Imágenes de páginas

propriety of Durell's decisions, 232; protection from
domestic violence appeals to the force of the nation,
233; the United States is not authorized to order a
new election in Louisiana, 233; we can only guaran-
tee a republican form of government, 233; the word
"form" is not a matter of chance as it occurs in the
Constitution, 234; if the three branches of a State
government collude together, but preserve the repub-
lican "

form," would Congress have power to inter-
fere? 234; order a new election in Louisiana, and you
have established a precedent that must impair elec-
tive government, 235; let the remedy for frauds be
found in the courts, 235; you do not know how the
election has gone in Louisiana, and until you do you
have no right to interfere, 235; what is our right of
interference? 235; based on two grounds, 235; the
facts, 237; this is no mere question of party triumph,
237; what the people say, 237; shall this conspiracy
to overthrow a State be successfully accomplished?
238; Congress not authorized to pass the pending
bill, 238; further discussion, 239; no final action, 239.
In the House, a bill to confer jurisdiction on the
Criminal Court of the District of Columbia passed,
239; the bill reported, amended, and passed in the
Senate, 239; amendments concurred in by the House,
240; report of the Senate committee on transporta-
tion, 240.

CONKLING, ALFRED.-Decease of, 625.

CONKLING, ROSCOE, Senator from New York, 150; on in-
flation, 198.

Connecticut.-Assembling of the Democratic Convention,

240; platform, 240; Republican Convention, 241; nom-
inations, 241; platform, 241; results of the election,
241; financial condition of the State; 241; value of
taxable property, 242; school-fund, 242; savings-
banks, 242; depositors, 242; normal and the scientific
schools, 242; receipts for public schools, 242; insane
hospitals, 243; industrial and reform schools, 242;
the Reformatory Home, 242; State-prison, 242; acts
of the Legislature, 242; license law, 242; naturalization
and elections, 244; insurance companies, 244; fish-
culture, 244; social statistics, 244; State-House, 245.
CONWAY, FREDERICK B.-Decease of, 650.

CROSS, Rt. Hon. RICHARD A.-Biographical sketch of,

CROXTON, JOHN T.-Decease of, 632.
CRUVEILHIER, JEAN.-Birth, 254; physician, professor,
and author, 254; death, 254.
Cuba.-The struggle in, 778.

CURTIS, BENJAMIN R.-Birth, 254; career as a jurist, 254;
death, 254.

CUSHING, CALEB.-Appointed minister to Spain, 265.
CUSHING, WILLIAM B.-Birth, 255; naval career,
death, 255.



Dakota.-Reconnoitring expedition in the Territory, 255;
its strength, 255; course of the expedition, 256; re-
sults, 256; game-region, 256; varieties, 257.
Darfour, Sultan of .-War with Egypt, 279.
DÉCAZES, Duke LOUIS CHARLES.-Biographical sketch
of, 330.

DE CISSEY, LOUIS OCTAVE C.-Biographical sketch of, 329.
Delaware. Republican Convention, 257; nominations,

257; platform, 257; Democratic Convention, 258; nom-
inations, 258; platform, 258; results of the election,
258; biography of Governor Cochran, 258; public
debt, 258; railroads, 259; assets, 259; revenue, 259;
taxing railroads, 259; schools, 259; peach-crop, 259.
DEMAREST, WILLIAM.-Decease of, 633.
Denmark.-The sovereign, 260; his family, 260; popula-
tion, 260; religions, 260; revenue and expenditure,
260; budget, 260; commerce, 260; shipping, 261; ar-
my and navy, 261; railroads and telegraphs, 261; resig-
nation of the ministry, 261; proceedings of the Legis
lature, 261; resignations, 262; relations of Denmark
to Germany, 262; new session of the Legislature, 262;
North-Schleswig question, 262; centennial in Iceland,
262; the King's visit, 263; the national wealth, 263.
DENNETT, JOHN R.-Decease of, 659.
DENNIS, THOMAS.-Decease of, 655.
DENT, LOUIS.-Decease of, 628.
DERBY, GEORGE.-Decease of, 642.

DE WITT, THOMAS.-Birth, 263; clerical career, 263; death,

DICKINSON, EDWARD.-Decease of, 639.

CORNELL, EZRA.-Birth, 245; enterprising pursuits, 245; DICKINSON, RICHARD W.-Decease of, 649.
benefactions, 246; death, 246.

