.

"Having by a judicious working upon opinion, induced the people to elect an Executive sufficiently ignorant, obstinate, and ambitous, you have then to provide a suitable cabinet for guiding and instigating. You are to keep all real information out of reach and hearing of your Executive, and fill his ear with continual flatteries, so that his opinion of his own judgment, where it is necessary that he have any, be swelled to the largest. He will then be in a good condition to use, for carrying out your grand scheme.

"Having now got your Executive ready, and in good order for the work, you must begin by setting him against something, with which he shall be heartily angry. Anger and pride together, will make him persevere. This may be either some great public institution, as a legislative body, a moneyed corporation, a college, a church, or a neighboring State. If you can engage him in a little war,' be content: little wars always continue long, and cost more in the end than great wars, which agrees with your main design.

"It may be shown that wars of conquest – are the best in the world for your purposes: for

"1. They are the greatest destroyers of property, by sinking productive capital in the maintenance of unproductive bodies of men, armies, navies, office-holders, and the vast crowd of idlers that live upon their means while waiting for offices; which is a great consideration.

"2. By a national debt, increasing the number of speculators, stock-jobbers, and the like.

"3. By the sudden augmentation of the army and navy, a vast number of laborers, mechanics, dealers and contractors, previously engaged in commercial or other economical pursuits for the increase of national wealth, are now engaged in the production of a surplus, which is to be consumed without render or profit to the nation.

"The surplus capital of the nation, which | of the working classes generally, through would otherwise have been used for the necessary effects of taxation. the cultivation of farms, the building of cities, the establishment of manufactories, and the opening of new channels of internal and external commerce, is now directed upon the production of clothes, food, munitions of war, forts, navies, &c., which, instead of being a profitable investment for the surplus of the national wealth, are in fact a perpetual sink and drain, swallowing up in taxes for their after maintenance and support, those earnings of poor men, which would otherwise have just lifted them a little above poverty.

"This last effect is of the greatest importance to your scheme. We know very well, and you must not fail to persuade the people, that a war stimulates the industry of a nation, gives employment to a vast number of persons, and employs a great amount of capital. It is not this first effect, however, but the secondary consequences of war, which should occupy your attention-namely, that all this industry and wealth is employed, so to speak, in digging a pit to throw in the people's money,

"Having got your war well agoing, and the public debts running mountain high, you will now observe a three-fold effect on the nation: first, a general stagnation of business, following on the close of the war; secondly, a large increase of crime and poverty, through the return of myriads of adventurers; lastly, but which will appear more slowly, the enlargement of the class of paupers, and the depression

"If the nation enjoyed a free trade before the war, you will now find it necessary to raise your tariffs as high as possible; an operation which will injure some nations and benefit others; but by a skillful adjustment of duties you may succeed in killing off some valuable manufactures and stimulating others that will be of little or no value. Your main reliance, however, will be on taxation. The debt having been incurred, it must be paid; but you will bend all your efforts toward increasing the number of the poor, who are always your very dear friends; and what good man is there that does not wish to increase the number of his friends? To this end you will begin by taxing the necessaries of life, food, fuel, clothes, &c., taking care to persuade the people that the loss will fall upon the traders and producers, who will take good care on their part to sustain little or none of it. The man who saved forty dollars a year will now save but twenty, and he who enjoyed twenty will have nothing to spare; he who lived decently and saved nothing will now live meanly and have nothing, and those who lived meanly and laid up no earnings, will fall into poverty, debt and dependence. Thus by your vast army and navy you have not only conquered the enemy and earned a great name for yourself, but you have conquered and subjected a vast body of refractory citizens, poor people, who will not fail to swell the ranks of the Reform party, which is always yours."

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