Imágenes de páginas

Saturday, 31st. The enemy encamped in Neil's Meadow.

Sunday, April 1st. The enemy was seen reconnoitering all round us. Mr. Roberts returned from the Clifts, having seen nothing.

Monday, 2d. Found one of our soldiers dead, who was killed by the enemy on the 30th March last, who we imagined had deserted. The enemy this evening embarked all their troops.

Tuesday, 3d. About 2 o'clock, P. M., the enemy disembarked their grenadiers and dragoons. The Galvez brig went up the bay-imagined to take all the vessels and goods she fell in with.

Wednesday, 4th. Last night the enemy took possession of the Port Royal, which had on board about 100 Spanish prisoners-also 3 other ships and small craft.

Thursday, 5th. A schooner passed the fort at the Clifts and joined the enemy's fleet. By some people that came from up the bay, we are informed that the Galvez brig has taken the polacre, which was taken by the Mentor some time ago, and 5 boats at Clarke's Plantation.

By Mr. Stephenson, who came from the Spanish camp, we are informed that it lies along Sutton Lagoon, having the Lagoon upon the rear, and an intrenchment in front.

N. B.-The Indians at night attacked both wings of the enemy's camp, and kept them under arms the whole night.

Friday, 6th. Nothing extraordinary.
Saturday, 7th. Nothing extraordinary.
Sunday, 8th. Mr. Stephenson went as a flag to

the Don.

Monday, 9th. As one of the artillery was firing one of the 24-pounders for the morning gun, it burst, but did not hurt any body. About 5 o'clock, P. M., brig passed the fort at the Clifts, and joined the enemy's fleet. John and Alexander McGilliveray came in, with 70 Creek Indians along with them.

Tuesday, 10th. One of the Waldeck who was taken at Baton Rouge, and had enlisted in the Regt. of Louisiana, deserted and came and joined his regiment. He says that the enemy are where (very) bad off for provisions; 8 men only get 1 pound of meat per day.

Wednesday, 11th. Nothing extraordinary. Thursday, 12th. The enemy was seen reconnoitering upon the opposite Hills. A few Indians went out and had a skirmish with them. As Lieut. Pinhorn was going out, he received a shot in the... They fired several shot at the enemy from the fort and the advanced redoubt. A grape-shot from the fort killed one of the Waldeck sentries and wounded a sergeant. The Indians brought in a couple of Spanish muskets. One of The word nearly faded out, but appears to have

been "head."

the frigates and a snow went down and laid abreast Rose Island. 8 o'clock, P. M., Lieut. Pinhorn died of his wound.

Friday, 13th. The enemy has encamped upon the opposite hills, and is seen throwing up a breastwork before their camp. The frigate came up again; a polacre passed the fort at the Clifts, and joined the enemy's fleet.

Saturday, 14th. Nothing extraordinary.

Sunday, 15th. A very heavy rain fell last night, which washed in a great quantity of sand from the barme and ditch of the fort and the redoubts. The enemy threw up a work in a plain about 1 miles from hence supposed as a cover for their con voys of artillery and provisions.

N. B.-B. James and A. Frazer arrived, with about 90 Choctaws.

Monday, 16th. Nothing extraordinary.

Tuesday, 17th. Last night, about eight o'clock, a sergeant of the regiment of Flanders, deserted from the enemy, who confirms all that the Waldeck said; that the enemy is very bad off for provisions, and that Galvez got slightly wounded on Thursday last. 11 o'clock A. M., an express arrived from St. Augustine, with duplicate of the letters that were received some time ago, informing us that Lord Cornwallis had an engagement with the Rebels at Hillsborough, North Carolina, and had killed 3000 of the Rebels. A party of the Creeks that came with the express took a boat belonging to the enemy at Deer Point; they killed 3 of the crew, and took one prisoner.