Costa Rica.-boundaries, 247; government, 247; army,
247; navy, 247; sources of revenue, 247; debt, 248;
schools, 248; commerce, 248; crops, 248; railroads,
248; attempt to overthrow the government, 248; map,
249; political factions, 249.
Cotton.-Production of 1874 in the United States, 249; the
movement for twelve months, 249; ports, 249; re-
ceipts, 249; exports, 249; stock, 249; shipments over-
land, 250; distribution of the crop by States, 250;
crops for a series of years, 250; cotton-manufacturing
industry of the United States, 250; capacity and con-
sumption of cotton-mills, 251; cost of manufacturing,
251; spinning-spindles in the United States, 251; kind
and quantity of goods produced, 252; exports of cot-
ton-manufactures, 252; imports of cotton-manufact-
ures, 252; do. exports, 252; imports and consumption
of cotton in Europe, 253.

COWDIN, ROBERT.-Decease of, 644.
COWLES, EDWARD P.-Decease of, 661.

Cox, SAMUEL S.-Representative from New York, 150;
on applying proceeds of land-sales to support educa-
tion, 178.

CROCKER, ALVAE.-Decease of, 663.

CROSBY, ALPHEUS.-Birth, 253; career as a scholar, pro-
fessor, and author, 253; death, 254.

Diplomatic Correspondence.--Rights of naturalized citi-
zens on returning home, 263; enlistment of American
citizens in foreign military service, 263; the desire
of Germany to obtain the island of St. Thomas de-
nied, 264; retirement of George Bancroft, 264; va-
grancy of Italian children, 264; instructions to the
United States minister to Spain, 265.

Disciples of Christ.-General Convention, 267; business,
267; report of Board of Missions, 267; Disciples in
Great Britain, 267.

DISRAELI, BENJAMIN.-First Lord of English Treasury,

District of Columbia.-Bill to confer jurisdiction on the
Criminal Court, 239; investigation asked, 268; com-
mittee of Congress appointed, 268; report, 268; rec-
ommendation, 268; commissioners appointed to wind
up affairs, 269; form of government recommended by
the committee, 269; debt, 269.

DODD, JOSEPH.-Decease of, 659.
DODGE, J. R.-Remarks on over-production of crops, 9.
DODGE, NATHANIEL S.-Decease of, 624.
Dominion of Canada.-Further enlarged, 270; future ex-
tent of the Dominion, 270; recent political proceed-
ings, 270; construction of a Pacific Railroad, 270;
charges made and investigation demanded, 270; re-
ports of surveys, 270; legislation of the Dominion

Parliament, 271; finances, 271; railways, 271; tele-
graph-lines, 271; tonnage, 271; obituaries, 271.
DOOLITTLE, CHARLES H.-Decease of, 635.
DUNNELL, MARK H.-Representative from Minnesota,
150; on applying the proceeds of land-sales to educa-
tional purposes, 176.

DUNNING, EDWARD 0.-Decease of, 629.
DUPANLOUP, Bishop FÉLIX.-Biographical sketch of, 330.
Duplex Telegraphy.-Explanation, 272; aim of the sys-
tem, 272; first application by Dr. Gentl, 272; inven-
tion of Frischen and Halse, 272; Mr. Stearns's system,

DYER, ALEXANDER B.-Decease of, 628.


EASTMAN, OMAN.-Birth, 273; clerical career, 273; death,

EASTMAN, SANDFORD.-Obituary notice of, 623.
EATON, GEORGE N.-Decease of, 645.
Ecuador.-Boundaries, 273; population, 273; army, 273;
finances, 273; customs, 273; debt, 273; Bank of Ecua-
dor, 274; assets and business, 274; decree relative to
the national debt, 275; remittance to the Pope, 275;
articles of export, 275.

EDDY, THOMAS.-Decease of, 654.
EDGERTON, BELA.-Decease of, 650.
EDMONDS, JOHN W.-Decease of, 630.
Education.-Congressional bill relative to, 174.
Egypt.-Its ruler, 275; territories, 275; population by di-
visions, 275; nationalities, 275; population of cities,
276; debt, 276; revenues, 276; taxes, 276; commerce,
276; value of exports, 276; navy, 277; Suez Canal,
277; revenue, 277; army, 277; railroads, 277; educa-
tion, 277; expedition into the interior of Africa, 277;
command of Colonel Gordon, 278; war with the Sul-
tan of Darfour, 278; plague in Egypt, 281; expedi-
tions to Soudan, 281; international tribunals, 281.
ELDRIDGE, CHARLES A.-Representative from Wiscon-
sin, 150; on the repeal of the salary law, 159.
ELLIOTT, DAVID.-Birth, 282; clerical career, 282; death,

ELLIOTT, ROBERT B.-Representative from South Caro-
lina, 208; on the civil-rights bill, 208.

