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ments. The Domestic History has been chiefly a précis of the Debates in Parliament a collection, in fact, of the speeches there in an abridged shape. It is intended, in future, to adopt a narrative form, and to write the Domestic History of the year in the same way in which the Foreign History has been writtentaking care to notice all the important events in the order they have occurred. Improvements will be introduced in the mode of printing the work, and it is intended to name it in future "The Annual Register, New Series." For the greater convenience of purchasers, each volume will be distinguished, not by a number, but by the year to which it relates. The Proprietors confidently trust that the improvements they contemplate, amongst which they hope to include an earlier appearance of the volumes, will make the work still more worthy of the public patronage which it has for upwards of a century enjoyed.



THE PRINCE CONSORT.-Effect of this sentiment on political events and

party operations. The Session is opened, on the 6th of February, by

Commission-The Lord Chancellor delivers the Royal Speech-Debates

on the Address to the Throne-Allusions to the recent national affliction

are made in almost all the speeches in both Houses-The Address is

moved in the House of Lords by Lord Dufferin, who pays an eloquent

tribute to Prince Albert's memory, and is seconded by the Earl of Shel-

burne The Earl of Derby pronounces a brilliant eulogium on the illus-

trious deceased, and enters at some length on the American contest and

the Trent affair, approving the policy of neutrality avowed by our Go-

vernment-He refers also to the affairs of Mexico and of Morocco, and to

the Revised Code of Education-Earl Granville, on behalf of the Govern-

ment, acknowledges the candour and fairness of Lord Derby's remarks-

He announces an early day for the discussion of the Revised Code, and

responds to the panegyric on the Prince Consort-Earl Russell concurs in

the general expressions upon the latter subject, and enters at some length

upon American affairs. After a few words from Lord Kingsdown, the

Address is agreed to nem. con.—In the House of Commons the Address is

moved by Mr. Portman and seconded by Mr. Western Wood-The loss of the

Prince Consort, the Trent affair and American war, and the Revised

Code of Education form the chief topics of remark-Speech of Mr. Dis-

raeli-Declaration of Lord Palmerston in regard to our policy towards

the United States-Mr. Maguire introduces the topic of distress in

Ireland-Sir Robert Peel, Secretary for Ireland, controverts his state-

ment, and an animated discussion ensues-The Address is agreed to

without a division. PROCEDURE OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS-Mr. White

proposes a resolution in favour of a more methodical regulation of public

business in the House-Sir George Grey, Mr. Walpole, Mr. Disraeli, Sir

George Lewis, and Lord Palmerston take part in the discussion, which

terminates without result. NATIONAL EDUCATION. THE REVISED CODE.

In the House of Lords, Earl Granville, on the 13th of February, makes a

full statement of the grounds on which the recent Minutes had been

founded-His speech-Remarks of the Earl of Derby-Further discussion

of the subject deferred-On the same day, Mr. Lowe gives a similar ex-

planation of the New Code in the House of Commons, and vindicates the

measures of the Committee of Council-Speeches of Mr. Disraeli, Sir

John Pakington, and other Members-The Bishop of Oxford, on the 4th

of March, makes a severe assault upon the Revised Code in the House of

Lords-He is answered by Earl Granville-Remarks of the Duke of

Marlborough, the Earl of Derby, the Duke of Argyll, and other Peers-

A few days later, Lord Lyttleton moves a series of resolutions, inculpa-

tory of the new system-Earl Granville vindicates the course taken by

the Government-Lord St. Leonards also censures the Amended Minutes

in some respects-Remarks of the Bishop of London and of Earl Gran-


NATIONAL EDUCATION.-The Revised Code.-Mr. Walpole lays on the Table

of the House of Commons a series of Resolutions upon the Government

Minutes-A prolonged Debate takes place upon the subject, on the 24th

of May-Speeches of Mr. Walpole, Sir George Grey, Mr. Stanhope, Mr.

Buxton, Lord R. Cecil, Mr. W. Forster, Mr. Puller, Mr. Leatham, Mr.

Whiteside, Mr. Bernal Osborne, Mr. Adderley, Mr. Baines, Sir J. Pa-

kington. Mr. Lowe, and Members-The House goes into Committee

on the Resolutions--The Government determine to modify the Revised

Code-Earl Granville in the House of Lords, and Mr. Lowe in the House

of Commons, state, previously to the Easter Recess, the concessions pro-

posed-Further Debates in the House of Commons, on the Amended Code:

Mr. Walpole expresses his satisfaction with the concessions offered-Re-

marks of Mr. Henley, Sir J. Pakington, Lord R. Cecil, and Mr. Lowe-

Mr. Walpole withdraws his Resolutious-Mr. Walter moves an Amend-

ment against making the grants of money conditional on the Employ-

ment of Certificated Teachers-Mr. Lowe opposes the motion on behalf of

the Government, and it is rejected by 163 to 156-Further Amendments

are proposed by Mr. Baines and Mr. Bruce, but without success. CHURCH

RATES-Sir John Trelawny again introduces his Bill for the Abolition of

Church Rates-On the Second Reading of the Bill, Mr. Sotheron Est-

court moves an amendment against immediate abolition-Sir George

Lewis, Mr. R. Mills, and Mr. Bright speak in favour of the Bill, and Mr.