N. B.-This afternoon five negroes took a Spaniard at Gull Point.

Wednesday, 18th. Yesterday evening the inhabitants took a Spaniard upon Mr. Stephenson's wharf. About 9 o'clock, A. M., a polacre came from the eastward, and a brig from the westward, passed the fort at the Clifts and joined the enemy's fleet and, about 5 o'clock, the enemy began to fire a feu de joie.

N. B.-Early this morning we began to erect a mortar battery inside the abbatis at the advanced redoubt.

Thursday, 19th. Mesr. Tarver and a party of Indians went and laid close to the enemy's camp; and this morning they had a skirmish with the Spaniards. The Indians brought in with them a scalp. One of the Indians got wounded in the thigh. This morning, about 8 o'clock, the Creeks brought the prisoner, which they took in the boat at Deer Point. About 11 o'clock there appeared in the offing 7 vessels-consisting of six ships and a brig-the largest ship of which got aground, but got off again. They fired several guns, hoisted signals, and stood off and on.

Friday, 20th. About after 4 o'clock, P. M., the brig kept off and on the bar. 5 o'clock, 3 row-galleys went down and anchored under their

batteries at Rose Island; the brig stood to the eastward.

Saturday, 21st. Early this morning the three row-galleys got over the bar, and stood along Rose Island to the eastward; about 11 o'clock, one of the row-galleys came in over the bar. 1 o'clock, four vessels seen in the offing. About 4 o'clock Mr. Colbert arrived from the Clifts, and informs us that the vessels in the offing consist of 7 line-of-battle ships, 9 frigates, and few brigs, sloops, &c.; and that the ship that got aground yesterday afternoon, was obliged to throw her guns overboard, as two of their carriages and number of casks came ashore at the Clifts, which, upon examining, they proved to be either French or Spanish. 4 o'clock, a sloop came over the bar from the fleet outside, and joined the enemy's fleet.

Sunday, 22d. About 6 o'clock, A. M., a deserter came from the enemy, who says that they are very bad off for provisions; a man only gets three ounces of beans per day. About 12 o'clock we observed about 5 or 600 of the enemy on a hill, within the distance of 300 yards from the advanced redoubt, and fired five guns at them; they then retreated, and there was (went) immediately some cracker and Indians pursued (in pursuit of) them; also a detachment from the 60th and Provincials Regts. and the command of Capt. Byrd, who, when they got upon the ground, found that the enemy had retired to their camp. As Mr. Gordon, aid-de-camp to General Campbell, was reconnoitring, he got from one of Liman's people, who found it, the plan of the enemy's works, and the manner they mean to attack us. The advanced redoubt is their chief object; finding this, we imagine their engineer was killed by one of the cannon-shot, as the tree, it appears, that he was standing under, was struck, and near it was a great quantity of blood. About 4 o'clock some small vessels passed the Clifts and joined the enemy's fleet. The enemy is seen disembarking several hundred men at Sutton Lagoon.

N. B.-Two of the Waldecks killed by some Indians, as they were cutting branches of trees

for abbatis.

Monday, 23d. 12 o'clock at night, 40 rank and file of the 60th, under the command of Capt. Byrd, and 100 Indians, went in front of the advanced redoubts about 300 yards.

Tuesday, 24th. Between 7 and 8 o'clock, a body of about 300 of the enemy was seen advancing, upon which the Indians went, and from their fire the Indians retired; upon which, Capt. Byrd, with the 60th, advanced within 70 yards of them and gave them a volley, upon which they retreated very precipitately. 8 o'clock, Capt. Kearney, with 50 Provincials, and Capt.