EMORY, General W. H.-In command at New Orleans,
481, 482; report, 483.

ENO, WILLIAM.-Deccase of, 658.

military career, 282; death, 282.
Europe.-Absence of grave international complications,

283; International Congress at Brussels, 283; Postal
Congress, 283; consolidation of the German Empire,
283; new Federal Constitution of Switzerland, 284;
new electoral law of Austria, 284; relations between
Turkey and Austria, 284; financial condition of
France, 284; affairs in Spain and Italy, 284; Feejee
Islands annexed to British Empire, 284; Scandina-
vian kingdoms, 285; population of Europe, 285; re-
ligion, 285; population of foreign colonies, 285.
Evangelical Alliance.-Next meeting to be held in Rome,
286; Canada branch, 286; its sessions, 286; subjects
of discussion, 286; further proceedings, 287.
Evangelical Association.-Statistics, 288; missionary so-
ciety, 288.

Evangelical Synod of the West.-General meeting, 288;
its aim, 288; confessional basis, 288; statistics, 289.
Evangelical Union.-Annual Conference, 289; reports, 289;
proceedings, 289.

EVANS, EVAN M.--Decease of, 636.


FAIRBAIRN, PATRICK.-Birth, 289; writings, 289; death,


FAIRBAIRN, WILLIAM.-Birth, 289; career as a civil-en-
gineer, 289; writings, 290; death, 290.
FALK, Dr. ADALBERT.-Biographical sketch of, 705.
FAULKNER, S. C.-Decease of, 648.

Feejee Islands.-Location, 290; number and boundaries,
290; population, 290; principal productions, 291; re-
ligion, 291; tonnage, 291; revenue, 291; exports,291;
government, 292; constitution, 292; annexation to
England desired, 293; negotiations, 293; history of
the islands, 293; annexation, 294.

FENTON, REUBEN E.-Senator from New York, 150; on
the finances of the Government, 184.

FERRY, ORRIS S.-Senator from Connecticut, 150; on the
Louisiana bill, 226.

FERRY, THOMAS W.-Senator from Michigan, 150; offers
resolutions on finance, 151; on financial affairs, 179.
FILLMORE, MILLARD.-Birth, 294; political career, 294;
death, 295.

Finances of the United States.-Receipts and expendi-
tures of the Government, 296; estimates, 296; reve-
nues estimated, 297; reduction of the public debt,
297; statement of the outstanding principal of the
public debt, 298; remarks of the Secretary of the
Treasury on refunding, 298; revenue of the Govern-
ment, 299; receipts of customs, 299; reduction of
duties, 299; general depression of business, 299;
customs depleted, 299; imports of coffee and tea
during four years, 300; decrease in each source of in-
ternal revenue, 300; do. from spirits, 300; from to-
bacco, 300; from liquors, 300; coin value of exports
and imports, 300; imports showing an increase in
value, 301; those exhibiting a decrease in importa-
tion, 301; articles of export showing an increase,
301; do. showing a decrease, 301; the question of
expansion or contraction, 301; letter to President
Grant, 301; memorandum of his financial views, 302;
views of the Secretary of the Treasury on the re-
sumption of specie payments, 302; the act of Con-
gress, 303; its provisions, 303; new national banks,
303; resources and liabilities of the banks, 304; bank
act, 304; gold banks, 304; legal tenders, 304; gold
and silver coin and bullion, 304; coinage, 305; prices
of Government securities, 805; range of State bonds,
305; railroad bonds, 205; range of stock prices, 306;
price of gold, 306; imports and exports of specie, 306;
debts of cities, 306; mercantile failures, 307.

FISHER, SAMUEL S.-Decease of, 648.
FISHER, SAMUEL W.-Birth, 307; clerical carcer, 307;
death, 307.

