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American flag," expressed the spirit with | important "Keys to the Gulf" were rendered which he regarded betrayals of trust. The secure-much to the chagrin of the Confedcutters named having been "transferred" to the revolutionists by their commanders, were lost to the Government. Captain Morrison had the temerity to send in his resignation immediately after his act, when Mr. Dix published the following order:

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Loyal Men.

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The steam gunboat Crusader was lying at Mobile when Fort Morgan was seized. Her commander, Lieut. John N. Maffit, was notified by the authorities that he must pass over the command to one Maury, of the "Alabama Navy." His admirable reply was: He might be overpowered, but, in that event, what was left of the Crusader would not be worth taking." And his vessel was not "seized." She sailed to Key West and the Tortugas, and rendered Capt. Meigs valuable assistance in transporting heavy ordnance to the fort at the latter station, where Major Arnold was in command; while the gallant Capt. Brannon, of Chapultepec memory, held command at Key West. With these incorruptible men in charge, those most

erate authorities, who deemed their conquest, and that of Fort Pickens, necessary to their independence. The country will love to honor the brave men who preserved their loyalty in the midst of the temptations and trials which beset them; while it surely will never cease to execrate the memory of those who proved unfaithful to the country, to their honor, and to their own best interests.

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The Occasion.

ONE of the few interest- on the floor and in the galleries, were some ing ceremonials connected of the baffled conspirators, who, but for the with the installation of the premature explosion of their plot, and the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Depart- presence in the Capital of the peerless artilments of our Democratic Government, is that lery that won the field of Buena Vista, would of counting the Electoral votes for President to-day have held high revel of riot, and, if and Vice-President of the United States. The need be, bloodshed, in the two Houses of occasion usually attracts a large concourse to Congress, and prevented, by force, the declathe Hall of the Lower House; and, although ration, according to the formula of the but a mere form of procedure, is invested Constitution, of the election of Lincoln and with a weighty interest, since that form is a Hamlin." requisite of legalization of the election, and. a necessary preliminary to the inauguration of the Chief Magistrate of the Union.

The excitement reigning in the country rendered the occasion of February 13th, 1861, of more than ordinary interest. So many wild rumors had been afloat respecting the loss of the electoral votes-the refusal of the Vice-President to declare the vote-the withholding of the ballots of all the Southern States-the use of violence to prevent the counting; and so many threats had been reported, of violence to Mr. Lincoln's person then on his progress towards the Capital that the occasion referred to was invested with more than the usual importance. A description of the ceremonial, as well as of the special features of that particular event, will not be out of place at this point of our narrative.

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The Prayer.

At twelve o'clock Speaker Pennington called the House to order, when the Chaplain, Reverend. Thomas Stockton, pronounced an eloquent and impressive prayer, in which he said:

"Bless the outgoing Administration; may it close its labors in peace, without further violence, and without any stain of blood. And we pray for the incoming Administration; that Thy blessing may rest on the President-elect in his journey hitherward; that Thy good Providence may be around him day and night, guarding and guiding him at every step; and we pray that he may be peacefully and happily inaugurated, and afterwards, by pure, wise, and prudent counsels, that he may administer the Government in such a manner as that Thy name may be glorified, and the welfare of the people, iu all their relations, be advanced, and that our example of civil and religious liberty be followed in all the world."

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rose and remained standing, till the Senators took seats in a semicircular range, in front of the Clerk's desk.

Vice-President Breckenridge was conducted to the right of the Speaker, and the Tellers, viz., Senator Trumbull and Representatives Washburne, of Illinois, and Phelps, of Missouri, took seats at the Clerk's desk.

When order was restored, Vice-President Breckenridge arose and said: "We have assembled, pursuant to the Constitution, in order that the electoral votes may be counted, and the result declared, for President and Vice-President, for the term commencing on the 4th of March, 1861; and it is made my duty, under the Constitution, to open the certificates of election in the presence of the two Houses. And I now proceed to the performance of that duty.