Macdonogh, Sir John Pakington, and Mr. Disraeli oppose it-On a

division, the Bill is lost by a majority of one-Mr. S. Estcourt after-

wards proposes Resolutions for making other provisions in lieu of Church

Rates After a discussion, in which Mr. Hodgkinson, Mr. Heygate, Mr.

Disraeli, and Sir George Grey take part, Mr. Estcourt's Resolutions are

withdrawn-Mr. Newdegate introduces a Bill for commuting Church

Rates to a Rent Charge on land, payable by the owner-
-After some

Debate, Mr. Newdegate withdraws his Bill. Relief of Clergy of the Church

of England desiring to secede therefrom-Mr. E. P Bouverie brings in a

Bill to relieve seceding clergymen from penalties-The Bill is read a

second time and referred to a Select Committee-Sir L. Palk opposes the

third reading, when the Bill is lost by a majority of 98 to 88. Act of

Uniformity-Lord Ebury introduces two Bills in the House of Lords, to

relax the terms of Subscriptions to the Articles, and to allow greater

freedom in the Celebration of Divine Servicethe Bishops of London and

Oxford object to Lord Ebury's propositions-The Earl of Shaftesbury and

Earl Russell recommend the postponement of the measurés, which are

accordingly withdrawn. Marriages of Affinity-Mr. Monckton Milnes

again introduces a Bill to Legalize Marriage with a Deceased Wife's

Sister-It is opposed by Mr. Lygon, Lord R. Cecil, Mr. Walpole, Mr.

Buxton and Mr. Kinnaird, and supported by Mr. Collier, Sir George Grey,

Mr. Headlam and other Members-The second reading is carried by 144

to 133-The committal of the Bill is opposed by Mr. Hunt and Mr.

Monsell, and after a short debate the Bill is lost by 148 to 116. MAY-

NOOTH COLLEGE ENDOWMENT-Mr. Whalley opposes the Grant-Sir

Robert Peel, Secretary for Ireland, defends it, and the Motion is nega-

tived by 193 to 111. NATIONAL EDUCATION IN IRELAND-The O'Connor

Don enters jupon the subject of Public Education in that country, and

states objections to the institution of the Queen's College-He is answered

by Sir Robert Peel-Observations of Mr. Maguire, Mr. Whiteside, Mr.

Monsell, Mr. Hennessy and other Members

THE CIVIL WAR IN AMERICA-Policy of the British Government respecting

it-Cases in which the interests of this country were affected-Debates in

Parliament on International Law and Neutral Rights-Detention of

British Subjects in the States by the Federal authorities-Inquiry made

on this subject in the House of Lords by Lord Carnarvon, and answer of

Earl Russell-Remarks of the Earls of Derby and Malmesbury, and other

Peers. Sinking of the Stone Fleet in the Harbour of Charleston-Questions

addressed to Ministers in both Houses on this subject, and their answers

-Remarks of Mr. Bright on the conduct of our Government in the Trent

affair-Lord Palmerston justifies their measure. Blockade of the Southern

Ports-Mr. Gregory brings forward a motion in the House of Commons

on this subject-Speeches of Mr. Bentinck, Mr. W. Forster, Sir J. Fer-

gusson, Mr. Milnes, Mr. Lindsay, Lord R. Cecil, and the Solicitor-General

-The Motion is negatived-The subject mooted in the House of Lords

by Lord Campbell-Speech of Earl Russell in answer-Important dis-

cussion on the Motion of Mr. Horsfall on the Law applicable to Neutral

Commerce in Time of War-Speeches of the Attorney-General, Sir G.

Lewis, Mr. Thomas Baring, Mr. Lindsay, the Lord Advocate, Sir S.

Northcote, Lord H. Vane, Mr. Massey, Mr. Bright, the Solicitor-General,

Mr. Walpole, Lord Palmerston. and Mr. Disraeli; Mr. Horsfall withdraws

his Motion Violent Proclamation of the Federal General Butler at New

Orleans-Protestations are made in both Houses against this Document

It is emphatically condemned by Lord Palmerston-The Question of

Mediation by England between the contending parties in America is dis-

cussed in the House of Commons on the Motion of Mr. Lindsay-His

Speech-Speeches of Mr. Taylor, Lord A. Tempest, Mr. W. Forster, Mr.

