Concurrent Resolutions. ing Erie canal in the city of Utica between the westerly line of Schuyler street and the easterly line of Third street, provided that a flow of sufficient water from Schuyler street to Third street to feed that portion of the canal east of Third street be maintained. All funds that may be derived from any lease, sale Dispostor other disposition of any canal shall be applied to the improve- funds. ment, superintendence or repair of the remaining portion of the canals. tion of sion to peo § 2. Resolved (if the Assembly concur), That the foregoing Submisamendment be submitted to the people for approval at the general ple, 1918. election to be held in the year nineteen hundred and eighteen, in accordance with the provisions of the election law. CONCURRENT RESOLUTION of the Senate and Assembly Proposed proposing an amendment to the constitution by inserting therein a new article, in relation to taxation. Section 1. Resolved (if the Assembly concur), That the constitution be amended by inserting therein a new article, to be article seven-a, to read as follows: ARTICLE VII-A. amendment to constitution, art. 7a added. tricts for assessment of The real prop erty. § 1. For the assessment of real property, heretofore locally Tax disassessed, the legislature may establish tax districts, none of which, unless it be a city, shall embrace more than one town. assessors therein shall be elected by the electors of such districts. The legislature may provide that the assessment-roll of a town shall serve for all the civil divisions or parts thereof within its boundaries. No such tax district embracing a town shall be established until a proposition providing therefor shall have been adopted by a vote of a majority of the electors voting thereon in such proposed district at an election for which provision shall be made by law. legisla § 2. Resolved (if the Assembly concur), That the foregoing Referred to amendment be referred to the legislature to be chosen at the next ture chosen at next election of senators. Proposed amendment to constitu tion, art. 8, § 10. Counties, cities, towns and villages not loan money limitation of indebt edness. Concurrent Resolutions. general election of senators, and in conformity with section one of article fourteen of the constitution, be published for three months previous to the time of such election. STATE OF NEW YORK, By order of the Senate. EDWARD SCHOENECK, President. STATE OF NEW YORK, IN ASSEMBLY, May 10, 1917. This resolution was duly passed, a majority of all the members elected to the Assembly voting in favor thereof, three-fifths being present. By order of the Assembly, THADDEUS C. SWEET, Speaker. CONCURRENT RESOLUTION of the Senate and Assembly proposing an amendment to section ten of article eight of the constitution, in relation to limitation of indebtedness of cities. Section 1. Resolved (if the Assembly concur), That section ten of article eight of the constitution be amended to read as follows: § 10. No county, city, town or village shall hereafter give any money or property, or loan its money or credit to or in aid of any to give or individual, association or corporation, or become directly or indior credit; rectly the owner of stock in, or bonds of, any association or corporation; nor shall any such county, city, town or village be allowed to incur any indebtedness except for county, city, town or village purposes. This section shall not prevent such county, city, town or village from making such provision for the aid or support of its poor as may be authorized by law. No county or city shall be allowed to become indebted for any purpose or in any manner to an amount which, including existing indebtedness, shall exceed ten per centum of the assessed valuation of the real estate of such county or city subject to taxation, as it appeared by the assessmentrolls of said county or city on the last assessment for state or county taxes prior to the incurring of such indebtedness; and all indebtedness in excess of such limitation, except such as now may exist, shall be absolutely void, except as herein otherwise provided. No county or city whose present indebtedness exceeds ten per centum of the assessed valuation of its real estate subject to taxation, shall be allowed to become indebted in any further amount until such indebtedness shall be reduced within such limit. This section shall not be construed to prevent the issuing of certificates of indebtedness or revenue bonds issued in anticipation of the collection of taxes for amounts actually contained or to be contained in the taxes for the year when such certificates or revenue bonds are issued and payable out of such taxes; nor to prevent the city of Debts to which section not applic able. Concurrent Resolutions. New York from issuing bonds to be redeemed out of the tax levy for the year next succeeding the year of their issue, provided that the amount of such bonds which may be issued in any one year in excess of the limitations herein contained shall not exceed onetenth of one per centum of the assessed valuation of the real estate of said city subject to taxation. Nor shall this