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Johnstone, with two howitzers and 2 field-pieces, went to his support.after 8 o'clock, Capt. Byrd, with his party and the artillery, came in ; 1 of the 60th slightly wounded in the leg. 2 o'clock, P. M., a brig came between Neil's and Christie's house and fired two guns at the fort, at which the fort and Waldeck and Provincials' Redoubts fired several shot. 3 o'clock, Capt. Johnstone, with one howitzer and a party of the Waldecks, went upon the beach and began to fire from the howitzer, upon which the brig retired. About 5 o'clock, Capt. Kearney with his party had a brush with the enemy, who was endeavoring to gain the height, but them (then) retired; he took one prisoner belonging to the Irish brigade. Dawes arrived from Carolina, who brings account that Lord Cornwallis had totally defeated the Rebels at Guilford, killed 2000 of them, and taken a number of cannon, stores, and prisoners; upon the news of which, at 8 o'clock, we fired a feu de joy.

Wednesday, 25th. About 7 o'clock, A. M., the advanced picquet had a skirmish with the enemy and beat them off. We had one of the Provincials dangerously wounded.

Thursday, 26th. We are informed by Mr. Stephenson, who went as a flag truce yesterday from the Governor to the Gen. Galvez, that the fleet on the outside consists of 11 Spanish, and 4 | French_line-of-battle ships, and a few frigates. Early this morning, two field-pieces and 50 men of the 16th and 60th Regts. went out as an advanced picquet, under the commands of Lieuts. Carrique and Ward. About 4 o clock, P. M., the enemy advanced with their field-pieces, but was drove back by the picquet; the advanced redoubt fired several shot at them, and the centre fired one. Finished the counter-battery on the left wing, and begun another on the right wing of the A redoubt.

Friday, 27th. Capt. Kennedy went with 50 Provincials; relieved Lt. Carrique, at 8 o'clock; between 10 and 11 o'clock, the enemy was seen advancing with their field-pieces. Some of the Indians got away upon their backs and began to fire from their field-pieces and from our, and kept up a fire till 2 o'clock. They fired several howitzers and shot from the advanced redoubt. The Indians came, about 2 o'clock, and brought a great number of scalps, firelocks and bayonets. One of the interpreters says, that three shells from the howitzer burst in the centre of a column, and that the enemy had a party of men to carry off the dead and wounded. 2 o'clock, P. M., Colbert's son, a half-breed, arrived, with 54 Chickasaws with him.

Saturday, 28th. Last night, two deserters came in from the Irish brigade, who inform us that the enemy had in the engagement, yesterday, 100

men killed and wounded. About after 11 o'clock three deserters came from the enemy; one of them belonged to the 16th, and one to the Provincials, who inform the General that great number of them would desert, if the General would forgive and agree upon a signal-which was to fire three guns at 12 o'clock-which was complied with. 5 o'clock, two vessels appeared off toward the eastward, upon which some of the ships, on the outside, weighed anchor and stood toward them. At sunset Colbert went with a party of Chickasaws, with ammunition, to the Clifts.

Sunday, 29th. The enemy, early this morning, was seen throwing up an entrenchment which they had begun last night. It is in length about 2 miles. About 1 o'clock, P. M., our advanced picquet was obliged to retire near the advanced redoubt, as the enemy had got some 9 and 12 pounders upon their flanks. Fired from the fort and the two redoubts several shot and shells, during the day and night, at the enemy's works. Monday, 30th. About 2 o'clock, this morning, the enemy drove in our advanced picquet. 8 o'clock, A. M., the Indians brought in a prisoner, which they took close to the enemy's work; it was with great difficulty they gave him up.

N. B.-A French frigate came over the bar and joined the enemy's fleet inside.

Tuesday, May 1st. Kept up a fire from the fort and the two redoubts during the day and night at the enemy's works. They cut out seven embrasures, aud had three guns mounted.

Wednesday, 2d. About 9 o'clock, this morning, the enemy hoisted their flag and opened batteries of 6 24-lbs. and 2 mortars. They killed us one man, and wounded 5, but did no other material damage. Toward night the enemy slackened considerable. At night we repaired the damage they did, and made another marlin at the advanced redoubt.