Vice-President Breckenridge then opened the package containing the electoral vote of Maine, and handed it to the Tellers, when the certificate thereof was read, the Secretary of the Senate making a note thereof.

as much the centre of observation as the Senators below.

Life Photographs.

Of the personality of that assemblage of legislative wit and wisdom several of the reporters present gave graphic sketches. One, by the New York Herald correspondent, we may reproduce, as embodying a clear and admirably conceived picture of the men and their manners:-"Directly in front of us, and facing the Vice-President of the United States, whose duty it is to declare the result of the vote, is Stephen A. Douglas, of Illinois, the rival democratic candidate for the Presidency with the said Vice-President of the United States, John C. Breckenridge, of Kentucky. To the right of Judge Douglas— for he is at once the centre of all eyes as well as seated in the centre of the semicircle forming the area in front of the Speaker's chair-is the Premier of the incoming Administration, William H. Seward. To Doug las' left is the late candidate for Vice-President on the opposing Democratic ticket, General Joseph Lane. Beside Seward, to his right, is Senator Cameron, of Pennsylvania, and their familiar and easy manner towards each other is believed to be indicative of their warm and intimate relationpolitical as well as personal. Sweeping around a gentle curve, still to the right, facing the chair, are Senators Solomon Foot, The view from the Re- of Vermont; J. R. Doolittle, of Wisconsin; porters' gallery, at this mo- J. W. Grimes, of Iowa; and snugly beside ment, was particularly each other are Senators Daniel Clark, of New pleasing. The galleries, "glittering with the Hampshire, and Charles Sumner, of Massa gay," looked down upon the legislators be-chusetts, who is looking quietly on, appa low, to study the scene there presented, of rently indifferent, as if he felt that his hour the men who held the nation's fortune in of triumph had arrived in the election of a their keeping. The person of each particu- Republican President, and nothing more was lar "great one" was pointed out, to be, for at this time to be done; and just behind the moment, the object of opera-glass scru- these twain we catch a glimpse of the bushy tiny and special remark. Men, in groups, gray head of the unwearied Senator from canvassed the events of the day and of the Rhode Island, Hon. J. F. Simmons. We try moment with an earnestness quite in conson- to see who there are to his right, but the ance with the solemn destiny which seemed to compact crowd prevents us, and we turn our hang over all. Probably the country never glance to the left of our starting-pointbefore saw so many of its eminent sons Judge Douglas-and find in close proximity, gathered at the Capitol to devote their influ- calm as a June morning, the erudite Judge ence to their country's good. All were Collamer, Senator from Vermont; the bril assembled in the gallery on the momentous liant-minded and silver-tongued Fessenden, occasion, and, for a brief period, were quite of Maine; the industrious and able Powell,

The electoral votes of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Vermont, and New York were similarly disposed of, when Senator Douglas suggested, and no objection was made, that the formal part of the certificates and the names of the electors be omitted from the reading, which was done.

View from the

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Life Photographs.

of Kentucky; the clearheaded Fitch, of Indiana; the go-a-head and selfwilled Ten Eyck, of New Jersey; and beside him, in deep contemplation profoundly wrapt,' is the new Senator from 'away down East, Morrill, of Maine. Hard by, looking as if he did not have more than his share of care on his mind, is K. S. Bingham, of Michigan. In the second circle of seats is to be noticed the patriotic and self-sacrificing, Union-loving and incessant and indefatigable laborer for his whole country, the venerable Senator from Kentucky, John J. Crittenden. And now to the right and left we have Senator Pearce, of Maryland; Senator Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, in confidential confab with the spirited and talented Etheridge, of the same State, member of the House. And then there is Senator Baker, of Oregon, looking a little more gray and bald than he did twenty-five years ago, when he and Col. John J. Hardin-good man-used to crack jokes together in Jacksonville, Ill. The worthy Senator is even looking a little more bald than when he first came to Washington this session, having probably worn a good deal of his hair off in rubbing through the Pacific Railroad bill, of which great project he is a firm and steadfast friend. That queer, rough, but intelligent-looking man with Baker is old Wade-old Senator Ben. Wade, of Ohio, who don't care a pinch of snuff whether people like what he says or not. He is a patriot who believes that he could pass the gates of St. Peter, whether he was entitled to or not, if he was only wrapped in the American flag. And near Wade are Senators Bigler, of Pennsylvania, and Bragg, of North Carolina. The former bears the same steady, careful, thoughtful front he usually presents. Near them are Anthony, of Rhode Island, and Foster, of Connecticut. And not far off you see the smooth face and marble brow of Senator Wilson, of Massachusetts, together with the honest features and sturdy frame of Chandler, of Michigan. And here you may be induced to inquire, Who is that burly-framed individual talking to Representative Spaulding, of New York?' 'Do you mean him with the Atlas shoulders' 'No; he can't be an Atlas