Whiteside, Mr. Gregory, Mr. S. Fitzgerald, and Lord Palmerston-No re-

sult follows from the Motion. Supply of Cotton for English Manufac-

tures-Mr. J. B. Smith calls attention to the means of increasing the

supply from India-Speeches of Mr. Smollett, Mr. Turner, Sir C. Wood,

Mr. Bazley, Mr. Finley, and other Members. Distress in the Cotton

Manufacturing Districts-Prospects of severe suffering to the operatives

in Lancashire, from the suspension of work, owing to the want of Cotton

-Discussions in both Houses on the subject-the Government resolve

to extend the powers given by the Poor Laws for raising funds by rates

in aid—Mr. Villiers brings in a Bill for this purpose, proposing to extend

the rating in certain cases over adjoining Unions-The measure under-

goes much discussion-It is proposed that borrowing powers on the

security of the rates should be given under specified conditions-Debates

on this question-the Government at first object, but afterwards yield to

the evident opinion in the House of Commons in favour of Loans-The

Bill is amended accordingly-It passes through the House of Lords on

the 4th of August, after a debate in which Earl Russell, Lord Malmes-

bury, the Duke of Newcastle, Lord Kingsdown, Lord Egerton, and Lord

Overstone take part, and becomes law.

the state of the Revenue and Expenditure, and the results of past Re-

missions of Taxation-Proposes to modify the Wine Duties, and to con-

mute the Hop Duty for a Licence on Brewing-A short discussion takes

place on this occasion, but on a subsequent day Mr. Disraeli enters fully

upon the subject of Finance, and impugns the Chancellor of the Exche-

quer's policy as unsound and fallacious-Mr. Gladstone justifies the

measures proposed by him, and retorts on Mr. Disraeli-Sir Stafford

Northcote enters upon an elaborate criticism of the Budget, and expresses

dissatisfaction at the financial position-Discussion on the proposed

Licence Duties on Brewing-Mr. Bass, Sir John Trollope, and other

Members object to the scheme-The Chancellor of the Exchequer aban-

dons the Duty on private Brewing—A general Debate on the Financial

Policy of the Government takes place on the Second Reading of the

Inland Revenue Bill-Sir Stafford Northcote again dissects the financial

arrangements of the Government, and intimates distrust of their calcula-

tions The Chancellor of the Exchequer enters fully upon a defence of

his measures-Mr. Disraeli attacks both the financial and the foreign

policy of the Government, which is vindicated with much spirit by

Lord Palmerston-On the Third Reading of the Inland Revenue Bill,

Mr. Disraeli again inveighs against the unsoundness of Mr. Gladstone's

Financial Policy-He is answered by Lord Palmerston-Remarks of Mr.

Lindsay, Sir H. Willoughby, and other members-The Bill embodying

the several provisions of the Budget passes the House of Commons-It

meets with considerable hostility in the House of Lords-Earl Granville

moves the Second Reading on the 30th of May-It is supported by the

Dukes of Newcastle and Argyle, and by Earl Russell, and opposed by

the Earl of Carnarvon, Earl Grey, Lord Overstone, and the Earl of Derby

-The Bill is passed and becomes law-Incidental Discusions on Finance.

The Income Tax-Mr. Hubbard moves a Resolution affirming the injus-

tice of applying the same rate of Taxation to Incomes derived from fixed

property and those of precarious tenure-Mr. Crawford seconds the

motion-The Chancellor of the Exchequer opposes Mr. Hubbard's scheme

as incongruous and impracticable-The motion is negatived by 99 to 62.

Reduction of Public Expenditure-Mr. Stansfeld gives notice of a motion

affirming the feasibility of retrenchment without impairing the efficacy of

the public service-Several Members give notice of amendments on this

motion-Proposed amendments of Mr. Walpole and Lord Palmerston-

On the day fixed for the motion, Lord Palmerston, treating the question

raised by Mr. Walpole as one of confidence in Ministers, calls on the

other Members to waive their amendments-An irregular discussion

ensues Mr. Stansfeld addresses the House and moves his Resolution,

which is seconded by Mr. Baxter-Lord Palmerston moves his Amend-

ment, expressing approval of retrenchments already made and a hope of

further dimunition-Speeches of Mr. Disraeli, Mr. Horsman, Mr. Cobden,

and other Members-On a division Mr. Stansfeld's Resolution is negatived

by 367 to 65-Mr. Walpole then, disclaiming any intention of hostility

to the Government. abandons his Amendment-Sarcastic observations are

made thereon by Mr. B. Osborne and Mr. Disraeli, who recommends the

House to pass Lord Palmerston's Amendment, which is accordingly

adopted without opposition.

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