N. B. Our people picked up a number of the enemy's shot, which were 24-pounders, and some shells that will not burst.

Friday, 4th. About 4 o'clock, we began to fire upon the enemy from the advanced redoubt at their battery and the people at work in the front. 12 o'clock, 94 Provincials under the command of Major McDonald, and the Waldeck, under the command of Lt. Col. DeHorn, to support them, stormed the works in front of the advanced redoubt, burnt their works, and spiked 6 pieces of cannon-8 and 4 pounders. The enemy had a great many killed, wounded, and taken prisoners; among which there are one Captain, one Lieut. of the Irish brigade, and one Lieut. of the Regt. of Majorca, four privates. We had one sergt. of the Provincials killed, and one man of the Light Horse, wounded. The Provincials brought in one drum, and a number of muskets and swords. Ensign Ursel, of the Waldeck, was killed by a cannon-ball, and one private wounded. The army fired 171 shot, and 37 shells, during the day.

N. B.-The Lieut. of the Irish brigade died of his wounds, and was buried with the honors of war. His name was Lieut. O'Dunn.

Saturday, 5th. The enemy's ships on the outside of Rose Island are gone off. About 6 o'clock two deserters from the French train of artillery came in; who inform that the enemy's loss, yesterday, amounted to 30 killed, among which is a major of the Catalonia Volunteers; and that on Wednesday we dismounted one of their 24-pounders. The deserters have agreed to act with the artillery. The enemy fired, during the day, 85 shot and 43 shells; we had nobody hurt. Kept firing from the advanced redoubt, during the night, shells and grape-shot at the enemy working in their front. The enemy throwed a few shells at night.

N. B.-One of the prisoners died of his wound. Sunday, 6th. 2 ships of the enemy's fleet on the outside appeared off and came to an anchor. Last night fell a very heavy rain, which washed some of the sand from the barme of the fort and two redoubts. About after 9 o'clock, the enemy began to fire from two mortars they had in their work in the front of advanced redoubt; the

Thursday, 3d. Last night the enemy was heard working in the front of the advanced redoubt, about the distance of half a mile; and this morn-shot and shell fired from the enemy, during the ing we fired at them now and then, but could not day, amount to 563 shot and 206 shells. We hurt them, as they were behind a hill. The enemy have one Waldeck, one bombard, and one sailor fired, during the day, 534 shot and 186 shells; wounded by a shell. As one of the seamen bethey killed one man of the 16th and wounded longing to the Port Royal was picking up the one of the seaman belonging to the Port Royal, shot fired from the enemy, a 24-lb. ball struck and one man of the 16th, but did very little dam- him in the breech and buried itself in his flesh. age otherwise. At night we repaired the work | He lived after it about five hours. at the advanced redoubt, and worked at the counter-battery on the right wing.

N. B.-Our people picked up, to-day, about 400 shot, some of which we returned the Don. P. S.-Two row-galleys came and laid opposite the west end of the town.

N. B.-The enemy kept up a very heavy fire, which hurt our advanced redoubt very much, and dismounted three pieces of cannon-12 and 9 pounders. The works we repaired at night, and shut up the two embrasures fronting the enemy's flank battery.

Monday, 7th. About 6 o'clock, A. M., a shell from the enemy's flank battery fell in a tent at the advanced redoubt, in which some men of the artillery were making fuses for the shells,-a number of loaded shells and loose powder lying about; it blew up a box of powder and burst a shell, which killed one man of the Waldeck train and wounded another; one man of the Royal Artillery and three seamen wounded by the shell. A deserter came in from the enemy. He is a German, and belonged to the Regt. of Flanders. Informs us that the Dons are very bad off for provisions, and that Don Galvez and the French General do not agree; he told Galvez that if we did not surrender on the 8th instant, that he would withdraw his troops and vessels and go upon the expedition he was destined for; and he further says, that a shell from us, yesterday, killed 1 captain, 1 Lt., and 12 privates of the Catalonian Volunteers. Yesterday, one of the Pennsylvania Loyalists attempted to desert, but was taken and brought in by the Indians, when he received 500 lashes; and to-day, about 12 o'clock, he was drummed out of the regiment with his hands tied behind him, and large libel pinned to his breast, with his crime. He was escorted close to the Spanish lines and there left to his fate, but he soon returned.

ber of the wounded men; but was obliged to retire, as a great quantity of shell was lying about filled.