FLANAGAN, HARRIS.- Deccase of, 656.
FLEMING, ROBERT.-Decease of, 637.
Florida.-Legislature, 308; proposed amendments to the
constitution, 308; acts passed, 308; election for Con-
gress, 308; parties in the Legislature, 308; Republi-
can platform, 309; State debt, 309; death of the Gov-
ernor, 309; views of his successor on the finances,
310; railroad-aid bonds, 310; school-fund, 310; semi-
naries, 310.

FOLEY, JOHN H.-Birth, 310; career as a sculptor, 310;
death, 310.

career, 311; death, 311.

FORCKENBECK, MAX VON.-Biographical sketch of, 365.
Formosa.-An island, 125; area and population, 125.
FOSTER, JOHN G.-Birth, 311; military career, 311; death,


FOSTER, WILLIAM L.-Appointed Chief-Justice of Circuit GARDNER, HIRAM. -Decease of, 627.

Court in New Hampshire, 599.

Fourteenth amendment does not interfere with the police
powers of the States, 796.

FOWLER, ROBERT.-Decease of, 627.

GARFIELD, JAMES A.-Representative from Ohio, 150;
on the repeal of the salary law, 157.
GASCOIGNE, CECIL, Marquis of Salisbury.-Biographical
sketch of, 371.

Fox, CHARLES.-Birth, 312; career as an engineer, 312; GAVIT, JOHN E.-Decease of, 649.
death, 312.

France.-Government, 312; movement of population,

312; excess of deaths over births, 312; increase of
suicide, 312; boys and girls' comparative births, 312;
area and population, 313; proportion of marriages,
314; decrease of population in towns, 314; foreign
residents, 314; voters at elections, 315; area of culti-
vation, 315; religions, 315; educational statistics,
815; illiteracy, 316; budget, 316; public debt, 316;
army and navy, 316; commerce, 317; shipping, 317;
area and population of Algeria, 317; colonies and de-
pendencies, 317, 318; pastoral letters of French bish-
ops, 318; displeasure of Germany and Italy, 318; re-
monstrance of Germany, 318; suspension of the Uni-
vers, 318; proceedings of the National Assembly, 318;
attacks on the ministry, 319; the Septennate sus-
tained, 319; supplementary elections, 319; Bonapart-
ist demonstration, 320; attempt to restore monarchy,
321; Assembly adjourns, 821; supplementary elec-
tions, 321; Assembly reassembles, 321; bill for an
Upper Chamber, 321; its features, 321; ministers re-
sign, 322; new ministry, 322; discussion of municipal
election law, 322; manifesto of Count Chambord, 322;
discussion on proclaiming a republic, 323; modifica-
tion of the ministry, 323; Bonapartist success, 323;
tour of President MacMahon, 323; supplementary
elections, 323; recall of the Orénoque, 324; munici-
pal elections, 324; new session of the Assembly, 324;
message, 324; education bill, 324; remonstrances of
Spain relative to the Carlists, 325; French answer,
325; convicts in New Caledonia, 326; operations of
the Eastern Army during the war, 377; escape of
Rochefort, 327; do. Bazaine, 327; export-trade exten-
sion, 327; foreign relations and free trade, 328; ban-
quet at Nice, 328; influence of the Catholic Church
on legislation, 329; sufferings of Protestantism, 329;
treaty with Anam, 829.

FRANKLIN, CHARLES L.--Decease of, 651.
Free Church of England.-Chief features of the organi-
zation and government, 331; convocation, 331; pro-
posed union with the Reformed Episcopal Church
of America, 331; doctrine and constitution of the
Church, 331.

FREEMAN, FORTUNATUS. -Decease of, 646.

sey, 150; on specie payments, 187; on the civil-rights
bill, 215; on the Louisiana bill, 234.
FRIEDENTIAL, Dr. RUDOLPH.-Biographical sketch of,

Fuel, Artificial.-Utilization of coal-dust, 332; amount of
dust, 332; establishments in Europe, 332; patents for
compression, 332; interesting papers, 333; working-
women in Belgium, 333; machines, 333; inventors,
333; cement for bituminous coal, 334; patents for
mixture of bituminous and anthracite coal-dust, 331;
deficiencies, 334; remedies, 335.


GEIGER, ABRAHAM.-Birth, 335; career as a scholar and
author, 335; death, 335.

