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the Fund equivalent to 5,310,800,000 Special Drawing Rights, limited to such amounts as are provided in advance in appropriations Acts. 69

(b)(1) The Secretary of the Treasury shall consult with the chairman and the ranking minority member of

(A) the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs and the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives, and any appropriate subcommittee of each such committee; and

(B) the Committee on Foreign Relations, the Committee on Appropriations, and the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate, and any appropriate subcommittee of each such committee,

for purposes of discussing the position of the executive branch and the views of the Congress with respect to any international negotiations being held to consider any future quota increase for the International Monetary Fund which may involve an increased contribution, subscription, or loan by the United States.

(2) Such consultation shall be made

(A) not later than thirty days before the initiation of such international negotiations;

(B) during the period in which such negotiations are being held, in a frequent and timely manner; and

(C) before a session of such negotiations is held at which the United States representatives may agree to such quota in



SEC. 42.70 (a) It is the sense of the Congress that

(1) the lack of sufficient information currently available to allow members of the Fund to make sound and prudent decisions concerning their public and private sector international borrowing, and to allow lenders to make sound and prudent decisions concerning their international lending, threatens the stability of the international monetary system; and

(2) in recognition of the Fund's duties, as provided particularly by article VIII of the Articles of Agreement of the Fund, to act as a center for the collection and exchange of information on monetary and financial problems, the Fund should adopt necessary and appropriate measures to ensure that more complete and timely financial information will be available. (b) To this end, the Secretary of the Treasury shall instruct the United States Executive Director of the Fund to initiate discussions with other directors of the Fund and with Fund management, and to propose and vote for, the adoption of procedures, within the Fund

69 Sec. 1101(a) of Public Law 98-181 (97 Stat. 1287) appropriated for an increase in the U.S. quota in the IMF, the dollar equivalent of 5,310,800,000 Special Drawing Rights. For text of sec. 1101(a), see page 206.

To 22 U.S.C. 286z. Sec. 42 was added by sec. 802(4) of Public Law 98-181 (97 Stat. 1269).

(1) to collect and disseminate information, on a quarterly basis, from and to Fund members, and to such other persons as the Fund deems appropriate, concerning

(A) the extension of credit by banks or nonbanks to private and public entities, including all government entities, instrumentalities, and central banks of member countries;


(B) the receipt of such credit by those private and public entities of member countries, where such banks or nonbanks are not principally established within the borders of the member country to which the credits are extended; and

(2) to disseminate publicly information which is developed in the course of the Fund's collection, and to review and comment on efforts which the Fund determines would serve to enhance the informational base upon which international borrowing and lending decisions are taken.

(c) For purposes of this section, the term "credit" includes

(1) outstanding loans to private and public entities, including government entities, instrumentalities, and central banks of any member, and

(2) unused lines of credit which have been made available to those private and public entities of any member,

where such loans or lines of credit are repayable in freely convertible currency.

(d) The President is authorized to use the authority provided under section 8 of this Act to require any person (as defined in such section) subject to the jurisdiction of the United States to provide such information as the Fund determines to be necessary in order to carry out the provisions of this section.


SEC. 43.71 (a) The Congress hereby finds that Communist dictatorships result in severe constraints on labor and capital mobility and other highly inefficient labor and capital supply rigidities which contribute to balance-of-payments deficits in direct contradiction of the goals of the International Monetary Fund. Therefore, the Secretary of the Treasury shall instruct the United States Executive Director of the Fund to actively oppose any facility involving use of Fund credit by any Communist dictatorship, unless the Secretary of the Treasury certifies and documents in writing upon request and so notifies and appears, if requested, before the Foreign Relations and Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committees of the Senate and the Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives, at least twenty-one days in advance of any vote on such drawing that such drawing:

(1) provides the basis for correcting the balance of payments difficulties and restoring a sustainable balance of payments position;

(2) would reduce the severe constraints on labor and capital mobility or other highly inefficient labor and capital supply ri

71 22 U.S.C. 286aa. Sec. 43 was added by sec. 804 of Public Law 98-181 (97 Stat. 1270).

gidities and advances market-oriented forces in that country; and

(3) is in the best economic interest of the majority of the people in that country.

Should the Secretary not meet a request to appear before the aforementioned Committees at least twenty-one days in advance of any vote on any facility involving use of Fund credit by any communist dictatorship and certify and document in writing that these three conditions have been met, the United States Executive Director shall vote against such program.

(b) The Congress hereby finds that the practice of apartheid results in severe constraints on labor and capital mobility and other highly inefficient labor and capital supply rigidities which contribute to balance of payments deficits in direct contradiction of the goals of the International Monetary Fund. Therefore, the President shall instruct the United States Executive Director of the Fund to actively oppose any facility involving use of Fund credit by any country which practices apartheid unless the Secretary of the Treasury certifies and documents in writing, upon request, and so notifies and appears, if requested, before the Foreign Relations and Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committees of the Senate and the Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives, at least twenty-one days in advance of any vote on such drawing, that such drawing: (1) would reduce the severe constraints on labor and capital mobility, through such means as increasing access to education by workers and reducing artificial constraints on worker mobility and substantial reduction of racially-based restrictions on the geographical mobility of labor; (2) would reduce other highly inefficient labor and capital supply rigidities; (3) would benefit economically the majority of the people of any country which practices apartheid; (4) is suffering from a genuine balance of payments imbalance that cannot be met by recourse to private capital markets. Should the Secretary not meet a request to appear before the aforementioned Committees at least twentyone days in advance of any vote on any facility involving use of Fund credit by any country practicing apartheid and certify and document in writing that these four conditions have been met, the United States Executive Director shall vote against such program.


