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tongue to the length of its whole camp of Judah marched first; the body, and then contract it again. tabernacle was then taken down; Some camelions in Egypt, the tail and the Gershonites and Merarites, included, are a foot long: but those laying the boards on waggons, folin Arabia are not much above the lowed. Upon a second alarm, the half. A camelion neither feeds on camp of Reuben marched, the Koair nor changes colour in the man-hathites followed with the more saner some have asserted; yet it is cred furniture of the tabernacle on more bluish, and less beautiful in their shoulders. Next followed the the shade, than when exposed to the camp of Ephraim, Psa. Ixxx. 1, 2. sun, where it appears a darker gray, and that of Dan brought up the rear, and beautifully spotted. And if it Numb. i. ii. iv. and x. be wrapped in fine linen cloth, it As Jesus suffered without the gate, will sometimes become white. Nay and the virtue of his death extends it can make a number of variations to the Gentiles, it becomes us to go in its appearance. It will appear without the camp of carnal societies, plump and fat, and yet, in a few bearing his reproach, willingly exminutes, appear as lean as a very posing ourselves to shame and danskin. It was unclean under the law, ger for his sake. Compare Deut. and might represent the seed of the xxiii. 10. Numb. xix. 3. Exod. xxix. old serpent, who are extremely un-14. Heb. xiii. 10. The camp of the substantial and unsteadfast in every saints, is the church regularly rankthing good, Lev. xi. 30. ed and prepared to fight with prin

CAMP, the order of tents, placed cipalities and powers, Rev. xx. 9. by armies when they keep the field, TO CAMP, ENCAMP, to set up tents 1 Sam. iv. 7. Nothing could be to lodge in them, in the manner of more exactly regulated than the an army, or to besiege a city, Numb. camp of the Hebrews in the desert. i. 50. 1 Sam. xi. 1. God and his The tabernacle was placed in the angels encamp about his people, midst of it. Moses, Aaron, and their when they watch over, and give families, had their tents on the east them remarkable protection, Zech. of it. On the south pitched the Ko- ix. 8. Psa. xxxiv. 7. God camps hathites; on the west, the Gershon- against a place, when he surrounds ites on the north, the Merarites. it with fearful judgments, or perThus it was encompassed by the LE-mits an enemy to lay siege to it, Isa. VITES, which did the service of it. xxix. 3. God's troops encamped Before the tabernacle on the east about Job's tabernacle, when numerside of it, was the camp of Judah, ous troubles beset him on every side, Isaachar, and Zebulun, containing Job xix. 12. The grasshoppers' camp 186,400 men fit for war: on the is in the hedges during the cold; south, the camp of Reuben, Simeon, they lodge there in vast numbers, and Gad containing 151,400: on Nah. iii. 17. the west, the camp of Ephraim, Ma


The tree is a kind some of them are

CAMPHIRE. nasseh and Benjamin, containing of bay or laurel; 108,100 on the north was the camp 300 feet high, and can scarcely be of Dan, Asher, and Naphtali, con- grasped by 20 men; every part of taining 157,600. The camps of the it abounds with the camphire drug, Greeks, but especially of the Ro- which is neither rosin, volatile salt, mans, were pretty similar to that of nor oily juice, nor bitumen, nor the Hebrews. When the Israelites gum; but a mixed substance, dry, marched, they had a triple warn white, transparent, and brittle, of a ing by the silver trumpets; one, to strong, penetrating, fragrant, smell, pack up their baggage; a second, but bitterish taste; which either disto assemble to their standard; and a tils from the tree, or may be exthird, to begin their march. The tracted by a chemical process.. It

is of use in fire-works, varnish, &c. | curse. It is probable that Canaan it can burn even under water. It lived and died in, as well as gave promotes sweating; and so is of con- name to, the land of promise. His siderable use in inflammatory, pu- posterity was numerous: the Sidotrid, pestilential, and venereal, disor- nians, Tyrians, Hittites, Jebusites, ders. The camphire of Japan is Amorites, Girgashites, Hivites, Arkcoarse; but that of Borneo, Sumatra, ites, Sinites, Arvadites, Zemarites, and Ceylon, all East India islands, Hamathites, Perizzites, and another and China, is fine. The former is tribe that were called Canaanites, what is brought into Europe. though how they had this name CAN, to be able in respect of more than the rest, we know not, knowledge, authority, or strength, descended from him. Seven of these to do a thing, Gen. xli. 38. Jesus tribes, the Canaanites, Hittites, Jecould not do many mighty works at busites, Amorites, Girgashites, PeNazareth; it was not consistent with rizzites, and Hivites, peopled Cahis will or commission to do many naan; their situation will be seen miracles there, where unbelief and under their respective articles: the contempt of him so prevailed: and other tribes peopled Phenicia and where the faith of receiving mira- part of Syria. According to the then cles was wanting, Matt. xiii. 58. custom, they were divided into a Mark vi. 5. Worldly men neither vast number of kingdoms: scarcely a will, nor, by reason of their dispo-town or city of note but had its sosition, can, hate the wicked as such, vereign. As Moses subdued two, John vii. 7. We spake and did evil Joshua thirty-one, and Adonibezek things as we could, when we were just before seventy, it is plain, that as wicked as Providence permitted, sometimes these Canaanites were Jer. iii. 5. formed into above an hundred kingCANA. See KANAH. doms. They were generally very CANAAN, a merchant, the young-wicked, given to the vilest idolatry: est son of Ham. When Ham sported but we hope Melchizedek's kingwith his father's nakedness, Noah dom adhered to the true religion; it denounced a curse of the basest ser- is certain he did so himself. Five of vitude, peculiarly against Canaan. their kingdoms on the south-east, Whether Canaan had joined in the Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboim, crime, and informed his father of the and Zoar, appear to have introduced shameful sight; or whether Noah the practice of the vilest unnatural could not pronounce a curse against lust, men abusing themselves with Ham himself, who had been formerly mankind. Chedorlaomer, king of blessed by God; or whether the word Elam, rendered them his tributaries, father of, ought to be supplied before about A. M. 2078. After 12 years Canaan, as son is, Matt. iv. 21. and servitude, they rebelled. In A. M, wife, John xix. 25. and father, Acts 2092, he and his allies invaded Cavii. 16. or whether the curse is naan, reduced the revolted kingdoms, chiefly pointed against Ham's poste- and brought them, and the places rity in Canaan, as they were to be adjacent, to the brink of destruction, extirpated in part by the Hebrews, By ABRAHAM's means they recover is not agreed by interpreters. It ed from this disaster. The people of is certain the Lord is righteous in Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Ze all his ways; it is also certain that boim, had scarcely lived sixteen parents are punished in the misery years more in affluence and horrible of their posterity; and from the sub-guilt, when God, by fire and brimsequent history it will appear how the stone from heaven, consumed their Canaanites were terribly enslaved by country, and turned it into a standing the posterity of Shem, and of Ja-lake. For the sake of Lot, Zoar was pheth, according to the tenor of that preserved from a similar ruin, Gen, VOL. I.