section be construed to prevent the issue of bonds to provide for the supply of water; but the term of the bonds issued to provide for the supply of water, in excess of the limitation of indebtedness fixed herein, shall not exceed twenty years, and a sinking fund shall be created on the issuing of the said bonds for their redemption, by raising annually a sum which will produce an amount equal to the sum of the principal and interest of said bonds at their maturity. All certificates of indebtedness or revenue bonds issued in anticipation of the collection of taxes, which are not retired within five years after their date of issue, and bonds issued to provide for the supply of water, and any debt hereafter incurred by any portion or part of a city, if there shall be any such debt, shall be included in ascertaining the power of the city to become otherwise indebted; except that debts incurred by any1 city of the first class after the first day of January, nineteen hundred and four, and debts incurred by any city of the second class after the first day of January, nineteen hundred and eight, and debts incurred by any city of the third class after the first day of January, nineteen hundred and ten, to provide for the supply of water, shall not be so included; and except further that any debt hereafter incurred by the city of New York for a public improvement owned or to be owned by the city, which yields to the city current net revenue, after making any necessary allowance for repairs and maintenance for which the city is liable, in excess of the interest on said debt and of the annual instalments necessary for its amortization may be excluded in ascertaining the power of said city to become otherwise indebted, provided that a sinking fund for its amortization shall have been established and maintained and that the indebtedness shall not be so excluded during any period of time when the revenue aforesaid shall not be sufficient to equal the said interest and amortization instalments, and except further that any indebtedness heretofore incurred by the city of 1 Word any "substituted for word "the." 2 Words "of the first class" substituted for words "of New York." Submis sion to people, 1917. Concurrent Resolutions. New York for any rapid transit or dock investment may be so excluded proportionately to the extent to which the current net revenue received by said city therefrom shall meet the interest and amortization ins "alments thereof, provided that any increase in the debt incurring power of the city of New York which shall result from the exclusion of debts heretofore incurred shall be available only for the acquisition or construction of properties to be used for rapid transit or dock purposes. The legislature shall prescribe the method by which and the terms and conditions under which the amount of any debt to be so excluded shall be determined, and no such debt shall be excluded except in accordance with the determination so prescribed. The legislature may in its discretion confer appropriate jurisdiction on the appellate division of the supreme court in the first judicial department for the purpose of determining the amount of any debt to be so excluded. No indebtedness of a city valid at the time of its inception shall thereafter become invalid by reason of the operation of any of the provisions of this section. Whenever the boundaries of any city are the same as those of a county, or when any city shall include within its boundaries more than one county, the power of any county wholly included within such city to become indebted shall cease, but the debt of the county, heretofore existing, shall not, for the purposes of this section, be reckoned as a part of the city debt. The amount hereafter to be raised by tax for county or city purposes, in any county containing a city of over one hundred thousand inhabitants, or any such city of this state, in addition to providing for the principal and interest of the existing debt, shall not in the aggregate exceed in any one year two per centum of the assessed valuation of the real and personal estate of such county or city, to be ascertained as prescribed in this section in respect to county or city debt. § 2. Resolved (if the Assembly concur), That the foregoing amendment be submitted to the people for approval at the general election to be held in the year nineteen hundred and seventeen, in accordance with the provisions of the election law. ELECTION OF REGENTS. ALBANY, N. Y., February 8, 1917. At a joint session of the Senate and Assembly of the State of New York, held in the Assembly Chamber in the City of Albany, Thursday, the eighth day of February, nineteen hundred and seventeen, in pursuance of law, WILLIAM BERRI, of the City of New York, Borough of Brooklyn, Second Judicial District, was declared duly elected as a REGENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, for a term of twelve years from the first day of April, 1917. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have placed our hands and the seals of the Senate and Assembly of the State of New York, this eighth day of February, one thousand nine hundred and |