The low desire, the base design. That makes another's virtues less: The revel of the ruddy wine, And all occasions of excess: The longing for ignoble things: The strife for triumph more than truth; The hardening of the heart, that brings Irreverence for... Lessons of life, 9 lectures - Página 45por William Walters - 1878Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | 1882 - 450 páginas
...That with the hour begin and end, Our pleasures and our discontents Are steps by which we may ascend. All thoughts of ill ; all evil deeds That have their...fields of fair renown, The right of eminent domain. We have not wings, we cannot soar ; But we have feet to scale and climb, By slow degrees, by more and... | |
 | Mme. Charlotte Fiske (Bates) Rogé - 1832 - 1022 páginas
...triumph more than truth; The hardening of the heart, that brings Irreverence for the dreams of youth ; All thoughts of ill: all evil deeds, That have their...fields of fair renown The right of eminent domain. We have not wings, we cannot soar ; But we have feet to scale and climb By slow degrees, by more and... | |
 | 1871 - 410 páginas * That makes another's virtues less ; The revel of the giddy wine. And all occasions of excess. All thoughts of ill— all evil deeds That have their...Beneath our feet, if we would gain, In the bright field of fair renown, The right of eminent domain. We have not wings, we cannot soar ; But we I iiive... | |
 | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - 1851 - 310 páginas
...triumph more than truth, The hardening of the heart, that brings Irreverence for the dreams of youth ! All thoughts of ill — all evil deeds, That have...down Beneath our feet, if we would gain In the bright field of Fair Renown at of eminent domain ! We have not wings — we cannot soar — But we have feet... | |
 | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - 1851 - 596 páginas
...triumph more than truth, The hardening of the heart, that brings Irreverence for the dreams of youth ! All thoughts of ill — all evil deeds, That have...down Beneath our feet, if we would gain In the bright field of Fair Renown The right of eminent domain ! We have not wings — we cannot soar — But we... | |
 | John Cumming - 1853 - 212 páginas
...triumph more than truth, The hardening of the heart, that brings Irreverence for the dreams of youth ! All thoughts of ill — all evil deeds, That have...down Beneath our feet, if we would gain In the bright field of Fair Renown The right of eminent domain ! We have not wings — we cannot soar — But we... | |
 | Young Men's Christian Associations (London, England) - 1853 - 566 páginas
...triumph more than truth, The hardening of the heart, that brings Irreverence for the dreams of youth ! All thoughts of ill— all evil deeds, That have their...down Beneath our feet, if we would gain In the bright field of Fair Renown The right of eminent domain ! We have not wings — we cannot soar— But we have... | |
 | Cortlandt Van Rensselaer - 1854 - 592 páginas
...triumph more than iruth, The hardening of the heart, that brings Irreverence for the dreams of youth 1 All thoughts of ill — all evil deeds, That have their root in thought of ill, Whatever hinders or impedes, The action of the nobler will ! All these must first be... | |
 | 1855 - 396 páginas
...triumph more than truth, The hardening of the heart, that brings Irreverence for the dreams of youth ! All thoughts of ill — all evil deeds, That have...down Beneath our feet, if we would gain In the bright field of Fair Kenown The right of eminent domain! We have not wings —we cannot soar— But we have... | |
 | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - 1855 - 568 páginas
...things, The strife for triumph more than truth, The hardening of the heart, that brings All thought; of ill — all evil deeds, That have their root in...will < All these must first be trampled down Beneath oar feet, if we would gain In the bright field of Fair Renown The right of eminent domain ! We have... | |
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