At 10 o'clock, the enemy took possession of the remains of the advanced redoubt, and keep up from it a very heavy fire of small arms and cannon from their flank battery upon the centre redoubt, which wounded Lieut. Ward and 18 men of the 60th regt., and 12 seamen—a number of whom died of their wounds, as they were mostly wounded in the head.

About 2 o'clock, P. M., hoisted a flag of truce from Fort George, and offered to surrender upon capitulation. Lieut. Meggs, of the 60th Regt., went as a hostage from us, and we received Lieut. Kenny of the Regt. of Hibernia, from the enemy.

Wednesday, 9th. All day settling terms.

Thursday, 10th. About 5 o'clock, P. M., we surrendered to the arms of Spain. The Spanish grenadiers under the command of Don Bernardo de Galvez, took possession of Fort George and the lines, and sixty French chasseurs of the centre redoubt.

Friday, 11th. The corps under the command of Lieut. General Campbell, encamped on the east side of the town.

June 1st. Embarked on board of the Spanish transports.

4th. Sailed from Pensacola.

The whole of the Indians went out about past 12 o'clock, to endeavor to get upon the rear of the enemy's encampment; they would not 20th. Arrived at the Havana, where we resuffer a white man to go with them; they re-mained till the 30th, to take provision and water, turned in a short time with ten scalps. About 2 o'clock, P. M., a shell from the enemy's flank battery came in at a window of one of the barrack rooms of the advanced redoubt, which killed Lieut. Carroll, and wounded Capt. Foster, of the 16th Regt. Our fire from the advanced redoubt did the enemy a great deal of dainage to their works in our front.

6 o'clock, P. M., we imagine that their mortarbeds in their front battery is hurt, as they have not thrown any shell since 2 o'clock. About 8 o'clock, Capt. Kearney, with sixty of the Pennsylvania Loyalists, took the command of the advanced redoubt, and the 16th Regt. took possession of their camp.

Tuesday, 8th. About 9 o'clock, A, M., a shell from the enemy's front battery was thrown in at the door of the magazine, at the advanced redoubt, as the men were receiving powder, which blew it up and killed forty seamen belonging to H. M.'s ships the Mentor and Port Royal; and forty-five men of the Pennsylvania Loyalists were killed by the same explosion; there were a number of men wounded, besides. Capt. Byrd, with seventy men of the 60th Regiment, immediately went up to the advanced redoubt and brought off 2 field-pieces and one howitzer, and a num

when we sailed for N. York, where we arrived upon the 12th July, when the different corps were ordered to be cantoned in and about New Town, L. Island.

January 7th. 1781. We attacked the village about daybreak, and were defeated owing to the Waldeck not supporting the 60th and Provincials. Col. de Hontbaden and Lieut. Sterling, of the W. Regt., and Lieut. Gordon, 60th, killed. Capt. Bumback, W. Regt., Lt. Bayartun, and Lieut. Pinhorn, Provincials, wounded, 13 privates killed, and 19 wounded; reckoned killed and wounded of the enemy in the redoubt, 25 of the former, and 34 of the latter, amongst which there are several officers.

We add, in conclusion, the following note from "An Account of the Surveys of Florida," &c. London: 1790, p. 3:

"The enemy's forces at the siege of Pensacola by sea, consisted of eleven Spanish and four French ships-of-the-line, two frigates of 36 guns, three sloops-of-war, four galleys, with a number of gunboats, and other armed vessels. By land they had 7000 Spanish and 300 French troops, besides the Americans and Indians, with an im

mense train of artillery; and though the whole of the British in garrison, both army and navy, volunteers and all, did not exceed 1000 men; yet they stood a siege of two full calendar months. Extract of Mr. Gauld's journal, in manuscript, who served as a volunteer during the siege, often assisted in the engineer's department, and was of considerable service on many occasions, during the war. From his knowledge both of the French and Spanish languages, he had been employed by the general in translating and interpreting all the letters and papers relative to public affairs, &c., as appears by a letter of General Campbell's to the Secretary of State."