SEC. 44.72 The Secretary of the Treasury shall instruct the United States Executive Director of the Fund to propose and work for the adoption of a policy encouraging Fund members to eliminate all predatory agricultural export subsidies which might result in the reduction of other member countries' exports.


SEC. 45.73 (a)(1) The President shall instruct the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of State, and other appropriate Federal of

72 22 U.S.C. 286bb. Sec. 44 was added by sec. 805 of Public Law 98-181 (97 Stat. 1271). 73 22 U.S.C. 286cc. Sec. 45 was added by sec. 806 of Public Law 98-181 (97 Stat. 1272).

ficials, and shall request the chairman of the board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, to use all appropriate means to encourage countries to formulate economic adjustment programs to deal with their balance of payment difficulties and external debt owed to private banks.

(2) Such economic adjustment programs should be designed to safeguard, to the maximum extent feasible, international economic growth, world trade, employment, and long-term solvency of banks, and to minimize the likelihood of civil disturbances in countries needing economic adjustment programs.

(b) To ensure the effectiveness of economic adjustment programs supported by Fund resources—

(1) the United States Executive Director of the Fund shall recommend and shall work for changes in Fund guidelines, policies, and decisions which would

(A) convert short-term bank debt which was made at high interest rates into long-term debt at lower rates of interest;

(B) assure that the annual external debt service, which shall include principal, interest, points, fees, and other charges required of the country involved, is a manageable and prudent per centage of the projected annual export earning of such country; and

(C) provide that in approving any economic adjustment program the Fund shall take into account the number of countries applying to the Fund for economic adjustment programs and the aggregate effects that such programs will have on international economic growth, world trade, exports and employment of other member countries, and the long-term solvency of banks; and

(2) except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, the United States Executive Director of the Fund shall oppose and vote against providing assistance from the Fund for any economic adjustment program for a country in which the annual external debt service exceeds 85 per centum of the annual export earnings of such country, unless the Secretary of the Treasury first determines and provides written documentation to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate and the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs of the House of Representatives that

(A) the economic adjustment program converts high interest rate, short-term bank debt into long-term debt at significantly narrower interest rate spreads than the average interest rate spreads prevailing on bank debt reschedulings negotiated between August 1982 and August 1983 for countries receiving assistance from the Fund for economic adjustment programs in order to minimize the burdens of adjustment on the debtor nation, provided that such interest rate spreads are consistent with that nation's need to obtain adequate external private financing;

(B) the annual external debt service required of the country involved is a manageable and prudent percentage

of the projected annual export earnings of such country; and

(C) the economic adjustment program will not have an adverse impact on international economic growth, world trade, exports, and employment of other member countries, and the long-term solvency of banks.

(c) The provisions of subsection (b)(2) shall not apply in any case in which the Secretary of the Treasury first determines and provides written documentation to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate and the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs of the House of Representatives that—

(1) an emergency exists in a nation that has applied to the Fund for assistance that requires an immediate short-term loan to avoid disrupting orderly financial markets;

(2) a sudden decrease in export earnings in the country applying to the Fund for assistance has increased the ratio of annual external debt service to annual export earnings, to greater than 85 per centum for a period projected to be no more than one year; or

(3) other extraordinary circumstances exist which warrant waiving the provisions of subsection (b)(2).


SEC. 46.74 The Secretary of the Treasury shall instruct the United States Executive Director of the Fund

(1) to oppose and vote against any Fund drawing by a member country where, in his judgment, the Fund resources would be drawn principally for the purpose of repaying loans which have been imprudently made by banking institutions to the member country; and

(2) to work to insure that the Fund encourages borrowing countries and banking institutions to negotiate, where appropriate, a rescheduling of debt which is consistent with safe and sound banking practices and the country's ability to pay.


SEC. 47.75 The Secretary of the Treasury shall instruct the United States Executive Director of the Fund to propose that the Fund adopt the following policies with respect to international lending:

(1) In its consultations with a member government on its economic policies pursuant to article IV of the Articles of Agreement of the Fund, the Fund should

(A) intensify its examination of the trend and volume of external indebtedness of private and public borrowers in the member country and comment, as appropriate, in its report to the Executive Board from the viewpoint of the contribution of such borrowings to the economic stability of the borrower; and

74 22 U.S.C. 286dd. Sec. 46 was added by sec. 807 of Public Law 98-181 (97 Stat. 1273). 75 22 U.S.C. 286ee. Sec. 47 was added by sec. 809 of Public Law 98-181 (97 Stat. 1274).

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