2 F

ix. 25. and x. 6, 15-19. and xiv.more of it. About 240 years after, and xviii. and xix. Ezek. xvi. 49, David almost finished the conquest 50. About 4. M. 2270, Shechem, of the Canaanites, and took from the son of Hamor, by his defilement them Jebus, or Jerusalem, one of of Dinah, provoked the sons of Jacob their strongest places. Pharaoh, to destroy his inconsiderable state, king of Egypt, reduced the CanaanGen. xxxiv. ites of Gezer, and gave it to SoloAbout A. M. 2514, the Canaanites mon, his son-in-law. Above 153,300 on the south frontiers of Canaan, as- Canaanites were employed in the sisted by the Amalekites, gave the servile work of building Solomon's rebellious Hebrews a terrible defeat temple; and on all of that race he at Hormah. About 38 years after, laid a heavy tribute: nor ever after Arad harassed them, but paid dear do that people seem to have had for his labour, the Hebrews utterly any freedom among the Israelites, destroying his kingdom. The Ca- though we find remains of them afnaanitish kingdoms of Sihon and Og, ter the captivity, Numb. xiv. and on the east of Jordan, were in a xx. and xxi. Judg. i. and iii. and iv. flourishing condition; but on their 2 Sam. v. 6-9. 1 Kings v. 15, 16. refusal to give Israel a passage, were and ix. 20, 21. Ezra ii. 55, 58. Neh. utterly destroyed by Moses. On the xi. 3.


west of Jordan, Joshua conquered 31 The Canaanites, who escaped the kingdoms, of Jericho, Jerusalem, He-servitude of Israel, were reduced to bron, Jarmuth, Lachish, Eglon, Ge- that of others. What was the terrizer, Debir, Gedir, Hormah, Arad, ble fate of those that originally reLibnah, Adullam, Makkedah, Beth-sided in SYRIA OF PHENICIA, or reel, Tappuah, Hepher, Aphek, La- tired thither from the sword of sharon, Madon, Hazor, Shimron-me-Joshua, David, or others, shall be reron, Achshaph, Taanach, Megiddo, [lated under these articles. The GirKedesh, Jokneam, Dor, Gilgal, Tir- gashites, and perhaps other Canaanzah; and the state of the Gibeonites ites, fled from the sword of Joshua, submitted. The territories of these and retired to the north of Africa, kingdoms, and of others, were di-near Carthage. Vast numbers folvided to the tribes of Israel. After lowed them from Tyre, &c. in after Joshua's death, the tribes of Judah times. There they, for some ages, and Simeon entirely expelled or re-made a flourishing appearance; duced the Canaanites that were left for almost 2000 years past, the counin their cantons. The tribes of try has been made a scene of the Ephraim and Manasseh too, expelled most horrid slavery by the Romans, part of them that were in their lot. Vandals, Saracens, and Turks. Nor In most of the cantons of the other have the Canaanites of Tyre, Zidon, tribes, the Canaanites kept posses-and other places in Phenicia, who sion of several principal cities, where planted themselves in the Mediterthey at once tempted the Hebrews ranean isles, escaped a similar fate. to idolatry, and often harassed them. Such Canaanites, HIVITES, or others, After hard struggling, several of who escaped the sword of king Dathe tribes reduced them to a state of vid, and fled to Bæotia, on the south subjection. But, on the north parts of Europe, were pursued by the of the promised land, the residue of curse of servitude. What a pitiful the Canaanites formed themselves figure did that state generally make! into the very powerful kingdom of What shocking murder Alexander Hazor; and about A. M. 2720, un-made among its inhabitants, selling der king Jabin, reduced the He-the survivors for slaves! A part of brews to a 20 years servitude. De- the Baotians fled to Heraclea on the borah and Barak gave such an over-south of the Euxine sea; where, throw to this state, that we hear no after having existed awhile in appa

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were the gulfs of the Red Sea; and Rogelim, Tishbi, Sharon, Sophar that it comprehended the land of Armon, Magesh, Aroer, Beth-haran Goshen in Egypt. Whatever the Debir, Ashtaroth, Jazer, Heshbon

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