1779. April 2. Last night a Continental soldier deserted from the Main and came to this Island.

8. This morning the Privateer that sailed on the 31st of March, returned. They consisted of Refugees, and part of Fanning's Regiment; after cruising some time to the Eastward, they landed at Nantucket and brought off a number of Hogs, a quantity of oil, and 3 vessels.

11. A Flag arrived from Providence, with


12. At 8 o'clock, this evening, the 43 Regt. of English, embarked at Banister's Wharf, bound to Conanicut.

13. Last night, great part of the Troops in the Town was in their arms, being under apprehension of the Provincials landing in Conanicut, as a great number of men and boats were seen on the other side.

14. Arrived here, the brig King George, Master Hazard, from a cruise; have taken a number of prizes. She brought one in with her.

This morning, was taken off Point Judith, by a Privateer Schooner, an armed Whale Boat, with 9 men in her. Likewise, came in from Boston, a Whale Boat with 2 Frenchmen and a woman.

17. This morning arrived here, the Letter-ofMarque Brig, called the Knipton, from Gaudaloupe, bound to New London, taken by the Privateer Trion; the Brig being chased by a Frigate, was obliged to heave her guns overboard and run ashore.

20. Joshua Tophem is appointed Deputy Inspector of Refugees. Last night a party of 18 Refugees embarked in their Boats from this Island and proceeded to Swansey Neck, where they

took 18 Continental soldiers and a man and burnt his house, and returned this morning.

22. Sailed a Flag for Providence, with inhabitants.

May 8. This morning, the Tryon Privateer having had an engagement with a schooner, she had 1 man killed and 3 wounded. The Refugees have returned this evening from an expedition on Point Judith; they brought off upwards of 1000 sheep and 40 cattle.

13. This morning sailed the Wood Fleet, consisting of 12 sail.

14. Sailed the Refugees and 11 sail of Privateers and Transports.

15. Six of the Wood Fleet that sailed on the 13th, returned; the other 6 being taken by the Americans.

17. Last night arrived 15 sail from Long Island, with wood, convoyed by the Thames. Fish is stated at so low a price by the superintendent, or Joseph Wanton, that the fishermen are discouraged from fishing. Reported that the Refugees are blocked up by some American frigates.

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21. Returned with some stock and a F. C. prisoner, and some household furniture. 24. This afternoon, the Refugees Privateer Gen. Prescott and Gen. went up the River, and engaged an American Privateer, but returned without success.

28. Last night 3 men deserted from the Continent to this Island; they report that Charleston, capital of South Carolina, had surrendered to the British Troops under Gen. Matthews-a reinforcement from New York-without firing a gun. This morning the Fish Boats belonging to this place, were taken at the mouth of the Harbor, by 3 boats from Point Judith; one of the Fish Boats carried 2 swivel guns.

29. Last night, the Agent Ship called the Christopher, mounting 20 guns, by accident took fire and burnt to the water; with great difficulty the other Transports were saved. They cut her cables, which occasioned her to drive up towards the North Battery. This morning 4 continental soldiers deserted to this place. Two of the Fish Boats, that was taken on the 28th, are returned with all their Fish. They were treated with every act of kindness. The armed Boat is kept behind.

June 2. This afternoon arrived the Renown, from a cruise. She brought in a Prize, Letter-ofMarque Ship, belonging to Providence, laden with lumber.

6. Last night the Refugees sailed from this Harbor, and landed at Point Judith and returned this morning with about 40 cattle, and two men wounded.

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