Geographical Explorations.-Preliminary remarks, 6;
decease of explorers, 336, 337; chartography, 237;
bibliography, 337; noteworthy geographical publica
tions, 338; arctic exploration, 339; Austrian expe-
ditions, 339; English do., 839; the oceans, 310; sound-
ings, 340; voyages of the Challenger, 340; explorations
in North America, 342; Alaska, 342; Western Terri-
tories, 343; New Mexico, 343; Hayden expedition,
343; expedition from Denver, 343; Colorado Valley,
344; Bad Lands of Dakota, 344; Black Hills expedi
tion, 344; geysers in Montana, 345; Yellowstone coun-
try, 345; South America, 345; Europe, 345; improve-
ments in Greece, 345; excavations at Cyprus, 846;
Corsica, 346; Asia, 346; explorations in Palestine,
346; Phoenicia, 346; Persia, 316; Caspian Sea, 346;
Central Asia, 346; Kashgar, 347; China, 347; Africa,
347; discoveries of Schweinfurth, 347; German expe-
dition, 348; pigmies, 348; Libyan Desert, 348; search
for Livingston, 349; further explorations, 349; East-
ern Africa, 349; colonies of South and West Australia,
expeditions in, 350.

Georgia.-Session of the Legislature, 350; question of a

Constitutional Convention, 351; Macon, 351; Commis-
sioner of Agriculture, 351; resolutions of the Lower
House on civil-rights bill, 351; Senate amendment,
352; convict-labor leased, 352; State University, 352;
geologist, 252; schools and school-fund, 352; State
finances, 352; illegal bonds, 352; remarks of the Gov-
ernor on revision of the State constitution, 353; direct
trade with Europe, 353; railroads, 353; parties in the
Legislature, 353; congressional election, 353.
GERARD, JAMES W.-Decease of, 625.
Germany.-Emperor's family, 354; states, area, and pcp-

ulation, 354; Federal Council, 354; members of the
Reichstag, 354; religious divisions, 354; state govern-
ments, 334; universities, professors, and students,
354; other educational institutions, 355; budget, 355;
army, 255; navy, 356; fortifications, 357; torpedoes,
356; ship-building, 356; customs line, 857; emigration,
357; movement of shipping, 357; railroads, 357; tele-
graphs, 357; postal statistics, 357, 858; election for the
Reichstag, 358; increase of the Catholic party, 238;
results, 558; opening of the session, 359; drafts of laws
to be submitted, 359; the election of president, 359;
passage of laws, 359; civil-marriage bill, 360; repre-
sentatives of Alsace-Lorraine, 360; the new press-
law, 360; the new military law, 360; the bishops'
bill, 361; speech from the throne, 362; adjournment,
362; fall session, 362; bills proposed, 362; education
in Alsace-Lorraine, 362; remarks of Bismarck, 962;
foreign relations, 363; visit of the Emperor of Russia,
363; Carlist outrage, 363; feelings of the smaller states
on consolidation, 364; conflict between Prussia and
the Catholic Church, 364; sentiment în Alsace-Lor-
raine, 365; attempt to assassinate Bismarck, 365; ar-
rest of Count von Arnim, 365.
GLENN, JOSEPH.-Decease of, 653.

GABLENTZ, LUDWIG K. W.-Birth, 325; military and dip- GOETZ, MORITZ.-Decease of, 663.

lomatic career, 335; death, 335.

Galveston.-City in Texas, 791; location, 791; commerce,

791; manufactures, 791.

GANSON, JOHN.--Decease of, 652.

GOODRICH, WILLIAM H.-Decease of, 615.

GORDON - LENNOX, Duke of Richmond. - Biographical
sketch of, 370.

GOULD, JOHN S.-Decease of, 648.

GRANT, ROBERT E.-Birth, 367; career as an anatomist, HALL, NATHAN K.-Decease of, 627.

zoologist, and author, 367; death, 367.
GRANT, ULYSSES S.-Instructions as President to the
commanding officer at Little Rock, 41; dispatch to
Baxter at Little Rock, 42; proposition to contestants
in Arkansas, 45; proclamation, 46; vetoes the infla-
tion bill, 199; letter giving his financial views, 302;
proclamation ordering the dispersion of disorderly
persons at New Orleans, 481; his views, 482; special
message respecting the navy, 586; message to Con-
gress, December 7, 1874, 706-712; letter from Long
Branch to the Secretary of War, 798.

