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attain to Thy heavenly all who have in this place, kingdom; and there, with or elsewhere, joined in all the blessed angels and offering up the great mesaints, more clearly con- morial Sacrifice of Thy template Thee, more per- Death and Passion. Take fectly love Thee, and more from our hearts whatsoever worthily praise and glorify is displeasing to Thee, that Thy Name throughout eter- we may not stop the course nity. Amen. of Thy grace. We hate


As the Priest leaves the Altar our sins, because they are say, standing, hateful to Thee: O make HANKS be to God for us hate them with truer His unspeakable gift. hatred, and turn from them At High Service, the Nunc Di- with a more resolute will: mittis is often sung by the Choir purify our hearts, and sancin procession, as they leave the Chancel. If this is done, join Jesus, with a blessing like tify our souls. Bless us, O

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in singing it with them. Then kneel down and say this to that with which Thou short thanksgiving: didst bless Thy disciples DIVINE Saviour of when, leaving this earth, our souls, Who hast Thou didst ascend into graciously been pleased to heaven. Bless us with a leave us Thy precious Body blessing which may change and Blood in the most us, purify us, and unite us Holy Sacrament of the perfectly to Thee: which Altar, we return our grate- may fill us with Thy Spirit, ful thanks to Thee for this and may be to us, even in Thy great mercy. Thou this life, an assured pledge art the source of every of that benediction which good gift: O shower down, Thou hast prepared for then, Thy grace and hea- Thine elect in Thy heavenly benedictions upon venly kingdom. Amen.


"No one eateth this Flesh, unless he hath first adored."-St. Augustine.


HEE, O God, wel Let every creature rejoice praise: Thee, Je-before Thee, and give Thee sus, we confess praise, and extol Thee, and the King of kings, bless and glorify Thee for and Lord of lords. lever and ever.

Thee, crucified and glo- Hail, Jesus Christ! Word rious, we do worship: our of the Father: Son of the sweet and beloved Re-Virgin: Lamb of God: Saldeemer: vation of the world: Holy

Who hast washed us with Sacrifice: Word made flesh: the sprinkling of Thy Blood. Fountain of Mercy.

Thou art worthy, O Lord Hail, Jesus! God and Jesus Christ, our God, to Man: Priest and Victim: receive praise, blessing, Living Bread: Food of imglory, and honour. mortality.

Let all flesh rejoice in Hail, for evermore, Thou Thee: and every living be-Fountain of Life and Love! ing glorify Thy Name. Thou Author and Giver of

Let every face be hum- every good gift!

bled at Thy feet.


pitying Saviour, have mercy

HAIL, most holy and upon me.

O grant unto

precious Body of me, that like as I see Thee Christ! which wast once now by faith here present, offered on the Altar of the under the forms of Bread Cross for the saving of the and Wine, so I may at last world, and now in solemn see Thee, my God and my mystery art daily offered King, in Thy Beauty and upon the Altars of Thy glory, and dwell with Thee Holy Church throughout in peace and gladness for all the world. I worship Thee, life-giving and enduring Sacrifice. By faith, HAIL, adorable Jesu! I discern Thy Body under full of grace! Mercy

ever and ever.



these outward veils of Bread is with Thee. Blessed be and Wine. Thy Passion, Death, and

I believe that Thou art Thy Wounds. Blessed be "verily and indeed" pre- the Blood of Thy Wounds. sent, adorable Lord: there- O most sweet Lord Jesus, fore will I worship Thee grant me a heart pure, contherefore will I supplicate trite, patient, and humble; Thee: therefore will Ia body chaste, obedient, praise and magnify Thee. temperate, and ever ready O Jesu! merciful and to do Thee service. Amen.


HAIL! Flesh of Christ, Beloved Oblation,
Sacrifice for our Salvation,

On the Cross a Victim slain !

O! by that, Thy Death of sadness,
Raise us, decked in light and gladness,

With Thee glorified to reign.

Hail! Word Incarnate! which, divinest,
Hallowed on the Altar shinest;
Bread of angels, ever-living,
Health and hope to mortals giving,
Antidote all guilt relieving.
Hail! Thou Body of Christ Jesus,
Heaven-descended to release us;
Thy redeemed from ruin buying,
On the Cross when nailed and dying.


O GODHEAD hid, devoutly I adore Thee,
Who truly art within the forms before me;
To Thee my heart I bow, with bended knee,
As failing quite in contemplating Thee.
Jesu, Eternal Shepherd, hear our cry;

Increase the faith of all whose souls on Thee rely. Amen.

Sight, touch, and taste, in Thee are each deceived;

Hearing alone most safely is believed:

I believe all that the Son of God has spoken,

Than Truth's own words there is no truer token.

Jesu, Eternal Shepherd, hear our cry;

Increase the faith of all whose souls on Thee rely. Amen.

God only on the Cross lay hid from view;

But here lies hid at once the Manhood too:
And I in both professing my belief,

Make the same prayer as the repentant thief.

Jesu, Eternal Shepherd, hear our cry;

Increase the faith of all whose souls on Thee rely. Amen.

Thy wounds, as Thomas saw, I do not see;
Yet Thee confess my Lord and God to be;
Make me believe Thee ever more and more,

In Thee my hope, in Thee my love to store.
Jesu, Eternal Shepherd, hear our cry;

Increase the faith of all whose souls on Thee rely. Amen.

O Thou Memorial of our Lord's own dying!

O Living BREAD, to mortals life supplying!
Make Thou my soul henceforth on Thee to live,
Ever a taste of heavenly sweetness give.

Jesu, Eternal Shepherd, hear our cry;

Increase the faith of all whose souls on Thee rely. Amen.

O loving Pelican! O Jesu, Lord,

Unclean I am, but cleanse me in Thy Blood;

Of which a single drop for sinners spilt,

Can purge the entire world from all its guilt.

Jesu, Eternal Shepherd, hear our cry;

Increase the faith of all whose souls on Thee rely. Amen.

Jesu, whom for the present veil'd I see,
What I do thirst for, O vouchsafe to me;
That I may see Thy countenance unfolding,
And may be blest Thy glory in beholding.
Jesu, Eternal Shepherd, hear our cry;

Increase the faith of all whose souls on Thee rely. Amen.

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