Life Photographs.

man, I think-not the Albany Atlas, at any rate, for those men have not that amount of girth.' 'Ah! I see who you mean. That is PrestonKing, of New York, who has as much weight in the Senate, and probably will have as much in the next Administration, as "any other man." And then come before your vision the faces of Senators Rice, of Minnesota, and Latham, of California. They seem to take quite an interest in the proceedings as the electoral vote of the different States is declared. Near them sits Senator Hale, of New Hampshire, who is in a quiet way talking to Representative Hamilton, of Texas. They pause in their conversation to hear Representative Phelps declare the vote of Illinois. It goes for Lincoln. Douglas smiles faintly but good-humoredly, and twitches his cane closer between his legs. Lane, still sitting beside Douglas, does not want to hear how his State (Oregon) has gone-he has heard that before, probably, and proposes to leave. 'No, no, General,' says Douglas, laying his hand pleasantly on Lane, you have heard how my State has gone, now listen to how yours has.' Lane subsided into his seat again, and shortly after enjoyed the satisfaction of seeing the leading candidate on his ticket (Breckenridge) blush, when Senator Trumbull-who alternated with Mr. Phelps in announcing the vote-declared that even his State-his beloved Kentucky--had gone against her favorite son. It is a somewhat remarkable fact that not one of the States to which two of the Presidential and one of the Vice-Presidential candidates belong, and who were present at the counting of the votes, cast its electoral vote for either. Douglas lost Illinois, Breckenridge Kentucky, and Lane Oregon."

The reading of the vote of South Carolina was productive of good-humored excitement, and the comments which followed were anything but flattering to the little State with large aspirations.

The reading of all the

electoral votes having been The Electoral Vote. completed, the Tellers re

ported the result, which we give in tabular form, viz.:

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nois, having received a majority of the whole number of Electoral votes, is duly elected President of the United States, for the four years commencing on the 4th of March, 1861; and Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine, having received a majority of the whole number of Electoral votes, is duly elected Vice-President of the United States for the same term." He

added, that the business for which the two Houses assembled having been completed, the Senate will now return to their own chamber.

The members of the House rose and remained standing until the Senators left the hall, when that imposing throng of five thousand spectators slowly and without excitement dispersed. A President of the United States had been constitutionally declared with that rather formal and not impressive ceremony. Was any ruler of a great nation ever before given the reins of power with less form?








The Programme.

THE journey of the President-elect to the seat of Government was one of those events of the time which, though an individual incident, still became historically significant, and formed one of the most exciting episodes of the month.

His preparations at first contemplated a speedy journey to the Capital; but, the feverish anxiety expressed by the people to see him on his way—the invitations of the State Legislatures of Indiana, Ohio, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, to visit their

The Programme.

respective Assemblies and to become their guest-the invitations of the Corporations of the leading cities on the route for him to tarry a day among them and receive their hospitalities, served to change the original purpose to that of a progress, by special trains and easy stages, from Illinois to Washington. The route, as finally arranged, embraced Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Columbus, Pittsburg, Cleveland, Buffalo, Albany, New York, Trenton, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and Baltimore.

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