Great Britain.-Population, 368; government, 368; divis-
ions, powers, and privileges, 368; present sovereign,
369; First Lord of the Treasury, 369; Lord High Chan-
cellor, 369; Lord President of the Council, 370; Sec-
retary of State, 370; Lord Privy Seal, 370; Chancellor
of the Exchequer, 370; Secretary of State for Foreign
Affairs, 370; do. for the Colonies, 371; First Lord of
the Admiralty, 371; Secretary of State for India, 371;
do. for War, 371; Postmaster - General, 371; St.
George's Hall, Liverpool, 371; election and new cab-
inet, 372; state of parties in Parliament, 372; Ashan-
tee War, 372; marriage of Prince Alfred, 372; reli-
gious statistics of the kingdom, 372, 373; financial
statistics, 374; national debt, 375; army, 375; navy,
375; education, 376; higher education, 376; vital sta-
tistics, 376; commerce, 377; navigation, 377; emigra-
tion, 377; railways, 377; post and telegraphs, 377;
colonial possessions and dependencies, 378.
Great Salt Lake.-Analysis of the water of, 106.
Greece.-Reigning King, 379; area and population, 379;
education, 379; budget, 379; army and navy, 379; com-
merce, 379; navigation, 379; railroad, 380; state off-
cers, 380; politics, 380; election, 380; want of free-
dom, 280; riot in Corfu, 380; legislative proceedings,
381; election by the Holy Synod, 381; Laurion mines,
transfer of, 381.

Greek Church.-Population connected with, 381; senti-
ments of Russian Church on closer relations with the
Eastern and Anglican, 381; reply of Isidore, 381; the
Bible in Turkey, 382; appointments, 382; the church
of the Servian nationality, 382; how administered,
382; Church Congresses in Servia, 383, 384; Church
in Roumania, 384.

GREEN, BERIAH.-Decease of, 633.

GREGORY, DUDLEY S.-Birth, 384; career, 384; death, 384.
GRINNELL, HENRY.-Birth, 385; career as a merchant
and philanthropist, 385; death, 385.
Guatemala.-Boundaries, 386; area and population, 386;
attempts at colonization, 386; improper direction of
labor, 387; government, 387; army, 367; revenue, 387;
sources of income, 387; national bank created, 387;
value of exports, 388; articles, 388; soil of Costa
Grande, 388; coffee-estates, 388; other products, 389;
coal, 389; railroads, 389; telegraph, 389; education
and schools, 390; decree respecting nuns, 390; do. re-
specting other religious institutions, 390; earthquake,


GUIZOT, FRANÇOIS P. G.-Birth, 390; career as a states-
man, diplomatist, and historian, 391; death, 392;
writings, 392.


HAGENBACH, KARL A.-Birth, 393; theologian and author,
393; death, 393.

HALE, EUGENE.-Representative from Maine, 150; on the
repeal of the salary law, 159-162.

HALE, ROBERT G.-Representative from New York, 150;
on the repeal of the salary bill, 161.

HALL, WILLIAM.-Decease of, 633.
HAMMOND, ABRAM A.--Decease of, 749.

HANEL, Dr. ALBERT.-Biographical sketch of, 367.
HARDIN, CHARLES H.-Biographical sketch of, 579.
HARDING, ABNER.-Decease of, 645.

HARDY, Rt. Hon. GATHORNE.-Biographical sketch of,

HARPER, JOHN.-Decease of, 649.

HARRIOTT, JOHN V.-Decease of, 646.

HARRIS, JAMES H., Earl of Malmesbury.-Biographical
sketch of, 370.

HARRISON, BAZEL.-Decease of, 653.
HARRISON, JOSEPH.-Decease of, 629.
HARTSUFF, GEORGE S.-Birth, 393; military career, 394;
death, 394.

HASKELL, DANIEL N.-Decease of, 657.
HASKIN, JOSEPH A.-Decease of, 647.

HAVEMEYER, WILLIAM F.-Birth, 394; civil and social
career, 394; death, 395.

HAVEN, JOSEPH.-Birth, 395; career as a clergyman, pro-
fessor, and author, 395; death, 395.
HAWKINS, Mrs. MARY A.-Decease of, 627.
HEAD, JOHN W.-Decease of, 657.
HEARTT, JAMES C.-Decease of, 633.
HEATH, BYRON S.-Decease of, 653.
HECKER, JOHN.-Decease of, 633.

HERBERT, Earl of Carnarvon.-Biographical sketch of,


HERBERT, Mrs. MARY A.-Decease of, 659.
HEWITT, MAHLON T.-Decease of, 646.
HILLYER, WILLIAM S.-Decease of, 644.
HIRST, HENRY B.-Decease of, 629.

