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rather than ever to cease which dost wash and purify from loving Thee. all men, wash my soul, and

O most sacred Body, place Thy seal on my forepierced with five most sa-head, that I may love no cred wounds, place Thyself created thing, but Thee as a seal upon my heart, only. and imprint it with Thy Ó Sweetness of my heart, holiness. Mark my feet, and Life of my soul, as that I may follow Thy Thou art in the Father, footsteps. Mark my hands, and the Father is in Thee, that I may ever exercise my-so, by Thy grace, may I self in good works. Mark be one with Thee in heart my breast, that I may to and will; and may the all eternity offer to Thee world be crucified unto most fervent acts of love. me, and I unto the world. O most precious Blood, Amen.



Whilst the people are receiving the Holy Communion.

"How shall we not prevail with God, when that awful Sacrifice
lies displayed?"-S. Chrysostom.

to Salvation.

A Prayer for all things necessary my continual Benefactor; I call upon Thee as my LORD my God! merciful Defender. Direct I believe in Thee, me by Thy wisdom; probut do Thou in-tect me by Thy power;

crease my faith. I comfort me by Thy mercy; hope in Thee, O Lord, but and save me by Thy love. may I hope more securely. I offer Thee, O God, I love Thee, O Lord, but my thoughts, that they may may I love more ardently. be directed to Thee; my I grieve that I have offend- words, that they may be ed Thee, O Lord, but may spoken of Thee; my deeds, I grieve more sincerely. that they may be pleasing

I adore Thee, O Lord, unto Thee; my burthens as my first Beginning; I and sorrows, that they may desire Thee as my last be borne for Thy sake. End. I praise Thee as O my God, make my

will one with Thine, that and

considerate to my

I may ever will what Thou friends, and to envy no willest, because Thou will-person.

est it, as Thou willest it, May I bear in mind and when Thou willest it, and follow, O Lord, Thy blessed as long as Thou willest it. example, by loving my ene

I pray Thee, O Lord, mies, by bearing injuries enlighten my understand-patiently, by doing good ing, direct my will, purify my to those that persecute me, body, and sanctify my soul. and by praying for those Grant that I may not be who speak evil of me. puffed up with pride, nor May I subdue impurity moved by flattery, nor de- by mortification, avarice by ceived by the world, nor liberality, anger by gentleensnared by Satan. ness, lukewarmness by de

Grant me grace to purify votion. my memory, to bridle my May I be prudent in tongue, to restrain my eyes, counsel, firm in danger, and to keep my senses un-patient in adversity, humder control. ble in prosperity.

Grant that I may weep May I have grace to be for past sins, repel future ever recollected in my praytemptations, correct bad ers, always guarded in comdesires, cultivate all virtues. pany, active in my duties,

Grant me, O good Lord, and firm in my resolutions. to love Thee, to distrust my- May I take care to gain self, to be zealous for my inward holiness, outward neighbour, and to despise modesty, watchful converthe world. sation, regularity in life. May I study to obey May I be vigilant in those set over me, to assist subduing nature, fostering those under me, to be kind grace, keeping the law,

working out my own salva- | I dedicate to Thee, hencetion with fear and trembling. forth, all my thoughts,

May I follow after holi- words, and deeds, praying ness by sincere confession Thee to accept what is good of sin, by fervent commu- in them, and to pardon nion of the Body and Blood what is amiss. O Lord, I of Christ, by constant re- believe in Thee, I hope in collectedness, and by a pure Thee, I love Thee, and deintention of heart. sire to cleave unto Thee

May I learn of Thee, O with my whole heart, now Lord, how frail is all that and for evermore. Amen. is earthly, how mighty all

that is Divine; how short For Friends living or departed. what is temporal, how last-Ang God,in Whose hand LMIGHTY, Everlast

ing what is Eternal.

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And grant that I may dai- are all Thy servants, and ly anticipate Death, dread Who art of great mercy to the Judgment, flee Hell, all; pour out Thy Spirit upapproach Heaven, through on all with whom our souls Christ Jesus our Lord. have been knit together, Amen. whether they be yet among Renewal of Purposes. us, or have passed from LORD, Thine eyes hence; and if we see each have beheld all my other here on earth face to sins and short-comings; face no more, may we be but yet Thou knowest that gathered together with all all my desire is unto Thee. Thy saints before the throne Once more, O Lord, most of Thy glory, and share gracious and long-suffering, that Communion which do I pay Thee my oft-bro- shall know no end; through ken vows in the presence Thy Son Jesus Christ our of all Thy people. [***] Lord. Amen.


For the Sick and Dying. tical body of Thy Son.
GRACIOUS Lord Je- Remember Thy servants

su, Who didst vouch- who have gone before us safe to die for us on the with the sign of faith, and Cross, remember especially do now rest in the sleep all sick and dying persons, of peace. [***] To and grant that they may these, O Lord, and to all omit nothing that is neces- that sleep in Christ, grant, sary to make their peace we beseech Thee, the place with Thee. Deliver them, of refreshment, light, and O Lord, from the malice of peace; through the same the Devil, and vouchsafe Jesus Christ, our blessed to them rest and a blessed Lord and Saviour. Amen. immortality, through Thy merits and mediation. For Grace in the Hour of Death. Amen. CRUCIFIED SaviFor the Faithful Departed.* our, Who for me didst LORD, remember for suffer and die, remember good the whole mys- me at my last hour: re

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* A prejudice exists in the the Church of England, among minds of many members of the whom may be named Archbishop Church of England against using Usher, and Bishops Bramhall, prayers for the faithful departed, Andrews, Taylor, and Cosin. on the supposition that such Dr. Short, now_Bishop of St. prayers are necessarily connected Asaph, says: "To pray for the with the modern Roman Doc-dead was the dictate of human trine of Purgatory. It may be nature, and the practice of the useful, therefore, here to say that Early Church, and no reasonable no such necessary connection Christian will blame Dr. Johnexists. Prayers for the faithful son for the cautious manner in departed are found in all the which he mentions his mother Liturgies of the Early Church, in his prayers." Sir Herbert and have been advocated by Jenner, the Chief Judge of the some of the greatest writers of Court of Arches, in a judgment

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