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may, by learning to love this Sacrament, by virtue. Thee, learn to love each of Thy infinite power, wisother for Thy sake. Give dom, and goodness. All us all the gifts and conso- my hope is in Thee; I long lations of thy Holy Spirit, to love Thee, O Lord, with and perseverance in good all my heart, Who hast so works, so that by Thee, loved me: and I desire to Whose Sacred Body and receive Thee spiritually: Blood we adore on earth, come therefore to me, O we may be joined unto Thee dear Lord, and fill my soul our God in the heavens; with Thy presence; and I and that our enemies, visi- beseech Thee to prepare ble and invisible, may never my soul for that happy time hurt us, either waking or when I shall be permitted sleeping, by themselves, or to approach Thy altar, and by any other and Thy partake of the Bread of mercy may always prevent Life; deliver me from all and follow us. sin, give me strength against temptation, and make me



If you are not going to communi- always obedient to Thy cate on this occasion, you may commands. O grant that pray as follows: I may never be separated HOUGH I cannot now from Thee, my Saviour, receive Thee sacramen- Who, with the Father and tally, O most loving Jesus, the Holy Ghost, livest and I adore Thee with a lively reignest one God for ever faith, Who art present in and ever. Amen.

Further acts of adoration may be found at the end of the Communion Office.

After Consecration, and whilst the faithful are communicating, is the great time for laying all your wants and necessities before

God. How shall we not prevail with God, when that awful Sacrifice lies displayed? wrote the great and holy Saint Chrysostom. Make good use of this time. Pray earnestly for special grace to help you to overcome your besetting sins; for strength to enable you to resist temptation. Intercede, also, for all your relations and friends, your parish, your Ministers, and for Christ's Holy Catholic Church throughout the world. Pray for greater union amongst Christians, that they all may be one, as our adorable Lord Himself prayed they might be.

At the end of this Manual will be found forms of prayer and intercession, designed to help you in your devotions at this time.




The Communion of the Faithful.

The Minister, having received the Communion in both kinds himself, then proceeds to deliver the same to the Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, in like manner, (if any be present,) and after that to the people also in order, into their hands, all meekly kneeling.

When you kneel to receive the Holy Sacrament of Christ's Body and Blood, do not crouch down or prostrate yourself, but keep your body upright, and your head slightly bent.

The Church directs the Priest to deliver the Sacrament of Christ's Body INTO THE hand. Receive it, therefore, into the palm of your right hand, and put your left under your right, as a support. Convey the consecrated element at once to your mouth, saying to yourself, Amen, after the words, everlasting life. This was the way of receiving Christ's Body, which was enjoined and practised in the primitive Church.

When the Chalice is presented to you, it is better to keep your head quite upright: it enables the Minister to present it to you more conveniently, and with less danger of accident. Take hold of the stem of the Cup with both hands gently, but firmly, and guide it to your lips. Drink a few drops, and give the Chalice back with great care. Say Amen, after the words, everlasting life, as before.


When he delivereth the Bread to any one, he shall say,


'HE Body of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was given for thee, preserve thy body and soul unto everlasting life. Take and eat this in remembrance that Christ died for thee, and feed on Him in thy heart by faith with thanksgiving.


And the Minister that delivereth the Cup to any one shall say, 'HE Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was shed for thee, preserve thy body and soul unto everlasting life. Drink this in remembrance that Christ's Blood was shed for thee, and be thankful.

If you are going to receive the trusting only in Thy mercy, Holy Communion, say, just which is infinite. before you go up to the Altar,


O fit and prepare my ADORABLE Lord, soul worthily to receive I am not worthy to Thee: speak the word only, approach Thee. The hea- and Thy servant shall be vens are not pure in Thy healed: say unto my soul, sight; how, then, can a I am thy salvation. heart so sinful, so impure, Lord, I repent: help Thou and so wretched as mine, my impenitence. Lord, I receive Thee! Yet Thou believe: help Thou mine. callest me, gracious Lord, unbelief. Lord, I love to this rich banquet of Thy Thee, and my fellow-chrislove; and how can I refuse tians in Thee and for Thee: Thy gracious invitation! I increase my charity. Jesus, will not refuse; I will this most loving Jesus, have day accept Thy loving call, mercy upon me.

As you go up to receive the Sacra- When the Chalice is about to be

ment, say,

ORD, I am not worthy

brought to you, say,

WILL receive the Cup

that Thou shouldest of Salvation: and will come under my roof; but call upon the Name of the speak the word only, and Lord.

Thy servant shall be healed. Return to your place at once, saying, as you leave the Altar,

When you kneel down, say,

I WILL receive the Bread

of Heaven: and will call upon the Name of the Lord.


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THANKSGIVING AFTER HOLY COMMUNION. THANK Thee, I bless be bestowed upon me! Thee, I glorify Thee, O What didst Thou find in gracious Lord, for Thy me, O King of Glory, to great mercy in admitting draw Thee to so poor a me, a most unworthy sin-dwelling-place as my sinful ner, to this rich banquet and oft-polluted soul? Was of Thy love. I am not it deep calling unto deep? worthy of the least of all Even the depth of my weakThy mercies, and yet Thou ness and misery, calling hast given me the greatest, to the depth of that love, even Thyself, to be my which passeth knowledge. spirit's food and sustenance I cannot thank Thee as I in this Holy Sacrament. ought, my King and my O what am I, that such God. I cannot thank Thee love, such condescension, as I desire; for cold and such riches of grace, should dead are my best praises,

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