HOAR, EBENEZER R.-Representative from Massachu-
setts, 150; on applying the proceeds of the public
lands to the education of the people, 175.
HOFFMANN, HEINRICH A.-Birth, 395; career as a poet and
philologist, 395; death, 395; writings, 396.
HOLT, PHILETUS H.-Decease of, 645.
HOLTON, ISAAC F.-Decease of, 624.
Honduras.- Boundaries, 396; government, 396; disturb-
ances, 396; finances, 396; national debt, 897; railway,
397; political state, 397; revolution, 397; proclama-
tion of the victor, 398; new elections, 398; reforms
begun, 399.

Hoosac Tunnel.-Legislation relative to, 520–524.
HOUSTON, GEORGE SMITH.-Biographical sketch of, 17.
HOWE, JOSEPH.-Decease of, 271.
Hows, JOHN A.-Decease of, 632.
HOYT, EDWIN.-Decease of, 635.
Hungary.-Church affairs in, how administered, 382; a
kingdom and part of Austria, 399; divisions, 399;
ministry, 399; composition of the Diet, 399; revenue,
399; railways, 899; condition of the finances, 399;
visit of the Emperor, 399; new cabinet, 400; meeting
of the delegations of Austrian and Hungarian Parlia-
ments, 400; proceedings of the Diet, 400.
HUNT, OSSIAN B.-Decease of, 628
HUNT, Rt. Hon. GEORGE W.-Biographical sketch of, 371.


Iceland.-Its situation, 400; population, 400; conflict with
Denmark, 400; government, 401; features of the new
constitution, 401; influence on the people, 401; power
of the King, 401; relations with Denmark, 402; mil-
lennial celebration, 402.
Illinois. The farmers' convention, 402; nominations, 402;
platform, 402, 403; Republican Convention, 403; nom-
inations, 403; platform, 403; results of the election,

404; cumulative system of voting, 404; debt, 404;
equalized assessment of property, 404; finances, 405;
amendments of the school law, 405; statistics of edu
cation, 406; public institutions, 406; cost, 406; regu-
lation of railroad freights, 406; suit against the Chi-
cago & Alton Company, 406; proceedings, 407; views
of the Governor on the State policy, 407; statements
of the Railroad Commissioners, 407.
India, British.-Area and population, 408; revenue and
expenditures, 408; imports and exports, 408; native
states, 408; area and population, 408; schools, 4C8;
total revenue, 409; budget, 409; railroad lines, 409;
telegraphs, 409; commerce, 409; prevalence of fam-
ine, 409; methods of relief, 410; the Duffla campaign,
Indiana.-Value of taxable property, 410; assessment of

railroad property, 410; finances, 410; debt, 411; rev-
enue, 411; schools, 411; State University, 411; public
institutions, 411; penitentiaries, 411; House of Ref-
uge, 412; savings-banks, 412; railroads, 412; farmers'
convention, 412; platform, 413; nominations, 413;
Republican Convention, 413; nominations, 413; plat-
form, 414; Democratic Convention, 414; resolutions,
415; nominations, 415; results of the election, 415;
new party convention, 415; proceedings, 415; deci-
sion on the constitutionality of the school law sepa-
rating white and black children, 415; remarks on the
thirteenth and fourteenth amendments, 416.
INMAN, WILLIAM.-Decease of, 656.
Inflation Bill.-Vetoed by President Grant, 199.
International Congress in Belgium on questions relating
to war, 90.

[ocr errors]

International Postal Congress.-Assemblies, 785; States
represented, 785.

Iowa.-Session of the Legislature, 416; resolutions re-
lating to railroads, 416; the railroad law, 416; its de-
tails, 416, 417; appropriations, 417; joint resolutions,
417; State Temperance Convention, 417; resolutions,
417; Anti-monopoly Party Convention, 418; nomina-
tions, 418; platform, 418; Republican Convention,
418; nominations, 418; platform, 419; results of the
election, 419.

ISIDORE, President of the Holy Synod of Russia.-Reply
to the Protestant House of Bishops in the United
States, 381.

Italy.-Reigning family, 419; ministry, 420; Parliament,

420; Council of State, 420; budget, 420; total debt,
420; education, 420; universities, 420; professors and
students, 420; percentage of illiteracy, 421; army and
navy, 421; commerce, 421; railroads, 421; questions
in Parliament put to the Government, 421; the liberal
educational bill, 422; anniversary of Victor Emman-
uel's accession, 422; general election, 422; opening a
new Parliament, 422; reception of the King, 422; his
speech, 422; officers of the Chamber of Deputies, 423;
grants to universities, 423; insecurity of life and prop-
erty in some parts of the country, 424; outrage in Sici-
ly, 424; arrests in Italy, 424; donation to Garibaldi,
424; assembly of free Christian churches, 421; statis-
tics, 425.

JACK, CHARLES E.-Decease of, 639.

JACKSON, ABNER.-Birth, 425; clergyman and scholar
425; death, 425.

JACOBY, L. S.-Decease of, 642.

JANIN, JULES G.-Birth, 425; critic and man of letters,
425; death, 426; writings, 426.

Japan.-Present Mikado, 426; his family, 427; ministry,
427; divisions of the empire, 427; islands, 427; popu-

lation, 427; treaties, 427; budget, 427; sources of reve-
nue, 427; commerce, 427; navigation, 427; army, 428;
railroad and telegraph, 428; post-office, 428; expedi
tion against Formosa, 428; proceedings, 428; negotia-
tions with China, 428; further proceedings, 429; arti-
cles of convention, 430; evacuation of Formosa, 431;
schools, 431, missionaries, 431.

JAUDON, SAMUEL.-Decease of, 637.
JEWELL, MARSHALL. -Appointed Postmaster-General,
796; biographical sketch of, 796.
JONES, ALEXANDER.-Decease of, 625.
JONES, J. P.-Decease of, 628.

JONES, JOHN P.-Senator from Nevada, 150; letter to the
President on his financial views, 301.

JONES, OWEN.-Birth, 482; eminent career as an archi-
tect, 432, 433; death, 434.


Kansas.-Meeting of the Legislature, 434; civil-rights act,
434; other measures, 434; destruction by grasshop-
pers, 434; State aid afforded, 434; bonded debt, 434;
acres of land in organized counties, 435; valuation,
435; tax, 485; railroads, 435; school districts, 435; in-
sane asylum, 435; Independent Reform Convention,
435; nominations, 435; platform, 435; Republican
Convention, 436; nominations, 436; platform, 436;
results of the election, 437; trouble with the Indians,
Kashgar.-Empire in Central Asia, 437; expulsion of the
Chinese, 437; negotiations with England, 437; de-
tails, 437; English account of the country and its
ruler, 438; exploring expeditions, 438; negotiations
with Russia, 438; approach of Chinese armies, 439.
KASSON, JOHN A.-Representative from Iowa, 150; on
applying land-sales to educational purposes, 177.
KAULBACH, WILHELM VON.-Birth, 439; eminent career as
an historical and allegorical painter, 439; death, 439.
KELLER, CHARLES M.-Decease of, 654.
Kentucky.-Session of the Legislature, 440; proceedings,
440; acts passed, 440; further details, 441; the Cen-
tral Lunatic Asylum, 441; election for Clerk of Court
of Appeals, 441; vote, 441; members of Congress, 441.
KERNAN, FRANCIS.-Biographical sketch of, 618.
KERNOT, HENRY.-Decease of, 656.
Khokan.-Boundaries, 441; reign of the present Khan,
441; civil disturbances and revolutions, 442.
KIMBALL, JOSEPH.-Decease of, 661.

KIRK, EDWARD N.-Birth, 443; career, 443; death, 443.
KITCHEN, Miss BECKY.-Decease of, 626.

KNAPP, JACOB.-Birth, 443; career as a revivalist, 443;
death, 443.

KNOWLTON, MILES J.-Birth, 444; missionary and author,
444; death, 444.

LABON, GEORGE.-Decease of, 659.

LAIRD, JOHN.-Birth, 444; pursuits, 444; death, 444.
LAMAR, GAZAWAY B.-Decease of, 653.

LANMAN, JOSEPH.-Birth, 444; naval career, 444; death,

LAUNITZ, ROBEBT E.-Decease of, 623.
LEDRU-ROLLIN, A. A.-Birth, 444; death, 444; career as
a politician and reformer, 445.
LEE, HENRY W.-Decease of, 651.
LEE, JAMES.-Decease of, 639.

LINECECUM, GIDEON.-decease of, 660.

Literature and Literary Progress.-Increase in literary
works, 446; history, 446; biography, 447; poetry, 445;

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